  • This original SELECTjobs.doc was renamed SELECTjobs2.doc in June 2019
    when a new document SelectJobs.doc was created (Part_3 of UVdemos2.doc).
  • SelectJobs.doc intended for text files (programs,scripts,parm files,etc)
  • Renamed to avoid conflict, since HTML versions are lowercased

SELECTjobs2 - Contents

The jobs in SELECTjobs2 are intended for "data file" maintenance rather than "program/script/parm file" manipulations that were performed by sections such as Selectjobs, SCANjobs, REPjobs, DROPjobs,& COPYjobs.

A1. SELECTjobs2 - File Copy & Record Selection for Data files
  vs SelectJobs for text files (programs,scripts,parms)
  - Introduction (Game Plan)
B1. selectv1 - select records from a variable length text file
  that match (or dont match) 1 specified pattern
- search may be restricted to specified start&end column range
- may terminate output via stop count on input or output file
- these are handy jobs to create test files with desired data
C1. selectf1 - select records from a fixed record length file
  that match (or dont match) 1 specified pattern
- options for input rcsz, output rcsz, output file type, etc
- search may be restricted to specified start&end column range
- may terminate output via stop count on input or output file
D1. selectv2 - select records from a variable length text file that match
  (or dont match) any entry in a table of search patterns
- search may be restricted to specified start&end column range
- may terminate output via stop count on input or output file
E1. selectf2 - select records from a fixed record length file that match
  (or dont match) any entry in a table of search patterns
- options for input rcsz, output rcsz, output file type, etc
- search may be restricted to specified start&end column range
- may terminate output via stop count on input or output file
F1. selectf3 - select records from a fixed record length file that match
  (or dont match) any entry in a table of fixed size items
- searches a table of fixed size items such as invoice#s
  for a match on an input record field at a fixed location
  (vs selectf2 which scans the record for the table patterns)
G0. Listings of the uvcopy parameter files for the above jobs.
- listed at the end of the section in the same sequence as
  the documentation at the front of the section

These jobs provide for fixed records sizes often required by existing application packages as well as variable length records used for text or program source files. Most of the jobs in this section are designed to select or delete records based on prompt responses & user prepared table files.

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A1. SELECTjobs2.doc - SELECT or DELETE records in Data-files

File Copy & Record Selection - the GAME PLAN

First run the jobs in this section using the demo files provided.

Note that these jobs prompt you for items such as: filenames, record sizes,search patterns,& search column ranges, etc. (just make null entries at the prompts to accept the demo defaults)

Running these jobs will probably remind you of some situations where you could have used these jobs to perform record selections, deletions, or file copying to different record sizes or file types.

If possible, try out some of these jobs on your own files.

The table driven jobs (selectv2,f2,f3) are particularly powerful & all you have to do is create the table of search patterns with your editor & then specify the table filename at the prompt (vs demo/default).

Note that the jobs up to selectf3 are entirely prompt & table driven & you do not yet have to learn to write the uvcopy instructions.

Obviously there is a point at which the prompts & keyins become more cumbersome than writing a custom prmfile to solve your particular problem.

Please see the next section which will introduce you to the uvcopy instructions & provide you with a base template job which you would copy & modify to solve your current problem.

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B1. selectv1 - copy a text file dropping records matching any 1 pattern

selectv1 - copy text files dropping records matching any 1 pattern

 with options to specify:
    - keep the matches vs dropping the matches
    - restrict search to a specified column range
    - specify record stop count based on input or output file
                      ** operating instructions **
 command / prompts                                      response

 uvcopy selectv1                         <-- execute uvcopy & prmfile selectv1
 uop=q1s0e999i999999o999999k0   user option defaults
     __s0e999________________   search range start column#
     ____e999________________   search range end column#
     ________i999999_________   input file stop count
     _______________o999999__   output file stop count
     ______________________k0   k0 default drop matches
                                (k1 to keep matches)
 uop=q1s0e999i999999o999999k0 - null ok ? change ? --> i6
                                                       input stop count
 enter the search pattern ?                    --> @#@
                                                   (CDN postal code pattern)

tf/names1 = default fili1, ok/enter new ? --> null to accept demo input

selectv1.tmp = default filo1, ok/enter new ? --> null to accept demo output

                *** inspect input/output files ***

 cat tf/names1                        <--- display input file

Owen Townsend UV Software Inc 5436 Victoria Dr Vancouver BC Canada V5P3V8 604-321-1024

 cat tf/selectv1.tmp                    <--- display input file
 Owen Townsend
 UV Software Inc
 5436 Victoria Dr
 Vancouver BC Canada
                            <--- note: lines with postal code dropped

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C1. selectf1 - copy fixed length file dropping matches to 1 pattern

selectf1 - copy fixed length file dropping matches to 1 pattern

 with options to specify:
    - keeping the matches vs dropping the matches
    - input record size & output record size
    - output file type (variable, fixed, or fixed with linefeed in last byte)
    - record stop counts based on input file or output file counts
                      ** operating instructions **
 command / prompts                                      response

 uvcopy selectf1                      <-- execute uvcopy & prmfile selectf1
 uop=q1a70b80s0e999i999999o999999k0   user option defaults
     __a70_________________________   input rcsz default
     _____b80______________________   output rcsz default
     ________s0e999________________   column range default
     ______________i999999_________   input file stop count
     _____________________o999999__   output file stop count
     ____________________________k0   k0 default drop matches
                                      (k1 to keep matches)
 uop=q1a70b80s0e999i999999o999999k0 - null ok or change ? --> null
                                                              (accept dflts)
 enter the search pattern (max 40 bytes) ?    -->  cr####
                                                   - drop credit notes
                                                     ('cr' + any 4 numerics)
 tf/datafix = default fili1, ok/rekey ?       -->  null to accept
 selectf1.tmp = default filo1, ok/rekey ?     -->  null to accept
 RST = typ default for filo1, ok/rekey ?      -->  null to accept
                                                    or enter RSF or LSTt
  • please see the input/output files listed on the next page

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selectf1 - copy a fixed file dropping matches to a search pattern (continued)

investigate input/output files

 cat tf/datafix                              <--- display input file
 13500     Steve Jobs          inv1015   00012495  00000875  00000750.
 14962     Steve Wosniak       inv2024   00057550  00004029  00003453.
 12300     Bill Gates          cr8001    -0002500  -0000175  -0000150.
 24595     Jim Unruh           inv2273   00245000  00017150  00014700.
 25669     Thomas Watson       inv3234   00155000  00010850  00009300.
 30144     Presper Eckert      cr9202    -0013500  -0000945  -0000810.

 cat selectf1.tmp                            <--- display output file
 13500     Steve Jobs          inv1015   00012495  00000875  00000750.
 14962     Steve Wosniak       inv2024   00057550  00004029  00003453.
 24595     Jim Unruh           inv2273   00245000  00017150  00014700.
 25669     Thomas Watson       inv3234   00155000  00010850  00009300.

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D1. selectv2 - copy text files dropping records matching table entries

selectv2 - copy text file dropping records matching table entries

 with options to:
    - keep the matches (vs dropping the matches)
    - restrict search to a specified column range
    - specify stop count based on input or output file
                      ** operating instructions **
 command / prompts                                      response

 uvcopy selectv2                      <-- execute uvcopy & prmfile selectv2
 uop=q1s0e999i999999o999999k0   user option defaults
     __s0e999________________   search range start column#
     ____e999________________   search range end column#
     ________i999999_________   input file stop count
     _______________o999999__   output file stop count
     ______________________k0   k0 default drop matches
                                (k1 to keep matches)
 uop=q1s0e999i999999o999999k0 - null ok or change ? --> i12
                                                            input stop count

tf/names1 = default fili1, ok/enter new ? --> null to accept demo input

tf/select2tbl = default fili2, ok/enter new ? --> null to accept demo table

selectv2.tmp = default filo1, ok/enter new ? --> null to accept demo output

  • see the table control & input/output files listed on the next page

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selectv2 copy text file dropping records matching entries in a table (pg 2)

inspect table control file & input/output data files

 cat tf/select2tbl              <--- display table file of search patterns

Vancouver~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # select2tbl - table file for selectv2 Toronto~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # for scan by table instruction (sct) Montreal~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # 80 byte entries, search 30 (may increase) V5P 3V8~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # postal code for UV Software Vancouver @#@ *#@#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # optn 'p' activates spcl match chars Halifax~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # @=alpha,#=num,*=any no of prior char ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # table ended by '~~' in column 1 & 2

 cat tf/names1                        <--- display input file
 ===============                             (1st 12 records)

Owen Townsend UV Software Inc 5436 Victoria Dr Vancouver BC Canada V5P3V8 604-321-1024

Tony Goodson Omega Computer Services 5436 Victoria Dr Vancouver BC Canada V5P 3V8 604-321-8486

 cat tf/selectv2.tmp                      <--- display output file
 Owen Townsend
 UV Software Inc
 5436 Victoria Dr
                            <--- note: lines with 'Vancouver' dropped
                            <--- note: lines with any postal code dropped
 Tony Goodson
 Omega Computer Services
 5436 Victoria Dr
                            <--- note: lines with 'Vancouver' dropped
                            <--- note: lines with any postal code dropped

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E1. selectf2 - copy fixed length file dropping matches to table entries

selectf2 - copy fixed length file dropping matches to table entries

 with options to:
    - specify input record size & output record size
    - keep the matches (vs dropping the matches)
    - restrict search to a specified column range
    - specify out file type (variable, fixed, or fixed with LF in last byte)
    - specify stop count based on input or output file
                      ** operating instructions **
 command / prompts                                      response

 uvcopy selectf2                      <-- execute uvcopy & prmfile selectf2
 uop=q1a70b80s0e999i999999o999999k0   user option defaults
     __a70_________________________   input rcsz default
     _____b80______________________   output rcsz default
     ________s0e999________________   column range default
     ______________i999999_________   input file stop count
     _____________________o999999__   output file stop count
     ____________________________k0   k0 default drop matches
                                      (k1 to keep matches)
 uop=q1a70b80s0e999i999999o999999k0 - null ok or change ? --> null
                                                              (accept dflts)
 tf/datafix = default fili1, ok/rekey ?     -->  null to accept input file

tf/select2tbl = default fili2, ok/rekey ? --> null to accept table file

selectf2.tmp = default filo1, ok/rekey ? --> null to accept output file

 RST = typ default for filo1, ok/rekey ?    -->  null to accept
                                                 or enter RSF or LSTt
 note - see test/demo files on the next page
        (table file, input file,& output file)

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selectf2 copy fixed length file dropping matches to table entries (page 2)

investigating the demo files - table, input,& output

 cat tf/select2tbl             <--- display table file of search patterns

cr###~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tf/select2tbl - demo search table Watson~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - for selectf2 job Mauchly~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - copies tf/datafix selecting Eckert~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ records matching any entry ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ in this table

 cat tf/datafix                              <--- display input file
 13500     Steve Jobs          inv1015   00012495  00000875  00000750.
 14962     Steve Wosniak       inv2024   00057550  00004029  00003453.
 12300     Bill Gates          cr8001    -0002500  -0000175  -0000150.
 24595     Jim Unruh           inv2273   00245000  00017150  00014700.
 25669     Thomas Watson       inv3234   00155000  00010850  00009300.
 30144     Presper Eckert      cr9202    -0013500  -0000945  -0000810.

 cat selectf2.tmp                           <--- display output file
 13500     Steve Jobs          inv1015   00012495  00000875  00000750.
 14962     Steve Wosniak       inv2024   00057550  00004029  00003453.
 24595     Jim Unruh           inv2273   00245000  00017150  00014700.

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F1. selectf3 - copy files dropping matches to any entry in a lookup table

selectf3 - copy dropping matches to any entry in a lookup table

Similar to the selectf2 job above (which scans the record for matches) but this job looks up a table of items (such as invoice#s) for matches to a specified field or column# in the record (invoice# field).

Uses the '<' option of the uvcopy look-up instruction to search down a table for the 1st entry > than the search argument, then back up 1.

                      ** operating instructions **
 command / prompts                                      response

 uvcopy selectf3                      <-- execute uvcopy & prmfile selectf3
 uop=q1a70b80s30l7i999999o999999k0   user option defaults
     __a70________________________   input rcsz default
     _____b80_____________________   output rcsz default
     ________s30l7________________   search start dsplcmnt & length defaults
     _____________i999999_________   input file stop count
     ____________________o999999__   output file stop count
     ___________________________k0   k0 default drop matches
                                     (k1 to keep matches)
 uop=q1a70b80s30l7i999999o999999k0 - null ok or change ?  --> null
                                                              (accept dflts)
 tf/datafix = default fili1, ok/rekey ?      -->  null to accept input file

tf/select3tbl = default fili2, ok/rekey ? --> null to accept table file

selectf3.tmp = default filo1, ok/rekey ? --> null to accept output file

 RST = typ default for filo1, ok/rekey ?     -->  null to accept

Please see table/input/output files listed on the next page. Note that any invoice#s matching the above table have been dropped.

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selectf3 copy fixed length file dropping matches to table entries (page 2)

investigating the demo files - table, input data,& output results

 cat tf/select3tbl              <--- display table file of search patterns

inv1015 # select3tbl - for demo job selectf3 inv2139 # - table of invoice#s to be dropped from tf/datafix file inv2273 # - used to search inv# field in cols 31-37 of tf/datafix inv3145 # - loaded into memory table at startup of job selectf3 ~~~~~~~ # end of table marker '~~' in col1&2

 cat tf/datafix                              <--- display input file
 13500     Steve Jobs          inv1015   00012495  00000875  00000750.
 14962     Steve Wosniak       inv2024   00057550  00004029  00003453.
 12300     Bill Gates          cr8001    -0002500  -0000175  -0000150.
 24595     Jim Unruh           inv2273   00245000  00017150  00014700.
 25669     Thomas Watson       inv3234   00155000  00010850  00009300.
 30144     Presper Eckert      cr9202    -0013500  -0000945  -0000810.

 cat selectf3.tmp                           <--- display output file
 14962     Steve Wosniak       inv2024   00057550  00004029  00003453.
 12300     Bill Gates          cr8001    -0002500  -0000175  -0000150.
 25669     Thomas Watson       inv3234   00155000  00010850  00009300.
 30144     Presper Eckert      cr9202    -0013500  -0000945  -0000810.
  • you can see that invoice#s on the input file that matched
    the table file have been dropped from the output file

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G0. SELECTjobs2.doc - SELECT or DELETE records in fixed record length files

uvcopy parameter file listings for jobs in this section

Some of the uvcopy jobs are listed here at the back of the section in the same sequence as documented at the front of the section.

            '*' <-- indicates listing present.
G1. selectv1 * select records from a variable length text file
  that match (or dont match) 1 specified pattern
- search may be restricted to specified start & end column range
- may terminate output file via stop count on input or output file
- these are handy jobs to create test files with desired data
  1. selectf1 - select records from a fixed record length file that match (or dont match) 1 specified pattern - options for input rcsz, output rcsz, output file type, etc - search may be restricted to specified start & end column range - may terminate output file via stop count on input or output file

  2. selectv2 - select records from a variable length text file that match (or dont match) any entry in a table of search patterns - search may be restricted to specified start & end column range - may terminate output file via stop count on input or output file

G4. selectf2 * select records from a fixed record length file that match
  (or dont match) any entry in a table of search patterns
- options for input rcsz, output rcsz, output file type, etc
- search may be restricted to specified start & end column range
- may terminate output file via stop count on input or output file
  1. selectf3 - select records from a fixed record length file that match (or dont match) any entry in a table of fixed size items - searches a table of fixed size items such as invoice#s for a match on an input record field at a fixed location (vs selectf2 which scans the record for the table patterns)

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G1. selectv1 * select records from a variable length text file

 # selectv1 - select records from a variable length text file
 #            that match (or dont match) 1 specified pattern
 #          - search may be restricted to specified start & end column range
 #          - may terminate output file via stop count on input or output file
 #          - this is a handy job to create small test files with desired data
 opr='$jobname - select recs from a text file matching/not matching 1 pattern'
 opr='      - run this job with your own file or the demo file supplied'
 opr='      - default/demo file tf/names1 has 36 recs, max rcsz 25'
 opr='      - suggested pattern for demo file is "V5P" or "@#@" (any postal)'
 opr='uop=q1s0e999i999999o999999k0   - option defaults'
 opr='uop=__s0____________________   - start search column displacement'
 opr='uop=____e999________________   - end search column displacement'
 opr='uop=________i999999_________   - input file stop count'
 opr='uop=_______________o999999__   - output file stop count'
 opr='uop=______________________k0   - k1 to keep matches (vs drop default)'
 uop=q1s0e999i999999o999999k0        # option defaults, may change
 was=a256b256                        # record area sizes (increase if reqd)
 fili1=?tf/names1,typ=LST,rcs=a256   # input file test/demo file default
 filo1=?$jobname.tmp,typ=LSTt,rcs=b256    # output filename default
       opn   all                    open files
       msg   'search pattern for demo is "V5P" or "@#@" (any postal)'
       msgwn 'enter your search pattern, or the suggested for demo file'
       mvc   d0(40),$reply            save search pattern in area 'd'
       mvn   $rn,$rx                  save search pattern length in rgstr n
 #                                    (msgw leaves in rgstr x which is temp)
 # load start column displacement into rgstr s & length in rgstr l
       mvn   $rs,$uopbs             start col dsplcmnt from user option s
       mvn   $rl,$uopbe             end col dsp from option e
       sub   $rl,$rs                calc length
       add   $rl,1                  +1 to correct length
       skp>  1
       can   'ERROR - end search col dsp <= begin search col dsp'

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 # begin loop getting records, searching for pattern,
 # - outputting matches/nonmatches - until EOF - or I/O stop counts reached
 loop  get   fili1,a0(256)          get current record
       skp>  eof
       scnp  as0($rl256),d0($rn40)  scan for match to search pattern
       skp=  match
 # nomatch - default is to write nomatches
 # - but drop them if option k1 (keep matches & drop nomatches)
 nomat cmn   $uopbk,0               option k0 or k1 ?
       skp>  drop
       skp   keep
 # match - default is to drop (bypass, dont write) matches
 # - but write them if option k1 (keep matches & drop nomatches)
 match add   $fo1hits,1             incrmnt hit ctr stats for outfile EOF msg
       add   $fi1hits,1             incrmnt hit ctr stats for infile EOF msg
       cmn   $uopbk,0               option k0 or k1 ?
       skp>  keep
       skp   drop
 # common point to write out current record
 keep  mvc   b0(256),a0             move input record to output area
 #     ---   ----,----       - could add instructions here to modify layout
       put   filo1,b0(256)          write record to output file
       add   $ca2,1                 incrmnt outfile counter
       cmn   $ca2,$uopbo            out ctr = outfile stop count ?
       skp=> eof
 # common point to bypass output of current record & test infile stop count
 drop  add   $ca1,1                 increment record count
       cmn   $ca1,$uopbi            in ctr = infile stop count ?
       skp=> eof
       skp   loop
 # end of file or count limit reached - close files & end job
 eof   cls   all
       msg   '- you may check I/O files via the editor or cat/type commands'

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G4. selectf2 - select records from a fixed record length file that match

 # selectf2 - select records from a fixed length text file that match
 #            (or dont match) any entry in a table of search patterns
 #          - search may be restricted to specified start & end column range
 #          - may terminate output file via stop count on input or output file
 #          - this is a handy job to create small test files with desired data
 # demo command:  uvcopy selectf2
 #           or:  uvcopy selectf2,fili1=tf/datafix,fili2=tf/select2tbl
 #   demo table:  cr###~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    - any credit notes
 #                Watson~~~~~~~~~~~~~    - any sales to Mr. Watson
 #                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~      (end of table marker ~ col 1)
 opr='$jobname - copy a fixed record length file selecting records that match'
 opr='       (or dont match) any entry in a table of search patterns'
 opr='      - you may run this job with the demo input file & search table'
 opr='        or 1st create your own search table & run with your own files'
 opr=' - demo/default file tf/datafix has 6 records of 70 bytes each'
 opr=' - demo/default table file tf/select2tbl has patterns such as:'
 opr='     Watson (matches in name field) & cr#### (matches any credit note)'
 opr=' - output file type will be solicited, choices are:'
 opr='   typ=RST  - (default) fixed length records with LF in last byte'
 opr='            - recommended if last byte unused (allows editor use)'
 opr='   typ=LSTt - variable lth recs with LF after last nonblank'
 opr='   typ=RSF  - fixed length recs, size by option b, no LF in last byte'
 opr=' '
 opr='uop=q1a70b80s0e999i999999o999999k0   option defaults'
 opr='uop=__a70_________________________   input rcsz default'
 opr='uop=_____b80______________________   output rcsz default'
 opr='uop=________s0____________________   start search column displacement'
 opr='uop=__________e999________________   end search column displacement'
 opr='uop=______________i999999_________   input file stop count'
 opr='uop=____________________o999999___   output file stop count'
 opr='uop=____________________________k0   k1 to keep matches (drop default)'
 uop=q1a70b80s0e999i999999o999999k0       # option defaults, may change
 was=a1024b1024m2000     # record area & table max sizes (increase if reqd)
 #                       - actual rcszs determined by options a & b
 fili1=?tf/datafix,typ=RST,rcs=a1024   # input file test/demo file default
 fili2=?tf/select2tbl,typ=LST,rcs=80   # table file of search patterns
 filo1=?$jobname.tmp,typ=?RST,rcs=b1024   # output filename default
       opn   all
 # at begin job - load the table of search patterns
       rtb   fili2,m0(80),m0(80)     load table of search patterns
 # store users record size options in registers for the gets & puts below
       mvn   $ra,$uopba              input rcsz to rgstr a for gets
       mvn   $rb,$uopbb              output rcsz to rgstr b for puts

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 # load start column displacement into rgstr s & length in rgstr l
       mvn   $rs,$uopbs              start col dsplcmnt from user option s
       mvn   $rl,$uopbe              end col dsp from option e
       sub   $rl,$rs                 calc length
       add   $rl,1                   +1 to correct length
       skp>  1
       can   'ERROR - end search col dsp <= begin search col dsp'
 # begin loop getting records, searching for pattern,
 # - outputting matches/nonmatches - until EOF - or I/O stop counts reached
 loop  get   fili1,a0($ra1024)       get current record
       skp>  eof
       sctp  as0($rl1024),m0(80),m0(30)   scan for match to any table entry
       skp=  match
 # nomatch - default is to write nomatches
 # - but drop them if option k1 (keep matches & drop nomatches)
 nomat cmn   $uopbk,0                option k0 or k1 ?
       skp>  drop
       skp   keep
 # match - default is to drop (bypass, dont write) matches
 # - but write them if option k1 (keep matches & drop nomatches)
 match add   $fi1hits,1             incrmnt hit ctr stats for infile EOF msg
       add   $fo1hits,1             incrmnt hit ctr stats for outfile EOF msg
       cmn   $uopbk,0               option k0 or k1 ?
       skp>  keep
       skp   drop
 # common point to write out current record
 keep  mvc   b0($rb1024),a0         move input record to output area
 #     ---   ----,----        - could add instructions here to modify layout
       put   filo1,b0($rb1024)      write record to output file
       add   $ca2,1                 incrmnt outfile counter
       cmn   $ca2,$uopbo            out ctr = outfile stop count ?
       skp=> eof
 # common point to bypass output of current record & test infile stop count
 drop  add   $ca1,1                 increment record count
       cmn   $ca1,$uopbi            in ctr = infile stop count ?
       skp=> eof
       skp   loop
 # end of file or count limit reached - close files & end job
 eof   cls   all

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