Pre-Programmed Jobs (uvcopy applications)

  1. CNVaids.doc - best summary of Conversion Aids for JCL,COBOL,& DATA

  2. CMPjobs.doc - file comparison for fixed length records & packed/binary

  3. XREFjobs.doc - Cross-References for COBOL & JCL

  4. TABLEjobs.doc - summary table accumulations of any field by any argument

  5. LISTjobs.doc - list files with options for recsize,listsize,etc

  6. SCANjobs.doc - scan files for any pattern qualified by other patterns

  7. REPjobs.doc - pattern search/replace (interactive or table driven)

  8. SELECTjobs2.doc - SELECT or DELETE records in Data Files

  9. COBaids1.doc - create record layouts (cobmaps) from copybooks

  10. ADMjobs.doc - Backup/Restore, cron/crontabs, console logging, etc

  11. TAPEjobs.doc - read/write IBM standard labelled magnetic tapes

  12. HTMLjobs.doc - converting text to HTML & generating hyperlinks

  13. WORDjobs.doc - creating technical word-list for aspell

  14. UVjobs1.doc - uvcopy jobs to demo & customize

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