ADMjobs - Contents

Part_0 - Introduction & Overview
- ADMjobs essential to Vancouver Utility conversions (JCL,COBOL,DATA)
- recommended References & Books for Unix/Linux system Administration
- recommended downloads useful for mainframe conversion sites

Part_1 - install Vancouver Utilities - brief review
  (should already be installed following instructions in install.htm).
- setting up profiles for appsadm, programmers,& operators
- using 'stub' profiles in home dirs, calling a common profile
- a 'common_profile' makes site administration much easier
- 'stub_profile's (renamed as .profile or .bash_profile) in each user's
  homedir allows them to code their preferences
- setup 'appsadm' (applications administrator) homedir /home/appsadm
  to hold profiles modified for site, site specific scripts,crontabs,etc
- Preparations for UV Software Onsite Training & Conversion Assistance

Part_2 - RAID Arrays, Partitioning,& File System Design
- directory structures suggested for testing & production
- environmental variables RUNLIBS & RUNDATA allow testing & production
  on 1 machine without having to change any JCL/scripts
- alternative designs for multiple sets of libraries & data
  possibly for organizations with multiple companies on 1 machine

Part_3 - Backup & Restore
- samples of production Data & Libraries that need to be backed up
- suggested directories for on-disc backup & restore
- manual commands reviewed (cp -r, tar, cpio)
- sample scripts for backup & restore (to disc or tape)

Part_4 - Advanced Backup & Restore
- complete system scheduled by 'cron'
- backup directory trees defined by $PRODDATA, $PRODLIBS,& $HOMEDIRS
- 2 days backup on-disc unzipped & instantly available
- zipped versions of nightly backups maintained on-disc for 40 days
- 1st of month zip file maintained on-disc for 15 months
- 1st of year zip file maintained on-disc for 15 months
- nightly zip files written to tape by cron & tapes cycled over 30 days
- tapes stored onsite in fireproof vault
- end of month tape taken offsite & new tape inserted in rotation

Part_5 - using 'cron' (automatic job scheduling)
- to run backups & other jobs (nightly, weekly, monthly)
- sample crontabs for users & root
- killuser2 crontab & script to kill users who did not log off
- scheduling scripts by cron & capturing joblogs mailed to appsadm

Part_6 - Console Logging
- capturing & processing console logs for viewing & printing
- uses unix/linux 'script' command to capture both displays & entries
- replaces mainframe console logs
- also documents 'joblog' scripts for programmers to capture logs
  for 1 job at a time for test/debug.

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ADMjobs.doc - Applications Administration for Unix/Linux

ADMjobs - Contents (continued)

Part_7 - useful scripts for unix/linux/uvadm administrators
- over 500 Korn shell scripts included with the Vancouver Utilities
- in Part 7, we have selected a few of the scripts that are most
  useful to unix/linux/uvadm administrators.
- these scripts do in seconds what could take hours to do manually.
  ex: renaming files: add/remove suffixes, lower/UPPER case, etc
- you can see many other scripts in scripts1.htm
 Part_8 Networking & System Administration
        - Sample Network (at UV Software)
        - 3 PCs on a LAN/router & DSL modem to ISP
        - RHEL 5.1, RHEL 3.0,& Windows XP
        /etc/hosts file with IP Addresses & Host-names
        Setup router access to ISP
        network-scripts (/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0)
        - setup static IP#s for computer, gateway,& DNS1/DNS2
        Lookup IP Adresses or Domain Names (reverse lookup)
        - using unix/linux command line tools such as nslookup, host,& dig
        - using a GUI web browser, try sites such as
        PING * 'pingall' script to determine the IP#s used on your router
        'nmap' to determine the device or O/S at any given IP#
        FTP, SSH samples
        PUTTY - SSH (Secure SHell) Terminal Emulator for Windows & Unix/Linux
        SAMBA - Linux file-server for Windows PCs
              - sample samba configuration file
              - need to disable SELinux & iptables for SAMBA to work
        Investigate /var/log/dmesg bootup message file
        - to determine device name assigned to the DAT tape drive
        Mounting USB memory devices
        - determining USB device name for the mount command, by investigating
          /dev/..., /var/log/messages, & /var/log/dmesg
        Unix/Linux system log files
        - /var/log/messages, dmesg, utmp, wtmp
        Commands to access log file information
        - who, w, finger, last, lastlog, utmpdump
        Sample outputs from: who, w,& finger
        Sample outputs from: last & lastlog
        Using utmpdump to convert /var/run/utmp (binary file) to an ASCII file
        - followed by uvlist filter to reduce multi-blanks to fit lines on screen
        Disc Monitoring (df, du, statdir1)
        Killing hung-up jobs (ps & kill demo)
        Running BackGround jobs: jobs (status),
        fg %1 (foreground), ^Z (background), bg %1 (restart), kill %1
        Messaging (wall, write, mail)
        TOP - Unix/Linux system performance analysis tool
        msmtp - send email from scripts scheduled by cron at night,
                to managers at home, to alert them of serious errors.
       sending unix/linux PCL files to a network printer from Windows
       - create PCL files on unix/linux & download to widows with 'winscp'
         net use lpt1 \\computername\printername /persistent:yes
         copy /b filename.pcl LPT1:

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Part_0. ADMjobs.doc - Applications Administration for Unix/Linux

Introduction & Overview

ADMjobs.doc discusses several subjects that are vital to any successful unix or linux installation (filesystems, backup/restore, cron, console logging,etc).

ADMjobs.doc is intended to be used with the following items, which document conversion of IBM mainframes to unix & linux.

JCLcnv1demo.htm - DEMO conversions, sample JCL, scripts, executions

JCLcnv2real.htm - comprehensive instructions for REAL conversions

JCLcnv3aids.htm - conversion AIDS (cross-references,tips,mass changes,etc)

MvsJclPerl.htm - MVS JCL Conversion to Perl script

MVSCOBOL.htm - converting mainframe COBOL to Micro Focus or AIX COBOL

DATAcnv1.htm - converting mainframe MVS data EBCDIC to ASCII

VSEJCL.htm - converting mainframe VSE JCL to Korn shell scripts

We will emphasize the importance of the automatic backup system. This should be setup very soon after installation so that you have protection from inadvertently wiping out your programs & jobs (before you become a Unix/Linux expert).

It is a great comfort to know that every night your libraries & data are automatically backed up to the DAT tape & also saved to alternate disc directories for convenient & immediate recovery.

Part_1 will document setting up user profiles for uvadm, appsadm, programmers, & operators. This repeats some of the install.htm instructions, but this is vital and is related to this document (backup scripts, console logging, etc).

Copyright 1993-2015, UV Software Inc.

Owen Townsend, UV Software, 4667 Hoskins Rd., North Vancouver BC, V7K2R3

 Tel: 604-980-5434 Fax: 604-980-5404

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Part_0. ADMjobs.doc - Applications Administration for Unix/Linux

References & Books for Unix/Linux Administration

  1. Red Hat Enterprise Installation guide. I recommend you download the 350 page .pdf document & print Duplex on 3 hole punched paper for 3 ring binder. -> support -> documentation -> Red Hat Enterprise Linux
  2. Red Hat Enterprise Deployment guide. I recommend you download the 900 page .pdf document & print Duplex on 3 hole punched paper for 3 ring binder.

  3. Red Hat Enterprise Linux & Fedora 4th Edition, O'Reilly, Bill McCarty

  4. Red Hat Linux Networking & System Adminitration 3rd Edition, Wiley, Terry Collings & Kurt Wall

  5. The New Kornshell, Prentice Hall, Morris Bolsky & David Korn

  6. The C Programming Language, Prentice Hall, Brian Kernighan & Dennis Ritchie

    useful Downloads

Here are a few downloads relevant to mainframe conversions to Unix/Linux.

1. - Korn shell 1993 version

Look for the binary matching your Unix/linux architecture

2. - putty terminal emulator for Windows

See more info & configuration on pages '8F1' - 8F3.

3. - winscp WINdows Secure file CoPy to unix/linux

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Part_1. ADMjobs.doc - Applications Administration - setup profiles

Setting up profiles - Contents

1A1. Install Vancouver Utilities - brief review
(should already be installed following instructions in install.htm).
'uvadm' homedir contents

1B1. profiles provided in /home/uvadm/env
- to be copied & modified in /home/appsadm/env
1B2.  profiles are vital to Unix/Linux & mainframe conversions
- split to 2 components for greater flexibility & reduced maintenance
  (stub_profile & common_profile)
1B3.  Advantages to UV Software profile conventions

1C0. profile listing summary

1C1. 'stub_profile' - modify & copy to user homedirs
- rename as .bash_profile for bash, .profile for ksh
- copy to /home/appsadm/env/... & modified for your site
- defines RUNLIBS as testlibs for programmers OR prodlibs for operators
- defines RUNDATA as testdata for programmers OR proddata for operators

1C2. 'common_profile' - called by 'stub_profile'
- defines search PATHs to libraries & data based on $RUNLIBS & $RUNDATA

1C3. Optional additions to common_profile for DB2,Oracle,mySQL,COBOL-IT,RPG

1C4. 'common_defines' - called by 'common_profile'
- defines TESTLIBS,TESTDATA,PRODLIBS,PRODDATA for backup/restore scripts

1C5. 'bashrc' - modify & copy to user homedirs
- rename as .bashrc (for bash), or .kshrc (for ksh)
- required for console logging to preserve aliases & umask

1C6. Recommended permissions for directories & files that must be shared
 by groups of programmers & opperators (as in mainframe conversions).
- 775 for directories, 664 for files, 002 umask in profiles
- programmers & operators in a common group (suggest 'apps')
- extending security to the group level

1C7. stub_profile_cronlogdemo - to capture log files for cron jobs
- see pages '5I1' - '5K6'

1C8. stub.ini - alternative profile for schedulers such as cron & control-M
- called at begining of each JCL/script
  to define RUNDATA & all common.ini
- copy/rename for different systems with different 'RUNDATA's

1C9. common.ini - called by stub.ini to reduce code duplication
- to setup search PATHs to JCL/scritps, COBOL programs, etc
- usually RUNLIBS is common & only RUNDATA varies by system

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Part 1 profiles - Contents continued

1D1. 'appsadm' homedir subdirs desired

1D2. Op. Instrns. to setup appsadm account & create subdirs

1D3. copy profiles from uvadm/env & modify in appsadm/env

1D4. copy modified stub_profiles to your user homedirs

1D5. modify common_profile, in appsadm/env, called by user stub_profiles

1E1. Preparations for UV Software Onsite Training & Conversion Assistance

1F1. Training Plan for converting mainframe JCL/COBOL/DATA to Unix/Linux

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1A1. ADMjobs.doc - Applications Administration for Unix/Linux

Install Vancouver Utilities - short version

The Vancouver Utilities should already have been installed frollowing the instructions in install.htm, but here is a much shortened version assuming Linux (see install guide for other unix O/S's).

setup uvadm Vancouver Utilities admin account

 #1. login as 'root'

 #2. groupadd apps        <-- setup group 'apps', if not already setup
     =============          - OR use whatever groupID you wish
                            - BUT see notes below in '-g apps' paragraph

 #3. useradd -m -g apps -s /bin/bash uvadm   <-- setup user 'uvadm'

 #4. passwd uvadm        <-- setup password desired

 #5. chmod 755 /home/uvadm   <-- allow other users to copy files from uvadm/...
     =====================     - required for many Vancouver Utility procedures

 #6. exit (logout from root)

Download/Install Vancouver Utilities

This assumes UV Software has supplied you with a userid/password to download '' from the UV Software web site.

 #1, Login as 'uvadm' --> /home/uvadm

 #2. sftp  <-- Secure FTP userid 'uvsoft2'
 #2a. passwd --> xxxxxxx
 #2b. get
 #2e. bye

 #3. unzip

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1A2. Install Vancouver Utilities - short version

setup profile for uvadm

 #4. cp env/stub_profile_uv .bash_profile  <-- copy rename for bash shell

 #5a. vi .bash_profile      <-- modify stub profile now or later ?
      ================        - see optional changes at '1D4'

 #5b. vi common_profile_uv  <-- modify common profile now or later ?
      ====================    - see optional changes at '1D4'

 #6. exit   <-- logout & back in to make new profile effective

 #7. Login uvadm --> /home/uvadm

After unzip, the stub_profiles & common profiles are available in /home/uvadm/env/ and you can copy the stub_profile over .bash_profile.

See profiles listed begining on page '1C0'. Note that the stub_profile (must be renamed as .bash_profile in homedir) calls the 'common_profile' from /home/uvadm/env/common_profile. A common_profile greatly reduces system admininstration since PATH's etc can be defined in 1 place for use by all users.

Only uvadm will call the common_profile from /home/uvadm. We will soon setup the 'appsadm' user & copy /home/uvadm/env/... to /home/appsadm. All other stub_profiles call the common_profile from /home/appsadm/env/common_profile. This allows you to install new versions of uvadm without disrupting the common_profile called by other users - Important since the common_profile usually is modified considerably depending on site requirements.

compiling Vancouver Utility C Programs

 #8. ccuvall LNX H64 uvlib64.a disamLNX64.a
     - compile Vancouver Utilities on Linux Intel 64 bit machine

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1A3. ADMjobs.doc - Applications Administration for Unix/Linux

uvadm - Vancouver Utility home directory

 :-----batDOS            - BAT files for VU on native Windows
 :-----binDOS            - binaries for VU on native Windows (cc by lcc-win32)
 :-----bin             <-- binaries (uvcopy,uvsort,etc) distros are RedHat Linux
 :-----binSFU            - binaries for SFU (Services For Unix) on Windows
 :-----ctl               - control files for various purposes
 :-----dat1              - test data files
 :-----doc               - Vancouver Utilities documentation (text)
 :-----dochtml           - documentation in HTML (same as on
 :-----env         <------ profiles for Unix/Linux, SFU, Cygwin,& Uwin
 :-----hdr               - hdr files for C compiles
 :-----htmlcode          - merged into dochtml when text converted to HTML
 :-----lib               - libraries for C compiles (subfunctions,DISAM,etc)
 :-----mvstest         <-- test/demos for MVS JCL/COBOL mainframe conversions
 :     :-----...         - many subdirs omitted, see JCLcnv1demo.htm#3B2
 :-----perlm           <-- Perl Modules (support JCL conversions to Perl scripts)
 :-----perls           <-- Perl Scripts (few, most scripts are ksh in sf/.../...)
 :-----pf              <-- Parameter Files for uvcopy & uvqrpg
 :     :-----adm         - administrative jobs
 :     :-----demo        - demo jobs
 :     :-----IBM         - IBM mainframe conversion jobs
 :     :-----util        - utility jobs
 :-----sf              <-- Script Files
 :     :-----adm         - administrative scripts
 :     :-----demo        - demo scripts
 :     :-----IBM         - IBM mainframe conversion scripts
 :     :-----util        - utility scripts
 :-----sfun              - ksh functions (used in converted JCL/scripts)
 :-----src             <-- Vancouver Utilities C source code
 :-----srcf              - C source for various sub-functions
 :-----tf                - test files for various examples in doc
 :-----tmp               - tmp subdir (test/demo outputs)
 :-----vsetest         <-- test/demos for VSE JCL/COBOL mainframe conversions
 :     :-----...         - many subdirs omitted, see VSEJCL.htm

The profiles (listed on the following pages) are intended to be used with uvadm, appsadm, mvstest,& vsetest. You will need only minor changes to use for your programmers & operators.

The /home/uvadm sub-directories are illustrated here to clarify the procedures required should you find reasons to modify any of the Vancouver Utility scripts or uvcopy jobs or programs at your site.

Note that the uvadm subdirs for 'sf' (script files) & 'pf' (uvcopy parameter files) (or uvcopy jobs) are further sub-directoried as shown above, but there is no need for you to subdirectory sf & pf in appsadm or your homedir.

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1B1. ADMjobs.doc - profiles for Vancouver Utilities

'profiles' provided in /home/uvadm/env

 /home/uvadm/env         <-- profiles provided here
 :-----stub_profile_uv     - copy/rename to .profile (ksh) or .bash_profile (bash)
 :                         - defines RUNLIBS/RUNDATA for programmers & operators
 :-----common_profile_uv   - common profile (called by stub_profile)
 :                           defines PATH's etc using $RUNLIBS/$RUNDATA
 /home/appsadm/env       <-- setup user 'appsadm' & copy from /home/uvadm/env/*
 :-----stub_profile_ABC    - customize & copy to homedirs .profile or .bash_profile
 :-----common_profile_ABC  - common profile (called by stub_profile)

You should setup an application administrator userid 'appsadm', copy /home/uvadm/env/* to /home/appsadm/env,& customize profiles there depending on the locations of their libraries & data. Do NOT customize profiles in /home/uvadm/env/... because they would be overwritten when a new version of Vancouver Utilities is installed.

We recommend the concept of 'stub' & 'common' profiles. The shell profile in each user's homedir is a 'stub' that calls the 'common_profile' which is stored in /home/appsadm/env/...

  1. The supplied 'stub_profile_uv' is copied to $APPSADM/env/ & renamed 'stub_profile_ABC' (your master version vs UV Software supplied version) Then copy to user homedirs, renaming as '.bash_profile' for bash shell - or '.profile' for Korn shell. - defines RUNLIBS as testlibs/prodlibs for programmers/operators - defines RUNDATA as testdata/proddata for programmers/operators

  2. 'common_profile' defines the 'PATH's using $RUNLIBS,$COBDIR,$UV,etc For example: export PATH=$PATH:$RUNLIBS/jcls (converted JCL/scripts). Defines software superdirs (uvadm, COBDIR, ORACLE_BASE, ORACLE_HOME, etc)

  3. '$RUNDATA' determines data-file locations indirectly as follows: $RUNDATA defines the superdir housing all data-files. All JCL/scripts call a common function 'jobset51' which changes directory to $RUNDATA (cd $RUNDATA). The JCL converter inserts jobset51 at the begining of all converted JCL/scripts and then addresses all data files relative to $RUNDATA.

Note that stub profiles must call 'common_profile' using '.' (dot execution), which means the 'export's made in the common_profile will still be effective on return to the users profile.

This system is a big advantage for any site with multiple users, it means the sysadmin can update common_profile once in 1 place & those changes are effective for all users.

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1B2. ADMjobs: profiles for Vancouver Utilities on Unix/Linux

Profiles are vital for Unix/Linux

Profiles are vital to the success of any Unix/Linux site and especially for sites converting from a mainframe. You can not find much practical advice on 'how to setup user profiles' in books or on the internet, so here are my methods which have been proven successful at over 50 conversion sites.

UV Software supplies the recommended profiles with the Vancouver Utilities, or you can save them from & 1C2. BUT, before you try to use them, it is important to understand the concepts. I assume the reader has some basic understanding of profile functions.

The most important profile function is to define search 'PATH's to scripts, programs,& (indirectly) to data-files. Some other functions are to define aliases, terminal types,& to capture console logs.

Without direction, an inexperienced unix programmer would probably define everything (PATHs,aliases,etc) in the profile in his home directory. Then the 1st programmer's profile might be copied to the homedirs of other programmers working on the same system.

You can see a big problem developing - when they need to change search PATHs, etc, they would have to update the multiple profiles in the homedirs of all programmers & operators.

Here is a better system to overcome the problem described above, and to provide many other benefits described further below. The solution is to split the profile in 2 parts (stub_profile & common_profile).



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1B3. ADMjobs: profiles for Vancouver Utilities on Unix/Linux

RUNLIBS & RUNDATA determine PATHs to programs/scripts & data

The PATH to JCL/scripts depends on $RUNLIBS (testlibs or prodlibs), example:

 export PATH=$PATH:$RUNLIBS/jcls    <-- PATH to JCL/scripts (in common_profile)

'$RUNDATA' determines data-file locations indirectly as follows:

Advantages of stub_profile,& common_profile

The benefits of this system are HUGE:

  1. You never need to change JCL/scripts between TESTING & PRODUCTION.

  2. Programmers execute JCL/scripts from $TESTLIBS/jcls that access data from $TESTDATA/... because their profiles set RUNLIBS/RUNDATA as TESTLIBS/TESTDATA

  3. Operators execute JCL/scripts from $PRODLIBS/jcls that access data from $PRODDATA/... because their profiles set RUNLIBS/RUNDATA as PRODLIBS/PRODDATA

  4. This system could allow testing & production on the same machine. They are usually on separate machines, and this system provides great flexibility for both these situations.

  5. Different programmers can have their own set of TESTDATA simply by changing the definition of RUNDATA in their profile.

  6. On production machines, different operators could operate on different sets of data for different companies on the same machine, using the same JCL/scripts & COBOL programs with no changes required.

  7. The system administrator (appsadm) can make changes in 1 place to affect all users vs having to update profiles in all user homedirs.

  8. The sysadmin would control any updates to common_profile. On test systems the programmers would control updates to their stub_profile.

  9. Programmers have the flexibility required. They can select different sets of testdata by redefining RUNDATA in their profile

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1C0. ADMjobs: profiles for Vancouver Utilities on Unix/Linux

Profile Listings

 1C1. stub_profile_uv - distributed in /home/uvadm/env/...
     - copy (to user homedirs) & rename depending on the desired shell
       (.bash_profile for bash, .profile for ksh)
     - modify RUNLIBS/RUNDATA differently for programmers or operators
     - calls common_profile
 1C2. common_profile_uv - distributed in /home/uvadm/env/...
     - defines search PATHs to libraries & data based on $RUNLIBS & $RUNDATA
       defined in the stub_profiles of programmers & operators
       (see suggested directory designs in ADMjobs.doc Part 2)
     - allows updates in 1 place to affect all users
     - modify TERM & 'stty erase' character depending on most common terminal
       (distribution has TERM=linux & stty erase '^?')

1C3. Optional additions to common_profile for DB2,Oracle,mySQL,COBOL-IT,RPG

1C4. common_defines - define TESTLIBS,TESTDATA,PRODLIBS,PRODDATA for backups
- optional, can call common_defines at end common_profile
- modify depending on your site
 1C5. bashrc - 'rc file' distributed in /home/uvadm/env/...
     - copy (to user homedirs) & rename depending on the desired shell
       (.bashrc for bash, .kshrc for ksh)
     - master version supplied without the '.' for visibility
     - required if you invoke another shell level (console logging script)
     - carries aliases & umask which get lost on another shell level
     - you should customize & store in /home/appsadm/env/...

1C6. Recommended Permissions for Directories & Files
- 775 for directories & 664 for files
- to allow programmers access to common libraries & data

1C7. stub_profile_cronlogdemo - alternate to stub_profile
- for logs by mail from cron jobs, see '5I1' - '5K7'

1C8. stub.ini - alternative profile for schedulers such as cron & control-M
- called at begining of each JCL/script
  to define RUNDATA & all common.ini
- copy/rename for different systems with different 'RUNDATA's

1C9. common.ini - called by stub.ini to reduce code duplication
- to setup search PATHs to JCL/scritps, COBOL programs, etc
- usually RUNLIBS is common & only RUNDATA varies by system

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1C1. ADMjobs.doc - profiles for Vancouver Utilities

'stub' profile in homedirs calling 'common' profile

 # bash_profile_uv - bash_profile for Vancouver Utilities (same as stub_profile_uv)
 #                 - stub_profile calls 'common_profile'
 #                 - by Owen Townsend, update Feb 2020
 # bash/stub_profile_ABC - users should copy/rename their version of stub_profile
 #                         store their master copy in /home/appsadm/env/...
 #                         copy to user homedirs, renaming .profile or .bash_profile
 # common_profile_ABC - copy/rename their common_profile to /home/appsadm/env/...
 #                      called by their stub_profiles from $APPSADM/env/...
 # bash_profile & common_profile - distributed in $UV/env/...
 # - copy to $APPSADM/env/... (/home/appsadm/env/...) & modify for your site
 # - do not modify profiles in $UV because new versions of uvadm would overwrite
 # - see stub/common profile listings at & A7
 #           ** define RUNLIBS/RUNDATA/CNVDATA & call common_profile **
 # stub_profile defines RUNLIBS/RUNDATA for common_profile to define PATHs to libs & data
 # --> Modify definitions depending on your situation:
 # 1. Mainframe JCL/COBOL/DATA Migrations - libs/data in homedir for testing/training
 #    export RUNLIBS=$HOME/testlibs1 RUNDATA=$HOME/testdata1 CNVDATA=$HOME/cnvdata1
 #    =============================================================================
 # 2. Mainframe JCL/COBOL/DATA Migrations - conversion/production, separate file systems
 #    export RUNLIBS=/p1/apps/testlibs1 RUNDATA=/p2/apps/testdata1 CNVDATA=/p3/apps/cnvdata1
 #    =============================================================================
 #    - appended digit '1' for future possible alternates testlibs2/testdata2/cnvdata2,etc
 #    - RUNDATA could be defined differently for different programmers for test phase
 #    - see RUNLIBS/RUNDATA defines for migrations
 # 3. Vancouver Utilities Demos/Tutorials - libs/data in $HOME/demo, default Feb2020+
 # - may define RUNLIBS/RUNDATA/CNVDATA the same for small projects (not major migrations)
 # - see more about RUNLIBS/RUNDATA stub/common profiles
 # 4. Programmer testing/development projects, Example
 #    export RUNLIBS=$HOME/testisam RUNDATA=$HOME/testisam CNVDATA=$HOME/testisam
 #    =============================================================================
 export APPSADM=/home/appsadm #Jan2020 APPSADM def in .profile_bash (for WSL Windows Subsystem on Linux)
 CALLER=$(cat /proc/$PPID/comm)
 echo "Executing--> \$HOME=$HOME/.bash_profile (copied/renamed from \$APPSADM/env/bash_profile_uv)"
 echo " - Vancouver Utilities stub_profile in login homedir, will call common_profile"
 echo "Calling--> . $APPSADM/env/common_profile_uv"
 . /home/appsadm/env/common_profile_uv   # common_profile called from /home/appsadm/env/...
 #====================================   # - NOT from /home/uvadm/env/...
 # - must setup appsadm to store common_profile, so not lost when uvadm updated
 # - see more at
 #       ** misc items that user may need to override common_profile defs **
 # export TERM=linux       # TERM - modify depending on your terminal
 # stty erase '^?'         # erase char - modify depending on your terminal
 # stty intr '^C'          # interrupt ^C, (probably already default ?)
 # export UVLPDEST="-dlp0" # default destination for uvlp(uvlist) scripts
 #                         # change to a printer near you & un-comment
 #                       ** user aliases, etc **
 # alias l='ls -l'         # save keystrokes on very often used commands
 # - see common_profile for several more aliases
 # - add more here depending on user preferences
 #                     ** TEST or PRODuction **
 # export TESTPROD=P000   # P___ for PRODuction
 export TESTPROD=T000     # T___ for TEST
 # - PRODuction profiles TESTPROD=P*, developer TEST profiles TESTPROD=T*
 # - JCL/scripts can test $TESTPROD to control various differences desired
 # - used to determine if programmer 'T'esting or 'P'roduction
 # - bytes 2,3,4 of P/T___ reserved for future use as required
 #   if [[ "$TESTPROD" == P* ]]  <-- test only 1st byte for Test/Prod
 #   if [[ "$TESTPROD" != T* ]]  <-- assume Production if not Test
 #Note - Test/Prod code relevant only to mainframe migration JCL/scripts sites
 #     - migration sites would move this code up prior to calling common_profile
 #       so common_profile could modify PATH,etc depending on Test/Production
 #                   ** Console Logging - optional **
 # - uncomment 9 '##' lines below to activate console logging
 # - must setup subdirs matching $LOGNAME in $LOGDIR/log1/...,log2/...,log3/...
 #   (usually LOGDIR=$APPSADM in common_profile)
 # - subdirs log1,log2,log3 hold logfiles for: current file, month, lastmonth
 # - see details at
 # - console logging for production operators to capture entire logon session
 # - programmers can use the 'joblog1' script to capture log for 1 job at a time
  ## login1 || exit 2          # exit here if 2nd login
  ## logfixA $LOGNAME          # process log1 file to log2 (to allow read/print)
  ## echo "--> logview   <-- execute logview script to see prior console logs"
  ## echo "logging requires .bashrc/.kshrc with PS1='<@$HOST1:$LOGNAME:$PWD >'"
  ## echo "logging requires $LOGNAME subdirs in \$LOGDIR/log1 & log2"
  ## if [[ -d $LOGDIR/log1/$LOGNAME && ( -f .kshrc || -f .bashrc) ]]; then
  ##    echo "script $LOGDIR/log1/$LOGNAME/$(date +%y%m%d_%H%M%S)"
  ##    exec script $LOGDIR/log1/$LOGNAME/$(date +%y%m%d_%H%M%S)
  ## fi
 # 'exec script' must be the last non-comment line in the profile
 # 'script' disables aliases & umask 002 - put in .bashrc/.kshrc to be effective
 # ==============================
 # cp $APPSADM/env/bashrc .bashrc  # copy to your homedir restoring correct name
 # ==============================
 # After uvadm installed at $UV (/home/uvadm or /opt/uvsw/uvadm)
 # - setup appsadm at $APPSADM (/home/appsadm or /opt/uvsw/appsadm)
 # - copy $UV/env/* $APPSADM/env
 # - modify $APPSADM/env/common_profile & stub_profile for your site
 # - copy $APPSADM.env/stub_profile to user .profiles
 # Then all user profiles call common_profile from $APPSADM/env/...
 # to prevent loss of customized common_profile when new version uvadm installed

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1C2. ADMjobs.doc - profiles for Vancouver Utilities

'common' profile called by 'stub' profile in homedirs

 # common_profile_uv  - for Vancouver Utilities by Owen Townsend, updated Feb 2020
 #                    - to be '.' dot executed by user .profile or .bash_profile
 #                    - see
 # common_profile_uv  - UV Software's suggested common_profile
 #                    - defines search PATHs based on $RUNLIBS & $RUNDATA
 #                      which must be defined in user's .profile or .bash_profile
 #                      before calling this commmon_profile
 #                    - copy to $APPSADM/env (/home/appsadm/env) for site customizations
 # common_profile_ABC - users should copy/rename their version of common_profile
 #                      & store their version in /home/appsadm/env/...
 # bash_profile_uv  - also copy to $APPSADM/env (/home/appsadm/env) for site customizations
 # bash_profile_ABC - might append suffix to identify your customized versions
 #                  - then copy to user homedirs & renamed as .profile or .bash_profile
 # stub_profile_uv  - alternate name for bash_profile_uv (same contents)
 #  - stub_profile defines RUNLIBS/RUNDATA/CNVDATA for common_profile to modify PATHs
 #  - users may define depending on their current project (migrations,testing,development)
 #    export RUNLIBS=$HOME/testlibs RUNDATA=$HOME/testdata CNVDATA=$HOME/cnvdata
 #    export RUNLIBS=$HOME/demo RUNDATA=$HOME/demo CNVDATA=$HOME/demo
 # bash_profile & common_profile - distributed in $UV/env/... (usually /home/uvadm/env)
 # - copy to $APPSADM/env/... (/home/appsadm/env/...) & modify for your site
 # - do not modify profiles in $UV because new versions of uvadm would overwrite
 # - see stub/common profile listings at & A7
 #                  ** begin code for common_profile **
 echo " "
 echo "Executing--> \$APPSADM/env/common_profile_uv (APPSADM=$APPSADM)"
 CALLER=$(cat /proc/$PPID/comm)
 export UV=/home/uvadm           # UV homedir symbol used below
 export APPSADM=/home/appsadm    # 1st def in .bash_profile (redef here for saftey)
 export LOGDIR=$APPSADM          # console logging subdirs log1,log2,log3
 #Jan2020 - also define APPSADM in .profile_bash (for Windows Subsystem on Windows WSL)
 # setup PATH for Vancouver Utilities programs & scripts (uvadm & appsadm)
 # - append onto system PATH, using symbols defined above ($UV, $APPSADM, etc)
 export PATH=$PATH:./sf:$HOME/bin:$HOME/sf:$APPSADM/bin:$APPSADM/sf:$RUNLIBS/sf
 export PATH=$PATH:$UV/bin:$UV/sf/adm:$UV/sf/demo:$UV/sf/util:$UV/sf/IBM:$UV/help
 export PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin   # add system dir for sendmail, etc
 #Note - APPSADSM appears before UV so user modified scripts/jobs in APPSADM
 #       can be stored in $APPSADM & be found prior to original versions in $UV
 #     - $UV/sf subdirectoried to adm,demo,util,IBM (April2003+)
 # setup 'PFPATH' for uvcopy & uvqrpg interpreter to find Parameter Files (jobs)
 export PFPATH=./pf,$RUNLIBS/pf,$RUNLIBS/pfs
 export PFPATH=$PFPATH,$HOME/pf,$UV/pf/adm,$UV/pf/demo,$UV/pf/util,$UV/pf/IBM
 # - use symbol $UV (defined above) to shorten PFPATH definition
 # - UV/pf/... follows RUNLIBS,APPSADM,HOME to allow user duplicate names
 # - uvcopy accepts ',' delimiters as well as ':' in case of SFU on Windows
 # setup PATH & FPATH for JCL/scripts converted from mainframe Vancouver Utils
 # - see or
 export PATH=$PATH:$RUNLIBS/jcls:$RUNLIBS/jts:$RUNLIBS/jus
 # Apr10/18 - adding extra JCL/script subdirs jts & jus
 #Jun02/2018 - adding user written db2 utility scripts to the PATH
 #           - named as mainframe utilities - dsntiaul,dsnutilb,dsnuproc,etc
 export PATH=$PATH:$RUNLIBS/db2s/
 # FPATH - defines directory of Korn shell functions (called by some VU scripts)
 #       - examples: jobset12, exportgen0, exportgen1,
 # export FPATH=$UV/sfun       # functions distributed in /home/uvadm/sfun/...
 export FPATH=$APPSADM/sfun    # copy to /home/appsadm/sfun/... for possible customization
 # export FPATH=$RUNLIBS/sfun  # OR to $RUNLIBS for more flexibility if required
 #Feb2020 - FPATH changed back to $APPSADM
 #Mar14/12 - define 'GDGCTL' location of gdgctl51I.dat/.idx
 # - see doc at
 if [[ -z "$GDGCTL" ]]; then export GDGCTL=$RUNDATA/ctl; fi #<-- set default
 # - see GDG control file discussed at
 # Define CTLMAPDIR for uvhdcob (display COBOL copybook fieldnames beside data fields)
 # - see
 # - for uvhdc1 script, $UV/ctl/ctlfile_uvhdc1, $UV/mf/maps/copybooks
 export CTLMAPDIR=$HOME/mf/maps  #<-- uvhdc1 demos /home/uvadm/dat1/... & /home/uvadm/maps/...
 # export CTLMAPDIR=$RUNLIBS/maps #<-- comment out above defaults this for uvhdc2
 export COBMAPDIR=$RUNLIBS/maps  # for uvhdcob (display data with fieldnames)
 export UVHDCOBROP=m45           # uvhdcob display 45 lines
 # export UVHDROP=l64            # uvhd display 64 chars/line - default
 export UVHDROP=l100             # uvhd display 100 chars/line (if screen allows)
 # Indexed file extension controls for Vancouver Utilities
 export ISDATEXT=".dat" # .dat/.idx Indexed files for uvsort,uvcopy,uvcp,etc
 #                      # uvsort,etc expects .dat on data partition of ISAM files
 #                      # COBOL equivalent is 'IDXNAMETYPE=2' in $EXTFH/extfh.cfg
 #                      # ISDATEXT new way to control DISAM .dat extension Apr2010
 export DISAMEXT="dat"  # DISAMEXT old way prior to Apr2010
 #                      # - omit both or set null if you want NO .dat extension
 # printer destinations for VU laser printing scripts
 # - modify UVLPDEST to the network printer closest to you
 export UVLPDEST="-dMS610USB"    # default dest for uvlp(uvlist) scripts
 export UVLPOPTN="-onobanner"    # for unix/linux (SFU does not allow)
 export UVHDPRINT=uvlp16         # script for uvhd 'i' immediate print command
 export UVHDPWIDE=uvlp14L        # script for uvhd 'iprint' Landscape 100 chs/line
 #                  ** TERM, erase, interupt, etc **
 stty erase '^?'           # erase char - modify depending on your terminal
 #                         #  '^?' for linux/at386, '^H' for vt100,ansi,xterm
 # stty -icrnl             # ensure CR x'0D' omitted & only LF x'0A' inserted
 # stty intr '^C'          # interrupt ^C, (probably already default ?)
 #                 ** UV Recommended items **
 umask 002                     # permissions 775 dirs, 664 files
 ulimit -f 25000000            # set max filesize to 25 gig
 set -o ignoreeof              # disallow logoff via control D (use exit)
 trm=$(tty)                    # capture terminal device for PS1
 export trmv=${trm#/dev/}      # remove prefix /dev/
 export HOSTNAME               # should already be set
 export HOST1=${HOSTNAME%%.*}  # extract 1st segment of $HOSTNAME
 export PS1='<@$HOST1:$LOGNAME:$PWD> '
 export EDITOR=vi              # for Korn shell history
 export VISUAL=vi              # for Korn shell history
 export HISTSIZE=5000;         # Korn shell history file size
 export TD8=$(date +%Y%m%d)
 export TD6=$(date +%y%m%d)
 export EM=$HOME/em            # convenience for Owen (EMail directory)
 export EMTD6=$HOME/em/$TD6    # convenience for Owen (EMail directory)
 #                      ** aliases **
 # alias commands to prompt for overwrite (highly recommended)
 # - use option '-f' when you have many files  (rm -f tmp/*, etc)
 alias rm='rm -i'              # confirm removes
 alias mv='mv -i'              # confirm renames
 alias cp='cp -i'              # confirm copy overwrites
 alias l='ls -l'               # save keystrokes
 alias lsd='ls -l $1 | grep ^d'   # list directories only
 alias vi='vim'                # use vim for Linux
 alias more='less'             # less is way better than more
 alias grep='grep -nHd skip'   # ensure filename & line# on matching lines
 alias uname='uname -a'        # ensure -a on uname (All info)
 alias cdl='cd $RUNLIBS'       # quick access to LIBS superdir
 alias cdlc='cd $RUNLIBS/ctl'  # quick access to LIBS/control-files
 alias cdd='cd $RUNDATA'       # DATA superdir
 alias cdc='cd $CNVDATA'       # data CONVERSION superdir
 alias cdk='cd $CMPDATA'       # data COMPARISON superdir
 alias cdm='cd $RUNLIBS/jclmods'  # quick access to Alternate RUNLIBS
 alias cde='cd $EM'            # EMail directory
 alias cdem='cd $EM/$TD6'      # EMail directory for today
 alias mdem='mkdir $EM/$TD6; cd $EM/$TD6'  # make Email dir & change into it
 alias mkem='mkdir $EM/$TD6; cd $EM/$TD6; touch ${TD6}a; vi ${TD6}a;'
 # aliases - ineffective if console logging activated (in user stub profile)
 #         - ifso, place aliases in .bashrc (or .kshrc, for ksh)
 # Verify that critical environmental variables have been defined
 # (by stub_profile or this common_profile)
 if [[ "$UV" = "" || "$APPSADM" = "" ]]; then
    echo "UV=$UV or APPSADM=$APPSADM not defined"
    echo "- enter to continue"; read $reply; fi
 if [[ "$RUNLIBS" = "" || "$RUNDATA" = "" ]]; then
    echo "RUNLIBS=$RUNLIBS or RUNDATA=$RUNDATA not defined"
    echo "- enter to continue"; read $reply; fi
 #Dec15/10 - set LOGMSGACK, activate ACK option in logmsg2 in JCL/scripts
 export LOGMSGACK=n
 #        ** Micro Focus COBOL 2.2 update2 Eclipse on RHEL 7 June2015 **
 # export COBDIR=/opt/microfocus/VisualCOBOL
 # export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java32
 # export PATH=$COBDIR/bin:$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
 # export COBCPY=$COBDIR/cpylib
 # export CLASSPATH=$COBDIR/lib/mfcobol.jar:$COBDIR/lib/mfcobolrts.jar:$COBDIR/lib/mfsqljvm.jar
 # export COBMODE=64
 # export EXTFH=$UV/ctl/extfh.cfg   # file handler options IDXNAMETYPE=2 FILEMAXSIZE=8
 #                       ** AIX COBOL **
 # set default file type for JCL converter to AIX COBOL
 # - other code at or $UV/env/archive/
 # converted JCL/scripts allow override via cft=XXX, for example:
 # exportfile CUSTMAS data1/ar.custmas.master #cft=QSAM  <-- as generated
 # exportfile CUSTMAS data1/ar.custmas.master cft=STL    <-- uncomment & change type
 #                  ** Microsoft SQL Server **
 # see
 # export PATH=$PATH:/opt/mssql-tools/bin
 # export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/microsoft/msodbcsql/lib64
 # export ODBCSQL="ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server"
 # export DATABASE=testdb   # $(DATABASE) used in table create & load scripts
 # export ODBCINI=/etc/odbc.ini
 # export ODBCSYSINI=/etc/  #<-- Directory with ODBC config (not File odbcinst.ini)
 #            ** GNU COBOL testing Oct 2019 **
 # export GCHOME=/home/gcobol
 # export GCDIR=/home/gcobol/cob
 #         ** optional for WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) **
 #  Example#1 - export WINUSER using wslpath to get windows %USERPROFILE% (in C:\USERS\...)
 ## WINUSER=$(wslpath $(cmd.exe /C "echo %USERPROFILE%"))
 ## export WINUSER=$(echo $WINUSER | tr -d '\r')
 # Example#2 - setup variables for Both Windows & Linux using 'WSLENV' (translates path differences)
 ## C:\uvadm> set UVADM=C:\uvadm    <-- set variable in windows
 ##           set WSLENV=UVADM/p    <-- WSLENV sets up variable UVADM for Both Windows & Linux
 #  C:\uvadm> echo %UVADM%          --> shows value "C:\uvadm" as expected
 #  C:\uvadm> wsl                   <-- run WSL (or bash)
 #  /mnt/c/uvadm>                   <-- now running Linux, prompt changed as per common_profile
 #  /mnt/c/uvadm> echo $UVADM       <-- test, see if same variable now shows Linux path
 #  /mnt/c/uvadm> /mnt/c/uvadm      --> proves $UVADM on Linux equivalent of %UVADM% on Windows
 #             ** define directories for uvcopy mailx1 or mutt1 **
 # export MAILDATA=maildata        #<-- input data files
 # export MAILMSGS=mailmsgs        #<-- MSG files created for input to mailx utility
 # export MAILSCRIPTS=mailscripts  #<-- scripts created to execute mailx utility
 #        ** defines for QuikJobs & Easytrieves (converted to uvcopy) **
 # export QJS=$RUNLIBS/qjs
 # export EZTS=$RUNLIBS/ezts
 #            ** optional software **
 # - Microsoft SQL Server Oracle mySQL Morada RPG
 # - WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)
 #Note - code removed for seldom used items, Feb 2016
 # - but prior version saved in $UV/env/archive/common_profile_uv_20160215
 # - contains items that may need to be recovered, such as:
 # - Micro Focus COBOL, COBOL-IT, Oracle, MySQL, Morada RPG, SQL Server
 # - see listings at & 1C2,1C3,etc
 #------------------------- end of common_profile ---------------------------

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1C3. ADMjobs.doc - profiles for Vancouver Utilities

The above common_profile includes code for Micro Focus COBOL & Microsoft SQL Server.

Additions for AIX_COBOL_DB2,mySQL,Oracle,COBOL-IT,RPG

Here are optional additions to the common_profile for AIX_COBOL_DB2, Oracle, mySQL, COBOL-IT,& RPG. If you have Vancouver Utilities installed, you can also get them from /home/uvadm/env/archive/...


 export LIBPATH=$LIBPATH:/opt/IBM/db2/V9.5/lib32
 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/IBM/db2/V9.5/lib32
 export DEVSQLLIB=/home/devinst/sqllib  # added Jun20/14 George helped
 . $DEVSQLLIB/db2profile     # added Jun20/14
 # - added DEVSQLLIB & ./db2profile here in common_profile_immd
 #   OR could be in compile scripts aixcbl1SQL & aixcblASQL ??
 #   OR put the connect in the compile scripts ??
 # - added LIBPATH & LD_LIBRARY_PATH as above for AIX COBOL compile scripts
 #   see $UV/sf/IBM/aixcbl1SQL & aixcblASQL
 #   to access "DB2 SQL coprocessor services module" (libdb2.a)
 # - following SYSLIB defs are duplicated in comile script cnvaix1
 # - not sure which is best ?
 export SYSLIB=/opt/IBM/db2/V9.5/include/cobol_a
 export SYSLIB=$SYSLIB:/usr/mqm/inc
 export SYSLIB=$SYSLIB:/usr/lpp/cics/include
 export SYSLIB=$SYSLIB:$cwd/cpys    # user copybook dir
 export COBPATH=$RUNLIBS/cblx       # compiled executables for this user
 #Jul16/2014 - compile script aixcbl1 qualifier $DB2SCHEMA1 on --> db2 prep ...


 export ODBCINI=/usr/local/etc/odbc.ini        # user DSN (Data Source Name)
 export ODBCSYSINI=/usr/local/etc              # system file directory
 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib32:/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

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 # - you must NOT define ORACLE_HOME until after server install
 # - since the install determines ORACLE_HOME & tells you
 export ORACLE_OWNER=oracle
 export ORACLE_SID=demo1
 export ORACLE_BASE=/h41/oracle
 export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1 #<-- unset for install
 #Note - #comment out above ORACLE_HOME if installing newer versions
 #     - install process will tell you what new ORACLE_HOME is
 export ORACLE_UNQNAME=orcl
 alias cdoh='cd $ORACLE_HOME'  # alias for quick cd to $ORACLE_HOME
 alias cdob='cd $ORACLE_BASE'  # alias for quick cd to $ORACLE_BASE
 export OH=$ORACLE_HOME        # handy for file copies
 export OB=$ORACLE_BASE        #
 # see for Oracle, DB2,& MySQL installs
 export DB2DIR=/h23/db2/v95
 export PATH=$PATH:$DB2DIR/bin:$DB2DIR/adm
 # ODBC must be used for MySQL & may be used for Oracle & DB2
 export ODBCINI=/usr/local/etc/odbc.ini        # user DSN (Data Source Name)
 export ODBCSYSINI=/usr/local/etc              # system file directory
 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib32:/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH


 export COBOLITDIR=/opt/cobol-it-64
 export COBOLIT_LICENSE=/opt/cobol-it-64/license/citlicense.xml
 export COBITOPT=$UV/ctl/cobdirectives # compiler options & Directives
 export COB_CONFIG_DIR=$COBOLITDIR/share/cobol-it/config
 export COB_COPY_DIR=$COBOLITDIR/share/cobol-it/copy
 export COBCPY=$RUNLIBS/cpys         # copybook search, compile script overrides
 # COBCPY compatible with Micro Focus COBOL
 source $COBOLITDIR/bin/  # add to PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, etc


 export RPGADM=/home/rpgadm         # Morada RPG compiler homedir
 export PATH=$PATH:$RPGADM/bin      # append RPG bin to PATH
 export SIGN_OVERRIDES=UN-7         # x'70' neg zone signs for RPG programs
 export RPGCDIR=$RPGADM             # alternate def for compile scripts ?
 # - see more about Morada RPG at
 # - see Part 8 for additional env-vars to generate RPG distribution

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1C4. ADMjobs.doc - profiles for Vancouver Utilities


  • common_defines is obsolete, no longer called by common_profile
 # common_defines - define environmental variables for Vancouver Utilities
 #                - PRODLIBS,PRODDATA,TESTLIBS,TESTDATA,& TAPE backup devices
 # - this file distributed in /home/uvadm/env/common_defines
 # - copy to /home/appsadm/env/... before modifying for your site
 #   (won't lose your changes when new version of Vancouver Utilities installed)
 #Mar2010 - common_defines now called by common_profile
 #        - required by some scripts to define:
 #          PRODLIBS,PRODDATA,TESTLIBS,TESTDATA,TAPE devices for backups, etc
 #Pre-Mar2010 - stub_profile called both 'common_defines' & 'common_profile'
 #            - stub_profile now calls only 'common_profile'
 export TESTLIBS=/p1/testlibs  #<-- examples for user sites
 export TESTDATA=/p1/testdata  #  - see overrides for 'mvstest' below
 export PRODLIBS=/p2/prodlibs
 export PRODDATA=/p2/proddata
 export BACKUP=/p3/backup
 export RESTORE=/p3/restore
 export HOMEDIRS=/home         # HOMEDIRS=/export/home for SUN solaris
 export TAPERWD=/dev/st0       # rewind tape device for Linux SCSI
 export TAPENRW=/dev/nst0      # NO rewind tape device for Linux SCSI
 # override above examples with 'mvstest' definitions for testing at UV Software
 # user implementation would delete following & modify above
 # - depending on user site disc partitioning & file design
 #Oct29/2010 - at OldMutual
 export TESTLIBS=/usr/home/mvstest/testlibsYP
 export TESTDATA=/usr/home/mvstest/testdataYP
 export BACKUP=/h33/backup    #<-- for testing at UV Software
 export RESTORE=/h33/restore
 #------------------------- end of common_defines ---------------------------

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1C5. ADMjobs.doc - profiles for Vancouver Utilities

.bashrc/.kshrc - required for console logging

 # bashrc - initialization file for the bash shell (vs kshrc for Korn shell)
 #        - file stored at /home/uvadm/env/...
 #        - '.' of '.bashrc' omitted for visibility
 #NOTE - copy to your homedir & rename .bashrc(bash/linux) or .kshrc(ksh/unix)
 # - aliases coded here, as well as in .bash_profile(linux) or .profile(unix)
 # - useful if console logging via 'script' command (see ADMjobs.doc)
 # - aliases & umask in profile get lost by the 'script' console logging command
 # - this saves having to remember '. aliases' after login when logging
 # - could also code functions here
 # alias commands to prompt for overwrite (highly recommended)
 # - use option '-f' when you have many files  (rm -f tmp/*, etc)
 alias rm='rm -i'              # confirm removes
 alias mv='mv -i'              # confirm renames
 alias cp='cp -i'              # confirm copy overwrites
 alias rmf='rm -f'             # force removes (no prompts)
 alias mvf='mv -f'             # force renames (no prompts)
 alias cpf='cp -f'             # force copies (no prompts)
 # aliases for quick 'cd's to commonly accessed directories
 # - requires env-vars RUNLIBS, RUNDATA, CNVDATA in your profile
 alias cdl='cd $RUNLIBS'       # quick access to libs superdir
 alias cdd='cd $RUNDATA'       # quick access to data superdir
 alias cdc='cd $CNVDATA'       # quick access to data conversion superdir
 # misc aliases
 alias l='ls -l'               # save keystrokes
 alias md='mkdir'
 alias rd='rmdir'
 alias vi='vim'                # use vim (vs vi)
 alias grep='grep -n'          # ensure -n option used on grep
 # set umask, which also gets lost when console logging
 umask 002                     # ensure dirs 775 & files 664
 # for logging, PS1 prompt must begin with '<@'
 export PS1='<@$HOST1:$LOGNAME:$PWD> '
 #--------------------------- end of bashrc ---------------------------------

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1C6. ADMjobs: profiles for Vancouver Utilities on Unix/Linux

permissions: directories 775 & files 664

The profiles set umask 002, which means the permissions will be 775 for directories & 664 for files, created by users of these profiles with umask 002.

Also be sure to assign a common group-ID (we suggest 'apps') to the programmers & operators who are working on a common set of directories & files (JCL, COBOL,& DATAfiles).

Unix normally defaults umask 022, which means subdirs would be 755 & files 644, which would not allow users to write in directories created by other members of the team.

Making umask 002 (dirs 775 files 664) & ensuring all team members in a common group allows team members to write into a common set of directories for JCL, COBOL,& DATA. We are in effect extending security to the group.

Be sure to copy .bashrc or .kshrc to the homedirs of anybody using console logging. Console-Logging is activated by uncommenting 7 '##' lines at bottom of stub_profile. The 'script' command invokes another level of the shell, which loses aliases & 'umask' set in the common_profile. .bashrc/.kshrc restores these aliases & umask.

permissions vital for nightly cron jobs

Nightly batch jobs could fail due to files with bad permisions or group. Nightly batch jobs are scheduled by a crontab owned by 'appsadm' (see crontabs in 'Part_5'). Files with bad permissions migt be FTP to the site or somebody may have used 'root' to copy a file & forgot to fix permissions.

See 'chmod_custom1' '7K9' sample script that could be run before the nightly batch jobs to ensure permissions on all data directories/files 775/664 and group 'apps'. You could also reset owner to 'appsadm' if you want to see who changed what files during the day (or reset owner more infrequently). This sample script has hard-coded directories & permissions for reliability. You would customize for your site.

Note that 'root' should be used only when necessary (fixing permissions, etc). It is too dangerous to run application scripts with root privileges. Of course the chmod_custom1 script must be scheduled by a root crontab, but all batch jobs would be scheduled by 'appsadm' crontabs. And appsadm shares group 'apps' with all operators & programmers who access the data files.

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1C7. ADMjobs.doc - profiles for Vancouver Utilities


 # stub_profile_cronlogdemo - file distributed in /home/uvadm/env/...
 #                          - to be copied to /home/appsadm/env/...
 # Special version of profile to demo capturing logs from jobs run by cron
 # - defines RUNLIBS & RUNDATA as /home/mvstest/testlibs & testdata
 #   ==============================================================
 # - see - 5K6
 # This stub_profile_cronlogdemo called directly by 'cronscript1'
 # - which is scheduled by 'crontab2' & 'crontabtest2'
 # - since 'cron' environment has NO profile to setup PATHs, etc
 # Define RUNLIBS/RUNDATA & call common_profile
 export RUNLIBS=/home/mvstest/testlibs  #<-- define for user 'mvstest'
 export RUNDATA=/home/mvstest/testdata
 . /home/appsadm/env/common_profile     #<-- common_profile from $APPSADM/env
 # We have dropped a lot of explanatory #cmts here in cronlogdemo version
 # - see explanatory #cmts in original /home/uvadm/env/stub_profile

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1C8. ADMjobs.doc - profiles for Vancouver Utilities

stub.ini - alternative for cron & control-M

 # stub.ini - .ini file to define RUNDATA/RUNLIBS for for control-M
 #            (vs programmers who use stub_profile & common_profile)
 #          - by Owen Townsend, created Feb 2010, modified Feb 2011
 # - this is the master template stored at /usr/home/appsadm/env/stub.ini
 # - you must copy/rename/modify for various systems, XWO for example:
 # 1. cd $APPSADM                  <-- change to /usr/home/appsadm/
 #    ===========
 # 2. cp env/stub.ini env/xwo.ini  <-- copy template for new system
 #    ===========================
 # 3. vi env/xwo.ini                <-- modify as follows:
 #    ==============
 # 3a. Change name at top (#comment only, but important to prevent confusion)
 #     for this example, change 'stub.ini' to 'xwo.ini'
 # 3b. Change name on RUNDATA & RUNLIBS definition near end of this stub.ini
 #     see export RUNDATA=... & export RUNLIBS=...
 # 4. cdl  <-- return to your $RUNLIBS (/usr/home/xy35068/testlibsXWO example)
 # 5. vi ctl/jclunixop51    <-- update JCL converter control file
 #    ==================      - was copied from $UV/ctl by 'copymvsctls'
 #    line 71 call stub.ini file (see xwo.ini example below)
 # 6. convert the subsystem JCL to scripts jcl0->jcl1->jcl2->jcl3->jcls
 # 7. when debugged, copy jcls/* to control-M scripts/... for example:
 #    cp jcls/* zacomup104:/c01/apps/bt00108/xwo/control/scripts/
 #                   ** 1st 10 lines JCL/scripts **
 #001 #!/bin/ksh
 #003 export JOBID2=XWOA003; scriptpath="$0"; args="$*"
 #004 if [[ -z "$JOBID1" ]]; then export JOBID1=$JOBID2; fi
 #005 for arg in $args; do if [[ "$arg" == *=* ]]; then export $arg; fi; done
 #006 integer JCC=0 SCC=0 LCC=0  # init step status return codes
 #007 autoload jobset51 jobset52 jobend51 jobabend51 logmsg1 logmsg2 stepctl51
 #008 autoload exportfile exportgen0 exportgen1 exportgenall exportgenx
 #009 . $APPSADM/env/xwo.ini  #<-- ensure stub.ini changed to correct system.ini
 #010 jobset51  # call function for JCL/script initialization
 # - JCL converter inserts 1st 10 lines of output scripts from lines 64-72
 #   of ctl/jclunixop51, before executing the JCL converter for each system,
 #   line 71 must be changed from stub.ini to xwo.ini, or whatever (xpp,xpt,etc)
 #071 . $APPSADM/env/stub.ini  #<-- ensure stub.ini changed to correct system.ini
 #071 . $APPSADM/env/xwo.ini   #<-- stub.ini changed to xwo.ini (matching JCL)
 #    =======================
 #                 ** control-M profile defs required **
 # export TESTPROD=P000              - control-M P000, developers T000
 # ====================
 # export APPSADM=/usr/home/appsadm  - for scripts to find this stub.ini
 # ================================    (see near end this file)
 # export UV=/usr/home/uvadm
 # =========================
 # $APPSADM/env/...ini files... <-- .ini files stored here
 # $APPSADM/env/xwo.ini         <-- .ini file for testing
 # $APPSADM/env/???.ini         <-- various systems (other than xwo ?)
 # $APPSADM/env/common.ini      <-- common file called by all stub.ini files
 # common.ini - defines items common to all systems (PATHs to libraries)
 # - called near end of this file (after RUNDATA & RUNLIBS defined)
 # - saves duplications, easier maintenance
 # - see exact coding in $APPSADM/common.ini
 # For programmer conversion & testing, the .ini is ignored so he can
 # convert & test in testlibs/testdata vs production ctontrol/...
 # and no JCL/scripts need be changed when copied to production
 # export TESTPROD=P000    <-- for production under control-M
 # ====================        or operator manual commands
 # - must be coded in control-M & operator profiles for production
 # - .ini file will be activated to point to production libs/data
 #   for the system to which the particular JCL/script belongs
 # export TESTPROD=T000    <-- for programmer conversion & testing
 # ====================
 # - coded in programmer profile for conversion & testing
 # - disables the .ini file defs for RUNLIBS/RUNDATA
 # - RUNLIBS/RUNDATA in programmer profile will define testlibs/testdata
 # - programmers do not need to access different sets of libs/data during
 #   one login session (can modify profile, logoff/logon for next system)
 # test for Production (by control-M) or Test (by developer)
 if [[ "$TESTPROD" == P* ]]; then
    export RUNDATA=/c01/apps/bt00108/xwo/control
    export RUNLIBS=/c01/apps/bt00108/xwo/control
    . $APPSADM/env/common.ini
 return 0

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1C9. ADMjobs.doc - profiles for Vancouver Utilities

common.ini - alternative for cron & control-M

 # common.ini - called by various stub.ini files
 #            - for operators & control-M
 #              (vs programmers who use stub_profile & common_profile)
 #            - by Owen Townsend, 1st developed Feb 2010
 #            - .ini files & profiles stored in /usr/home/appsadm/env
 # stub.ini - master template stored at /usr/home/appsadm/env/stub.ini
 #          - copy & rename for system (example: xwo.ini)
 #          - stub.ini must define RUNDATA/RUNLIBS for desired system
 # xwo.ini  - sample .ini file for 'xwo' system
 # ___.ini  - define RUNDATA & RUNLIBS for the target system
 #          - stub.ini calls this common.ini to define libraries
 #            PATH to scripts based on $RUNLIBS
 #            ** essential subdirs in $RUNLIBS & $RUNDATA **
 # Developers require following subdirs n their separate $RUNLIBS & $RUNDATA
 # - using example for xy35068 & XWO system:
 # export RUNLIBS=/usr/home/xy35068/testlibsXWO/
 #       $RUNLIBS/jcls/...     <-- converted JCL/scripts
 #       $RUNLIBS/scripts/...    - renamed for control_M
 #       $RUNLIBS/cblx/...     <-- any executable COBOL programs ?
 # export RUNDATA=/usr/home/xy35068/testdataXWO/
 #       $RUNDATA/ctl/gdgctl51 <-- GDG control file (generations)
 #       $RUNDATA/jobtmp/...   <-- temp files & new GDGs created during run
 #       $RUNDATA/jobmsgs/...  <-- job progress status msgs
 #       $RUNDATA/obslog/...   <-- Object Star logs subdir by day
 #       $RUNDATA/sysout/...   <-- SYSOUT files from COBOL DISPLAYs
 #       $RUNDATA/tmp/...      <-- used by sort for merge files
 # Above subdirs are combined for control-M, for XWO on zactomup104:
 # export RUNLIBS=/c01/apps/bt00108/xwo/control
 # ============================================
 # export RUNDATA=/c01/apps/bt00108/xwo/control
 # ============================================
 #                 ** control-M profile defs required **
 # export TESTPROD=P000              (developers have TESTPROD=T000)
 # ====================
 # export APPSADM=/usr/home/appsadm  - for scripts to find this stub.ini
 # ================================    (see near end this file)
 # export UV=/usr/home/uvadm         - for Vancouver Utilities
 # =========================
 # Verify that critical environmental variables have been defined
 # (by stub_profile or this common_profile)
 if [[ "$UV" = "" || "$APPSADM" = "" ]]; then
    echo "UV=$UV or APPSADM=$APPSADM not defined"
    echo "- enter to exit"; read $reply; exit 99; fi
 if [[ "$RUNLIBS" = "" || "$RUNDATA" = "" ]]; then
    echo "RUNLIBS=$RUNLIBS or RUNDATA=$RUNDATA not defined"
    echo "- enter to exit"; read $reply; exit 99; fi
 # define PATHs common to all systems & all .ini files)
 #Oct2010 - example
 export PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/sbin
 export PATH=$PATH:$RUNLIBS/scripts:$RUNLIBS/jcls
 # - converted JCL in scripts/ subdir for control-M & jcls/ for developers
 export PATH=$PATH:$UV/bin:          #<-- path to uvsort,uvcp,etc
 export PATH=$PATH:$UV/sf/adm:$UV/sf/demo:$UV/sf/util:$UV/sf/IBM
 # uvcopy interpreter finds Parameter Files via $PFPATH
 export PFPATH=$UV/pf/adm:$UV/pf/demo:$UV/pf/util:$UV/pf/IBM
 export FPATH=$APPSADM/sfun    #<-- ksh functions used by JCL/scripts
 export LOGMSGACK=n    # disable ACK option in logmsg2 in JCL/scripts
 # define path to COBOL programs, COBOL programs should not use PATH
 # - because mainframe JCL/scripts & COBOL programs could have same names
 export RLX=$RUNLIBS/cblx      #<-- path for loading COBOL programs
 export GDGCTL=$RUNDATA/ctl       #<-- default location
 # export GDGCTL=$APPSADM/ctl     #<-- could change to this ?
 #Mar14/12 - allow gdgctl51I.dat/.idx & GDGmkdirs to be located anywhere
 # - vs $RUNDATA/ctl, see doc at &/or 7I1
 # For Micro Focus COBOL Server Express
 # export COBDIR=/usr/lib/cobol
 # export PATH=$PATH:$COBDIR/bin
 # export LANG=en_US                   # fix animator display carets vs data
 # export EXTFH=$RUNLIBS/ctl/extfh.cfg # file handler configuration
 # Indexed file extension controls for Vancouver Utilities
 export ISDATEXT=".dat" # .dat/.idx Indexed files for uvsort,uvcopy,uvcp,etc
 #                      # uvsort,etc read/write .dat on typ=ISF data partition
 #                      # COBOL equivalent is 'IDXNAMETYPE=2' in $EXTFH/extfh.cfg
 # printer destinations for VU laser printing scripts
 export UVLPDEST="-dricoh"     # default dest for uvlp(uvlist) scripts at 1 site
 export UVLPOPTN="-onobanner"  # for unix/linux (SFU does not allow)
 #                     ** For Object Star **
 export HURON=/usr/home/objstar/tibco/osb
 export HURONDIR=$HURON/database/huron.dir
 export OS_ROOT=$HURON
 export PATH=$PATH:$HURON/bin:/d01/work
 ulimit -n 8000
 # modify OBSDOB depending on server 101=OSXD,120=OSXF,104=OSXP
 # Object Star userid,password,library (temporary userid/passwd for test)
 export OBSUSER="U=CT04819"
 export OBSPASS="P=CS00144"
 export OBSLIB="L=CT04819"
 # see 'osBatch' command in JCL/scripts as follows:
 # SESSIONLOG=$RUNDATA/obslog/$OBSDAY/${JOBID1}_${JSTEP}_$(date +%y%m%d_%H%M%S)
 # setup OBSLOGDIR this code also in jobset51 in case user login past midnight
 export OBSLOGDIR=$RUNDATA/obslog/$(date +%y%m%d)
 if [[ -d $RUNDATA/obslog ]]; then
    if [[ ! -d $OBSLOGDIR ]]; then mkdir $OBSLOGDIR; fi
 #                   ** For Connect:Direct **
 export CDNDM=/usr/home/cdadmin/cdunix/ndm
 export PATH=$PATH:$CDNDM/bin
 export NDMAPICFG=$CDNDM/cfg/cliapi/ndmapi.cfg
 export CDOPTNS="-x"
 # $CDOPTNS inserted on 'direct' command in JCL/scripts
 # '-x' shows command in stdout, might chg to '-n' to inhibit CD stdout
 #Nov14/10 - connect:direct template at end of ctl/jclunixop51 has;
 # 'process snode=$CDSERVER' to allow prgmr test & oprtr production
 # by changing profile above, without changing JCL/scripts
 #Feb2011 - changed to using different directory on windows CD server
 # JCL/scripts define C:D output files twice & use 1 of P/T files
 # - depending on $TESTPROD (def in stub.ini) P/T for Production/Testing
 # Misc Recommended items
 # umask 002 for permissions 775 on directories & 664 on files
 # - so operator or control-M would not need to have root provileges
 # operators working on common set of dirs/files
 # must have umask 002 & be in the same group ('apps' used for testing)
 umask 002                     # permissions 775 dirs, 664 files
 set -o ignoreeof              # disallow logoff via ctl D (use exit)
 HOST1=$(uname -n)             # add to PS1 prompt if desired
 export PS1='<@$HOST1:$LOGNAME:$PWD> '
 export EDITOR=vi              # for Korn shell history
 export VISUAL=vi              # for Korn shell history
 export HISTSIZE=1000;         # Korn shell history file size
 # alias commands to prompt for overwrite (highly recommended)
 # alias rm='rm -i'              # confirm removes
 # alias mv='mv -i'              # confirm renames
 # alias cp='cp -i'              # confirm copy overwrites
 # alias l='ls -l'               # save keystrokes

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1D1. ADMjobs.doc - Applications Administration

appsadm - Application Administrator

We recommend you setup a login/userid 'appsadm' to serve as the applications administrator for the unix/linux site. The appsadm home directory would hold various scripts, crontabs, log files, etc used in application administration. Here are some suggested sub-directories:

 :------bin              - binaries for site developed/modified programs
 :--UV--ctl              - control files for converting JCL & COBOL & GDG files
 :--UV--env              - profiles copied from /home/uvadm/env/...
 :                         modify appropriately for your site
 :------log1             - console logging files (currently active)
 :      :-----user1        - sub-directoried by user login
 :      :-----user2,etc
 :------log2             - console logging files (for current month)
 :      :-----user1
 :      :-----user2,etc
 :------log3             - console logging files (for last month)
 :------logs             - console logs from nightly 'cron' scripts
 :------pf             <-- uvcopy jobs developed/modified by site admin
 :------sf             <-- shell scripts developed/modified by appsadm
 :--UV--sfun           <-- functions for JCL/scripts (jobset51,exportgen0,etc)
 :------src              - source for any programs developed/modified by appsadm
  • 'UV' marks directories that must be copied from uvadm to appsadm
  • other subdirs are optinal & may remain empty initially

appsadm vs uvadm

Do not confuse 'appsadm' (applications administrator userid/login) with 'uvadm' (the Vancouver Utilities administrator userid/login). Please see the uvadm subdirs illustrated on page '1A3'.

One important purpose of appsadm is to hold the modified versions of control files, profiles, scripts & uvcopy jobs that you need to customize at your site. Copy files you need to change from /home/uvadm/... to /home/appsadm/... Do NOT copy yet, see copy commands on page '1D3' after subdir setup on '1D2'.

      cp  /home/uvadm/ctl/*   /home/appsadm/ctl
      cp  /home/uvadm/env/*   /home/appsadm/env
      cp  /home/uvadm/sfun/*  /home/appsadm/sfun

This protects you from losing your customized versions when you install a future new version of Vancouver Utilities, which would overwrite /home/uvadm.

Note that the recommended profile (listed previously) searches PATH & PFPATH of appsadm before uvadm, so any scripts & uvcopy jobs that you modify will be found before any of the original scripts/jobs.

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1D2. ADMjobs.doc - Applications Administrator

Create 'appsadm'

We will use 'useradd' (command line method) here, but you can use the GUI sysadm screen if you prefer. In any case you have to login as 'root' to setup a new user, but be sure to login as 'appsadm' before you setup the profile, make subdirs,& copy any files.

 #1. login as 'root'

 #2. groupadd apps        <-- setup group 'apps', if not already setup
     =============            (when uvadm was setup in install.htm)

 #3a. useradd -m -g apps -s /bin/bash appsadm   <-- setup user 'appsadm'
 #3b. useradd -m -d /export/home/appsadm -g apps -s /bin/bash appsadm
      - must specify '-d ...' homedir option for SUN Solaris

 #4. passwd appsadm      <-- setup password desired
 #5. chmod 755 /home/appsadm <-- allow other users to copy files from appsadm/...
     =======================   - required for many Vancouver Utility procedures

'-m' is the option to create the home directory (/home/appsadm).

'-g apps' assigns the group. Assign it as you wish, but it is VERY important that you assign the same group as for uvadm, and the programmers, analysts, & other users who are going to use the Vancouver Utilities & share information on your UNIX system. This is also related to the recommended system permissions for file read/write/execute, which extends security to the 'group' level, using 'umask 002'.

'-s /bin/bash' specifies the 'bash' shell (the default on Linux systems). For Unix I recommend 'ksh' if 'bash' not available.

These shells are much superior to 'sh' (Bourne shell, default on some Unix systems). The 'history' feature of bash & ksh is a reason enough to upgrade.

The Korn shell is recommended for all scripts - 1st line is '#!/bin/ksh'. All scripts used in the installation procedures have been verified under ksh. The JCL converters create 'ksh' shells since they use some features that are lacking in the 'bash' shell. But 'bash' is easier to use as the login shell.

While you are still logged in as 'root', you might as well setup other user logins, you will require. For example if you plan on running the test/demos described in JCLcnv1demo.htm or VSEJCL.htm, you will need to setup 'mvstest' or 'vsetest'.

 #4a. useradd -m -g apps -s /bin/bash mvstest   <-- for MVS JCL test/demos
 #4b. passwd mvstest          <-- setup password desired
 #4c. chmod 755 /home/mvstest <-- allow file copy between user accounts

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1D3. ADMjobs.doc - Applications Administrator

Setup 'appsadm'

Assuming that 'root' has already created the appsadm account, we will now setup subdirs, copy files from /home/uvadm,& modify as required.

 #1. login as 'appsadm' --> /home/appsadm

 #2a. mkdir bin ctl log1 log2 log3 logs pf sf sfun src tmp
      - setup subdirs, see '1D1'

 #2b. mkdir log1/oper1 log2/oper1 log3/oper1 log1/oper2 log2/oper2 log3/oper2 etc
      - setup subdirs matching logins that will be using console logging

 #3. cp /home/uvadm/ctl/* ctl    <-- copy control files from uvadm to appsadm

 #4. cp /home/uvadm/sfun/* sfun  <-- copy functions from uvadm to appsadm
     ==========================    - for JCL/scripts (jobset51,exportgen0,etc)

 #5. cp /home/uvadm/env/* env    <-- copy profiles from uvadm to appsadm
     bashrc               - bash 'rc' aliases req'd if console logging
     kshrc                - rename as kshrc for Korn shell (vs bash shell)
     stub_profile_ABC     - stub profile (rename to .profile or .bash_profile)
                          - copy to /home/appsadm/env & modify
                          - modify RUNLIBS/RUNDATA for programmers & operators
     common_profile_ABC   - common profile (called by stub_profile)
                            defines PATH's etc using $RUNLIBS/$RUNDATA
     stub_profile_test    - could make diff versions for prgmrs & oprtrs
     stub_profile_prod    - for copying to homedirs of new users

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1D4. ADMjobs.doc - Applications Administrator

modify /home/appsadm/stub_profile

  • these changes made only after copying profiles from uvadm to appsadm
  • original stub (uvadm) will be used only for uvadm, mvstest, vsetest
  • modified stub (appsadm) will be used for your programmers & operators

 #6. vi env/stub_profile_ABC   <-- modify for your site
     - modify 'stub_profile'
     - define RUNLIBS/RUNDATA for programmers & operators
      export RUNLIBS=$HOME/testlibs  #<-- initial values for training
      export RUNDATA=$HOME/testdata
      export RUNLIBS=/p1/apps/testlibs  #<-- later change for conversion project
      export RUNDATA=/p2/apps/testdata

modify /home/appsadm/common_profile

 #7. vi env/common_profile_ABC         <-- modify for your site

 #7a. change 'COBDIR' to wherever you installed Micro Focus COBOL
      - COBDIR defined in the supplied common_profile
      - as the default location for Micro Focus COBOL install which is:

      export COBDIR=/opt/microfocus/cobol

 #7b. Modify TERM & 'stty erase' character depending on user's terminal
       (distribution has TERM=linux & stty erase '^?')

       export TERM=linux    # TERM - modify depending on your terminal
       =================    # (vt100,xterm,at386,ansi,etc)

       stty erase '^?'      # erase char - modify depending on your terminal
       ===============      #  '^?' for linux/at386, '^H' for vt100,ansi,xterm

 #7c. Modify UVLPDEST to a central laser printer at your site.

       export UVLPDEST="-dlp0"     <-- change 'lp0' to your laser printer
  • TERM,erase,& UVLPDEST are defined initially only in the common_profile
  • as required users can redefine in their stub_profile
  • for example, users can define UVLPDEST to a printer near them

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1D5. ADMjobs.doc - Applications Administrator

additional optional changes to stub profiles

For most unix/linux OS's I think you can simply copy the supplied stub_profile to user homedirs, overwriting the default .profile or .bash_profile that is created when you setup new users (via useradd or the GUI).

But if desired you could read in the default .profile or .bash_profile, at the begining of the VU supplied stub_profile, before copying to user homedirs.

 #10c. vi env/stub_profile_ABC    <-- additional optional? change
       - read in the '.profile' from your OS (SUN,HP,AIX,etc)
         at the begining of the supplied stub_profile
       - write & quit

 #10d. Should not define 'COBDIR' in user profiles. COBDIR should be defined
       only in the 'common_profile', since there is usually no need to have
       different COBDIRs for different users. See #14 on '1D7'.

      export COBDIR=/opt/microfocus/cobol

#11. create _test & _prod versions of stub_profile

If you are performing JCL conversions, you will need different versions of the stub_profile for programmers & operators. It is convenient to setup stub_profile_test & stub_profile_prod in /home/appsadm/env/... and then you can simply copy the appropriate version to the homedirs of your programmers & operators.

The main difference is the definition of RUNLIBS & RUNDATA which are intended to point to the 'test' or 'prod' libraries & data appropriate for the user (programmer or operator).

 #11. login appsadm --> /home/appsadm
      - we should already be in /home/appsadm with stub_profile in 'env'

 #11a. cp env/stub_profile_ABC env/stub_profile_ABC_test

 #11b. cp env/stub_profile_ABC env/stub_profile_ABC_prod

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1D6. ADMjobs.doc - Applications Administrator

#12. Modify RUNLIBS & RUNDATA in _test & _prod stubs

The supplied stub_profile defines RUNLIBS/RUNDATA as follows:

 export RUNLIBS=$HOME/testlibs
 export RUNDATA=$HOME/testdata

These definitions work well for the JCL conversion test/demo jobs documented in JCLcnv1demo.htm#Part_2, but you would modify for your own conversions depending on where you plan to store your own JCLs, COBOLs, & Data files.

For example the file system design described in Part_2. defines the following libraries & data file locations.

      export TESTLIBS=/p1/apps/testlibs
      export TESTDATA=/p1/apps/testdata
      export PRODLIBS=/p2/apps/prodlibs
      export PRODDATA=/p2/apps/proddata
      export BACKUP=/p3/apps/backup
      export RESTORE=/p3/apps/restore
      export CNVDATA=/p4/apps/cnvdata

These SYMBOLS could be defined in a 'common_defines' & used in the stub_profile. You could then define RUNLIBS/RUNDATA as follows:

 export RUNLIBS=$TESTLIBS       <-- in stub_profile_test for programmers
 export RUNLIBS=$PRODLIBS       <-- in stub_profile_test for operators

'common_defines' was made optional in Feb 2010 (to reduce complexity) so the definitions are now:

export RUNLIBS=/p1/apps/testlibs <-- in stub_profile_test for programmers export RUNDATA=/p1/apps/testdata

export RUNLIBS=/p2/apps/testlibs <-- in stub_profile_test for operators export RUNDATA=/p2/apps/testdata

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1D7. ADMjobs.doc - Applications Administrator

#13. copy 'stub' profiles to homedirs

If desired, you could setup master copies of the stub_profile for programmers & operators & copy them to the homedir of your programmers & operators, renaming as .bash_profile for bash (or .profile for ksh).

 #13a. cp env/stub_profile_ABC_test /home/prgmr1/.bash_profile
       ... etc for other programmers ...

 #13b. cp env/stub_profile_ABC_prod /home/oper1/.bash_profile
       ... etc for other operators ...

copy .bashrc to homedirs

 #14. cp env/bashrc /home/user1/.bashrc
      ... etc for other users (programmers & operators) ...

'.bashrc' should be copied to the homedirs of any programmers & operators who might use 'console logging' (see Part_6). Console logging is activated by uncommenting the 'script' command at the end of the profile. 'script' is another level of the shell which causes any 'aliases' & 'umaks' in the profile to be lost.

See bashrc listed on page '1C5'. It contains the same aliases & umask as the common_profile (listed on page '1C2').

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1E1. Preparations for Onsite Training & Conversion Assistance

Preparations for Onsite Visit

UV Software recommends 3 to 6 weeks of onsite training & assistance to quick-start your conversion. In the first 3 or 4 weeks, we can usually do the training & convert all the JCL, COBOL,& DATA and get you started testing. The testing & parallel running could take 6 months or a year for large sites. To get optimum results from the onsite visit, please ensure the following preparations are made.


  1. Select a server such as (in alpha order): Dell 2900, HP ProLiant ML350 G6, IBM Power 570, Sun Fire x4140. Configuration might include 8 gigs memory, 8 discs of 144 GB SCSI (or 300-500 gigs SATA), using hardware RAID to mirror 2 discs for the OS and 6 discs for application data.

  2. Backup tape drive. You might select an LTO tape drive to backup the entire system. RAID makes system failure very unlikely, so I suggest regular backups only for the application libraries and data using cheaper DAT tapes. See ADMjobs.htm#2G1 for recommended supplier & tape drive models.

  3. 3480/3490 tape drive. You may need a 3480/3490 tape drive to load the data tapes from your mainframe. Some sites may need a 3480/3490 to exchange data with other sites. See ADMjobs.htm#2G1 for recommended supplier and tape drive models.

  4. Laser printer with Duplex capability (HP PCL5 compatible) - on the network & configured in Unix/Linux - 50 ppm simplex (30 ppm duplex) - suggestions: Lexmark T652DTN or HP laserjet P4115DN - we have scripts to fit mainframe reports (132 col x 66 lines) on 8 1/2 x 11 (by printing Landscape at 13cpi & 8lpi, Simplex or Duplex)


  5. Select & install your Operating System. UV Software recommends Red Hat Linux (current version 5.1)

  6. Select & install a COBOL compiler. UV Software recommends Micro Focus COBOL (current version 5.1).

  7. UV Software will install the 'Vancouver Utilities Mainframe conversion pkg' the first day onsite. We might not send prior to coming onsite, because we are busy customizing the conversion utilities based on the customers sample JCLs.

  • UV Software could do the OS & COBOL installs if you do not yet have a
    sysadmin who can do them.

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1E2. Preparations for Onsite Training & Conversion Assistance

select your conversion team

  1. Select your conversion team to receive the training & perform the conversion. Conversion teams are usually 3 or 4 (but we will train as many as desired). It is convenient if 1 of these can be the system administrator for your unix/linux system.

  2. Note that somebody on the team must have the root password. We will not normally need root access but we will need it to install the Vancouver Utilities & sometimes transferred files have incorrect permissions that we can correct only with root access.

    setup users, profiles,& file systems

  3. Setup user login accounts for your team. Also setup 'uvadm' & 'appsadm' as recommended by UV Software. See Assign a common groupid to the team users, uvadm,& appsadm (suggest 'apps'). Note that the supplied profiles have umask 002 so files will be 664 & directories 755, which allows our group to work on the common set of libraries & data.

  4. See recommended profiles at: A 'stub_profile' is installed in each users homedir which calls a common_profile stored in the 'appsadm' homedir. These are powerful concepts that make system administration much easier.

  5. Plan the directory structure you would like to use for your libraries & data, see the suggestions at

  • UV Software will do the user/profile setups & help you plan the
    directory structures.

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1E3. Preparations for Onsite Training & Conversion Assistance

transfer Mainframe files to Unix/Linux

  1. Transfer Mainframe JCL to Unix/Linux - if your mainframe does not have 'zip', transfer to a PC, also translating to ASCII, then zip & FTP to Unix/Linux - be sure to transfer all referenced PROCs & SYSIN/INCLUDE modules (these should be in separate zip files) - it is a good idea to date stamp your zip files, for example: you might name them as &

  2. Transfer Mainframe COBOL to Unix/Linux - transfer to a PC, translating to ASCII, then zip & FTP to Unix/Linux - be sure to transfer all copybooks in a separate zip file - zip files might be named as &

  3. Transfer Mainframe control card libraries (SYSIN, PARM) - zip file might be named as

  4. Transfer Mainframe DATA to Unix/Linux - must FTP binary (FTP ASCII will destroy packed/binary fields) - might not transfer all data files before the onsite visit begins, but please transfer enough data to test some JCL/scripts - for initial testing, can you identify some JCLs that require only sequential & indexed (VSAM) files, with no database or online preparation.

  • some sites may need a 3480/3490 tape drive on the unix/linux system
  • for initial loading of mainframe tapes & continuing data exchange
    with external sites
  1. Transfer Mainframe LISTCAT reports that describe the DATA files. - UV Software will extract data file information into control files to improve the conversion of both JCL & DATA

    JCL/COBOL preview by UV Software

For a faster and more efiicient conversion, please send us all JCL,PROCs,Parms, COBOL,& Copybooks several weeks prior to the scheduled on-site conversion. We will spend up to 1 week (at no extra charge) investigating & optimizing the conversions for your particular coding habits.

No DATA files are required. But if desired, you could send the data files for just 1 small standalone system for us to parrallel & return the reports for you to compare to the mainframe.

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1E4. Preparations for Onsite Training & Conversion Assistance

Classroom Setup

  1. Classroom or boardroom table - PC's on network to Unix/Linux - terminal emulator (PUTTY is a free download) - projector & screen - if easy, enough PCs for each student & UV Software - Could manage with minimum 1 terminal (students take turns on keyboard) - for only 2 or 3 students could even manage without projector if we have a 21 inch monitor - laser printer in the classroom or nearby (on network & configured to unix)

  2. Classroom hours: - Let UV Software know what hours will work for you & your personnel - We know they probably have other ongoing responsibilities, and we have many other conversion activities to perform when not in class. - Might be 1/2 days 5 days a week - Or might be full days Tues, Wed, Thurs (some personnel may have Mon/Fri off)

  3. Internet access - the terminal on the network to unix/linux is usually a PC with terminal emulator (Putty) & therefore should have access to the Internet - We have found it convenient to access the UV Software Internet web site to display documentation which students can relate to their hardcopy doc - We also need to be able to read our email via webmail to our ISP

  • on the first day (after installing Vancouver Utilties), UV Software will
    print the documentation and mount in 3-ring binders for each student
  • classes begin on day 2 (see Training Plan on page 'H1').

other preparations

  1. Please discuss these preparations with UV Software before we arrive on-site. Please tell us about the backgrounds of the conversion team members, so we can have a better idea of the training required.

  2. Please arrange security cards so UV Software can work at least part of the weekends. If required ask 1 staff member to work with UV Software.

  3. Please study the optional enhancements that can be made during the conversion (6 pages begining on page 'K0'). Please discuss with UV Software.

  4. If you think of any additonal enhancements that you would like to make during the conversion, please discuss them with UV Software. We often make suggested enhancements at no charge when we think such enhancements would be useful to other future customers.

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1F1. ADMjobs: Preparations for Onsite Training & Conversion Assistance

On-site Conversion Training Plan

UV Software recommends a 4 or 5 week on-site visit to train the conversion team in using the Vancouver Utilities to convert mainframe JCL, COBOL,& DATA to Korn shell scripts, Micro Focus COBOL,& ASCII data files for Unix/Linux systems.

  1. First we will study sample conversions which list the original JCL followed by the converted Korn shell script equivalents for several test/demo jobs. See the sample conversions at

  2. After we understand the JCL conversions, we will perform them & execute the Korn shell scripts using supplied test files. JCLcnv1demo.htm#Part_3 lists the expected outputs from the demo JCL/scripts & COBOL programs.

  3. For mainframers new to Unix/Linux, there is much to be learned about the Unix/Linux environment required to run jobs on Unix/Linux. It is vital to understand the Vancouver Utility profiles & functions that support the execution of converted scripts. See

  4. In addition to learning the Vancouver 'Conversion Utilities' it is vital to learn how to use the Vancouver 'Data Utilities' (uvsort,uvcp,uvhd,uvcopy,etc) that replace various mainframe utilities (SORT,IDCAMS,DITTO,Easytrieve,etc). 'uvhd' is the first utility that students need to learn - to investigate & verify conversions of mainframe data files with packed/binary fields.

  5. Rather than teach the Vancouver 'Data Utilities' in isolation, we will teach them when the need arises, during our conversion & execution of the JCL/COBOL test/demo jobs. For a summary of the utilities most useful to conversions, please see

  6. After the sample conversions & executions in JCLcnv1demo.htm#Part_3 & Part 4, we will begin conversion of the customer JCL, COBOL,& DATA, following the step by step guide in

  7. The mass conversion scripts make it easy to quickly convert all mainframe JCL and COBOL files. The Vancouver Utilties also make it easy to generate the 'DATA' conversion jobs (from COBOL copybooks), but executing them takes much longer than for JCL & COBOL, because the DATA files are usually much larger, and they first have to be transferred from the mainframe.

  8. Our initial objective is to convert enough data files to allow us to begin testing some JCL/scripts & COBOL programs. Then we will assign each team member a JCL/script to be tested & the results compared to the mainframe.

  9. It usually takes 2 or 3 weeks to get to this point (where we can begin testing). The team members can now work independently testing their assigned systems & consulting with the UV Software instructor as required.

  10. For the remaining 2 or 3 weeks that UV Software is onsite, we usually meet in the classroom for only 2 hours a day to discuss common problems & continue training on the utilities that are relevant to the site (file maintenance, Easytrieve conversions, etc).

See more details at uvprices.htm#I1 thru I10

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Part_2 Installing Red Hat Linux & setup file systems

2A1. Installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux on a server
2A2. Partitioning discs on RAID arrays
2A3. Raid Arrays - RAID1 for O/S, RAID5 for applications
2A4. Making File Systems on Partitions (with 'fdisk')
2A5. Make filesystems, Label, make mount points, mount partitions
2A6. Edit /etc/fstab to mount partitions on reboots

2B1. Installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux workstation on a laptop
- dual boot with Windows 7
2B2. Sub-Partitioning the Red Hat Partition
- assigning space to the extended partitions
2B3.  Modifying grub.conf (boot loader configuration file)
- increase OS choice time & change OS descriptions

2C0. File System Design (making directories on file systems)

2C1. TestLibs & TestData directories (for conversion & testing)

2C2. ProdLibs & ProdData directories (for production)

2C3. Backup & Restore directories in separate file systems

2D1. File Design Principles

2D2. RUNLIBS & RUNDATA - concepts & advantages

2E1. programmer & operator homedirs & logins
- .profile RUNLIBS & RUNDATA point to test or production

2F0. Alternative directory designs for multiple sets of libraries & data
- possibly for organizations with multiple companies

2G1. Tape Drives for backup & mainframe data exchange
- DDS4 DAT 20/40 GB SCSI to backup application libraries & data
- 3480/3490 tape drives for mainframe data transfer
- may need 3480/3490 for data continuing exchange with external sites
- SCSI controller cards required

2H1. Setup Summary for Unix/Linux Hardware & Software
- RHEL O/S, Vancouver Utilities, Micro Focus COBOL, etc

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2A1. ADMjobs: Administration for Unix/Linux

Installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux

UV Software recommends Red Hat Enterprise Linux (current version 5.4).

As of July 2008, UV Software is using RHEL 5.1 for software development. We ordered the DVD media kit & 1st year standard support for only $349. 'standard support' provides telephone &/or internet support.

For production sites, you might want 'premium support' but I have good experience with 'standard support'.

Install Guide for RHEL

Since the media kit does not include hard-copy documentation, we recommend you download & print the following 2 manuals from the Red Hat website. <-- RHEL manuals

  1. Installation Guide - download 'pdf' document (370 pages)

  2. Deployment Guide - download 'pdf' document (900 pages)

We printed Duplex on 3 hole punched paper on our 35 ppm laser printer and mounted in 3 ring binders.

This needs updating for RHEL 7

 UV Software now using RHEL 7.1 on a Z420 HP workstation with 4 1 TB discs
 - so this section needs considerable updating as of Spring 2015+

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2A2. ADMjobs: Partitioning, RAID, File Systems

Partitioning on Raid server

Here is a suggested RAID & Partition design that might be used in a typical small server, such as the Dell 2800, using Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Our example will configure 6 * 73 gig SCSI discs into 2 RAID arrays as follows:

  1. Array#1 - 2 * 73 gig discs, RAID1, mirrored, effective storage 73 gig.

  2. Array#2 - 4 * 73 gig discs, RAID5, striped, effective storage 220 gig.

  • after installing the 2 RAID systems, the storage appears to the O/S
  • as 2 discs 'sda' (2 RAID1 discs) & 'sdb' (4 RAID5 discs).

RAID1 sda - for O/S & home dirs

The Red Hat O/S install procedure provides the 'disc druid' GUI program that makes it easy to setup the desired partitions. I suggest the RAID1 O/S array (sda) would be partitioned as follows:

 /boot     1 gig
 / (root) 12 gig
 /swap     4 gig
 /usr     16 gig
 /tmp      4 gig
 /var      4 gig    <-- logfiles, etc
 /opt      4 gig    <-- OPTional software (Micro Focus COBOL, etc)
 /home    10 gig    <-- user homedirs
 /home2   10 gig    <-- might be used for /home backups
 /home3   06 gig    <-- misc, reserve,
    total 73 gig

Each user will of course have a /home directory, but the home dirs should not be used for production data or libraries (which should always be maintained on the RAID5 array as documented in the next section below).

You can also use /home dirs for for smaller software packages, for example:

 /home/uvadm   - Vancouver Utilities
 /home/appsadm - Applications Administrator

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2A3. ADMjobs: RAID, Partitioning,& Making File Systems

RAID5 sdb - for application Data & Libraries

I suggest the RAID5 array 'sdb' might be partitioned into 4 file systems of about 55 gig each (assuming the 4 * 73 gig discs provide 220 gig effective storage of the 292 physical disc storage). We will name the partitions as p1,p2,p3,p4 and we intend to use them as follows:

/p1 - test-libraries & test-data /p2 - production-libraries & production-data /p3 - backup & restore /p4 - conversion data

This partitioning makes our backups & restores easier to handle. Another significant point is that a run away program cannot fill up the whole file system since it would be restrained to the production or test data partition.

Partitioning RAID5 sdb

The vendor (Dell, etc) might install the OS on the RAID1 array, but would not usually partition the RAID5 application array. It is easier to partition sdb during OS install on sda, since there is usually a GUI program to partition discs during the OS install.

On Red Hat Enterprise, the GUI program 'disc druid' cannot be used after the OS install, but we can use the command line tools 'fdisk' & 'mkfs'. You can look up the 'man' pages to see how to run these commands, but briefly:

Note that Intel hardware & OS's such as Linux only allow 4 primary partitions on a disc (or RAID array). They do allow partition#4 to be specified as an 'extended' partition & subdivided into many more partitions. But we will assign the 4 primary partitions as 55 gig each.

Here is a summary of the steps required to partition our disc array. The detailed instructions follow on the next few pages.

 #1. fdisk /dev/sdb                   <-- partition the disc
                                        - see details on following page

 #2. mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb1,2,3,4        <-- make file systems

 #3. e2label /dev/sdb1 p1,p2,p3,p4    <-- assign Labels to disc partitions

 #4. mkdir /p1 /p2 /p3 /p4            <-- make mount points

 #5. vi /etc/fstab                    <-- setup mount commands for reboots

Note that some of the sample printouts are from my partitioning of 1 147 gig non-raid disc vs the 4 * 73 gig disc RAID array at a customer site.

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2A4. ADMjobs: RAID, Partitioning,& Making File Systems

Partition the disk with 'fdisk'

 #1. fdisk /dev/sdb     <-- start interactive session
     ==============       - to partition sdb

 #1a. n          <-- make 'n'ew partition sdb1 (55 gig)
      --> p      <-- 'p'rimary partition
      --> 1      <-- first cylinder
      --> 4400   <-- last cylinder

 #2b. n          <-- make 'n'ew partition sdb2 (55 gig)
      --> p      <-- 'p'rimary partition
      --> 4401   <-- first cylinder
      --> 8800   <-- last cylinder

 #2c. n          <-- make 'n'ew partition sdb3 (55 gig)
      --> p      <-- 'p'rimary partition
      --> 8801   <-- first cylinder
      --> 13200  <-- last cylinder

 #2d. n          <-- make 'n'ew partition sdb3 (55 gig)
      --> p      <-- 'p'rimary partition
      --> 13201  <-- first cylinder
      --> 17849  <-- last cylinder

 #2e. p    <-- print partition table
      Disk /dev/sdb: 146.8 GB, 146815737856 bytes
      255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 17849 cylinders
      Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
         Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
      /dev/sdb1               1        4400    35342968+  83  Linux
      /dev/sdb2            4401        8800    35343000   83  Linux
      /dev/sdb3            8801       13200    35343000   83  Linux
      /dev/sdb4           13201       17849    37343092+  83  Linux

 #2f. w    <-- write partition table & exit

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2A5. ADMjobs: RAID, Partitioning,& Making File Systems

mkfs - make file systems

Actually, we will use 'mkfs.ext3', which is the Red Hat version of 'mkfs' that will create a journalling file system (fstype=ext3).

 #2a. mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb1    <-- make ext3 file system on sdb1
 #2b. mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb2               ... etc ...
 #2c. mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb3
 #2d. mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb4

Label the File Systems

 #3a. e2label /dev/sdb1 p1
 #3b. e2label /dev/sdb2 p2
 #3c. e2label /dev/sdb3 p3
 #3d. e2label /dev/sdb4 p4

make mount points

Next we need to make 'mount points' (empty directories at the / root level) for mounting our newly created file systems.

 #4. mkdir /p1 /p2 /p3 /p4    <-- make mount points for file systems

mounting the file systems

 #5a. mount /dev/sdb1 /p1     <-- mount file system /dev/sdb1 on /p1
 #5b. mount /dev/sdb2 /p2                 ... etc ...
 #5c. mount /dev/sdb3 /p3
 #5d. mount /dev/sdb4 /p5

 #5e. mount -l               <-- display all mounted filesystems
      /dev/sda1 on /boot type ext3 (rw) [/boot1]
      /dev/sda2 on /     type ext3 (rw) [/]
      /dev/sda3 on /home type ext3 (rw) [/home]
      /dev/sda4 on /var  type ext3 (rw) [/var]
      /dev/sdb1 on /p1   type ext3 (rw) [/p1]
      /dev/sdb2 on /p2   type ext3 (rw) [/p2]
      /dev/sdb3 on /p3   type ext3 (rw) [/p3]
      /dev/sdb4 on /p4   type ext3 (rw) [/p4]

The above 'mount' commands are not permanent. We need to edit /etc/fstab to have the mounts performed automatically on subsequent reboots. Please see the next page.

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2A6. ADMjobs: RAID, Partitioning,& Making File Systems

add mount commands to /etc/fstab

 #6. vi /etc/fstab

    label       mount-point  file-type  defaults  dump fsck
 LABEL=/             /          ext3    defaults    1   1
 LABEL=/boot1        /boot      ext3    defaults    1   2
 LABEL=/p1           /p1        ext3    defaults    1   2    <-- add
 LABEL=/p2           /p2        ext3    defaults    1   2    <-- add
 LABEL=/p3           /p3        ext3    defaults    1   2    <-- add
 LABEL=/p4           /p4        ext3    defaults    1   2    <-- add
 LABEL=/home         /home      ext3    defaults    1   2
 proc                /proc      proc    defaults    0   0
 LABEL=/var          /var       ext3    defaults    1   2
 LABEL=SWAP-sda3     swap       swap    defaults    0   0
  1. /etc/fstab is listed above AFTER 4 lines inserted to mount the new partitions automatically on reboots

  2. The easy way to insert them is to duplicate an existing line (such as the 'boot' or 'home' line) & change the LABEL & mount point.

  3. Alternatively, you could use the GUI disc management tools to mount partitions either temporarily or permanently.

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2B1. Installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Dual Boot - Red Hat Linux & Windows 7

Here is how I added Red Hat Linux to my Windows 7 PC. In Jan 2010 I bought a HP Pavilion DV6-2043 laptop with 4 gig memory, 500 gig disc,& Windows 7 O/S (from Costco for $900).

In May 2010, I ordered Red Hat Enterprise workstation 5.4 with the intention to dual boot on my Windows 7 laptop. I loaded the Red Hat DVD & rebooted, but it still booted Windows 7 (ignoring the DVD).

I fixed that problem by rebooting into BIOS setup (hit F10 after power-on), and change the boot order to DVD 1st, hard-disc 2nd.

I re-booted from my Red Hat DVD into Linux setup, but got 'No Space available'. So I re-booted into Windows-7 & investigated the hard-disc as follows:

 Control Panel --> Admin Tools --> Computer Mngmnt --> Storage --> Disc Mngmnt
      System       -    .2 gig (200 MB)
      C:           - 450.0 gig
      D:(recovery) -  10.0 gig
      HP_Toold     -    .1 gig (100 MB)

Note that there was no free space & all 4 partitions are occupied (max 4 partitions per disc). We must free up at least 1 partition & recover some space to make it big enough for Red Hat.

We can use Windows 7 Disc Management to delete the D:recovery partition and shrink the C: drive to get the space required. It is OK to delete the recovery partition if you have already created the recovery DVDs (3 discs) or if you have the Windows 7 Install DVD.

Right clicking on a partition gives the following options:

  1. Mark Partition Active
  2. Change Drive Letter
  3. Format
  4. Extend Volume
  5. Shrink Volume
  6. Delete Volume
  7. Properties

So I Deleted :D (recovry partition) & shrunk :C. The shrink option told me the max shrink was 215 gig. I chose to shrink by 140 gig to leave some space for Windows applications.

Note that deleting & shrinking partitions works well on Windows 7. Previously you might have had to use special software such as 'Partition Magic'.

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2B2. Dual Boot - Red Hat Linux & Windows 7

Installing Red Hat for Dual Boot

I then re-booted from the Red Hat DVD & when prompted for disc partitioning, I chose 'custom layout' & assigned partitions as follows:

 /boot     1 gig
 / (root) 10 gig
 /swap     4 gig
 /usr     16 gig
 /tmp      4 gig
 /var      4 gig    <-- logfiles, etc
 /opt      4 gig    <-- OPTional software (Micro Focus COBOL, etc)
 /home    20 gig    <-- user homedirs
 /home2   20 gig    <-- might be used for /home backups
 /home3   20 gig    <-- reserve for future use
 /home4   20 gig    <-- reserve for future use
 /home5   20 gig    <-- reserve for future use
   total 140 gig

notes re space assignments

  1. No point in assigning more space to the system partitions (/boot - /opt) because it might never be used.

  2. I assigned the extra space to multiple /home_ partitions of 20 gig each which I think is plenty for any application I envisage.

  3. Multiple file systems protects them from other file systems filling up by run-away programs or logs growing forever.

  4. Nothing special about /home2 - /home5, you could call them anything you wish

  5. I would use /home3,4,5 for applications that take a lot of space, like databases. Note that DB2 requires 3 user-IDs & a lot of space in their homedirs. I recommend you assign these homedirs to /home3 (or home4, etc), not to /home, so you can backup separately.

  6. I like to backup /home dirs frequently because homedirs change quickly, but are usually small. I do not want those backups inflated by large databases like DB2

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2B3. Dual Boot - Red Hat Linux & Windows 7

modifying grub.conf

You might want to modify 'grub.conf' (Linux boot loader configuration file) to increase time to choose O/S (Linux or Windows-7) & change O/S descriptions. I increased choice time from 5 to 10 seconds & changed description of 2nd choice from 'other' to 'Windows 7'.

 #1. Boot into Red Hat Linux & login as root.

 #2. ls -l /boot    <-- list files in the /boot partition
     ===========        and look for 'grub'
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root    65937 Aug 18  2009 config-2.6.18-164.el5
 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root     4096 May 14 16:49 grub
 -rw------- 1 root root  2633188 May 13 17:51 initrd-2.6.18-164.el5.img
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  2491311 May 13 18:20 initrd-2.6.18-164.el5kdump.img
 drwx------ 2 root root    16384 May 13 10:45 lost+found
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   108707 Aug 18  2009 symvers-2.6.18-164.el5.gz
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  1225101 Aug 18  2009
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  1932316 Aug 18  2009 vmlinuz-2.6.18-164.el5

 #3. ls -l /boot/grub   <-- list files in the grub subdir
     ================       and look for grub.conf

 #4. vi /boot/grub/grub.conf  <-- edit the grub configuration file
 # grub.conf generated by anaconda
 #      kernel /vmlinuz-version ro root=/dev/sda11
 #      initrd /initrd-version.img
 timeout=10                            #<-- I changed from 5 to 10 seconds
 # hiddenmenu                          #<-- I #commented 'hiddenmenu' out
 title Red Hat Enterprise Linux Client (2.6.18-164.el5)
 	root (hd0,4)
 	kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.18-164.el5 ro root=LABEL=/ rhgb quiet crashkernel=128M@16M
 	initrd /initrd-2.6.18-164.el5.img
 title Windows 7                       #<-- I changed from 'other' to 'Windows 7'
 	rootnoverify (hd0,0)
 	chainloader +1

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2C0. ADMjobs: File System Design

In the previous section, we setup a RAID array, partitioned it, and made file systems on each partition (p1,p2,p3,p4). After adding directories for our application libraries and data, our file systems will look something like the following:

 /...              <-- unix/linux O/S directories
 /home             <-- home directories
 /p1/apps            <---- /p1 file system mount point
 :-----testlibs        <-- RUNLIBS=$TESTLIBS=/p1/apps/testlibs
 :     :-----cbls        - COBOL programs
 :     :-----jcls        - JCL/scripts
 :     :---etc---        - see other subdirs at ADMjobs.htm#2C1
 :-----testdata      <---- RUNDATA=$TESTDATA=/p1/apps/testdata
 :     :-----mstr        - data files (or use topnodes as subdirs)
 :     :-----jobtmp      - job temporary files
 :     :---etc---        - see other subdirs at ADMjobs.htm#2C2
 /p2/apps            <---- /p2 file system mount point
 :-----prodlibs        <-- RUNLIBS=$PRODLIBS=/p2/apps/prodlibs
 :     :-----cbls        - COBOL programs (production)
 :     :-----jcls        - JCL/scripts (production)
 :     :---etc---
 :     :-----mstr        - data files (or use topnodes as subdirs)
 :     :-----jobtmp      - job temporary files
 /p3/apps            <---- /p3 file system mount point
 :-----backup            - backup & restore directories
 /p4/apps            <---- /p4 file system mount point
 :-----cnvdata           - data conversion directories
 :     :----d1ebc        - EBCDIC data files from mainframe
 :     :----d2asc        - converted to ASCII (preserving packed)

It is important to make separate file systems for our application libraries & data. You should not use /home directories for these because:

  1. The /home file system would not usually have sufficient space allocated for your large data files.

  2. You should have separate file systems to protect against runaway COBOL programs filling up the entire file system, rather than just the data file system. Other file systems are also protected against corruption in any 1 file system.

  3. You should have separate file systems designed to facilitate your backup & restore procedures. You should be able to do backup/restores separately for testlibs, testdata, prodlibs,& proddata.

  4. Separate file systems facilitate writing backup tapes with multiple archives. The restore script allows you to restore just the desired archive, rather than the entire tape, saving time & disc space.

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2C1. ADMjobs: Directory Design for YOUR Conversion & Testing

Libraries for Your Conversion & Testing

 :--*--cbl0          - COBOL programs ('*' means files present)
 :-----cbl1          - cleaned up, cols 1-6 & 73-80 cleared, etc
 :-----cbl2          - cnvMF5 converts mainframe COBOL to MicroFocus COBOL
 :-----cbls          - copy here (standard source library) before compiling
 :-----cblx          - compiled COBOL programs (.int's)
 :--*--parm0         - control cards (SORT FIELDS, etc)
 :-----parms         - control cards with 73-80 cleared
 :--*--cpy0          - for COBOL copybooks
 :-----cpy1          - cleaned up, cols 1-6 & 73-80 cleared, etc
 :-----cpy2          - cnvMF5 converts mainframe COBOL to MicroFocus COBOL
 :-----cpys          - copy here (standard copybook library)
 :--*--jcl0          - test/demo JCLs supplied
 :-----jcl1          - intermediate conversion 73-80 cleared
 :-----jcl2          - PROCs expanded from procs
 :-----jcl3          - JCLs converted to Korn shell scripts
 :-----jcls          - copy here manually 1 by 1 during test/debug
 :--*--proc0         - test/demo PROCs supplied
 :-----procs         - will be merged with jcl1, output to jcl2
 :-----prns          - .prn files from MS WORD 'print to a file' for overlays
 :-----ovls          - overlays to print forms+data (see pcloverlay & uvoverlay)
 :-----rpts          - for optional statistics reports
 :-----sf            - for misc scripts you may wish to write
 :-----tmp           - tmp subdir used by various conversions

DATA Directories for Your Testing

 :-----ap          <-- directories created for topnodes of data filenames
 :-----ar              (Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, etc)
 :-----jobctl      <-- working directories shared by all applications
 :-----rpts        <-- reports created by COBOL programs
 :-----rptsovls    <-- some reports can be printed with overlays (see uvoverlay)

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2C2. Directory Design for YOUR Conversion, Testing,& Production

Libraries for Your Production

 :-----cbls          - end point for converted COBOL programs
 :-----cblst         - cobol source listings from compiles
 :-----cblx          - compiled COBOL programs (.int's)
 :-----cpys          - converted, ready for compiles
 :-----jcl3          - JCLs converted to Korn shell scripts
 :-----jcls          - copy here manually 1 by 1 during test/debug
 :-----prns          - .prn files from MS WORD 'print to a file' for overlays
 :-----ovls          - overlays to print forms+data (see pcloverlay & uvoverlay)
 :-----pf            - uvcopy jobs to replace utilities (easytrieve,etc)
 :-----sf            - for misc scripts you may wish to write
 :-----tmp           - tmp subdir used by various conversions

Please compare these production libraries to the conversion & testing libraries on the preceding page. Note that many original mainframe & intermediate conversion subdirs have been dropped, retaining only the fully converted subdirs of COBOL programs, copybooks,& JCL(now Korn shell scripts).

DATA Directories for Your Production

 :-----ap          <-- directories created for topnodes of data filenames
 :-----ar              (Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, etc)
 :-----jobctl      <-- working directories shared by all applications
 :-----rpts        <-- reports created by COBOL programs
 :-----rptsovls    <-- some reports can be printed with overlays (see uvoverlay)

Also note that we have added some subdirs, such as 'prns' & 'ovls' in prodlibs and 'rptsovls' in proddata. These are used to form overlays that might be used to print some of your reports created by your COBOL programs.

See uvoverlay.htm which documents these procedures & gives an example of printing letters with a letterhead overlay.

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2C3. Directory Design for YOUR Conversion, Testing,& Production

Directories for Backup & Restore

 :-----homedirs             <-- $HOMEDIRS backup from last night
 :     :-----appsadm          - showing only 1 user to save lines
 :     :     :-----ctl          & showing only a few subdirs in 1st user
 :     :     :-----env
 :     :     :-----logs
 :     :     :-----...
 :-----homedirs-1           <-- $HOMEDIRS backup from 2 nights ago
 :     :-----...same as above...
 :-----proddata             <-- $PRODDATA backup from last night
 :     :-----ap
 :     :-----ar
 :     :-----gl
 :     :-----rpts
 :     :-----wrk
 :-----proddata-1           <-- $PRODDATA backup from 2 nights ago
 :     :-----...same as above...
 :-----prodlibs             <-- $PRODLIBS backups from last night
 :     :-----cbls
 :     :-----cpys
 :     :-----ctl
 :     :-----jcls
 :     :-----parms
 :-----prodlibs-1           <-- $PRODLIBS backup from 2 nights ago
 :     :-----...same as above...
 :-----zip                  <-- last nights backup (only)
 :  <-- sample for May 29/2007
 :     :-----...
 :-----Day                  <-- Daily backups in .zip files for last 40 days
 :  <-- 40 days ago = April 19/2007
 :     :-----...(39 sets not shown)
 :-----Month                <-- Monthly backups in .zip files for last 15 months
 :  <-- 15 months ago = Feb 1/2006
 :     :-----...(14 sets not shown)
 :-----Year                 <-- Yearly backups in .zip files for last 7 years
 :  <-- 7 years ago = Jan 1/2000
 :     :-----...(6 sets not shown)
  • we show only directories under homedirs, proddata,& prodlibs
  • we do show some files under zip, Day, Month,& Year
  • (inserted manually since the 'dtree' script does not show files)
  • we show zip, Day, Month,& Year out of sequence
  • to better illustrate our backup strategy

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2D1. ADMjobs: Directory & File-Design - Principles

Directory & File-Design - Principles

  1. A good Directory Design is critical to the success of your conversion and to the future efficiency & flexibility of your unix/linux installation.

  2. The basic principle is to have multiple separate file systems and group your libraries & data into file systems in a manner that facilitates backup & restore. You can group libraries & data under super-directories (prodlibs,proddata,testlibs,testdata) that allow you to backup to multiple separate archives on tape & if necessary restore the desired archive without having to restore the entire tape (saving time & disc space).

  3. Separate file systems limit data corruption & protects against runaway programs. Runaway programs can fill up the Test Data file system without harming production data or libraries. Data directories can be very large & should be assigned to large file systems (library directories of programs & JCL are comparatively small).

  4. Testing & Production will probably be on separate machines, but this design allows them to be on 1 machine. You could also have different test libraries & data for different programmers

  5. This design follows good unix/linux principles. There are at least 3 or 4 levels of directories before files are assigned. This gives us more flexibility & better file protection.

  6. The design might allow for multiple related companies (aaco,bbco,ccco,etc), and/or multiple applications (apay,arcv,ordr,etc).

  7. Backup tapes are written as multiple archives. This makes it easy to recover systems separately. It is easy to have enough disc space to restore just the system in question & then retrieve desired files over to production data or libraries.

  8. On-disc backup is recommended for at least 1 day's data files & 2 days libraries. This is very convenient if you discover problems within 1 or 2 days. Programmers have the assurance that they can quickly recover from mistakes (rm *).


RUNLIBS & RUNDATA are the 2 critical environmental variables (defined in the profile of programmers & operators) that point to the appropriate Libraries & Data for Testing & Production (prodlibs/proddata or testlibs/testdata).

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2D2. ADMjobs: Directory & File-Design - Principles


  1. RUNLIBS, RUNDATA,& CNVDATA are environmental variables (in the .profile of programmers & operators) that control access to JCL/scripts/programs & Data files.

  2. When programmers & operators enter JCL/script names to be executed, RUNLIBS (in the .profile) determines which Library directories are searched (Test or Production).

  3. When the JCL/script executes, RUNDATA determines which directories of Data files are accessed (Test data or Production data).

  4. CNVDATA is a convenience during conversion. $CNVDATA is coded in the conversion scripts so you can easily change locations just by changing your .profile.

  • Most sites will have separate machines for Testing & production,
  • But RUNLIBS & RUNDATA are valuable constructs for the following reasons:
  1. RUNLIBS & RUNDATA mean you do not have to modify your JCL/scripts as you move them from testing machines to production machines. RUNLIBS & RUNDATA in the login .profiles supply the top-level portion of the pathnames to the Libraries & Data files.

  2. RUNLIBS & RUNDATA allow you to run various systems separately on the same machine. This is important if you want to maintain separate console logs for the various systems.

  3. RUNLIBS & RUNDATA allow you to control which operators can run which systems. Operators cannot run unauthorized systems, since their .profile PATH & RUNLIBS will not find the unauthorized JCL/scripts. Operators that need to run multiple systems would be provided with the multiple logins required. Terminal emulators make it easy to run the multiple sessions on 1 physical terminal.

  4. Dedicated logins can be used to enforce the tight control required for computer room batch shift operations. You might setup logins that match the system/application IDs. Examples might be apay,arcv,ordr for separate applications, or aaco,bbco,ccco,etc for separate companies.

  5. I suggest the above userids be used for your production operators. Your programmers would use their personal logins, but modify RUNLIBS & RUNDATA in their .profile as required for testing the various systems.

  6. The .profiles also include aliases (cdl,cdd,& cdc) which allow you to easily switch between the superdirs ($RUNLIBS,$RUNDATA,$CNVDATA).

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2E1. ADMjobs: Directory & File-Design - Principles

directories for RUNLIBS & RUNDATA

Environmental variables RUNLIBS/RUNDATA defined in profiles of programmers & operators could allow small sites to use 1 machine for testing & production (larger sites would use separate machines for testing & production).

 /home             <-- home directories
 :----uvadm          <-- Vancouver Utilities
 :    :-----...        - about 25 subdirs, see page '9X9'
 :----appsadm        <-- Applications Administrator
 :    :-----...        - about 10 subdirs, see page '9X9'
 /p1/apps            <---- /p1 file system mount point
 :-----testlibs        <-- RUNLIBS=$TESTLIBS=/p1/apps/testlibs
 :     :-----cbls        - COBOL programs
 :     :-----jcls        - JCL/scripts
 :     :---etc---        - see other subdirs at ADMjobs.htm#2C1
 :-----testdata      <---- RUNDATA=$TESTDATA=/p1/apps/testdata
 :     :-----mstr        - data files (or use topnodes as subdirs)
 :     :-----jobtmp      - job temporary files
 :     :---etc---        - see other subdirs at ADMjobs.htm#2C2
 /p2/apps            <---- /p2 file system mount point
 :-----prodlibs        <-- RUNLIBS=$PRODLIBS=/p2/apps/prodlibs
 :     :-----cbls        - COBOL programs (production)
 :     :-----jcls        - JCL/scripts (production)
 :     :---etc---
 :     :-----mstr        - data files (or use topnodes as subdirs)
 :     :-----jobtmp      - job temporary files
 /p3/apps            <---- /p3 file system mount point
 :-----backup            - backup & restore directories
 /p4/apps            <---- /p4 file system mount point
 :-----cnvdata           - data conversion directories
 :     :----d1ebc        - EBCDIC data files from mainframe
 :     :----d2asc        - converted to ASCII (preserving packed)

RUNLIBS/RUNDATA = testlibs/testdata OR prodlibs/proddata

RUNLIBS & RUNDATA are assigned in the profiles, which were discussed & listed begining on page '9X9. 'stub_profile's should define RUNLIBS & RUNDATA for use by the 'common_profile' as shown below:

      export RUNLIBS=/p1/apps/testlibs     <-- stub_profile_test for programmers
      export RUNDATA=/p1/apps/testdata
      export RUNLIBS=/p2/apps/prodlibs     <-- stub_profile_prod for operators
      export RUNDATA=/p2/apps/proddata

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2E2. ADMjobs: Directory & File-Design - Principles

libraries & Data super-directories

      export TESTLIBS=/p1/apps/testlibs
      export TESTDATA=/p1/apps/testdata
      export PRODLIBS=/p2/apps/prodlibs
      export PRODDATA=/p2/apps/proddata
      export BACKUP=/p3/apps/backup
      export RESTORE=/p3/apps/restore
      export CNVDATA=/p4/apps/cnvdata

RUNLIBS/RUNDATA defs in 'stub_profiles'

      export RUNLIBS=/p1/apps/testlibs    <-- stub_profile_test for programmers
      export RUNDATA=/p1/apps/testdata
      export RUNLIBS=/p2/apps/prodlibs    <-- stub_profile_prod for operators
      export RUNDATA=/p2/apps/proddata

aliases for quick changes

The profiles also define several aliases that make it easy for programmers & operators to get to various frequently used directories. 'cdl' & 'cdd' are especially convenient.

alias cdl='cd $RUNLIBS' <-- /p1/apps/testlibs(prgmr) or /p2/apps/prodlibs(oprtr)

alias cdd='cd $RUNDATA' <-- /p1/apps/testdata(prgmr) or /p2/apps/proddata(oprtr)

alias cdb='cd $BACKUP' <-- /p3/apps/backup

alias cdr='cd $RESTORE' <-- /p3/apps/restore

alias cdc='cd $CNVDATA' <-- /p4/apps/cnvdata

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2F0. ADMjobs: File System Design Alternatives

On pages '2A2'-2A4, we setup a RAID array, partitioned it, and made file systems on each partition (p1,p2,p3,p4). On pages '2C1'-2C3, we suggested a basic directory design for application libraries & data (testlibs, testdata, proddata, prodlibs,& backups).

In this section we will present some alternatives in case you need multiple sets of libraries & data.

We will follow the basic design with some alternative designs for organizations with multiple companies &/or multiple separate applications on the same machine.

Basic Design - High Level (big picture)

 /p1/apps          <-- /p1 file system mount point
 :----testlibs       - test-libraries & test-data
 /p2/apps          <-- /p2 file system mount point
 :----prodlibs       - production-libraries & production-data
 /p3/apps          <-- /p3 file system mount point
 :----backup         - backup & restore directories
 /p4/apps          <-- /p4 file system mount point
 :----cnvdata        - data conversion directories
 :    :----d1ebc
 :    :----d2asc

From here on, we will illustrate basic & alternative designs only for 'proddata'. The libraries could have a similar design, or they may be more integrated (if the same programs & scripts are used for different companies).

Note that the 'RUNLIBS' & 'RUNDATA' definitions in the profiles will facilitate these alternatives. For production operators using the basic design above, the definitions would be:

 export PRODLIBS=/p2/apps/prodlibs

 export PRODDATA=/p2/apps/proddata

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2F1. ADMjobs: File System Design

Basic Design - proddata only

 :-----ap          <-- directories created for topnodes of filenames
 :-----jobctl      <-- standard directories shared by all applications

These directory illustrations are created by the 'dtree' script and show only directories (no files). But in the following illustrations, I will show a few data files to ensure your complete understanding.

When we convert mainframe data files, we use the top-node as a sub-directory within 'proddata' (path defined by $RUNDATA). We also convert to lower case. Here are a few examples:

 AR.CUSTOMER.MASTER        <-- Mainframe file naming conventions

/p2/apps/proddata/ar/customer.master /p2/apps/proddata/ar/sales.items /p2/apps/proddata/gl/account.master /p2/apps/proddata/gl/account.trans

Basic Design dtree - with sample data files

 :     :-----customer.master
 :     :-----sales.items
 :     :-----account.master
 :     :-----account.trans

The following pages will show some alternatives to this basic design, using only these 2 subdirs & 4 files for illustration purposes.

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2F2. ADMjobs: Alternative File System Designs

Multi Separate Companies - format #1

We will describe these alternate designs as 'multi-company' but of course these designs could apply to divisions, departments, or whatever is relevant.

 /p2/apps/aaco                            <-- company 'aa'
 :     :-----ar
 :     :     :-----customer.master
 :     :     :-----sales.items
 :     :-----gl
 :     :     :-----account.master
 :     :     :-----account.trans
 /p2/apps/bbco                            <-- company 'bb'
 :     :-----ar
 :     :     :-----customer.master
 :     :     :-----sales.items
 :     :-----gl
 :     :     :-----account.master
 :     :     :-----account.trans
 :     :-----cbls
 :     :-----jcls
 :     :------etc-

The above design could be used when there is no interaction required between the companies. When processing 'aaco', there is no need to access any files in 'bbco' & vice-versa. RUNDATA in operator profiles would be defined as 1 of the following 2:

 export RUNDATA=/p2/apps/aaco/proddata
        - - - OR - - -
 export RUNDATA=/p2/apps/bbco/proddata

But RUNLIBS could define the same set of libraries if the same programs & JCL/scripts could be used for both companies:

 export RUNLIBS=/p2/apps/prodlibs

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2F3. ADMjobs: Alternative File System Designs

Multi Separate Companies - format #2

In this design, we will code the company directory following 'proddata' rather than preceding. This still does not allow company file sharing.

You might use format#1 (previous page) if you wanted to be able to backup all data for any 1 company into 1 archive.

You might use format#2 (this page) if you wanted to backup all data for all companies into 1 archive.

 :-----aaco                            <-- company 'aa'
 :     :-----ar
 :     :     :-----customer.master
 :     :     :-----sales.items
 :     :-----gl
 :     :     :-----account.master
 :     :     :-----account.trans
 :-----bbco                            <-- company 'bb'
 :     :-----ar
 :     :     :-----customer.master
 :     :     :-----sales.items
 :     :-----gl
 :     :     :-----account.master
 :     :     :-----account.trans
 :     :-----cbls
 :     :-----jcls
 :     :------etc-

Like format#1, this design does not allow interaction between the companies if the same set of JCL/scripts is used for both companies. RUNDATA in operator profiles would be defined as 1 of the following 2:

 export RUNDATA=/p2/apps/proddata/aaco
        - - - OR - - -
 export RUNDATA=/p2/apps/proddata/bbco

RUNLIBS could define the same set of libraries if the same programs & JCL/scripts could be used for both companies:

 export RUNLIBS=/p2/apps/prodlibs

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2F4. ADMjobs: Alternative File System Designs

Multi Company - allowing interactions

We will discuss this under 2 scenarios, depending on whether the mainframe file naming allowed for multi-company or whether multi-companies are to be added after the conversion from mainframe to unix/linux.

#1 - Mainframe file names were multi-company

In this scenario some data filenames might be:

 AACO.AR.CUSTOMER.MASTER     <-- Mainframe files for company AACO
 BBCO.AR.CUSTOMER.MASTER     <-- Mainframe files for company BBCO

/p2/apps/proddata/aaco/ar.customer.master <-- JCL converter default names /p2/apps/proddata/aaco/gl.account.master - subsystem (ar,gl) part of filename /p2/apps/proddata/bbco/ar.customer.master /p2/apps/proddata/bbco/gl.account.master

 /p2/apps/proddata/aaco/ar/customer.master  <-- JCL converter option
 /p2/apps/proddata/aaco/gl/account.master     - make subdirs from top 2 nodes
 /p2/apps/proddata/bbco/ar/customer.master      (vs just the top-node)

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2F5. ADMjobs: Alternative File System Designs

#2 - multi-companies added after conversion

To add a 2nd company after conversion (& allow inter company datafile access), you would probably clone a 2nd set of JCL/scripts, renaming & modifying as required.

UV Software has the tools to automate the changes required.

  1. Copy/rename a 2nd set of JCL/scripts, inserting company name (abbreviation) into the new JCL/script names.

  2. Insert another directory level in front of all existing file definitions within the JCL/scripts, for example:

 export CUSTMAS=ar/customer.master       <-- original JCL conversion

 export CUSTMAS=aaco/ar/customer.master  <-- modified file definition

Remember that all JCL/scripts change directory at the begining. Line 9 of all converted JCL/scripts calls common function 'jobset41' which performs 'cd $RUNDATA'. So the effective datafile path name becomes:

 export CUSTMAS=/p2/apps/proddata/aaco/ar/customer.master  <-- effective file def

Actually the JCL converter uses the 'exportfile' function rather than the native 'export' (to display filenames on console), so this would be

 exportfile CUSTMAS /p2/apps/proddata/aaco/ar/customer.master <-- effective def

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2G1. ADMjobs.doc - Applications Administration

Tape Drives for Backup

You might select an LTO tape drive (high speed, high capacity) to backup the entire system. RAID makes system failure very unlikely, so I suggest regular backups only for the application libraries and data using cheaper DAT tapes. I suggest the following supplier for backup tape drives.
  1830 bickford Ave. #101
  Snohomish WA 98290

I suggest the following DAT tape drives. These drives are priced like used, but are often new (excess stock never sold). The cartridges are only $5 each.

      HP C5683 DDS4 20/40 GB SCSI 68 pin internal $110
      (ask for external version if your server does not provide internal slots)
      Quantum STD2401LW-S 20/40 GB DDS4 SCSI 68 pin internal $110

3480/3490 Tape Drives

You may need a 3480/3490 tape drive to load the data tapes from your mainframe. Some site may need a 3480/3490 to exchange data with other sites. I suggest the following supplier & following tape drives:
  Brian Gillette
  2211 Grant St.
  Bettendorf, IA 52722 USA
      IBM 3490E reconditioned & certified $2,795.00
      - reads both 3480 & 3490, writes only 3490
      - highly recommended if you do NOT need to write 3480
      Fujitsu M2483/5H reconditioned & ceritifed $2,495.00
      - reads both 3480 & 3490, writes both 3480 & 3490
      - recommended if you DO need to write 3480

SCSI controllers

I recommend the following SCSI controller cards for the tape drives. You get them from Coastal Micro or Comco. These are PCI cards for tower PCs & servers.

      Adaptec 2944UW SCSI controller 68 pin only
      Adaptec 29160N SCSI controller 50 & 68 pin

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2H1. ADMjobs.doc - Applications Administration

Setup Summary for Unix/Linux Hardware/Software

  1. Install Hardware

  2. Install O/S (Red Hat Enterprise recommended, RHEL 5.1 in 2008) Also see RAID, partitioning,& file design at ADMjobs.htm#Part_2

  3. Install Vancouver Utilities install.htm#B1 - setup user 'uvadm' install.htm#B2 - copy VU CD to /home/uvadm & unzip install.htm#B3 - setup profiles (supplied in /home/uvadm/env)

  4. setup other users (appsadm, site programmers & operators)

  5. Install Micro Focus COBOL & any other 3rd party software (RDBMS, EasySpooler, etc)

  6. See 23 point preparations for mainframe conversion - see pages '1E1' thru '1E4'.

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Part_3 ADMjobs - Basic Backup & Restore

Backup & Restore - Contents

3A1. Backup/Restore - Introduction & Overview

3B1. Backup & Restore Directories

Backup/Restore using manual commands

3C1. using 'cp -r' to backup/restore directories & files (disc to disc)
3C2. using 'cpio' to backup/restore directories & files (disc to disc)
3C3. using 'tar' to backup/restore (disc to tape & tape to disc)
3C4. using 'cpio' to backup/restore (disc to tape & tape to disc)

Disc Backup/Restore scripts

3D0. summary of Disc backup/restore scripts
- copy directory trees to empty directories
- safer than manual commands

3D1. copycpio1 - copy current directory tree to an empty directory

3D2. copycpio2 - copy a directory tree to your current empty directory

3D3. sortcpio - sort all filenames in an input directory tree
- before copying to an output empty directory
- so files are written into directories in filename sequence
- 'ls' shows files in sequence, but many other commands do not

Tape Backup/Restore scripts

3E0. summary of Tape backup/restore scripts

3E1. backupT1 - backup any 1 directory tree to tape using find & cpio
---------- using hard-coded tape rewind device
- may need to modify for other devices & other unix systems
- rewind allows only 1 archive on tape (vs other no-rewind scripts)

3E2. backupT1NRW - backup any 1 directory tree to tape using find & cpio
------------- using no rewind, may stack multiple archives on 1 tape

3E3. backupT2 - backup multi directory trees to multi archives on tape
---------- sample backup script to multi-archive tape using cpio
- use 'restoreT1' to restore any 1 archive to a work area
  (for investigation & extract of desired files)

3E4. restoreT1 - restore any 1 archive from tape to an empty work space
----------- for investigation & extract of desired files
- you must specify full path name of restore directory &
  it must match your current directory & it must be empty

3F1. Restoring Backup tapes to a New System
- restore homedirs, production Libraries,& production Data
  from multi-archive tape created by backupT2

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3A1. ADMjobs: Backup & Restore

Introduction & Overview

Part 3 is an education on unix/linux basic backup & restore.

  1. We will illustrate directory trees for production Data & Libraries and suggest corresponding directories for backup & restore on disc.

  2. We will give examples using manual commands ('cp -r', tar,& cpio) to copy production data & library trees to backups on-disc & on-tape.

  3. Then we present Korn shell scripts to backup/restore to/from disc & tape.

The scripts here in Part 3 can be used standalone with no dependencies on site conventions, profiles,or environmental variables.

also see Part 4 Advanced Backup/Restore

After you understand these simple backup commands & scripts, please see Part_4, which presents an advanced system for backups automatically scheduled by 'cron'.

Advantages of Part 4 backup system

  1. This system takes advantage of the massive inexpensive disc systems now available to maintain zip file backups on-disc for the last 40 days, the last 15 end of month backups,& the last 7 end of year backups.

  2. Backups automatically scheduled by 'cron'

  3. Two days backup on-disc, unzipped, instantly available for file recovery.

  4. Zipped file of nightly backups maintained on-disc for 40 days, 1st of month zip file maintained on-disc for 15 months, & 1st of year zip file maintained on-disc for 7 years.

  5. Zip file names have embedded date & time to eliminate confusion. For example, the 3 nightly zip files used in the backup examples are:,,

  6. This backup system is intended for the most frequently changing files (production data, production libraries,& home dirs), that may need quick restore. Most sites will already have backups for the entire system, but those probably do not provide the quick restore possible with these smaller targeted backup files.

  • only the 1st 6 advantages of Part 4 are listed here in Part 3.
  • please see '4A2' for all 12 advantages

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3B1. ADMjobs: Backup & Restore

Backup & Restore Directories

Part_2 suggested some file designs that might be used for testing & production. Here is a short summary, with the emphasis on production backup & restore.

 :    :----sf/adm/...   <-- backup/restore scripts provided by UV Software
 :    :----sf/...       <-- backup/restore scripts copied to /home/appsadm/sf/
                          - customized as required for your site
 /p2/apps             <---- /p2 file system mount point
 :----proddata          <-- PRODuction DATA
 :     :-----ap
 :     :-----ar             <-- multiple subdirs in proddata
 :     :-----gl
 :     :-----jobtmp
 :     :-----rpts
 :     :-----sysout
 :     :-----tmp
 :     :-----wrk
 :-----prodlibs          <-- $PRODLIBS backups from last night
 :     :-----cbls
 :     :-----cpys
 :     :-----ctl            <-- multiple subdirs in prodlibs
 :     :-----jcls
 :     :-----parms
 /p3/apps             <---- /p3 file system mount point
 :----backup              - backup directories (on-disc)
 :    :----proddata       - backup dir for proddata
 :    :    ...              - multiple subdirs in backup/proddata
 :    :----prodlibs       - backup dir for prodlibs
 :    :    ...              - multiple subdirs in backup/proddata
 :    :----...
 :----restore           <-- restore directories (from tape)
 :    :----proddata       - restore area for proddata
 :    :    ...              - multiple subdirs in restore/proddata
 :    :----prodlibs       - restore area for prodlibs
 :    :    ...              - multiple subdirs in restore/prodlibs
  1. Backup directories on-disc allow immediate recovery when required

  2. This shows only 1 days backup on-disc but later in this section we show how to maintain 2 days backup unzipped & 40 days zipped

  3. If you need to restore files, don't attempt to restore directly, but rather restore to the /p3/apps/restore/... areas, for investigation & selection of desired files to copy over to /p2/apps/proddata or /p2/apps/prodlibs

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3C1. ADMjobs: Backup & Restore

Backup/Restore - On-Disc - Manual commands

To illustrate the backup/restore commands, let's assume we wish to backup /p2/apps/proddata directory to /p3/apps/backup/proddata. Please see the dtree diagrams listed previously, but here is a partial view.

 :----proddata          <-- production data superdir
 :    :----ap
 :    :----ar           <-- subdirs (from mainframe file top-nodes)
 :    :----gl
 :    :----py
 :----backup            <-- backup directories
 :    :----proddata     <-- proddata Backup before Night batch
 :    :    :----ap
 :    :    :----ar
 :    :    :----gl

Before backups such as this, you should remove all old files from the destination. Otherwise old files would remain in the backup directory that are not present in today's files. This could be a serious error in production file systems.

On-Disc Backup using 'cp -r'

 #1. cd /p2/apps/proddata               <-- change to input file superdir

 #2. rm -rf /p3/apps/backup/proddata/*  <-- remove all old files & subdirs

 #3. cp -rf * /p3/apps/backup/proddata  <-- copy all proddata files to proddata

Option '-r' (recursive) is vital here, to copy all files from all subdirs. Option 'f' (force) inhibits any overwrite prompts in case you are using alias cp='cp -i' in your .profile (recommended). Actually we can omit 'f' here since we 1st removed all files from the destination.

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3C2. ADMjobs: Backup & Restore - Manual Commands

On-Disc Backup using 'cpio' (manually)

We will use the same example as illustrated on the previous page.

 #1. cd /p2/apps/proddata                  <-- change to input file superdir

 #2. rm -rf /p3/apps/backup/proddata/*     <-- remove all old files & subdirs

 #3. find . -print | cpio -pdmv /p3/apps/backup/proddata <-- backup all proddata

cpio options

      i=input, o=output, p=pass (copy to destination directory)
      c - compatible ASCII headers (allows transfer to other machines)
      d - directory creation as required
      m - modification times will be retained
      v - verbose (displays filenames copied)
      B - block size 5120 (vs 512), use 'Q' for 65K if your system allows
      I - Input device name follows (vs standard Input)
      O - Output device name follows (vs standard Output)

copycpio1/2 scripts recommended

These scripts are safer than manual commands since they verify that you are positioned where you say you are & that the output directory is empty.

Script 'copycpio1' ensures you are positioned in the INPUT directory & that the output directory is empty.

Script 'copycpio2' ensures you are positioned in the OUTPUT directory & that the output directory is empty.

copy /p2/apps/proddata/ to /p3/apps/backup/proddata

 #1. cd /p2/apps/proddata                       <-- change to input directory
 #2. ls -l /p3/apps/backup/proddata | more      <-- ensure outdir OK to erase
 #3. rm -rf /pr/backup/proddata/*               <-- clear output directory
 #4. copycpio1 /p2/apps/proddata /p3/apps/backup/proddata <-- do it

Please see the copycpio1 & copycpio2 scripts listed on pages '3D1' & '3D2'.

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3C3. ADMjobs: Backup & Restore - Manual Commands

Tape Backup using 'tar' (manually)

Our Tape backups will use the 1st SCSI Tape device for Linux systems (/dev/st0). You may have to modify depending on your version of Unix/Linux, and which particular tape device you wish to use.

 #1. cd /p2/apps/proddata       <-- change to input superdir to be backed up

 #2. tar cvf /dev/st0 .    <-- backup to tape from '.' (current dir)

tar options

  • create (vs x extract)
  • verbose (lists filenames on console)
  • file follows, '/dev/st0' (the 1st Linux SCSI tape device)
  • extract (vs c create)

Tape Restore using 'tar' (manually)

Let's assume we only want to restore a few files from the backup tape. We will restore the entire tape to our designated restore area in the /p3 filesystem. Then we can copy the desired files over to the production filesystem (/p2/apps/proddata/...).

It is possible to specify the desired files on the restore command, but it is awkward & often you discover that you need additional files, that then require additional time consuming passes of the tape. IE - you will wish you had restored everything the 1st time.

 #1. cd /p3/apps/restore/proddata  <-- change to the restore area

 #2. rm -rf *                 <-- remove all old files
     ========                   - naked '*' can be dangerous
                                - be sure you are in the right place (via pwd)

 #3. tar xvf /dev/st0         <-- restore all files from tape to current dir

 #4. cp selected-files /p2/apps/proddata/...   <-- recover desired files

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3C4. ADMjobs: Backup & Restore - Manual Commands

Tape Backup using 'cpio' (manually)

 #1. cd /p2/apps/proddata                     <-- change to input file superdir

 #2. find . -print | cpio -ocvBO /dev/st0 <-- backup all files & subdirs to tape

Tape Restore using 'cpio'

We will assume the same situation as in the 'tar' example on the previous page. We only want to recover a few files, but we will restore the entire tape to a designated restore work area,& then selectively copy the desired files to the production directories.

 #1. cd /p3/apps/restore/proddata  <-- change to the restore area

 #2. rm -rf *                 <-- remove all old files
     ========                   - ensure you are in right place (pwd)

 #3. cpio -icvdmBI/dev/st0    <-- restore all files from tape to current dir

 #4. cp selected-files?? /p2/apps/proddata   <-- recover desired files

option for Block size on output

Option 'B' of '-ocvBO' above specifies block-size 5120 bytes

OPtion 'C' can specify a desired block-size, but timing is not much different as long as you specify at least 5120 (512 is definitely slower).

Large block sizes might use less tape but I don't know how much less. Here is an example specifying block-size 512,000 bytes

 #2. find . -print | cpio -ocvBO /dev/st0 -C512000
     - backup all files & subdirs to tape writing blocks of 512,000 bytes

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3D0. ADMjobs: Disc Backup & Restore Scripts

Disc Backup/Restore scripts

3D0. summary of Disc backup/restore scripts
- copy directory trees to empty directories
- safer than manual commands

3D1. copycpio1 - copy current directory tree to an empty directory

3D2. copycpio2 - copy a directory tree to your current empty directory

3D3. sortcpio - sort all filenames in an input directory tree
- before copying to an output empty directory
- so files are written into directories in filename sequence
- 'ls' shows files in sequence, but many other commands do not

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3D1. ADMjobs: Disc Backup & Restore Scripts

copycpio1 - copy current dir to 2nd empty dir

 # copycpio1 - Korn shell script from UVSI stored in: /home/uvadm/sf/util/
 # copycpio1 - copy a directory tree to a 2nd directory
 #           - input may have sub-directories to any level
 #           - output will have exactly the same tree structure
 #           - you must be in input directory
 #           - output directory must be empty
 #           - you must specify full pathname of indir & outdir
 #           - fail-safe, paranoid script
 #           - also see copycpio2, similar to this *copycpio1, except:
 #*copycpio1 - requires you to be in input directory
 # copycpio2 - requires you to be in output directory
 # Example - copy /p2/apps/proddata/... to /p3/apps/backup/proddata
 # 1. cd /p2/apps/proddata                  <-- change to input directory
 # 2. ls -l /p3/apps/backup/proddata | more <-- ensure outdir OK to erase
 # 3. rm -rf /pr/backup/proddata/*     <-- clear output directory
 # 4. copycpio1 /p2/apps/proddata /p3/apps/backup/proddata <-- do it
 #    ====================================================
 d1="$1"; d2="$2";
 if [[ -d "$d1" && -d "$d2" ]]; then :
    else echo "usage: copycpio1 indir outdir"
         echo "       ======================"
         echo " - arg1 & arg2 must be directories (input & output)"
         exit 91; fi
 dpath=$(pwd)                      # capture current directory path
 if [[ $dpath != $d1 ]]
    then echo "you must be in the input directory $d1";
          exit 92; fi
 ls $2 >/tmp/copycpio_emptytest
 if [[ -s /tmp/copycpio_emptytest ]]
    then echo "the output directory must be empty $d2";exit 93; fi
 echo "copy $d1 to $d2 OK ? (or kill)"; read reply
 cd $d1                          # <-- change to indir
 find . -print | cpio -pdmv $d2  # <-- copy all files to outdir
 exit 0

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3D2. ADMjobs: Disc Backup & Restore Scripts

copycpio2 - copy directory to current empty dir

 # copycpio2 - Korn shell script from UVSI stored in: /home/uvadm/sf/util/
 # copycpio2 - copy a directory tree to a 2nd directory
 #           - input may have sub-directories to any level
 #           - output will have exactly the same tree structure
 #           - you must be in output directory & it must be empty
 #           - you must specify full pathname of outdir & it must match .
 #           - fail-safe, paranoid script
 #           - also see copycpio1, similar to this *copycpio2, except:
 # copycpio1 - requires you to be in input directory
 #*copycpio2 - requires you to be in output directory
 # Example - copy /p2/apps/proddata/... to /p3/apps/backup/proddata
 # 1. cd /p3/apps/backup/proddata         <-- change to output directory
 # 2. ls -l | more                   <-- ensure outdir OK to erase
 # 3. rm -rf *                       <-- clear output directory
 # 3a. rm -rf /p3/apps/backup/proddata/*  <-- safer (avoid unqualified '*')
 # 4. copycpio2 /p2/apps/proddata /p3/apps/backup/proddata <-- do it
 #    ====================================================
 d1="$1"; d2="$2";
 if [[ -d "$d1" && -d "$d2" ]]; then :
    else echo "usage: copycpio2 indir outdir"
         echo "       ======================"
         echo " - arg1 & arg2 must be directories (input & output)"
         exit 91; fi
 dpath=$(pwd)                      # capture current directory path
 if [[ $dpath != $d2 ]]
    then echo "you must be in output directory (& it must be empty) $d2";
          exit 92; fi
 ls . >/tmp/copycpio_emptytest
 if [[ -s /tmp/copycpio_emptytest ]]
    then echo "the current directory (output) must be empty $d2";exit 93; fi
 echo "copy $d1 to current dir $d2 OK ? (or kill job)"; read reply
 cd $d1                          # <-- change to indir
 find . -print | cpio -pdmv $d2  # <-- copy all files to outdir
 exit 0

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3D3. ADMjobs: Disc Backup & Restore Scripts

sortcpio1 - copy directory, sorting filenames

 # sortcpio - Korn shell script from UVSI stored in: /home/uvadm/sf/adm/
 # sortcpio  - sort filenames & copy a directory to a 2nd directory
 #           - so filenames will be in sequence for backups, etc
 #             (ls sorts filenames, but not tar, cpio, du, etc)
 #           - input may have sub-directories to any level
 #           - output will have exactly the same tree structure
 #             except directory names & filenames will be sorted
 if [[ -d $1 && -d $2 ]]; then :
    else echo "usage: sortcpio indir outdir (outdir empty)"
         echo "       ====================="; exit 1; fi
 echo "current directory must be outside of indir & have tmp subdir - OK ?";read
 echo "outdir can be anywhere outside of indir & must be empty - OK ?";read
 cd $1; d1=$(pwd); cd $cwd
 cd $2; d2=$(pwd); cd $cwd
 if [[ ! -d tmp ]];then mkdir tmp; fi
 cd $d1
 find . -print >$cwd/tmp/files1
 sort -o$cwd/tmp/files2 $cwd/tmp/files1
 cat $cwd/tmp/files2 | cpio -pdmv $d2
 exit 0

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3E0. ADMjobs: Tape Backup & Restore scripts

Tape Backup/Restore scripts

3E1. backupT1 - backup any 1 directory tree to tape using find & cpio
---------- using hard-coded tape rewind device
- may need to modify for other devices & other unix systems
- rewind allows only 1 archive on tape (vs other no-rewind scripts)

3E2. backupT1NRW - backup any 1 directory tree to tape using find & cpio
------------- using no rewind, may stack multiple archives on 1 tape
- using hard-coded tape device
- may need to modify for other devices & other unix systems
- see backupNtape using $variables for tape devices

3E3. backupT2 - backup multi directory trees to multi archives on tape
---------- sample backup script to multi-archive tape using cpio
- use 'restoreT1' to restore any 1 archive to a work area
  (for investigation & extract of desired files)
- using hard-coded tape device
- may need to modify for other devices & other unix systems
- see backupNtape using $variables for tape devices

3E4. restoreT1 - restore any 1 archive from tape to an empty work space
----------- for investigation & extract of desired files
- you must specify full path name of restore directory &
  it must match your current directory & it must be empty

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3E1. ADMjobs: Tape Backup/Restore scripts

backupT1 - backup to DAT tape using find & cpio

 # backupT1 - backup any 1 directory tree to DAT tape using find & cpio
 #          - Korn shell script from UVSI stored in: /home/uvadm/sf/adm/
 # usage: backupT1 directory
 #        ==================
 if [ ! -d "$1" ]; then echo "usage: backupT1 directory"; exit 9; fi
 echo "backup $1 to DAT tape - OK ?"; read reply
 cd $1
 find . -print | cpio -ocvBO/dev/st0
 exit 0
 #note - tape device shown is the 1st SCSI device on a Linux system
 #     - you must modify for other devices & other unix systems
 # See more advanced backup/restores at:
 # - easier to install backup scripts at new sites
 # - easier to make changes when directories or tape devices change

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3E2. ADMjobs: Tape Backup/Restore scripts

backupT1NRW - backup to DAT tape No Rewind

 # backupT1NRW - backup any 1 directory tree to DAT tape using find & cpio
 #               with no rewind, so you can stack multiple archives on 1 tape
 #             - Korn shell script from UVSI stored in: /home/uvadm/sf/adm/
 # usage: backupT1NRW directory
 #        =====================
 if [ ! -d "$1" ]; then echo "usage: backupT1NRW directory"; exit 9; fi
 echo "backup $1 to DAT tape - OK ?"; read reply
 cd $1
 find . -print | cpio -ocvBO/dev/nst0
 exit 0
 #Note - tape device is NO Rewind for 1st SCSI Tape on Linux
 # - you must modify for other devices & other unix systems
 # See more advanced backup/restores at:
 # - easier to install backup scripts at new sites
 # - easier to make changes when directories or tape devices change

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3E3. ADMjobs: Tape Backup/Restore scripts

backupT2 - backup to Multi-File tape

 # backupT2 - backup multiple directory trees to multiple archives on DAT tape
 #          - Korn shell script from UVSI stored in: /home/uvadm/sf/adm/
 # usage: backupT2
 #        ========
 # This script is a sample backup script to multi-archive tape using cpio
 # - also see 'restoreT1' to restore any 1 archive to a work area
 #   (for investigation & extract of desired files)
 # assign symbols for REWIND/NOREWIND devices
 # - for easier changes for various unix/linux systems (also see note at end)
 TAPERWD=/dev/st0           # rewind tape device for Linux SCSI
 TAPENRW=/dev/nst0          # NO rewind tape device for Linux SCSI
 #note - tape device shown is the 1st SCSI device on a Linux system
 # - you must modify for other devices & other unix systems
 # - also see backupNtape showing how tape devices can be defined in 1 place
 echo "backupT2 - backup proddata, prodlibs,& home/dirs to DAT tape OK"
 read reply
 mt -f $TAPERWD rewind       # rewind for Linux
 cd /p2/apps/prodlibs
 echo "backup /p2/apps/prodlibs - archive #0 (1st on tape)"
 find . -print | cpio -ocvBO/$TAPENRW
 cd /p2/apps/proddata
 echo "backup /p2/apps/proddata - archive #1 (2nd on tape)"
 find . -print | cpio -ocvBO/$TAPENRW
 cd /home
 echo "backup all /home/...dirs - archive #2 (3rd on tape)"
 find . -print | cpio -ocvBO/$TAPENRW
 echo "backups complete - rewinding tape"
 mt -f $TAPERWD rewind           # rewind for Linux
 exit 0
 # See more advanced backup/restores at:
 # - easier to install backup scripts at new sites
 # - easier to make changes when directories or tape devices change

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3E4. ADMjobs: Tape Backup/Restore scripts

restoreT1 - restore any 1 archive from tape

 # restoreT1 - Korn shell script from UVSI stored in: /home/uvadm/sf/adm/
 # restoreT1 - restore any 1 archive from tape to an empty work space
 #             for investigation & extract of desired files
 #usage: 1. change to directory where files are to be restored
 #       2. remove any old files (directory must be empty)
 #       3. restoreT1 tapefile#(0,1,2,etc) directory
 #          ========================================
 #sample: 1. cd /p2/apps/prodlibs        <-- change to PRODuction LIBrarieS
 #        2. rm  -fr *              <-- remove old files & subdirs
 #        3. restoreT1 0 /dev/nst0  <-- restore from 1st file (archive #0)
 #           =====================    - use 1 for 2nd archive, 2 for 3rd, etc
 # - you must specify full path name of restore directory &
 #   it must match your current directory & it must be empty
 # assign symbols for REWIND/NOREWIND devices
 # - for easier changes for various unix/linux systems (also see note at end)
 TAPERWD=/dev/st0           # rewind tape device for Linux SCSI
 TAPENRW=/dev/nst0          # NO rewind tape device for Linux SCSI
 # capture command arguments & verify
 integer fno="$1"           # capture tape file number (0 relative)
 dpath=$(pwd)               # capture current directory path
 echo "restoreT1: arg1=file#=$fno, arg2=curdirpath=$cdir"
 if ((fno < 1 || fno > 99))
    then echo "USAGE: restoreT1 tapefile#(0,1,2,etc) curdirfullpath";
         echo "  arg1 invalid - tapefile# (0 relative 0-99)"
         exit 91; fi
 if [[ ! -d "$cdir" ]]
    then echo "USAGE: restoreT1 tapefile#(0,1,2,etc) curdirfullpath";
         echo "  arg2 invalid - must be full path to current(restore) directory"
         echo "       - restore directory must be empty & you must be in it"
         exit 92; fi
 if [[ $dpath != $cdir ]]
    then echo "you must be in the directory specified"; exit 92; fi
 ls . >/tmp/restore_emptytest
 if [[ -s /tmp/restore_emptytest ]]
    then echo "the current directory must be empty";exit 93; fi
 echo "restore tapefile# $fno to current directory ($cdir) OK ?"; read reply
 echo "- are you sure tapefile# $fno correct for $cdir ? (kill/rekey if not)"
 read reply
 mt -f $TAPERWD rewind       # ensure tape rewound (for Linux)
 mt -f $TAPENRW fsf $fno     # forward space to desired archive (for Linux)
 cpio -icvdmBI $TAPENRW      # restore spcfd archive to cur dir
 echo "tapefile# $fno restored to $cdir, rewinding tape"
 mt -f $TAPERWD rewind       # rewind tape after (for Linux)
 exit 0

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3F1. ADMjobs: Tape Backup & Restore scripts

Restoring Backup tapes to a New System

With Raid, you may never crash, but at some point you will want to move to new hardware. Here is the procedure to restore the backup tape archives created by backupT2 (listed on page '3E3').

  1. Install new Hardware

  2. Install O/S (Red Hat Enterprise recommended, RHEL 5.1 in 2008) Also see RAID, partitioning,& file design at ADMjobs.htm#Part_2

  3. Restore homedirs from archive #3 of backupT2 tape

 #3a. cd /home
 #3b. mt -f /dev/st0 fsf 2     <-- forward space 2 files (to 3rd archive)
 #3c. cpio -icvdmBI /dev/nst0  <-- restore 3rd archive (homedirs)
  1. Setup users on new system. Note that '-m' option (create homedir) is omitted below (since homedirs restored from tape).

 #4a. groupadd apps
 #4b. adduser -d/home/uvadm   -gapps uvadm
 #4c. adduser -d/home/appsadm -gapps appsadm
 #4c. adduser -d/home/userxxx -gapps userxxx
 #4_.            - - - - - etc - - - - -
  • user '.profile's or '.bash_profile's restored from tape
  • user profiles call 'common_profile'
  • which are restored into /home/appsadm/env/...
  1. Setup the directories to hold your production Libraries & Data - as on the former system or as suggested on ADMjobs.htm#2C0 thru 2F5.

  2. Restore production Libraries & Data. Note that PRODLIBS & PRODDATA are defined in stub_profile & common_profile (executed when appsadm logs on).

 #6a. Logon appsadm --> /home/appsadm
 #6b. cdl           --> $PRODLIBS (/p2/apps/prodlibs on page '2C0' example)
 #6c. mt -f /dev/st0 fsf 0     <-- forward space 0 files (1st archive)
 #6d. cpio -icvdmBI /dev/nst0  <-- restore 1st archive (production libraries)
 #6e. cdd           --> $PRODDATA (/p2/apps/proddata on page '2C0' example)
 #6f. mt -f /dev/st0 fsf 1     <-- forward space 1 files (2nd archive)
 #6g. cpio -icvdmBI /dev/nst0  <-- restore 2nd archive (production libraries)
  1. Alternatively - use restoreT1 script (listed on page '3E4')

 #7a. Logon appsadm --> /home/appsadm
 #7b. cdl           --> $PRODLIBS (/p2/apps/prodlibs on page '2C0' example)
 #7c. restoreT1 0 $PRODLIBS   <-- restore 1st archive (production libraries)
 #7d. cdd           --> $PRODDATA (/p2/apps/proddata on page '2C0' example)
 #7e. restoreT1 1 $PRODDATA   <-- restore 2nd archive (production libraries)

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Part_4 ADMjobs - Advanced Backup & Restore

Advanced Backup & Restore - Contents

4A1. Backup/Restore - Introduction & Overview
4A2. Advantages of this backup system

4B1. Backup & Restore Directories

4C1. Directories for advanced Backup & Restore

4D1. cronbackupNight - crontab file to run backup scripts
----------------- backupNight, backupMonth, backupYear, backupNtape
- supplied in /home/uvadm/env/... (after Vancouver Utilities installed)
- copy to /home/appsadm/env/... & modify as required for your site
- this crontab & the backup scripts should run under the 'appsadm' user id
- much safer than running under root
- appsadm should be in same group as users who created files & directories
  & permissions 775 for directories & 664 for files (umask 002 in profiles)
- use a separate crontab for root if you need to backup system files

4E1. cron mail with console logs of backups
- when backup scripts run under cron, console msgs are mailed to the
  user owning the crontab (which should be appsadm).
- sample mail after cron runs backupNight, backupMonth,& backupNtape

4F0. Advanced backup scripts
- using environmental variables for directories & tape devices
  to minimize changes when installing backup scripts at new sites

4F1. backupPROD - backup $PRODDATA & $PRODLIBS
------------ intended to be run by cron at 3 AM (but could run manually)
- removes 2 days ago backup proddata-1 & prodlibs-1
- renames yesterdays proddata,prodlibs (append -1)
- makes new empty output dirs for today's backups
- runs copycpio1 to copy $PRODDATA to $BACKUP/proddata
- runs copycpio1 to copy $PRODLIBS to $BACKUP/prodlibs
- zips $PRODDATA & $PRODLIBS to date stamped files in $BACKUP/zip/... &
- then copy .zip files to $BACKUP/Day/...
- last 40 days accumulated, older files dropped by backupPurge1 (or 2)

4F2. backupTEST - backup $TESTDATA & $TESTLIBS
- similar to backupPROD (for $PRODDATA & $PRODLIBS)
- use backupTEST during conversion period
- use backupPROD after you go into PRODuction

4F3. backupHOME - backup all /home/... directories
- removes 2 days ago homedirs-1, renames yesterday to homedirs-1
- run copycpio1 to copy all homedirs to $BACKUP/homedirs
- zips homedirs to $BACKUP/zip/
- copy .zip file to $BACKUP/Day/...

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Advanced Backup & Restore

Backup & Restore - Contents (continued)

4F4. backupMonth - copy current backup zip files to Month backup directory
------------- for cron on 1st of month at 4 AM (but could run manually)
- preceded by backupNight, which backed up $PRODDATA $PRODLIBS $HOMEDIRS
  & zipped them to $BACKUP/zip/... with date/time stamps
- this script simply copies contents of $BACKUP/zip/* to $BACKUP/Month

4F5. backupYear - copy current backup zip files to Year backup directory
------------ for cron on Jan 1 at 4:30 AM (but could run manually)
- preceded by backupNight, backed up $PRODDATA $PRODLIBS $HOMEDIRS
  & zipped them to $BACKUP/zip/... with date/time stamps
- this script simply copies contents of $BACKUP/zip/* to $BACKUP/Year

4F6. backupTapeA - backup $BACKUP/zip/... files to tape (DAT or LTO)
------------- run by cron at 5 AM, following Nightly backups to disc
- backup files already zipped by backupPROD/TEST/HOME into $BACKUP/zip/...
  (, ...etc... to
- if required restore files to $RESTORE/zip/... using 'restoreTapeA' script
- then copy desired .zip file to appropriate area & unzip
  ($RESTORE/prodlibs, $RESTORE/proddata, $RESTORE/homedirs)
- after restore, unzip, investigate, & copy desired files back to
  $PRODDATA/..., or $PRODLIBS/..., or /home/...

4F7. restoreTapeA - restore from tape to an empty work space
-------------- for investigation & extract of desired files
- you must specify full path name of restore directory &
  it must match your current directory & it must be empty
- we minimize necessity to modify backup scripts for new sites
  by using environmental variables $TAPERWD, $TAPENRW
- SCSI tape devices for Linux might be TAPERWD=/dev/st0 & TAPENRW=/dev/nst0
- tape devices for site are assigned in $APPSADSM/env/common_profile
- these scripts '.' dot-execute $APPSADM/.bash_profile & common_profile

4F8. backupPurge1 - purge backup files older than specified limits
-------------- for cron each night at 2:30 AM (but could run manually)
- removes files from \$BACKUP/Day older than 40 days
- removes files from \$BACKUP/Month older than 15 months
- removes files from \$BACKUP/Year older than 7 years
- aging based on unix directory entry last modification dates
  which could be wrong if files copied without -p option
- alternative backupPurge2 aging based on _yymmdd_ embedded in filenames

4F9. backupPurge2 - purge backup files older than specified limits
-------------- for cron each night at 2:30 AM (but could run manually)
- removes files from \$BACKUP/Day older than 40 days
- removes files from \$BACKUP/Month older than 15 months
- removes files from \$BACKUP/Year older than 7 years
- aging based on _yymmdd_ embedded in filenames, vs backupPurge1
  where aging based on unix directory entry last modification dates
  which could be wrong if files copied without -p option

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Advanced Backup & Restore

Backup & Restore - Contents (continued)

 4F10. purgeold2 - purge files from a directory older than a specified no of days
      ----------- based on the dates embedded in the filenames
      uvcopy job called by backupPurge2 script to remove:
      - Daily backup files older than 40 days
      - Monthly backup files older than 450 days
      - Yearly backup files older than 2555 days
      Alternate backupPurge1 uses directory entry dates vs embedded dates
      - which could be wrong if files copied without -p option

4A1. Introduction & Overview

Part_3 was an education on unix/linux basic backup & restore. The scripts were simple & could be used standalone with no dependencies on site conventions, profiles,or environmental variables.

Here in Part 4 (''), we will present an advanced backup/restore system which uses 'cron' to automatically schedule backups to disc & to tape.

The scripts are well commented & listed in Part 4, so new users should be able to learn something about unix/linux Korn shell scripts & crontabs.

BACKUP directory permissions, owner, group

Since the backup scripts are scheduled by crontabs owned by 'appsadm', you must ensure appsadm can write to the backup directories. If you set them up with root, you could fix as follows:

 #1. chmod 775 $BACKUP   <-- set permissions

 #2. chown appsadm:apps $BACKUP <-- set owner & goup

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4A2. ADMjobs: Advanced Backup & Restore

Advantages of Part 4 backup system

  1. This system takes advantage of the massive inexpensive disc systems now available to maintain zip file backups on-disc for the last 40 days, the last 15 end of month backups,& the last 7 end of year backups.

  2. Backups automatically scheduled by 'cron'

  3. Two days backup on-disc, unzipped, instantly available for file recovery.

  4. Zipped file of nightly backups maintained on-disc for 40 days, 1st of month zip file maintained on-disc for 15 months, & 1st of year zip file maintained on-disc for 7 years.

  5. Zip file names have embedded date & time to eliminate confusion. For example, the 3 nightly zip files used in the backup examples are:,,

  6. This backup system is intended for the most frequently changing files (production data, production libraries,& home dirs), that may need quick restore. Most sites will already have backups for the entire system, but those probably do not provide the quick restore possible with these smaller targeted backup files.

  7. Nightly zip files backed up to tape by cron & tapes cycled over 31 days. For smaller sites with single tape units, I suggest you simply label 31 tapes with numbers 1 to 31. Each morning the operator changes tapes & inserts the tape# for today's day of month, with no need to write anything.

  8. The nightly backup tapes can be stored onsite in fireproof vault. The end of month tape should be taken offsite & new tape inserted in rotation, progressing thru the 31 tapes, so tapes are reused maximum 31 times.

  9. Directories & devices defined in 1 place (/home/appsadm/env/common_profile), to make it easier, to install backup scripts at new sites & to make changes, when directories or tape devices change.

  10. This is achieved by having all scripts '.' dot-execute the 'appsadm profile' & 'common_profile' which define the symbols ($PRODDATA, $PRODLIBS, $BACKUP, $TAPERWD, $TAPENRW), which are used thruout the scripts. Please see the profiles listed begining on page

  11. Executing the backups under cron means the console logs will be 'mailed' to the crontab owner, which is 'appsadm', so the site administrator can investigate any errors.

  12. These scripts use zip/unzip for Linux, but Unix users may have to change these to gzip/gunzip or to tar+compress/uncompress/untar.

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4B1. ADMjobs: Advanced Backup & Restore

Backup & Restore Directories

Part_2 suggested some file designs that might be used for testing & production. Here is a short summary, with the emphasis on production backup & restore.

 :    :----sf/adm/...   <-- backup/restore scripts provided by UV Software
 :    :----sf/...       <-- backup/restore scripts copied to /home/appsadm/sf/
                          - customized as required for your site
 /p1/apps             <---- /p2 file system mount point
 :----testdata          <-- TEST DATA
 :     :-----ap             (subdirs same as proddata below)
 :----testlibs          <-- TEST LIBrarieS
 :     :-----cbls           (subdirs same as prodlibs below)
 /p2/apps             <---- /p2 file system mount point
 :----proddata          <-- PRODuction DATA
 :     :-----ap
 :     :-----ar             <-- multiple subdirs in proddata
 :     :-----gl
 :-----prodlibs          <-- $PRODLIBS backups from last night
 :     :-----cbls
 :     :-----cpys        <-- multiple subdirs in prodlibs
 :     :-----jcls
 /p3/apps             <---- /p3 file system mount point
 :----backup              - backup directories (on-disc)
 :     :----proddata       - backup dir for proddata (unzipped, quick restore)
 :     :    ...              - multiple subdirs in backup/proddata
 :     :----prodlibs       - backup dir for prodlibs (unzipped, quick restore)
 :     :    ...              - multiple subdirs in backup/proddata
 :     :-----zip                             <-- last nights backup (only)
 :     :  <-- sample for May 29/2007
 :     :-----Day                             <-- Daily backup .zips last 40 days
 :     :  <-- sample for April 19/2007
 :     :-----Month                           <-- Monthly backup .zips 15 mths
 :     :  <-- sample for Feb 1/2006
 :     :-----Year                            <-- Yearly backup .zips last 7 years
 :     :  <-- sample for Jan 1/2000
 :-----restore           <-- restore directories (from tape)
 :     :----proddata       - restore area for proddata
 :     :    ...            - multiple subdirs in restore/proddata
  1. Backup directories on-disc allow immediate recovery when required

  2. This shows only 1 days backup on-disc but later in this section we show how to maintain 2 days backup unzipped & 40 days zipped

  3. If you need to restore files, don't restore directly, but rather restore to the /p3/apps/restore/... areas, for investigation & selection of desired files to copy over to /p2/apps/proddata or /p2/apps/prodlibs

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4C1. ADMjobs: Advanced Backup & Restore

Directories for Backup & Restore

 :-----homedirs             <-- $HOMEDIRS backup from last night
 :     :-----appsadm          - showing only 1 user to save lines
 :     :     :-----ctl          & showing only a few subdirs in 1st user
 :     :     :-----logs
 :     :     :-----...
 :-----homedirs-1           <-- $HOMEDIRS backup from 2 nights ago
 :     :-----...same as above...
 :-----proddata             <-- $PRODDATA backup from last night
 :     :-----ap
 :     :-----ar
 :     :-----gl
 :-----proddata-1           <-- $PRODDATA backup from 2 nights ago
 :     :-----...same as above...
 :-----prodlibs             <-- $PRODLIBS backups from last night
 :     :-----cbls
 :     :-----cpys
 :     :-----jcls
 :-----prodlibs-1           <-- $PRODLIBS backup from 2 nights ago
 :     :-----...same as above...
 :-----testdata             <-- $TESTDATA backup from last night
 :-----testdata-1           <-- $TESTDATA backup from 2 nights ago
 :-----testlibs             <-- $TESTLIBS backup from last night
 :-----testlibs-1           <-- $TESTLIBS backup from 2 nights ago
 :-----zip                  <-- last nights backup (only)
 :  <-- sample for May 29/2007
 :     :-----...
 :-----Day                  <-- Daily backups in .zip files for last 40 days
 :  <-- 40 days ago = April 19/2007
 :     :-----...(39 sets not shown)
 :-----Month                <-- Monthly backups in .zip files for last 15 months
 :  <-- 15 months ago = Feb 1/2006
 :     :-----...(14 sets not shown)
 :-----Year                 <-- Yearly backups in .zip files for last 7 years
 :  <-- 7 years ago = Jan 1/2000
 :     :-----...(6 sets not shown)
  • we show only directories under homedirs, proddata,& prodlibs
  • we do show some files under zip, Day, Month,& Year
  • (inserted manually since the 'dtree' script does not show files)
  • we show zip, Day, Month,& Year out of sequence
  • to better illustrate our backup strategy

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4D1. ADMjobs: Advanced Backup & Restore

 # cronbackupNight - crontab file to run backup scripts
 #                 - Nightly1, Monthly1, Yearly
 #                 - by Owen Townsend, UV Software, May 19/2007
 #                 - see doc at
 # - crontab file supplied with Vancouver Utilities in /home/appsadm/sf/adm/...
 # - I suggest you setup userid 'appsadm' to house your crontabs & cron scripts
 #   then copy supplied file to /home/appsadm/sf/cronbackupNight & modify as reqd
 # - see backup scripts (backupPROD,backupTEST,backupHOME,backupMonth,backupYear)
 # - these should also be copied to /home/appsadm/sf/... & modified there as reqd
 # - this crontab & the backup scripts should run under the 'appsadm' user id
 # - much safer than running under root
 # - works OK if appsadm in same group as users who created files & directories
 #   & if permissions 775 for directories & 664 for files (umask 002 in profiles)
 # - use a separate crontab for root if you need to backup system files
 #                    ** updating & installing crontab files **
 # - we recommend you store this crontab file in /home/appsadm/sf/...
 #   update it (with vi) when required & re-install, using the crontab command
 #   (IE - the master copy is in /home/appsadm/sf/... not the installed version)
 # - log on as 'appsadm' to issue the 'crontab' command
 #   (crontab command installs crontabs only for the logged on user)
 # - the 'crontab' command (#4 below) copies the specified crontab file
 #   to the 'real' crontab file which would be: /var/spool/cron/appsadm
 # - Before 1st use, you must logon as root, &  add the 'appsadm'
 #   userid to: /etc/cron.allow if it exists. If it does not exist
 #   you can use cron unless your userid exists in /etc/cron.deny
 # 1. logon as appsadm --> /home/appsadm
 # 2. vi sf/cronbackupNight      - edit this file as required
 # 3. crontab -r                 - remove old crontabs for user (appsadm)
 #                                 (ok since this file is the master copy)
 # 4. crontab sf/cronbackupNight - activate new crontab for appsadm
 # 5. crontab -l                 - list crontab onfile to confirm installation
 # arguments to crontab are as follows:
 # Minute Hour DayofMth MthofYr DayofWeek <----command---->
 #   00     3     *        *       2-6      #<-- codes used for 1st cmd below
 # 00 3 * * 2-6 /home/appsadm/sf/backupPROD   #Nightly backup proddata & prodtest
 15 3 * * 2-6 /home/appsadm/sf/backupTEST   #Nightly backup testdata & testtest
 # 30 3 * * 2-6 /home/appsadm/sf/backupHOME   #Nightly backup homedirs
 # 00 4 01 * * /home/appsadm/sf/backupMonth   #Monthly on 1st of month at 4 AM
 # 30 4 01 01 * /home/appsadm/sf/backupYear   #Yearly on Jan 1 at 4:30 AM
 # 00 5 * * 2-6 /home/appsadm/sf/backupNtape  #Nightly backup to tape
 #Note - Nightly backups for Monday to Friday after 12AM coded as 2-6 (Tues-Sat)

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4E1. ADMjobs: Advanced Backup & Restore

mail from cron after backup scripts

When scripts are run by cron, the console messages are automatically 'mailed' to the owner of the crontab file (appsadm in this case).

This is a great convenience & the appsadm administrator should check this mail to ensure no problems occurred in overnight backups & any other cron jobs.

cron mail after backupNight

From Sun May 20 11:30:05 2007 Return-Path: <> Received: from ( []) by (8.12.10/8.12.10) with ESMTP id l4KIU5dc007947 for <>; Sun, 20 May 2007 11:30:05 -0700 Received: (from appsadm@localhost) by (8.12.10/8.12.10/Submit) id l4KIU0ix007914 for appsadm; Sun, 20 May 2007 11:30:00 -0700 Date: Sun, 20 May 2007 11:30:00 -0700 Message-Id: <> From: (Cron Daemon) To: Subject: Cron <appsadm@localhost> /home/appsadm/sf/backupNight #Nightly backup to disc X-Cron-Env: <SHELL=/bin/sh> X-Cron-Env: <HOME=/home/appsadm> X-Cron-Env: <PATH=/usr/bin:/bin> X-Cron-Env: <LOGNAME=appsadm> Status: RO

 backupNight - backup $PRODDATA, $PRODLIBS,& $HOMEDIRS
  - removes 2 days ago backup proddata-1, prodlibs-1, homedirs-1
  - renames yesterdays proddata,prodlibs,homedirs (append -1)
  - makes new empty output dirs for today's backups
  - changes in turn into each input directory
  - runs the copycpio1 script to copy all subdirs & files to backup dir
 enter to proceed (will not stop here if run under cron)
 copy /home/mvstest/testdata to /home5/backup/proddata OK ? (or kill)
    - - - lines removed for this illustration - - -
 317 blocks

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4E2. ADMjobs: Advanced Backup & Restore

cron mail after backupNight (continued)

 copy /home/mvstest to /home5/backup/prodlibs OK ? (or kill)
    - - - lines removed for this illustration - - -
 3760 blocks
 copy /home/appsadm to /home5/backup/homedirs OK ? (or kill)
    - - - lines removed for this illustration - - -
 784 blocks
   adding: ap/ (stored 0%)
   adding: ar/ (stored 0%)
   adding: ar/customer.master (deflated 66%)
   adding: ar/customer.nameadrs.list100 (deflated 54%)
   adding: ar/sales.items (deflated 70%)
    - - - lines removed for this illustration - - -
   adding: pysave/test5a (stored 0%)
   adding: cbls/ (stored 0%)
   adding: cbls/car100.cbl (deflated 64%)
   adding: cbls/car120.cbl (deflated 65%)
   adding: cbls/car130.cbl (deflated 64%)
    - - - lines removed for this illustration - - -
   adding: sf/backupPurge2 (deflated 62%)
   adding: sf/backupYear (deflated 57%)
 backupNight completed, files in $BACKUP/zip are:
 total 808
 -rw-rw-r--    1 appsadm  users      143823 May 20 11:30
 -rw-rw-r--    1 appsadm  users       66054 May 20 11:30
 -rw-rw-r--    1 appsadm  users      594983 May 20 11:30
 accumulated files in $BACKUP/Day (/home5/backup/Day) =        3

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4E3. ADMjobs: Advanced Backup & Restore

cron mail after backupMonth

From Sun May 20 11:35:01 2007 Return-Path: <> Received: from ( []) by (8.12.10/8.12.10) with ESMTP id l4KIZ0dc007976 for <>; Sun, 20 May 2007 11:35:00 -0700 Received: (from appsadm@localhost) by (8.12.10/8.12.10/Submit) id l4KIZ0H5007967 for appsadm; Sun, 20 May 2007 11:35:00 -0700 Date: Sun, 20 May 2007 11:35:00 -0700 Message-Id: <> From: (Cron Daemon) To: Subject: Cron <appsadm@localhost> /home/appsadm/sf/backupMonth #Monthly on 1st of month at 4 AM X-Cron-Env: <SHELL=/bin/sh> X-Cron-Env: <HOME=/home/appsadm> X-Cron-Env: <PATH=/usr/bin:/bin> X-Cron-Env: <LOGNAME=appsadm> Status: RO

 backupMonth - copy current backup zip files to Month backup directory
 - intended for cron on 1st each month at 4 AM (but could run manually)
 - preceded by backupNight, backed up $PRODDATA $PRODLIBS $HOMEDIRS
   & zipped them to $BACKUP/zip/... with date/time stamps
 - this script simply copies contents of $BACKUP/zip/* to $BACKUP/Month
 - see more documentation at:
 enter to proceed (will not stop here if run under cron)
 stty: standard input: Invalid argument
 stty: standard input: Invalid argument
 backupMonth completed, files in $BACKUP/zip are:
 total 808
 -rw-rw-r--    1 appsadm  users      143823 May 20 11:30
 -rw-rw-r--    1 appsadm  users       66054 May 20 11:30
 -rw-rw-r--    1 appsadm  users      594983 May 20 11:30
 accumulated files in $BACKUP/Month are:
 total 808
 -rw-rw-r--    1 appsadm  users      143823 May 20 11:35
 -rw-rw-r--    1 appsadm  users       66054 May 20 11:35
 -rw-rw-r--    1 appsadm  users      594983 May 20 11:35
 file count in $BACKUP/Month (/home5/backup/Month) =        3

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4E4. ADMjobs: Advanced Backup & Restore

cron mail after backupNtape

From Sun May 20 11:46:19 2007 Return-Path: <> Received: from ( []) by (8.12.10/8.12.10) with ESMTP id l4KIkDdc008030 for <>; Sun, 20 May 2007 11:46:19 -0700 Received: (from appsadm@localhost) by (8.12.10/8.12.10/Submit) id l4KIj0p4008021 for appsadm; Sun, 20 May 2007 11:45:00 -0700 Date: Sun, 20 May 2007 11:45:00 -0700 Message-Id: <> From: (Cron Daemon) To: Subject: Cron <appsadm@localhost> /home/appsadm/sf/backupNtape #Nightly backup to tape X-Cron-Env: <SHELL=/bin/sh> X-Cron-Env: <HOME=/home/appsadm> X-Cron-Env: <PATH=/usr/bin:/bin> X-Cron-Env: <LOGNAME=appsadm> Status: RO

 stty: standard input: Invalid argument
 stty: standard input: Invalid argument
 backup $BACKUP/zip/* to tape ($BACKUP=/home5/backup)
 - intended for cron at 5 AM (but could be run manually)
 - follows backupNight which created date stamped .zip files
 - enter to backup all files in $BACKUP/zip/* to tape
 158 blocks
 backups complete - rewinding & unloading tape

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4F0. ADMjobs: Advanced Backup & Restore

Backup & Restore scripts

4F0. Advanced backup scripts
- using environmental variables for directories & tape devices
  to minimize changes when installing backup scripts at new sites

4F1. backupPROD - backup $PRODDATA & $PRODLIBS
  - intended to be run by cron at 3 AM (but could run manually)
- removes 2 days ago backup proddata-1 & prodlibs-1
- renames yesterdays proddata,prodlibs (append -1)
- makes new empty output dirs for today's backups
- runs copycpio1 to copy $PRODDATA to $BACKUP/proddata
- runs copycpio1 to copy $PRODLIBS to $BACKUP/prodlibs
- zips $PRODDATA & $PRODLIBS to date stamped files in $BACKUP/zip/... &
- then copy .zip files to $BACKUP/Day/...
- last 40 days accumulated, older files dropped by backupPurge1 (or 2)

4F2. backupTEST - backup $TESTDATA & $TESTLIBS
- similar to backupPROD (for $PRODDATA & $PRODLIBS)
- use backupTEST during conversion period
- use backupPROD after you go into PRODuction

4F3. backupHOME - backup all /home/... directories
- removes 2 days ago homedirs-1, renames yesterday to homedirs-1
- run copycpio1 to copy all homedirs to $BACKUP/homedirs
- zips homedirs to $BACKUP/zip/
- copy .zip file to $BACKUP/Day/...

4F4. backupMonth - copy current backup zip files to Month backup directory
  - for cron on 1st of month at 4 AM (but could run manually)
- preceded by backupNight, which backed up $PRODDATA $PRODLIBS $HOMEDIRS
  & zipped them to $BACKUP/zip/... with date/time stamps
- this script simply copies contents of $BACKUP/zip/* to $BACKUP/Month

4F5. backupYear - copy current backup zip files to Year backup directory
  - for cron on Jan 1 at 4:30 AM (but could run manually)
- preceded by backupNight, backed up $PRODDATA $PRODLIBS $HOMEDIRS
  & zipped them to $BACKUP/zip/... with date/time stamps
- this script simply copies contents of $BACKUP/zip/* to $BACKUP/Year

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Advanced Backup & Restore

Backup & Restore - Contents (continued)

4F6. backupTapeA - backup $BACKUP/zip/... files to tape (DAT or LTO)
  - run by cron at 5 AM, following Nightly backups to disc
- backup files already zipped by backupPROD/TEST/HOME into $BACKUP/zip/...
  (, ...etc... to
- if required restore files to $RESTORE/zip/... using 'restoreTapeA' script
- then copy desired .zip file to appropriate area & unzip
  ($RESTORE/prodlibs, $RESTORE/proddata, $RESTORE/homedirs)
- after restore, unzip, investigate, & copy desired files back to
  $PRODDATA/..., or $PRODLIBS/..., or /home/...

4F7. restoreTapeA - restore from tape to an empty work space
  - for investigation & extract of desired files
- you must specify full path name of restore directory &
  it must match your current directory & it must be empty
- we minimize necessity to modify backup scripts for new sites
  by using environmental variables $TAPERWD, $TAPENRW
- SCSI tape devices for Linux might be TAPERWD=/dev/st0 & TAPENRW=/dev/nst0
- tape devices for site are assigned in $APPSADSM/env/common_profile
- these scripts '.' dot-execute $APPSADM/.bash_profile & common_profile

4F8. backupPurge1 - purge backup files older than specified limits
- removes files from \$BACKUP/Day older than 40 days
- removes files from \$BACKUP/Month older than 15 months
- removes files from \$BACKUP/Year older than 7 years
- aging based on unix directory entry last modification dates
  which could be wrong if files copied without -p option
- alternative backupPurge2 aging based on _yymmdd_ embedded in filenames

4F9. backupPurge2 - purge backup files older than specified limits
- removes files from \$BACKUP/Day older than 40 days
- removes files from \$BACKUP/Month older than 15 months
- removes files from \$BACKUP/Year older than 7 years
- aging based on _yymmdd_ embedded in filenames, vs backupPurge1
  where aging based on unix directory entry last modification dates
  which could be wrong if files copied without -p option
 4F10. purgeold2 - purge files from a directory older than a specified no of days
                 - based on the dates embedded in the filenames
      uvcopy job called by backupPurge2 script to remove old backups
      Alternate backupPurge1 uses directory entry dates vs embedded dates
      - which could be wrong if files copied without -p option

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4F1. ADMjobs: Advanced Backup & Restore

 # backupPROD - backup $PRODDATA, $PRODLIBS (nigtly backup)
 #            - intended to be run by cron at 3 AM (but could run manually)
 #            - also see backupTEST for $TESTDATA & $TESTLIBS
 #            - by Owen Townsend, UV Software, May 18/2007
 #            - see doc at
 # backupPROD       <-- no arguments required
 # ==========
 #Note - we will minimize necessity to modify backup scripts for new sites
 #     - by using environmental variables $PRODDATA,$PRODLIBS,$BACKUP
 # - variables defined in /home/appsadm/env/common_profile (with profiles)
 #   assuming site admin followed advice in
 # - will '.' dot-execute site admin's .bash_profile to define $SYMBOLs & PATHs
 export APPSADM=/home/appsadm    # define site admin superdir
 #===========================      (only absolute path in these scripts)
 . $APPSADM/.bash_profile        # define $PRODDATA,$PRODLIBS,$BACKUP,etc
 echo "backupPROD - backup \$PRODDATA & \$PRODLIBS"
 echo " - intended to be run by cron at 3 AM (but could run manually)"
 echo " - removes 2 days ago backup proddata-1, prodlibs-1"
 echo " - renames yesterdays proddata,prodlibs (append -1)"
 echo " - makes new empty output dirs for todays backups"
 echo " - changes in turn into each input directory"
 echo " - runs the copycpio1 script to copy all subdirs & files to backup dir"
 echo "enter to proceed (will not stop here if run under cron)"; read reply
 #Note - this script may be run by cron at 3 AM (but could run manually)
 #     - see recommendations at: & Part 5
 # - crontab file should be invoked by user 'appsadm' (not root)
 # - appsadm must belong to same group as users creating files to be backed up
 # - all directories must have perms 775 & all files 664
 #   (they will if using the profiles recommended in ADMjobs Part 1)
 # verify that env-vars set OK & required subdirs present
 if [[ -d $PRODDATA && -d $PRODLIBS && -d $BACKUP/zip && -d $BACKUP/Day ]];
   then :
   else echo "\$PRODDATA=$PRODDATA"
        echo "\$PRODLIBS=$PRODLIBS"
        echo "\$BACKUP/zip=$BACKUP/zip"
        echo "\$BACKUP/Day=$BACKUP/Day"
        echo "\$APPSADM=$APPSADM"
        echo "1 or more of above directories NOT found:"
        echo "- or \$variables not set by \$APPSADM/.bash_profile"
        exit 99; fi

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 # we will maintain 2 days backup of unzipped data & libraries
 # - for quick recovery if missing files discovered early (else unzip backups)
 rm -rf $BACKUP/proddata-1               # remove 2 days ago backups
 rm -rf $BACKUP/prodlibs-1
 mv $BACKUP/proddata $BACKUP/proddata-1  # change name of yesterdays backups
 mv $BACKUP/prodlibs $BACKUP/prodlibs-1
 mkdir $BACKUP/proddata                  # make new dirs for todays backups
 mkdir $BACKUP/prodlibs
 # now execute copycpio1 script from each superdir to be backed up
 # - must be in directory to be backed up & directory must be empty
 cd $PRODDATA                           # change into input superdir
 copycpio1 $PRODDATA $BACKUP/proddata   # backup all levels of subdirs & files
 copycpio1 $PRODLIBS $BACKUP/prodlibs
 # now zip the backups
 # clear old files from zip subdir & zip today's backups into it
 rm -f $BACKUP/zip/prod*
 cd $BACKUP/proddata
 zip -r $BACKUP/zip/proddata_$(date +%y%m%d_%H%M).zip .
 cd $BACKUP/prodlibs
 zip -r $BACKUP/zip/prodlibs_$(date +%y%m%d_%H%M).zip .
 # copy today's zip files into the Day backup dir
 # - backupPurge script will remove files older than 40 days
 cp $BACKUP/zip/* $BACKUP/Day
 echo "backupPROD completed, files in \$BACKUP/zip are:"
 ls -l $BACKUP/zip
 days=$(ls $BACKUP/Day | wc -l)
 echo "accumulated files in \$BACKUP/Day ($BACKUP/Day) = $days"
 exit 0

4F2. backupTEST

'backupTEST' is the same as backupPROD (listed above), but backs up testdata & testlibs (vs proddata & prodlibs).

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4F3. ADMjobs: Advanced Backup & Restore

 # backupHOME - backup $HOMEDIRS (nigtly backup)
 #            - intended to be run by cron at 3 AM (but could run manually)
 #            - by Owen Townsend, UV Software, Sep18/2009
 #            - backupHOME now separate from backupPROD & backupTEST
 #            - see doc at
 # backupHOME       <-- no arguments required
 # ==========
 #Note - we will minimize necessity to modify backup scripts for new sites
 #     - by using environmental variables $HOMEDIRS & $BACKUP
 # - variables defined in /home/appsadm/env/common_profile (with profiles)
 #   assuming site admin followed advice in
 # - will '.' dot-execute site admin's .bash_profile to define $SYMBOLs & PATHs
 export APPSADM=/home/appsadm    # define site admin superdir
 #===========================      (only absolute path in these scripts)
 . $APPSADM/.bash_profile        # define $HOMEDIRS, $BACKUP, etc
 echo "backupHOME - backup \$HOMEDIRS=$HOME to \$BACKUP=$BACKUP"
 echo " - intended to be run by cron at 3 AM (but could run manually)"
 echo " - removes 2 days ago backup & renames yesterdays to homedirs-1"
 echo " - makes new empty output homedirs for todays backups"
 echo " - changes into \$HOMEDIRS=$HOMEDIRS"
 echo " - runs the copycpio1 script to copy all subdirs & files to backup dir"
 echo "enter to proceed (will not stop here if run under cron)"; read reply
 #Note - this script may be run by cron at 3 AM (but could run manually)
 #     - see recommendations at: & Part 5
 # - crontab file should be invoked by user 'appsadm' (not root)
 # - appsadm must belong to same group as users creating files to be backed up
 # - all directories must have perms 775 & all files 664
 #   (they will if using the profiles recommended in ADMjobs Part 1)
 # verify that env-vars set OK & required subdirs present
 if [[ -d $HOMEDIRS && -d $BACKUP/zip && -d $BACKUP/Day ]]; then :
   else echo "\$HOMEDIRS=$HOMEDIRS"
        echo "\$BACKUP/zip=$BACKUP/zip"
        echo "\$BACKUP/Day=$BACKUP/Day"
        echo "\$APPSADM=$APPSADM"
        echo "1 or more of above directories NOT found:"
        echo "- or \$variables not set by \$APPSADM/.bash_profile"
        exit 99; fi

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 # we will maintain 2 days backup of unzipped homedirs
 # - for quick recovery if missing files discovered early (else unzip backups)
 rm -rf $BACKUP/homedirs-1              # remove 2 days ago backups
 mv $BACKUP/homedirs $BACKUP/homedirs-1 # change name of yesterdays backups
 mkdir $BACKUP/homedirs                 # make new dirs for todays backups
 # now execute copycpio1 script from superdir to be backed up
 # - must be in directory to be backed up & directory must be empty
 cd $HOMEDIRS                           # change into input superdir
 copycpio1 $HOMEDIRS $BACKUP/homedirs   # backup all levels of subdirs & files
 # now zip the backups
 # clear old files from zip subdir & zip today's backups into it
 rm -f $BACKUP/zip/homedirs*
 cd $BACKUP/homedirs
 zip -r $BACKUP/zip/homedirs_$(date +%y%m%d_%H%M).zip .
 # copy today's zip files into the Day backup dir
 # - backupPurge script will remove files older than 40 days
 cp $BACKUP/zip/* $BACKUP/Day
 echo "backupHOME completed, files in \$BACKUP/zip are:"
 ls -l $BACKUP/zip
 days=$(ls $BACKUP/Day | wc -l)
 echo "accumulated files in \$BACKUP/Day ($BACKUP/Day) = $days"
 exit 0

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4F4. ADMjobs: Advanced Backup & Restore

 # backupMonth - copy current backup zip files to Month backup directory
 #             - intended for cron on 1st each month at 4 AM (could run manually)
 #             - by Owen Townsend, UV Software, May 18/2007
 #             - see doc at
 # backupMonth       <-- no arguments required
 # ===========
 echo "backupMonth - copy current backup zip files to Month backup directory"
 echo "- intended for cron on 1st each month at 4 AM (but could run manually)"
 echo "- preceded by backupNight, backed up \$PRODDATA \$PRODLIBS \$HOMEDIRS"
 echo "  & zipped them to \$BACKUP/zip/... with date/time stamps"
 echo "- this script simply copies contents of \$BACKUP/zip/* to \$BACKUP/Month"
 echo "- see more documentation at:"
 echo "enter to proceed (will not stop here if run under cron)"; read reply
 #Note - we will minimize necessity to modify backup scripts for new sites
 #     - by using environmental variables $PRODDATA,$PRODLIBS,$BACKUP
 # - variables defined in /home/appsadm/env/common_profile (with profiles)
 #   assuming site admin followed advice in
 # - will '.' dot-execute site admin's .bash_profile to define $SYMBOLs & PATHs
 export APPSADM=/home/appsadm    # define site admin superdir
 #===========================      (only absolute path in these scripts)
 . $APPSADM/.bash_profile        # define $PRODDATA,$PRODLIBS,$BACKUP,etc
 # verify that env-vars set OK & required subdirs present
 if [[ -d $BACKUP/zip && -d $BACKUP/Month ]]; then :
   else echo "\$BACKUP/zip=$BACKUP/zip"
        echo "\$BACKUP/Month=$BACKUP/Month"
        echo "\$APPSADM=$APPSADM"
        echo "1 or more of above directories NOT found:"
        echo "- or \$variables not set by \$APPSADM/.bash_profile"
        exit 99; fi
 # copy today's (1st of month) zip files into the Month backup dir
 # - backupPurge script will remove files older than 15 months
 cp -i $BACKUP/zip/* $BACKUP/Month
 echo "backupMonth completed, files in \$BACKUP/zip are:"
 ls -l $BACKUP/zip
 echo "accumulated files in \$BACKUP/Month are:"
 ls -l $BACKUP/Month
 months=$(ls $BACKUP/Month | wc -l)
 echo "file count in \$BACKUP/Month ($BACKUP/Month) = $months"
 exit 0

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4F5. ADMjobs: Advanced Backup & Restore

 # backupYear - copy current backup zip files to Year backup directory
 #            - for cron on Jan 1 each year at 4:30 AM (could run manually)
 #            - by Owen Townsend, UV Software, May 18/2007
 #            - see doc at
 # backupYear       <-- no arguments required
 # ===========
 echo "backupYear - copy current backup zip files to Year backup directory"
 echo "- intended for cron on Jan 1 each year at 4:30 AM (could run manually)"
 echo "- preceded by backupNight, backed up \$PRODDATA \$PRODLIBS \$HOMEDIRS"
 echo "  & zipped them to \$BACKUP/zip/... with date/time stamps"
 echo "- this script simply copies contents of \$BACKUP/zip/* to \$BACKUP/Year"
 echo "- see more documentation at:"
 echo "enter to proceed (will not stop here if run under cron)"; read reply
 #Note - we will minimize necessity to modify backup scripts for new sites
 #     - by using environmental variables $PRODDATA,$PRODLIBS,$BACKUP,etc
 # - variables defined in /home/appsadm/env/common_profile (with profiles)
 #   assuming site admin followed advice in
 # - will '.' dot-execute site admin's .bash_profile to define $SYMBOLs & PATHs
 export APPSADM=/home/appsadm    # define site admin superdir
 #===========================      (only absolute path in these scripts)
 . $APPSADM/.bash_profile        # define $PRODDATA,$PRODLIBS,$BACKUP,etc
 # verify that env-vars set OK & required subdirs present
 if [[ -d $BACKUP/zip && -d $BACKUP/Year ]]; then :
   else echo "\$BACKUP/zip=$BACKUP/zip"
        echo "\$BACKUP/Year=$BACKUP/Year"
        echo "\$APPSADM=$APPSADM"
        echo "1 or more of above directories NOT found:"
        echo "- or \$variables not set by \$APPSADM/.bash_profile"
        exit 99; fi
 # copy today's (1st of year) zip files into the Year backup dir
 # - backupPurge script will remove files older than 7 years
 cp -i $BACKUP/zip/* $BACKUP/Year
 echo "backupYear completed, files in \$BACKUP/zip are:"
 ls -l $BACKUP/zip
 echo "accumulated files in \$BACKUP/Year are:"
 ls -l $BACKUP/Year
 years=$(ls $BACKUP/Year | wc -l)
 echo "file count in \$BACKUP/Year ($BACKUP/Year) = $years"
 exit 0

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4F6. ADMjobs: Advanced Backup & Restore

 # backupTapeA - backup Nightly to tape (DAT or DLT)
 #             - this script stored in: /home/appsadm/sf/backupTapeA
 #             - run by crontab file stored at: /home/appsadm/sf/cronbackupNight
 # usage: backupTapeA   - no args required
 #        ===========
 # - this script run by cron at 5 AM, following Nightly backups to disc
 # - files already zipped by backupNight script as follows:
 # 1. $BACKUP/zip/
 # 2. $BACKUP/zip/
 # 3. $BACKUP/zip/
 # - use 'restore1' to restore files to $RESTORE/zip/...
 # - then copy desired .zip file to appropriate area & unzip
 #   ($RESTORE/homedirs, $RESTORE/prodlibs, or $RESTORE/proddata)
 # - clear out any old files before restore,
 # - after restore, unzip, investigate, & copy desired files back to
 #   /home/..., $PRODDATA/..., or $PRODLIBS/...
 #Note - we will minimize necessity to modify backup scripts for new sites
 #     - by using environmental variables $BACKUP, $TAPERWD, $TAPENRW
 # - variables defined in /home/appsadm/env/common_profile (with profiles)
 #   assuming site admin followed advice in
 # - will '.' dot-execute site admin's .bash_profile to define $SYMBOLs & PATHs
 export APPSADM=/home/appsadm    # define site admin superdir
 #===========================      (only absolute path in these scripts)
 . $APPSADM/.bash_profile        # define $PRODDATA,$PRODLIBS,$BACKUP,etc
 # verify that env-vars set OK & required subdirs present
 if [[ -d $BACKUP/zip && -d $APPSADM && -c $TAPERWD && -c $TAPENRW ]]; then :
   else echo "\$BACKUP/zip=$BACKUP/zip"
        echo "\$APPSADM=$APPSADM"
        echo "\$TAPERWD=$TAPERWD   # rewind tape Linux SCSI"
        echo "\$TAPENRW=$TAPENRW   # NO rewind tape Linux SCSI"
        echo "1 or more of above directories or devices NOT found:"
        echo "- or \$variables not set by \$APPSADM/.bash_profile"
        exit 99; fi
 #Note - tape devices for site are assigned in \$APPSADSM/env/common_profile
 #     - 1st SCSI tape device for Linux would be as follows:
 # TAPERWD=/dev/st0     # rewind tape device for Linux SCSI
 # TAPENRW=/dev/nst0    # NO rewind tape device for Linux SCSI

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 echo "backup \$BACKUP/zip/* to tape (\$BACKUP=$BACKUP)"
 echo "- intended for cron at 5 AM (but could be run manually)"
 echo "- follows backupNight which created date stamped .zip files "
 echo "$BACKUP/zip/"
 echo "$BACKUP/zip/"
 echo "$BACKUP/zip/"
 echo "- enter to backup all files in \$BACKUP/zip/* to tape"
 read reply               # Note - will not wait for reply when run by cron
 mt -f $TAPERWD rewind    # ensure tape rewound
 cd $BACKUP/zip
 find . -print | cpio -ocvBO/$TAPENRW
 # could append other backups on end of $BACKUP/zip archive ??
 echo "backups complete - rewinding & unloading tape"
 mt -f $TAPERWD rewind           # rewind tape
 mt -f $TAPERWD offline          # unload tape
 exit 0

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4F7. ADMjobs: Advanced Backup & Restore

 # restoreTapeA - Korn shell script from UVSI stored in: /home/uvadm/sf/adm/
 # restoreTapeA - restore cpio tape to an empty work space
 #              - this job restores all files from the 1st archive on tape
 # restoreTape1 <-- alternate job for multi-archive tapes
 #usage: 1. change to directory where files are to be restored
 #       2. remove any old files (directory must be empty)
 #       3. restoreTapeA directory
 #          ======================
 #sample 1. cd $RESTORE/zip
 #       2. rm  -fr *
 #       3. restoreTapeA $RESTORE/zip
 #          =========================
 # - you must specify full path name of restore directory &
 #   it must match your current directory & it must be empty
 #Note - we minimize necessity to modify backup scripts for new sites
 #     - by using environmental variables $TAPERWD, $TAPENRW
 # - variables defined in /home/appsadm/env/common_profile (with profiles)
 #   assuming site admin followed advice in
 # - will '.' dot-execute site admin's .bash_profile to define $SYMBOLs & PATHs
 export APPSADM=/home/appsadm    # define site admin superdir
 #===========================      (only absolute path in these scripts)
 . $APPSADM/.bash_profile        # define $PRODDATA,$PRODLIBS,$BACKUP,etc
 # verify that env-vars set OK & required subdirs present
 if [[ -d $APPSADM && -c $TAPERWD && -c $TAPENRW ]]; then :
   else echo "\$APPSADM=$APPSADM"
        echo "\$TAPERWD=$TAPERWD   # rewind tape Linux SCSI"
        echo "\$TAPENRW=$TAPENRW   # NO rewind tape Linux SCSI"
        echo "1 or more of above directories or devices NOT found:"
        echo "- or \$variables not set by \$APPSADM/.bash_profile"
        exit 99; fi
 #Note - tape devices for site are assigned in $APPSADSM/env/common_profile
 #     - 1st SCSI tape device for Linux would be as follows:
 # TAPERWD=/dev/st0     # rewind tape device for Linux SCSI
 # TAPENRW=/dev/nst0    # NO rewind tape device for Linux SCSI

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 # capture command arguments & verify
 cdir="$1"                   # capture arg1 directory path
 dpath=$(pwd)                # cpature current directory path
 echo "restoreTapeA: arg1=curdirpath=$cdir"
 if [[ ! -d "$cdir" ]]
    then echo "USAGE: restoreTapeA curdirfullpath";
         echo "  arg2 invalid - must be full path to current(restore) directory"
         echo "       - restore directory must be empty & you must be in it"
         exit 92; fi
 if [[ $dpath != $cdir ]]
    then echo "you must be in the directory specified"; exit 92; fi
 ls . >/tmp/restore_emptytest
 if [[ -s /tmp/restore_emptytest ]]
    then echo "the current directory must be empty";exit 93; fi
 echo "restore tape to current directory ($cdir) OK ?"; read reply
 read reply
 mt -f $TAPERWD rewind       # ensure tape rewound
 cpio -icvdmBI $TAPENRW      # restore spcfd archive to cur dir
 echo "tape restored to $cdir, rewinding tape"
 mt -f $TAPERWD rewind       # rewind tape after
 exit 0

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4F8. ADMjobs: Advanced Backup & Restore

 # backupPurge1 - purge backup files older than specified limits
 #              - intended for cron each night at 2:30 AM (could run manually)
 #              - by Owen Townsend, UV Software, May 18/2007
 #              - see doc at
 # backupPurge1       <-- no arguments required
 # ============
 echo "backupPurge1 - purge backup files older than specified limits"
 echo "- intended for cron each night at 2:30 AM (but could run manually)"
 echo "- followed by backupNight, backupMonth(1st of month), backupYear(Jan 1)"
 echo "- removes files from \$BACKUP/Day older than 40 days"
 echo "- removes files from \$BACKUP/Month older than 15 months"
 echo "- removes files from \$BACKUP/Year older than 7 years"
 echo "- see more documentation at:"
 echo "enter to proceed (will not stop here if run under cron)"; read reply
 #Note - we will minimize necessity to modify backup scripts for new sites
 #     - by using environmental variables $PRODDATA,$PRODLIBS,$BACKUP
 # - variables defined in /home/appsadm/env/common_profile (with profiles)
 #   assuming site admin followed advice in
 # - will '.' dot-execute site admin's .bash_profile to define $SYMBOLs & PATHs
 export APPSADM=/home/appsadm    # define site admin superdir
 #===========================      (only absolute path in these scripts)
 . $APPSADM/.bash_profile        # define $PRODDATA,$PRODLIBS,$BACKUP,etc
 # verify that env-vars set OK & required subdirs present
 if [[ -d $BACKUP/Day && -d $BACKUP/Month && -d $BACKUP/Year ]]; then :
   else echo "\$BACKUP/Day=$BACKUP/Day"
        echo "\$BACKUP/Month=$BACKUP/Month"
        echo "\$BACKUP/Year=$BACKUP/Year"
        echo "\$APPSADM=$APPSADM"
        echo "1 or more of above directories NOT found:"
        echo "- or \$variables not set by \$APPSADM/.bash_profile"
        exit 99; fi
 # now remove files older than desired limits
 find $BACKUP/Day   -mtime   +40 -exec rm -fr {} \;
 find $BACKUP/Month -mtime  +150 -exec rm -fr {} \;
 find $BACKUP/Year  -mtime +2555 -exec rm -fr {} \;
 echo "after backupPurge1, files in \$BACKUP/Day are:"; ls -l $BACKUP/Day
 echo "after backupPurge1, files in \$BACKUP/Month are:"; ls -l $BACKUP/Month
 echo "after backupPurge1, files in \$BACKUP/Year are:"; ls -l $BACKUP/Year
 days=$(ls $BACKUP/Day | wc -l); echo "file count in \$BACKUP/Day = $days"
 months=$(ls $BACKUP/Month | wc -l); echo "file count \$BACKUP/Month = $months"
 years=$(ls $BACKUP/Year | wc -l); echo "file count in \$BACKUP/Year = $years"
 exit 0

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4F9. ADMjobs: Advanced Backup & Restore

 # backupPurge2 - purge backup files older than specified limits
 #              - intended for cron each night at 2:30 AM (could run manually)
 #              - by Owen Townsend, UV Software, May 18/2007
 #              - see doc at
 # backupPurge2      <-- no arguments required
 # ============
 # backupPurge2 is an alternate to backupPurge1 which uses find & -mtime:
 # find $BACKUP/Day   -mtime   +40 -exec rm -fr {} \;
 # find & -mtime would not work if files were copied/moved (without -p option)
 # backupPurge2 will calculate age based on _yymmdd_ embedded in filenames.
 echo "backupPurge2 - purge backup files older than specified limits"
 echo "- intended for cron each night at 2:30 AM (but could run manually)"
 echo "- followed by backupNight, backupMonth(1st of month), backupYear(Jan 1)"
 echo "- removes files from \$BACKUP/Day older than 40 days"
 echo "- removes files from \$BACKUP/Month older than 15 months"
 echo "- removes files from \$BACKUP/Year older than 7 years"
 echo "- see more documentation at:"
 echo "enter to proceed (will not stop here if run under cron)"; read reply
 export APPSADM=/home/appsadm    # define site admin superdir
 #===========================      (only absolute path in these scripts)
 . $APPSADM/.bash_profile        # define $PRODDATA,$PRODLIBS,$BACKUP,etc
 # verify that env-vars set OK & required subdirs present
 if [[ -d $BACKUP/Day && -d $BACKUP/Month && -d $BACKUP/Year ]]; then :
   else echo "\$BACKUP/Day=$BACKUP/Day"
        echo "\$BACKUP/Month=$BACKUP/Month"
        echo "\$BACKUP/Year=$BACKUP/Year"
        echo "\$APPSADM=$APPSADM"
        echo "1 or more of above directories NOT found:"
        echo "- or \$variables not set by \$APPSADM/.bash_profile"
        exit 99; fi
 # call uvcopy job 'purgeold2' to remove files, based on age calculations
 # - using _yymmdd_ embedded in filenames & specified no of days old
 # - purging independent of dir entry dates (in case files moved w/o -p option)
 uvcopy purgeold2,fild1=$BACKUP/Day,arg1=40,uop=q0i7f1
 uvcopy purgeold2,fild1=$BACKUP/Month,arg1=450,uop=q0i7f1
 uvcopy purgeold2,fild1=$BACKUP/Year,arg1=2555,uop=q0i7f1
 echo "after backupPurge2, files in \$BACKUP/Day are:"; ls -l $BACKUP/Day
 echo "after backupPurge2, files in \$BACKUP/Month are:"; ls -l $BACKUP/Month
 echo "after backupPurge2, files in \$BACKUP/Year are:"; ls -l $BACKUP/Year
 days=$(ls $BACKUP/Day | wc -l); echo "file count in \$BACKUP/Day = $days"
 months=$(ls $BACKUP/Month | wc -l); echo "file count \$BACKUP/Month = $months"
 years=$(ls $BACKUP/Year | wc -l); echo "file count in \$BACKUP/Year = $years"
 exit 0

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4F10. ADMjobs: Advanced Backup & Restore

 # purgeold2 - purge files from a directory older than a specified no of days
 #           - based on the dates embedded in the filenames
 #           - by Owen Townsend, UV Software, May 19/2007
 #           - see documentation at
 # uvcopy purgeold2,fild1=directory,arg1=days
 # ==========================================
 # This uvcopy job is called by the backupPurge2 script
 # (alternate backupPurge1 uses directory entry dates vs embedded dates)
 # The backuppurge2 script calls this job to remove:
 # - Daily backup files older than 40 days
 # - Monthly backup files older than 450 days
 # - Yearly backup files older than 2555 days
 # uvcopy purgeold2,fild1=$BACKUP/Day,arg1=40
 # uvcopy purgeold2,fild1=$BACKUP/Month,arg1=450
 # uvcopy purgeold2,fild1=$BACKUP/Year,arg1=2555
 #     ** sample filenames in $BACKUP/Day **
 #    <--
 #    <--dropped if run on 070610
 #    <--
 #   - - - - etc - - - -
 #           ** why purgeold2 (backupPurge2 vs backupPurge1) **
 # backupPurge1 drops files older than specified dates
 # - based on directory entry dates using commands such as
 #   find $BACKUP/Day   -mtime   +40 -exec rm -fr {} \;
 #   ==================================================
 # But backupPurge1 method will not work if files copied w/o -p option
 # - which might happen if files moved or system moved to new machine
 # - backupPurge2 using this job & embedded dates is independent of dir entries

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 opr='uop=f0 - option defaults'
 opr='    f0 - interactive, prompts for remove (rm option -i)'
 opr='    f1 - no prompts, use force option (-f)'
 uop=q1f0      # option defaults
        opn    all                  open directory to prove present
 # calc purge date yymmdd for current date - arg1 no of days
        mvn    d0(5),$arg1(5)       store no of days from $arg1
        mvc    d10(6),$yymmdd       store current date yymmdd
        datcn  d20(5),d10(6)        convert current yymmdd to days since 1900
        mvn    d30(5),d20(5)        move to 2nd area (in case debug display)
        sub    d30(5),d0(5)         current days since 1900 - days specified
        datnc  d40(6),d30(5)        convert days since 1900 to yymmdd
 # begin loop to read filenames from directory & remove if older than spcfd
 man20  get    fild1,a0(80)         get next directory entry
        skp>   man90                (cc set > at EOD)
        skp<   man20                (cc set < if directory vs file)
        add    $ca1,1               count files
        scn    a0(50),'_'           scan to 1st '_' prior to yymmdd
        skp!   err1
        mvu    b0(7),ax1,'_'        move yymmdd until ending '_'
        skp!   err1
        cmcp   b0(6),'######'       6 numerics ?
        skp!   err1
 man28  cmc    b0(6),d40(6)         extracted date < older than current date ?
        skp=>  man20
 # date extracted from filename is < (older than) calculated purge date
 man30  mvf    b0(250),'rm -f '      setup remove command & clear area
        cmn    $uopbf,1              rm -f option ? (vs prompt -i option)
        skp=>  1
        mvf    b0(250),'rm -i '      change to interactive prompt option
        mvu    b6(100),$fild1,x'00'  insert directory name
        cat    b0(200),'/'           append '/' separator
        cat    b0(200),a0(50)        append filename
 man36  sys    b0(200)               execute remove command
        add    $ca2,1                count remove (attempts)
        skp    man20                 return to get next filename
 # EOD - close & end job
 man90  cls    all                   close all open
        msgv1  '$ca2 removes from $ca1 files in directory $fild1'
        eoj                          end of job
 # Error if filename not as expected '_yymmdd_' embedded in filename
 # example:
 err1   msg    a0(50)            display current directory name
        msg    '  <-- sample format expected'
        msgw   'filename does not contain _yymmdd_, enter to bypass'
        skp    man20

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Part_5 ADMjobs - 'cron' automatic job scheduling

crontabs & scripts run by crontabs

5A1. Introduction & Overview

5B1. crontab_appsadm1 - sample of a crontab file, setup by site administrator
  to perform backups & run nightly, weekly, monthly jobs.
- runs backupTape Mon-Fri at 3AM to backup data & libraries
- runs nightly1, clean tmp dirs, process console logs, etc
- runs monthly1, save log2 files in log3 & init log2 for new month

3E3. backupT2 - backup proddata, prodlibs, homedirs to tape
- this script already listed in Part_3
4F4. backupNtape - backup proddata, prodlibs, homedirs to tape
- alternate version, already listed in Part_4

5C1. nightly1 - runs each night Monday thru Friday
- saves prodlibs,proddata,& home dirs to alternate disc filesystem
- backsup prodlibs,proddata,& home dirs to separate archives on
  the DAT tape (allows separate restores by archive#).

5C2. cleantmps - subscript called by nightly1 to clear tmp subdirs

5D1. weekly1 - runs on Sunday morning (or whenever you decide)
- clears various subdirs: jobtmp, sysout, tmp, wrk, etc
- clears report files older than 15 days

5E1. monthly1 - runs on the 1st of each month
- moves all console log files from log2 to log3
- then removes all log2 files for re-accumulation in the new month

5F1. crontab_user - sample crontab file for users
- sample just 'exit's in case they forgot to log off
- closes the console logging file to prevent loss
- required before crontab_appsadm1/nightly1 process log files

5F2. crontab_root - sample crontab file for root
- kill users who did not logoff before 12:30 AM (or whatever)
- set perms 775/664 & owner:group appsadm:apps on all
$PRODDATA subdirs/files to ensure no batch job failures
- reboot every Sunday at 1AM

5G1. killuser2 - script to kill users who did not logoff

5H1. setperms1 - script to set permissions on all subdirs(775) & all files(664)
- run by cron before nightly batch processing
- prevents job failures due to new files with bad permissions

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Part5 cron scheduling - Contents continued

5I1. job logging via 'mail' under 'cron'
crontabs & scripts to demo log capture by mail

5I2. appsadm subdirs for cron logs by mail
JCL/scripts & DATA files used for cron log mail tests

5I3. Setup appsadm to demo cron logging by mail

5I4. test cron job log capture via mail

5I5. observations in 'mvstest' directories

5J1. results after 2 cycles cronscript1/cronmailsave1
list log files captured from cronscript1

5J3. inspect contents of log files

5K1. listings of crontabs & scripts used cron/log/mail demo

5K2. crontab2 - schedule cronscript1 & cronmailsave1

5K3. crontabtest2 - schedule cronscript1/cronmailsave1 every 2 minutes

5K4. cronscript1 - executing JCL/script jgl100.ksh

5K5. jgl100.ksh - JCL/script executed by cronscript1

5K6. stub_profile_cronlogdemo
- special version of profile to demo capturing logs from jobs run by cron
- for appsadm, defines RUNLIBS&RUNDATA as /home/mvstest/testlibs&testdata

5K7. cronlog1 - display msgs & append to $APPSADM/cronlog1/yymmdd_HHMMSS_$JOBID2
- function called by cronscript1

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5A1. ADMjobs: 'cron' - Introduction & Overview

'cron' is the Unix/Linux facility to automatically run scripts at specified times (daily, weekly, monthly, or whatever).

crontab files

Crontab files specify the times & the names of the scripts which are to be automatically executed at the specified times. Each user may have their own crontab file. See the 'crontab' activation procedures documented within the 'crontab_appsadm1' sample file (listed on the next page).

I recommend the applications administrator (appsadm) setup a 'crontab' to perform the applications backups for libraries & data files, and to run other jobs that can be auto scheduled (nightly, weekly, monthly, etc).

Note that 'cron' jobs run under the crontab owner userid, but the user profile is not automatically executed to setup PATH's etc. You will notice that the various sample scripts (nightly1,weekly1,monthly1) perform a dot '.' execution of /home/appsadm/.bash_profile to setup PATH's.

The appsadm cron jobs (backups & nightly scripts) do not need to run with 'root' privileges since appsadm is in the same group as the production operators who create the files. This means that appsadm can not back up the unix/linux system files.

It is probably not necessary to backup the unix/linux system nightly, since system files rarely change. But if you wish to backup the system nightly, you would set up a separate crontab owned by root to do this.

The system backups could be a separate archive at the end of the same tape just written by the appsadm crontab. Or they could be a different tape if you have a multi-tape system, or a different tape device if you have multiple tape drives.

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5B1. ADMjobs: 'cron' automatic job scheduling

crontab_appsadm1 - sample crontab file for backups, etc

 # crontab_appsadm1 - crontab file to run various scripts
 #                    (backups,cleanups,application JCL/scripts)
 #                  - nightly1, weekly, monthly1
 #                  - store this file at /home/appsadm/sf/...
 # - see ADMjobs.doc or for crontab samples
 # - sample crontab file supplied in /home/uvadm/sf/adm/crontab_appsadm1
 # - I suggest you setup userid 'appsadm' to house your crontabs & cron scripts
 #   then copy to /home/appsadm/sf/crontab_appsadm1 & modify as required
 # - you must log on as 'appsadm' to update crontabs
 #   (crontab affects crons only for the logged on user)
 # - the 'crontab' command (#4 below) copies the specified crontab file
 #   to the 'real' crontab file which would be: /var/spool/cron/appsadm
 # - Before 1st use, you must logon as root, &  add the 'appsadm'
 #   userid to: /etc/cron.allow if it exists. If it does not exist
 #   you can use cron unless your userid exists in /etc/cron.deny
 # suggested procedures for updating crontab file (for appsadm) are:
 # 1. logon as appsadm --> /home/appsadm
 # 2. vi sf/crontab_appsadm1       - edit this file as required
 # 3. crontab -r                   - remove all old crontab lines for appsadm
 #                                   (OK since this file is always the source)
 # 4. crontab sf/crontab_appsadm1  - activate new crontab for appsadm
 # 5. crontab -l                   - list crontab onfile to confirm installation
 # arguments to crontab are as follows:
 # minute hour day-of-mth mth-of-yr day-of-week <----command---->
 00 3 * * 2-6 /home/appsadm/sf/backupTape # Nightly backup to tape 3AM
 30 3 * * 2-6 /home/appsadm/sf/nightly1   # Nightly cleanup 3:30 AM
 # - nightly1 calls logfixN to fix console logs for viewing/printing
 # - cleanup tmp subdirs in homedirs, prodlibs, proddata
 00 4 * * 0 /home/appsadm/sf/weekly1      # Weekly Sunday 4 AM
 # - remove report subdirs older than 15 days
 00 5 01 * * /home/appsadm/sf/monthly1    # Monthly (1st day at 5 AM)
 # - monthly1 calls logfixM to copy /home/appsadm/log2/... to log3
 #   & clear log2/... subdirs
 #------------------------ end crontab_appsadm1 --------------------------

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5C1. ADMjobs: 'cron' automatic job scheduling

nightly1 - script run by crontab_appsadm1

 # nightly1 - nightly processing for user applications
 #          - by Owen Townsend, UV Software, updated Nov 2009
 # This 'nightly1' script run by 'crontab_appsadm1'
 # - runs various scripts (cleantmps, logfixN, vtocrpts, etc)
 # - see scripts & crontabs stored in /home/appsadm/sf/...
 export APPSADM=/home/appsadm
 cd $APPSADM                # change to /home/appsadm (above env/ & log/ subdirs
 . $APPSADM/.bash_profile   # '.' dot execute profile for PATH's,perms,etc
 #=======================   # (RUNLIBS/RUNDATA + common_profile)
 export PATH=$PATH:$RUNLIBS/jcls # might need this if jcls not already in PATH
 # clean out tmp subdir contents in homedirs, prodlibs, proddata, etc
 # run 'logfixN' to process logfiles for any users who did not logoff
 # - killuser2 (run by crontab_root prior to this) has closed their logfiles
 #Note - could run series of batch jobs here
 # jgl100.ksh  #<-- could run a demo job for testing
 # ==========     - see jgl100.ksh listed at
 #Note - console logs for jobs run under cron are 'mailed' to the crontab owner
 #       which is 'appsadm', so appsadm can login each morning & read his mail
 #       to see if the nigtly jobs had any errors ?
 # BUT - would be nice if we could save the mail as date/time stamped files
 #       in case appsadm forgets & we want to examine the history
 # YES - we can do it, see crontab2 & cronmailsave1 in ADMjobs.doc 5K1 & 5K4
 #     - crontab2 schedules cronmailsave1 to run after nightly jobs
 #       to read the mail & save in date/time stamped files in appsadm/cronlog2
 exit 0

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5C2. ADMjobs: 'cron' automatic job scheduling

cleantmps - script run by crontab_appsadm1

 # cleantmps - clean out all 'tmp' subdirs
 #           - in homedirs, prodlibs, proddata, etc
 #           - by Owen Townsend, Dec26/05, at LNPF
 # - store these scripts & crontab_appsadm1 in /home/appsadm/sf/...
 # - cleantmps called by 'nightly1', which is scheduled by crontab_appsadm1
 # - nightly performs '.' (source) execute of appsadm .bash_profile
 #   to setup $symbols $PRODLIBS, $PRODDATA for use below
 # clean out tmp subdir contents in homedirs, prodlibs, proddata, etc
 rm -f  /home/*/tmp/*
 rm -f  $PRODLIBS/tmp/*
 rm -f  $PRODDATA/tmp/*
 rm -fr $PRODDATA/jobtmp/*
 exit 0

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5D1. ADMjobs: 'cron' automatic job scheduling

weekly1 - script run by crontab_appsadm1

 # weekly1 - Korn shell script from UVSI stored in: /home/uvadm/sf/adm/
 # weekly1 - sample script run by 'cron' weekly Sunday at 3AM or whatever
 #         - makes weekly on-disc backup of PRODLIBS & PRODDATA
 # - copy this (/home/uvadm/sf/adm/weekly1) to your /home/appsadm/sf/...
 #   & modify depending on site requirements
 # - this script can be auto scheduled by 'cron'
 # - see sample crontab file /home/uvadm/sf/adm/crontab_appsadm1, that you can
 #   copy to your /home/appsadm/sf/... & modify as required
 # - perform '.' (source) execute of appsadm .bash_profile to setup $symbols
 # - see $symbols below ($PRODLIBS, $PRODDATA, $BACKUP)
 export APPSADM=/home/appsadm
 cd $APPSADM                # change to /home/appsadm (above env/ & log/ subdirs
 . $APPSADM/.bash_profile   # '.' dot execute profile for PATH's,perms,etc
 #=======================   # (RUNLIBS/RUNDATA + common_profile)
 export PATH=$PATH:$RUNLIBS/jcls # might need this if jcls not already in PATH
 # copy PRODLIBS & PRODDATA to weekly on-disc backup directories
 # - 1st remove all prior week backup files
 rm -rf $BACKUP/prodlibsBW/*
 cp -r $PRODLIBS $BACKUP/prodlibsBW
 rm -rf $BACKUP/proddataBW/*
 cp -r $PRODLIBS $BACKUP/proddataBW
 # clean out various temp subdirs
 # note - jobtmp & sysout are subdirectoried (use option 'r')
 rm -fr $PRODDATA/jobtmp/*   # clear all subdirs & files from jobtmp
 rm -fr $PRODDATA/sysout/*   # clear all subdirs & files from sysout
 rm -f $PRODDATA/tmp/*       # clear all files from tmp
 rm -f $PRODDATA/wrk/*       # clear all files from wrk
 # clear files in subdir 'rpts' older than 15 days
 find $PRODDATA/rpts/* -ctime +15 -exec rm -r {} \;
 exit 0

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5E1. ADMjobs: 'cron' automatic job scheduling

monthly1 - script run by crontab_appsadm1

 # monthly1 - Korn shell script from UVSI stored in: /home/uvadm/sf/adm/
 # monthly1 - sample script run by 'cron' early on the 1st of each month
 # - copy this (/home/uvadm/sf/adm/monthly1) to /home/appsadm/sf/...
 #   & modify depending on site requirements
 # - this script can be auto scheduled by 'cron'
 # - see sample crontab file /home/uvadm/sf/adm/crontab_appsadm1
 # - copy to your site's /home/appsadm/sf/... & modify as required
 # - this sample runs 'logfixM' logfile monthly processing
 # - see descriptions in /home/uvadm/sf/logfixM
 # - could add more monthly processing to this script
 # establish appsadm PATH & execute common_profile_prod
 # - to define: PATH, PFPATH, PRODLIBS, PRODDATA, BACKUP dirs, etc
 export APPSADM=/home/appsadm
 export APPSADM=/home/appsadm
 cd $APPSADM                # change to /home/appsadm (above env/ & log/ subdirs
 . $APPSADM/.bash_profile   # '.' dot execute profile for PATH's,perms,etc
 #=======================   # (RUNLIBS/RUNDATA + common_profile)
 export PATH=$PATH:$RUNLIBS/jcls # might need this if jcls not already in PATH
 logfixM    # save last months log files in log3 & clear log2 for this month
 backupBM   # make monthly backups of pdoddata & prodlibs
 vtocshift  # shift vtoc report subdirs (vtoc2->vtoc3,vtoc1->vtoc2,clear vtoc1)
 #          # could add more scripts here ???
 exit 0

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5F1. ADMjobs: 'cron' automatic job scheduling

crontab_user - sample crontab file for users

 # crontab_user - Korn shell script from UVSI stored in: /home/uvadm/sf/adm/
 # crontab_user - sample crontab file for users
 #              - this sample only 'exit's in case you forgot to log off
 #              - to close the console logging file to prevent loss
 #              - required before crontab_appsadm1/nightly1 processes log files
 # The 'console log' file is created by unix 'script' command at end of profile
 # - see 'console logging' at
 # - also see 'crontab_root' to kill users who did not log off
 #     ** Op. Instrns. for console logging users **
 # 1. login with your userid  --> /home/userid/
 # 2. mkdir sf                    - make directory if not already made
 # 3. cp /home/uvadm/sf/adm/crontab_user sf/crontab_userid
 #    ====================================================
 #    - copy supplied crontab_user to your subdir & rename with your userid
 # 4. vi sf/crontab_userid        - edit this file if desired
 #                                - could add actions other than 'exit'
 # 5. crontab sf/crontab_userid   - activate new crontab for your userid
 #    =========================
 # 6. crontab -l                  - list crontab file to confirm installation
 # minute hour day-of-mth mth-of-yr day-of-week <----command---->
 51 01 * * * exit        #<-- 1st exit exits 'script' (console logging)
 #===============             (closes the console log file)
 52 01 * * * exit        #<-- 2nd exit exits your shell
 #BUT - this is obsoleted by crontab_root, which runs killuser2 script
 #      to kill all ksh & bash shell users who forgot to log off

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5F2. ADMjobs: 'cron' automatic job scheduling

crontab_root - sample crontab for root

 # crontab_root - crontab file to run under root
 #              - by Owen Townsend, UV Software, May 2008
 # - supplied in /home/uvadm/sf/adm/crontab_root
 # - copy to /home/appsadm/sf/crontab_root before customization & activation
 # - see details at
 # Only for backups, cleanups, etc that require 'root'
 # - see crontab_apps1 for backups & applications (daily,weekly,monthly,etc)
 # - 'crontab_apps1' runs under 'appsadm' (not root) & much safer
 # Actual crontab for root depends on the unix/linux OS
 # - you need to find it & add desired lines
 # OR, you could use the following procedure so you could maintain
 # all crontabs in 1 place /home/appsadm/sf/...
 # - after you have retrieved & combined root crontabs with this file
 # - for RHEL 5.1 there is no root crontab, so just copy this
 # suggested procedures for updating root crontab:
 # 1. logon as root & cd to /home/appsadm
 # 2. crontab -l (if 1st setup)   - list to see if any crontab exists for root
 # 3. crontab -l >sf/crontab_root - ifso, redirect to sf/appsadm
 # 4. vi sf/crontab_root          - edit this file as required
 # 4a. :r /home/uvadm/sf/adm/crontab_root   <-- append this supplied file
 # 5. crontab -r                  - remove old crontab file for root
 # 6. crontab sf/crontab_root     - activate new crontab for root
 # 7. crontab -l                  - list crontab file to confirm installation
 # minute hour day-of-mth mth-of-yr day-of-week <----command---->
 15 00 * * * /home/appsadm/sf/killuser2 all  # kill users at 12:15AM every night
 # - killuser2 kills all 'ksh' or 'bash' users who did not log off
 # - also see killuser1 to interactively kill any 1 specified userid
 30 00 * * 2-6 /home/appsadm/sf/setperms1 all # set perms at 12:30AM Tues-Sat
 # At 12:30 AM Tues-Sat, run setperms1 to set permissions on data & libraries
 # - ensure directories 775, data-files 664, script-files 775
 # - ensure owner:group appsadm:apps (see details in setperms1 script)
 00 01 * * 0 /sbin/shutdown -g0 -y -i6  # reboot at 01:00AM Sunday
 #====================================    (above command for traditional unix)
 # reboot Sunday 1 AM -g0(no wait) -y(auto reply y to prompt) -i6(reboot)
 # 00 01 * * 0 /sbin/shutdown -r now    #<-- can use this for Linux
 # =================================
 #Note: Add commands here to bring up software packages, such as:
 # - Micro Focus COBOL license manager
 # - Online systems (MTO, unikix, CICS6000, etc)

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5G1. ADMjobs: 'cron' automatic job scheduling

killuser2 - script run by crontab_root

 # killuser2 - Korn shell script from UVSI stored in: /home/uvadm/sf/adm/
 # killuser2 - kill users who did not logout
 #           - by Owen Townsend,, March 2002
 # - intended to be run by crontab_root at 11:45 PM or whenever
 # - killuser2 is run before logfixN which processes user console logs
 # - this kills user 'script' & closes the script output file
 # - also see 'killuser1' script for interactive use to kill any 1 user
 #usage: killuser2 all
 #       =============
 # verify arg1 'all'
 if [ "$1" != "all" ]; then echo "killuser2 arg1 must be 'all' "; exit 1; fi
 # redirect ps -f output to a tmp file
 # - use '-o' output option for 3 fields only (COMMAND, PID,& RUSER)
 ps -e -ocomm -opid -oruser >/tmp/psef
 #    ** sample output lines **
 # COMMAND            PID RUSER
 # init                 1 root
 # bash              9022 root
 # bash              9077 uvadm
 # bash              9118 uvbak
 # ps                9226 uvadm
 # - open the file & read back into variables for easier manipulation
 exec 3< /tmp/psef            # open file #3
 x=0; y=0
 while read -u3 comm pid ruser
 do if [[ ("$comm" == ksh || "$comm" == bash) && ("$ruser" != root) ]]
       then let x=x+1
            kill -9 $pid
            if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then kok=OK; let y=y+1; else kok=NAK; fi
            echo "#$x kill $comm $pid $ruser - $kok"
 exec 3<&-                    # close file #3
 echo "$x kills attempted, $y killed OK $(date)"

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5H1. ADMjobs: 'cron' automatic job scheduling

 # setperms1 - set permissions on subdirs & files under a specified superdir
 #           - using 'find' to process all levels of directories & files
 #           - followed by chmod 775 for any bin/* & script/* dirs
 #           - by Owen Townsend, UV Software, May 2008
 #           - see complete doc at
 # This script run may be run by a root crontab prior to nightly batch runs
 # - script supplied in /home/uvadm/sf/adm/setperms1
 # - should setup user 'appsadm' & copy this to /home/appsadm/sf/setperms1
 # This script run by crontab_root stored at /home/appsadm/sf/crontab_root
 # - see complete listing at
 # - here is just the crontab command line to run this script:
 # 30 00 * * 2-6 /home/appsadm/sf/setperms1 all
 # ============================================
 # This script intended as part of the Vancouver Utility mainframe conversions
 # - to ensure no bad permissions get into the DATA & Library file systems
 # - see DATA & LIBS directories suggested in
 #   (ex: p1/apps/testlibs, p1/apps/testdata, p2/apps/prodlibs, p2/apps/proddata)
 # - defined in /home/appsadm/env/common_profile
 # After using find to set perms for all subdirs(775) & all files(664), within
 # library superdirs, we must follow with 'chmod 775' for any bin/script subdirs
 # - this script assumes these are called 'bin', 'sf',& 'jcls' (VU conversions)
 # - you must modify if you use different names or setup additional bin/scripts
 # Ensure arg1 is 'all' (protection against inadvertent entry of 'setperms1')
 echo "setperms1 - set perms on all subdirs(775) & all files(664)"
 echo " - within \$PRODLIBS, \$PRODDATA, \$TESTLIBS, \$TESTDATA"
 echo " - as defined in /home/appsadm/env/common_profile"
 echo " - this script can be scheduled by /home/appsadm/sf/crontab_root"
 if [[ "$1" != "all" ]]; then
    echo "usage: setperms1 all"
    echo "       ============="
    echo " - arg1 must be 'all'"
    exit 90; fi
 # '.' execute common_profile to get superdir locations
 . /home/appsadm/env/common_profile

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 echo "set perms for all subdirs(775) & files(664) in \$PRODDATA=$PRODDATA"
 test -d "$PRODDATA" || (echo "\$PRODDATA directory not defined"; exit 91);
 find "$PRODDATA" -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \;
 find "$PRODDATA" -type f -exec chmod 664 {} \;
 echo "set perms for all subdirs(775) & files(664) in \$PRODLIBS=$PRODLIBS"
 test -d "$PRODLIBS" || (echo "\$PRODLIBS directory not defined"; exit 92);
 find "$PRODLIBS" -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \;
 find "$PRODLIBS" -type f -exec chmod 664 {} \;
 # restore 775 for executable files (in bin, sf, jcls)
 echo "restore perms 775 for executables (bin,sf,jcls) in \$PRODLIBS=$PRODLIBS"
 test -d "$PRODLIBS"/bin && chmod 775 "$PRODLIBS"/bin/*
 test -d "$PRODLIBS"/sf && chmod 775 "$PRODLIBS"/sf/*
 test -d "$PRODLIBS"/jcls && chmod 775 "$PRODLIBS"/jcls/*
 echo "set perms for all subdirs(775) & files(664) in \$TESTDATA=$TESTDATA"
 test -d "$TESTDATA" || (echo "\$TESTDATA directory not defined"; exit 93);
 find "$TESTDATA" -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \;
 find "$TESTDATA" -type f -exec chmod 664 {} \;
 echo "set perms for all subdirs(775) & files(664) in \$TESTLIBS=$TESTLIBS"
 test -d "$TESTLIBS" || (echo "\$TESTLIBS directory not defined"; exit 94);
 find "$TESTLIBS" -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \;
 find "$TESTLIBS" -type f -exec chmod 664 {} \;
 # restore 775 for executable files (in bin, sf, jcls)
 echo "restore perms 775 for executables (bin,sf,jcls) in \$TESTLIBS=$TESTLIBS"
 test -d "$TESTLIBS"/bin && chmod 775 "$TESTLIBS"/bin/*
 test -d "$TESTLIBS"/sf && chmod 775 "$TESTLIBS"/sf/*
 test -d "$TESTLIBS"/jcls && chmod 775 "$TESTLIBS"/jcls/*
 # Set Owner & Group - could #comment if sure not a problem
 # - this protects for somebody using root & forgetting to reset owner:group
 chown -R appsadm:apps "$PRODDATA"
 chown -R appsadm:apps "$PRODLIBS"
 chown -R appsadm:apps "$TESTDATA"
 chown -R appsadm:apps "$TESTLIBS"
 exit 0

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5H2. ADMjobs: 'cron' automatic job scheduling

Preventing Nightly Batch Failures

Several of our customers have nightly batch jobs scheduled by cron. Some of them have reported batch shift failures due to file permissions. To understand how we use cron to schedule batch jobs, please see:

You could run a night shift from a crontab owned by 'root' & never have a permissions failure, but this would be extremely dangerous. One wrong use of 'rm *' could wipe out your system. Running as appsadm/apps protects your system.

Our suggested crontabs & scripts are owned by 'appsadm' in group 'apps' which is common to the group of operators & programmers who work with the production data & libraries. The permissions in this group must be 775 for directories & 664 for files (which extends security to the group level).

Batch failures can occur if a day shift operator/programmer creates a file with the wrong permissions or group & this file is later used by the nightly batch scripts. FTP'd files can have the wrong permissions. Somebody might use 'root' to fix something & forget to reset permissions/owner/group.

We can prevent these failures if we setup a cron script (setperms1) to set permissions & group before the nightly batch jobs are scheduled. The setperms1 script & the crontab used to schedule it must of course be run under 'root' to be able to change permissions & groups. See crontab_root example at Here is the essential line:

 30 01 * * 2-6 /home/appsadm/sf/setperms1 all  # fix permissions
 #===========================================    on data & libraries
 # minute hour day-of-mth mth-of-yr day-of-week <----command---->

The crontab above (owned by root) schedules setperms1 at 1:30 AM Tues-Sat. The crontab below (owned by appsadm) schedules nightly1 at 1:45 AM Tues-Sat.

 45 01 * * 2-6 /home/appsadm/sf/nightly1 all  # schedule nightly batch jobs

See the full 'setperms1' script at, but here are the essential lines:

 . /home/appsadm/env/common_profile
 find $PRODDATA -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \;
 find $PRODDATA -type f -exec chmod 664 {} \;
 chown -R appsadm:apps $PRODDATA

'PRODDATA' is the super directory containing all production subdirs & files, and is defined in 'common_profile' (see '1C2'), for example:

 export PRODDATA=/p2/apps/proddata

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5I1. ADMjobs: job scheduling under 'cron'

'job logging' via 'mail' under 'cron'

Part_6 documents 'console logging' for logged on users, BUT, it does not work for jobs scheduled by cron, because the 'script command' (uncommented at the end of the stub_profile) is designed to work only for login sessions. See the script command documented on page '6C1'.

However, we have an alternate solution based on the fact that jobs scheduled by cron 'mail' any console output to the user who issued the 'crontab'. The following pages show you how to capture the mail into date_time stamped log files.

crontabs & scripts to demo log capture by mail

5K1. crontab2 - schedules cronscript1 at 2 AM Tuesday - Saturday
- ALSO schedules 'cronmailsave1' at 3 AM to capture mail for log
- you could use this as a model for your production cron jobs
BUT - we will use crontabtest2 for our tests (see next below)
- schedules cronscript1 every 2 minutes

5K2. crontabtest2 - variation for testing at UV Software
- schedules script 'cronscript1' every 2 minutes (even minutes)
  (cronscript1 calls 'jgl100.ksh', JCL converted to script)
- ALSO schedules 'cronmailsave1' every 2 minutes (odd minutes)
  to capture mail from cronscript1 into a date_time stamped file
  (for easy testing with minimal wait for results)

5K3. cronscript1 - script executing JCL/scripts to be logged
- runs demo JCL/script /home/mvstest/testlibs/jcls/jgl100.ksh
- jgl100.ksh writes a GDG file in $RUNDATA/gl/...

5K4. cronmailsave1 - script called by crontab2 & crontabtest2
to save mail from prior crontab2/cronscript1
into date_time stamped files in /home/appsadm/cronlog2/...

5K5. jgl100.ksh - JCL/script called by cronscript1 to demo joblogs by cron mail
  • see listings of the above 5 files at the end of Part 5.

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5I2. 'job logging' under 'cron' via 'mail'

appsadm subdirs for cron logs by mail

 :-----cronlog1     <-- 1 line status msgs (optional)
 :     :-----090423_174201_cronscript1
 :     :-----090423_174401_cronscript1
 :     :-----
 :-----cronlog2     <-- console logs captured by mail from cron
 :     :-----090423_174301_cronscript1
 :     :-----090423_174501_cronscript1
 :     :-----
 :-----env          <-- profiles called by cronscript1
 :     :-----stub_profile
 :     :-----common_profile
 :     :-----stub_profile_cronlogdemo
 :     :-----
 :-----sf           <-- crontabs & scripts for demo & production models
 :     :-----cronscript1
 :     :-----cronmailsave1
 :     :-----crontab2
 :     :-----crontabtest2

JCL/scripts & DATA files used for cron log mail tests

 :     :-----gl
 :     :-----account.acntlist_000001  <-- jgl100.ksh writes GDG file
 :     :-----account.acntlist_000002  <-- existing generations
 :     :-----account.acntlist_000003
 :     :-----                         <-- observe creation of new GDGs
 :     :-----cbls       <-- COBOL programs
 :     :-----cgl100.cbl
 :     :-----jcls       <-- JCL/scripts (converted from mainframe JCL)
 :     :-----jgl100.ksh

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5I3. 'job logging' under 'cron' via 'mail'

Setup appsadm for cron logging by mail

 #1. Login as appsadm --> /home/appsadm

 #2a. mkdir cronlog1  <-- subdir for 1 line msgs vis cronlog1 function
 #2b. mkdir cronlog2  <-- subdir date_time stamped logs captured from cron mail
 #2c. mkdir env       <-- subdir for profiles (copied from /home/uvadm/env/...)
 #2d. mkdir sf        <-- subdir for crontabs&scripts from /home/uvadm/sf/adm/...

 #3. cp /home/uvadm/sf/adm/cron* sf  <-- copy crontabs & scripts from $UV

 #4. cp /home/uvadm/env/* env  <-- copy profiles from $UV to /home/appsadm/env
     ========================    - for this demo & site specific customization

 #5. vi env/stub_profile       <-- examine profile, listed on '1C1'
     ===================         - modify for appsadm (see page '1D4')
     - customize as required for your site
     - will later change TESTLIBS/TESTDATA to PRODLIBS/PRODDATA for production

 #6. cp env/stub_profile .bash_profile
     - copy 'appsadm' version of stub_profile to the actual '.bash_profile'
       (assuming bash/linux, copy to '.profile' for unix Korn shell)

 #7. logoff & back on to make new .bash_profile effective

 #8. vi env/stub_profile_cronlogdemo   <-- examine profile for cronlogdemo
     - should not need changes for testing in /home/mvstest/...
  • No need to copy env/stub_profile_cronlogdemo to .bash_profile
  • because 'cronscript1' will '.' execute it from env/...
  • jobs run by cron have no profile because there is no logged in user
  • see stub_profile listed on page '1C1'
  • see stub_profile on page '1C2'
  • see stub_profile_cronlogdemo on page '1C7'
  • see 'cronscript1' listed on page '5K3'

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5I4. 'job logging' under 'cron' via 'mail'

test cron job log capture via mail

The following instructions assume:

 #1. Login as appsadm --> /home/appsadm

 #2. crontab sf/crontabtest2   <-- start cron for appsadm
     =======================     - see listing on page '5K1'

 #3. Wait for next 'EVEN' minute & then check for log/mail files created

 #4a. l cronlog1  <-- list message files in cronlog1/ from sf/cronscript1
      ==========    - should see msgs from cronscript1 (run on EVEN minutes)

 #4b. l cronlog2  <-- list mail files captured by cronmailsave1 date_time stamped
      ==========    - will be none until ODD minute

 #5. Wait for next 'ODD' minute & then check for log/mail files created

 #6a. l cronlog1  <-- Re-list message files in cronlog1/ from sf/cronscript1
      ==========    - should now be some (after cronmailsave1 scheduled)

 #6b. l cronlog2  <-- Re-list mail files captured by cronmailsave1
      ==========    - will be more after next ODD minute

 #7. Wait for 1 more cycle of #3 - #6

 #8. crontab -r   <-- Remove/deactivate the crontab (for appsadm)

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5I5. 'job logging' under 'cron' via 'mail'

observations in 'mvstest' directories

You can also login as 'mvstest' on another screen to observe results of running JCL/scripts by cron. The demo script 'cronscript1' runs 'jgl100.ksh' which writes a GDG file. You should be able to see a new generation created every 2 minutes.

 #1. Login as mvstest --> /home/mvstest

 #2. cdd  alias='cd $TESTDATA' --> /home/mvstest/testdata

 #3. l gl     <-- list gl subdir prior to 1st crontab execution of jgl100.ksh
     ====       - account.acntlist_ demo file distributed with 3 generations
 :     :-----gl
 :     :-----account.acntlist_000001
 :     :-----account.acntlist_000002  <-- existing generations
 :     :-----account.acntlist_000003

 #4. l gl     <-- list gl subdir AFTER 1st crontab execution of jgl100.ksh
 :     :-----account.acntlist_000004  <-- jgl100.ksh writes 4th generation

 #5. l gl     <-- list gl subdir AFTER 2nd crontab execution of jgl100.ksh
 :     :-----account.acntlist_000005  <-- jgl100.ksh writes 5th generation

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5J1. 'job logging' under 'cron' via 'mail'

results after 2 cycles cronscript1/cronmailsave1

 #1. Login appadm --> /home/appsadm

 #2. ls cronlog1 cronlog2  <-- list log files captured from cronscript1
      :-----cronlog1     <-- 1 line status msgs (optional)
      :     :-----090423_174201_cronscript1
      :     :-----090423_174401_cronscript1
      :     :-----
      :-----cronlog2     <-- console logs captured by mail from cron
      :     :-----090423_174301_cronscript1
      :     :-----090423_174501_cronscript1
      :     :-----

 #3. cat cronlog1  <-- display contents of /home/appsadm/cronlog1/...
     ============    - 1 line status msgs created by logcron1 function
                     - optionally coded in scripts triggered by cron
 090423_174201_cronscript1: cronscript1 - test running scripts via crontab
 090423_174201_cronscript1: cronscript1 - end running scripts via crontab
 090423_174401_cronscript1: cronscript1 - test running scripts via crontab
 090423_174401_cronscript1: cronscript1 - end running scripts via crontab


  • the time stamps from logcron1 functions in cronscript1
      17:42:01 - cronscript1 begins (1st of 2 cycles tested)
      17:42:01 - cronscript1 ends (in same second)
      17:44:01 - cronscript1 begins (2nd of 2 scycles, 2 minutes later)
      17:44:01 - cronscript1 ends (in same second)

 #4. l cronlog2   <-- list log files from crontabtest2/cronscript1
     ==========     - date_time stamped by cronmailsave1
  • cron mail files captured by cronmailsave1 on ODD minutes
  • see contents on next page

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5J2. 'job logging' under 'cron' via 'mail'

 #5a. vi cronlog2/*   <-- inspect contents of log files
      From  Thu Apr 23 15:19:01 2009
      Return-Path: <>
      Received: from (localhost [])
 	by (8.13.8/8.13.8) with ESMTP id n3NMJ1w4006673
 	for <>; Thu, 23 Apr 2009 15:19:01 -0700
      Received: (from appsadm@localhost)
 	by (8.13.8/8.13.8/Submit) id n3NMJ18c006672;
 	Thu, 23 Apr 2009 15:19:01 -0700
      Date: Thu, 23 Apr 2009 15:19:01 -0700
      Message-Id: <>
      From: (Cron Daemon)
      Subject: Cron <appsadm@uvsoft4> /home/appsadm/sf/cronmailsave1
      Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
      Auto-Submitted: auto-generated
      X-Cron-Env: <SHELL=/bin/sh>
      X-Cron-Env: <HOME=/home/appsadm>
      X-Cron-Env: <PATH=/usr/bin:/bin>
      X-Cron-Env: <LOGNAME=appsadm>
      X-Cron-Env: <USER=appsadm>
      Status: R

Mail version 8.1 6/6/93. Type ? for help. "/var/mail/appsadm": 2 messages 2 new >N 1 root@uvsoft4.uvsoftw Thu Apr 23 15:17 26/1121 "Cron <appsadm@uvsoft4" N 2 root@uvsoft4.uvsoftw Thu Apr 23 15:18 56/3469 "Cron <appsadm@uvsoft4" "/home/appsadm/cronlog2/cronscript1" [Appended]

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5J3. 'job logging' under 'cron' via 'mail'

 #5b. vi cronlog2/*   <-- inspect contents of log files
      =============     - continued
 stty: standard input: Invalid argument
 stty: standard input: Invalid argument
 rm: cannot lstat `/home/appsadm/mbox': No such file or directory
 090423_174201_cronscript1: cronscript1 - test running scripts via crontab
 clear TESTDATA temp subdirs before tests or batch shift
 - easier to investigate any problems (unclutered by old files)
 - jobtmp, tmp, wrk, rpts, sysout, joblog, jobctl
 - this script does 'cd $TESTDATA' so you can run from anywhere
 - clear TESTDATA=/home/mvstest/testdata y/n ?
 all files removed from: jobtmp,tmp,wrk,rpts,sysout,joblog,jobctl
 090423:174201:JGL100: Begin Job=JGL100
 090423:174201:JGL100: /home/mvstest/testlibs/jcls/jgl100.ksh
 090423:174201:JGL100: Arguments:
 090423:174201:JGL100: RUNLIBS=/home/mvstest/testlibs
 090423:174201:JGL100: RUNDATA=/home/mvstest/testdata
 090423:174201:JGL100: JTMP=/home/mvstest/testdata/jobtmp/JGL100 SYOT=/home/mvstest/testdata/sysout/JGL100
 090423:174201:JGL100: RUNDATE=20090423
 090423:174201:JGL100: ******** Begin Step S0010 cgl100 (#1) ********
 090423:174201:JGL100: EOF fili01 rds=3 size=75: /home/mvstest/testdata/jobtmp/JGL100/gtmp/0010I_gl_account.master_
 090423:174201:JGL100: EOF filr01 rds=1 upds=1 size=10240: /home/mvstest/testdata/ctl/gdgctl51I
 090423:174201:JGL100: EOF filo02 wrts=1 size=51: /home/mvstest/testdata/jobtmp/JGL100/gtmp/0010G0_gl_account.master_
 090423:174201:JGL100: gen0: ACCTMAS=gl/account.master_000003 insize=8720
 090423:174201:JGL100: EOF fili01 rds=3 size=81: /home/mvstest/testdata/jobtmp/JGL100/gtmp/0010O_gl_account.acntlist_
 090423:174201:JGL100: EOF filr01 rds=1 upds=1 size=10240: /home/mvstest/testdata/ctl/gdgctl51I
 090423:174201:JGL100: EOF filo02 wrts=1 size=128: /home/mvstest/testdata/jobtmp/JGL100/gtmp/0010G1_gl_account.acntlist_
 090423:174201:JGL100: gen+1: ACTLIST=/home/mvstest/testdata/jobtmp/JGL100/GDG/gl/account.acntlist_000004 gens=8
 090423:174201:JGL100: file: SYSOUT=/home/mvstest/testdata/sysout/JGL100/S0010_SYSOUT bytes=
 090423:174201:JGL100: Executing--> cobrun -F /home/mvstest/testlibs/cblx/cgl100
 090423:174201:JGL100: Job Times: Begun=17:42:01 End=17:42:01 Elapsed=00:00:00
 090423:174201:JGL100: moving /home/mvstest/testdata/jobtmp/JGL100/GDG/subdir/files back to $RUNDATA/subdirs/
 `/home/mvstest/testdata/jobtmp/JGL100/GDG/gl/account.acntlist_000004' -> `gl/account.acntlist_000004'
 090423:174201:JGL100: EOF filr01 rds=5 upds=1 size=10240: /home/mvstest/testdata/ctl/gdgctl51I
 090423:174201:JGL100: JobEnd=Normal, StepsExecuted=1, LastStep=S0010
 090423_174201_cronscript1: cronscript1 - end running scripts via crontab

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5K1. listings of crontabs & scripts used cron/log/mail demo

crontab2 - schedule cronscript1 & cronmailsave1

 # crontab2 - crontab file sample for user modification/implementation
 #          - schedules sample script 'cronscript1' at 2 AM Tues-Sat
 #          - ALSO schedules 'cronmailsave1' at 3 AM to capture mail for job log
 #          - by Owen Townsend, April 2009
 #          - see documentation at
 # crontabtest2 - variation for testing at UV Software
 #              - test running JCL/scripts by cron & capturing logs in mail
 #              - schedules script 'cronscript1' every 2 minutes (even minutes)
 #                AND schedules 'cronmailsave1' every 2 minutes (odd minutes)
 #                for testing with minimal wait for results
 # cronscript1 - script executing JCL/scripts to be logged
 #             - runs demo JCL/script /home/mvstest/testlibs/jcls/jgl100.ksh
 #             - jgl100.ksh writes a GDG file in $RUNDATA/gl/...
 # cronmailsave1 - script called by this crontab2
 #                 to save mail from prior crontab2/cronscript1
 #               - script might be as follows:
 #                 echo "save * $APPSADM/cronlog2/$CRONDT_$JOBID1" | mail
 #minute hour day-of-mth mth-of-yr day-of-week <----command---->
 00 2 * * 2-6 /home/appsadm/sf/cronscript1   # 2 AM Tues-Sat
 #Note - jobs run under cron send mail to user (appsadm)
 #     - We will capture the mail for a joblog (into a date_time stamped file)
 #     - BUT, we have to do this AFTER cron session ends (with a separate cron)
 #     - NOW, run the mail capture script at 3 AM
 #minute hour day-of-mth mth-of-yr day-of-week <----command---->
 00 3 * * 2-6 /home/appsadm/sf/cronmailsave1 # 3 AM Tues-Sat
 # Also see crontabtest2 which schedules cronscript1 & cronmailsave1
 # - every 2 minutes for easy testing (until you disable via 'crontab -r')
 # See crontabs documented at
 #------------------------ end crontab2 --------------------------

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5K2. listings of crontabs & scripts used cron/log/mail demo

crontabtest2 - schedule cronscript1/cronmailsave1 every 2 minutes

 # crontabtest2 - test running JCL/scripts by cron & capturing logs in mail
 #              - schedule cronscript1(EVEN minutes) & cronmailsave1(ODD minutes)
 #              - every 2 minutes for testing with minimal wait for results
 #              - by Owen Townsend, April 2009
 #              - see documentation at
 #*crontabtest2 - *THIS schedules cronscript1 every EVEN minute
 #                AND schedules cronmailsave1 every ODD minute
 # cronscript1 - script executing JCL/scripts to be logged
 #             - runs demo JCL/script /home/mvstest/testlibs/jcls/jgl100.ksh
 #             - jgl100.ksh writes a GDG file in $RUNDATA/gl/...
 #*crontabtest2 - *THIS ALSO schedules cronmailsave1 every odd minute
 #              - to save the 'mail' from prior crontab2/cronscript1
 #                in date_time stamped file
 #                ($APPSADM/cronlog2/yymmdd_HHMMSS_jobname)
 # cronmailsave1 - script called by this crontab2/crontabtest2
 #                 to save mail from prior cronscript1
 #               - script might be as follows:
 #                 echo "save * $APPSADM/cronlog2/$CRONDT_$JOBID1" | mail
 # schedule cronscript1 every even minute
 #minute hour day-of-mth mth-of-yr day-of-week <----command---->
 00,02,04,06,08,10,12,14 * * * * /home/appsadm/sf/cronscript1
 16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30 * * * * /home/appsadm/sf/cronscript1
 32,34,36,38,40,42,44,46 * * * * /home/appsadm/sf/cronscript1
 48,50,52,54,56,58       * * * * /home/appsadm/sf/cronscript1
 #Note - jobs run under cron send mail to user (appsadm)
 #     - We will capture the mail for a joblog (into a date_time stamped file)
 #     - BUT, we have to do this AFTER cron session ends (with a separate cron)
 #     - SO NOW, run the mail capture script every 2 minutes on the odd minute
 # schedule cronmailsave1 every odd minute
 #minute hour day-of-mth mth-of-yr day-of-week <----command---->
 01,03,05,07,09,11,13,15 * * * * /home/appsadm/sf/cronmailsave1
 17,19,21,23,25,27,29,31 * * * * /home/appsadm/sf/cronmailsave1
 33,35,37,39,41,43,45,47 * * * * /home/appsadm/sf/cronmailsave1
 49,51,53,55,57,59       * * * * /home/appsadm/sf/cronmailsave1
 # scripts run every 2 minutes (until you disable via 'crontab -r')
 # - see crontabs documented at
 #------------------------ end crontabtest2 --------------------------

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5K3. listings of crontabs & scripts used cron/log/mail demo

cronscript1 - executing JCL/script jgl100.ksh

 # cronscript1 - test/demo running scripts via crontab
 #             - by Owen Townsend, April 2009
 # - demo running 'mvstest' JCL/scripts under 'cron' & capturing log via 'mail'
 # - script, crontab,& profile distributed in /home/uvadm/testlibs/sf/...
 # - setup user appsadm & copy test crontabs & scripts to /home/appsadm/sf/...
 # - also copy profiles from /home/uvadm/env/... to /home/appsadm/env/...
 # - must setup subdirs /home/appsadm/cronlog1, cronlog2
 # - all documented at
 # crontab2 or crontabtest2 - schedules cronscript1
 #             - every 2 minutes for testing with minimal wait for results
 #*cronscript1 - *THIS script executing JCL/scripts to be logged
 #             - runs demo JCL/script /home/mvstest/testlibs/jcls/jgl100.ksh
 #             - jgl100.ksh writes a GDG file in $RUNDATA/gl/...
 # Note - scripts scheduled by crontab do not have benefit of a login profile
 #      - must dot execute profile to set PATHs to find scripts & programs
 #      - also allows us to call using just the jobnames (vs full path names)
 export APPSADM=/home/appsadm   # homedir for crontabs & scripts
 # . $APPSADM/env/stub_profile  # uncmt for production cron job mail logs
 #============================  # next line active for test/demo
 . $APPSADM/env/stub_profile_cronlogdemo # for demo ADMjobs.doc#5I1-5K7
 autoload logcron1              # function to log msgs to $APPSADM/cronlog1
 #================              # found via export FPATH=... set in profile
 export CRONDT=$(date +%y%m%d_%H%M%S) # date_time for logcron1 function
 export JOBID1=cronscript1      # jobid for date_time_jobid msg prefix
 rm $APPSADM/mbox   # remove old mail for appsadm (owner crontab running this)
 #================  # jobs run under cron will send mail to user (appsadm)
 #Note - you can copy/rename this demo script for your production cron scripts
 #     - replace commands between BEGIN/END with your commands
 #     - replace all instances of demo name (cronscript1) with your scriptname
 #---------------------------- BEGIN user jobs --------------------------------
 logcron1 "$JOBID1 - test running scripts via crontab"
 testdatainit2 #<-- optional script to clear any old files in temp subdirs
 jgl100.ksh    # test/demo job documented at
 #=========    # - runs demo JCL/script /home/mvstest/testlibs/jcls/jgl100.ksh
 #             # - jgl100.ksh writes a GDG file in $RUNDATA/gl/...
 #             # - you can replace these testjobs with your production jobs
 logcron1 "$JOBID1 - end running scripts via crontab"
 #----------------------------- END user jobs ---------------------------------
 #Note - jobs run under cron will send mail to user (appsadm)
 #     - save mail (as date_time stamped file) after cron session as follows:
 # echo "save * $APPSADM/cronlog2/$CRONDT_$JOBID1" | mail
 #     - BUT, you have to do this AFTER cron session ends (separate cron)
 exit 0

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5K4. listings of crontabs & scripts used cron/log/mail demo

cronmailsave1 - capture cron mail into date/time stamped file

 # cronmailsave1 - script called by crontab2 or crontabtest2
 #                 to save mail from cronscript1
 #               - by Owen Townsend, April 2009
 #               - see doc at
 # crontab2 or crontabtest2
 #             - schedules cronscript1 every EVEN minute
 #             - every 2 minutes for testing with minimal wait for results
 # cronscript1 - script executing JCL/scripts to be logged
 #             - runs demo JCL/script /home/mvstest/testlibs/jcls/jgl100.ksh
 #             - jgl100.ksh writes a GDG file in $RUNDATA/gl/...
 # crontab2 or crontabtest2
 #             - runs script to save the 'mail' from prior cronscript1
 #               in date_time stamped file every ODD minute
 #               in $APPSADM/cronlog2/yymmdd_HHMMSS_jobname
 #*cronmailsave1 - script called by crontab2/crontabtest2 (every ODD minute)
 #                 to save mail from prior crontab2/cronscript1
 APPSADM=/home/appsadm         #<-- location of mail save subdir (cronlog2)
 JOBID1=cronscript1            #<-- jobname for suffix on mail save file
 CRONDT=$(date +%y%m%d_%H%M%S) #<-- date_time stamp for mail save file
 # use 'echo' to pipe 'save' & 'delete' commands to 'mail'
 echo "save * $APPSADM/cronlog2/${CRONDT}_$JOBID1" | mail
 echo "delete *" | mail
 #Note - jobs run under cron send mail to user (appsadm)
 #     - BUT, you have to do this AFTER cron session ends (via separate cron)
 #     - see more explanations at
 #------------------------ end cronmailsave1 --------------------------
 exit 0

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5K5. listings of crontabs & scripts used cron/log/mail demo

jgl100.ksh - JCL/script executed by cronscript1

 export JOBID2=JGL100; scriptpath="$0"; args="$*"
 if [[ -z "$JOBID1" ]]; then JOBID1=JGL100; fi; export JGL100
 for arg in $args; do if [[ "$arg" == *=* ]]; then export $arg; fi; done
 integer JCC=0 SCC=0 LCC=0  # init step status return codes
 autoload jobset51 jobend51 jobabend51 logmsg1 logmsg2 stepctl51
 autoload exportfile exportgen0 exportgen1 exportgenall exportgenx
 jobset51  # call function for JCL/script initialization
 ##STEPA    EXEC PGL100,HLQ=GL,YEAREND=2003                    #<-PROC1call
 ##STEPA    EXEC PGL100,HLQ=GL,YEAREND=2003                    #<-PROC1exp
 #1======================= begin step#S0010 CGL100 ========================
 JSTEP=S0010; ((XSTEP+=1)); SCC=0; LCC=0; alias goto="";
 logmsg2 "******** Begin Step $JSTEP cgl100 (#$XSTEP) ********"
 stepctl51  # test oprtr jcpause/jcclear
 export PROGID=cgl100
 export PARM="2003"
 exportgen0 0 ACCTMAS gl/account.master_
 exportgen1 +1 ACTLIST $JGDG/gl/account.acntlist_
 #exportgen1 $JGDG/subdir/tempfiles restored to outdir at Normal EOJ
 logmsg2 "Executing--> cobrun $ANIM $RLX/cgl100"
 cobrun $ANIM $RLX/cgl100
 LCC=$?; S0010C=$LCC; ((SCC+=LCC)); ((JCC+=LCC)); S0010R=1; alias goto="";
 if ((S0010C != 0))
    then logmsg2 "ERR: step#$JSTEP cgl100 abterm $SCC"
    alias goto="<<S9900=A"; fi
 #/=*.#PEND1 PGL100
 jobend51 #move any GDG files from jobtmp/GDG/subdirs to RUNDATA/subdirs
 logmsg2 "JobEnd=Normal, StepsExecuted=$XSTEP, LastStep=$JSTEP"
 exit 0 #jclunix51 ver:20110116 a1b2c0d3e2f3g1i1j0k3l20m4n3o0p0r0s0t1u1w0x0y1z0
 logmsg2 "JobEnd=AbTerm, JCC=$JCC,StepsX/L=$XSTEP/$JSTEP" RV ACK
 jobabend51 #report GDGs NOT moved from jobtmp/GDG/subdirs to outdirs
 exit $JCC

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5K6. listings of crontabs & scripts used cron/log/mail demo


 # stub_profile_cronlogdemo - file distributed in /home/uvadm/env/...
 #                                  - to be copied to /home/appsadm/env/...
 # Special version of profile to demo capturing logs from jobs run by cron
 # - defines RUNLIBS & RUNDATA as /home/mvstest/testlibs & testdata
 #   ==============================================================
 # - see - 5K6
 # This stub_profile_cronlogdemo called directly by 'cronscript1'
 # - which is scheduled by 'crontab2' & 'crontabtest2'
 # - since 'cron' environment has NO profile to setup PATHs, etc
 # Define RUNLIBS/RUNDATA & call common_profile
 export RUNLIBS=/home/mvstest/testlibs  #<-- define for user 'mvstest'
 export RUNDATA=/home/mvstest/testdata
 . /home/appsadm/env/common_profile     #<-- common_profile from $APPSADM/env
 # We have dropped a lot of explanatory #cmts here in cronlogdemo version
 # - see explanatory #cmts in original /home/uvadm/env/stub_profile

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5K7. listings of crontabs & scripts used cron/log/mail demo

 # logcron1 - function to log msgs from jobs run by cron
 #          - by Owen Townsend, April 23/2009
 # Prints to screen & append to file: $APPSADM/cronlog1/yymmdd_HHMMSS_$JOBID1
 # - prefix messages with date_time:$JOBID1
 # - use cron to remove $APPSADM/cronlog1/... older than 10 days ?
 # - calling script should define CRONDT & JOBID1 for output filename
 # logcron1 "x---message---x"         <-- sample command in calling JOBXXX
 # 051011_124700_JOBXXX x---msg---x   <-- sample output (at 12:47 Oct 11/05)
 function logcron1
 if [[ $CRONDT == "" ]]; then CRONDT=$(date +%y%m%d_%H%M%S); fi
 NOWDT=$(date +%y%m%d_%H%M%S)
 msg="${NOWDT}_$JOBID1: $1"
 print "$msg"
 # append msg to the cronlog1/file
 print $msg >>$APPSADM/cronlog1/${CRONDT}_$JOBID1

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Part_6. ADMjobs - Console Logging

Console Logging - Contents

6A1. joblog script for programmer test/debug
- capture log for 1 job at a time

6B1. Console logging for production
- capture all console activity for entire batch shift

6C1. Activating console logging
- uncomment 4 lines at end of provided user profile
- setup subdirs to capture console logs for each user

6D1. Console log collection directories

6E1. Console logging demo/illustration
- activate console logging, run JCL/script jgl100.ksh
- logoff & back on to process log file & show results
(vs un-processed log file)

6S0. scripts & uvcopy jobs used to process console logs

6S1. joblog script for programmer test/debug

6S2. logfixA - script to process console log
- activated by user logoff/logon

6S3. logview - list logfiles & allow pick by number

6S4. logfixN - script to process console log for users who forgot to logoff
- Nightly script scheduled by cron

6S5. logfixM - Month end script scheduled by cron
- copies current month subdir log2 to log3
  & clears log2 for new month

6U1. logfix1 - uvcopy job to process logfiles (from log1 to log2)
- removes screen control chars to allow viewing & printing

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6A1. ADMjobs: Console Logging

Console Logging vs Job logging

'Console Logging' captures everything that happens on the screen, including operator commands & replies to prompts (highly recommended for production).

'Job Logging' captures the console output (only) for 1 job at a time, which is better for the programmers, because it can be inspected immediately.

'Console Logging' requires some setup (documented on following pages). Until you get console logging activated, anybody could use the joblog scripts to capture the console log for 1 job at a time.

example using joblog

 #1. cdd                 <-- change to $TESTDATA superdir

 #2. joblog jar100.ksh  <-- use joblog to run script jar100.ksh
     ==================      & capture console log in joblog/jar100.log

 #3. uvlp12 joblog/jar100.log  <-- print the log

Script 'joblog' writes the output into subdir joblog/... in the current directory. Subdir 'joblog/' will be created if not already present. It does not matter where you are when you run joblog, because the JCL/script will be found via $RUNLIBS set in your profile.

The script captures the JCL/script screen displays into a file using the unix/linux 'tee' command. The log filename is created by dropping the '.ksh' extension from the jobname & then appending '.log'.

You can see 'joblog' listed at ADMjobs.htm#6S1. You can see all scripts in /home/uvadm/sf/IBM/...

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6B1. ADMjobs: Console Logging

capturing logs via Unix/Linux 'script' command

Most UNIX systems have a 'script' command which can be used to capture all activity on any terminal.

This would be especially important to mainframe users as a replacement for the system console log, but 'script' can be employed by any user to capture their own console log, for example:

          script logfile

All console I/O will be captured into the named file until you log off. To make effective use of this facility, I suggest the following:

 1 - Start the script automatically as the last command in your .profile
       (this way you can not forget)
 2 - Assign the script filename as the current date & time
       (using the $(date) command - see below)

3 - Setup a separate directory to hold your logfiles

 4 - Accumulate your logfiles for a month (or whatever period suits you).
     You might accumulate these in directory log1 for example.
   - at the end of the month copy log1 to log2, backup log1 to tape
     or diskette, and remove all files from log1 for the new month

5 - You should login only once on the userid you intend to use for logging, because your current logfile would be destroyed by the 2nd login. (see logfixA & logview scripts listed later in this section).

The last command in your .profile might then be:

          exec script log1/$(date +%y%m%d_%H%M%S)

          exec script log1/060219:075200     - sample expansion

Your site administrator might want to keep log files for all users in 1 directory, with sub-directories for each user, in which case the following might be appropriate:

          exec script $LOGDIR/log1/$LOGNAME/$(date +%y%m%d_%H%M%S)

I suggest that LOGDIR=/home/appsadm (the site administrator's home dir). An export for LOGDIR is coded in the profile (listed in Part_1).

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6C1. ADMjobs: Console Logging

activating console logging

You activate console logging by uncommenting 4 lines marked near the end of the profile provided (in /home/uvadm/env/stub_profile_uv).

See complete listing begining on page '1C1', but here are the last few lines:

 #                   ** Console Logging - optional **
 # - uncomment 9 '##' lines below to activate console logging
 # - must setup subdirs matching $LOGNAME in $APPSADM/log1/...,log2/...,log3/...
 # - subdirs log1,log2,log3 hold logfiles for: current file, month, lastmonth
 # - see details at
 # - console logging for production operators to capture entire logon session
 # - programmers can use the 'joblog' script to capture log for 1 job at a time
  ## login1 || exit 2          # exit here if 2nd login
  ## logfixA $LOGNAME          # process log1 file to log2 (to allow read/print)
  ## echo "--> logview   <-- execute logview script to see prior console logs"
  ## echo "logging requires .bashrc/.kshrc with PS1='<@$HOST1:$LOGNAME:$PWD >'"
  ## echo "logging requires $LOGNAME subdirs in \$APPSADM/log1 & log2"
  ## if [[ -d $APPSADM/log1/$LOGNAME && ( -f .kshrc || -f .bashrc) ]]; then
  ##    echo "script $APPSADM/log1/$LOGNAME/$(date +%y%m%d_%H%M%S)"
  ##    exec script $APPSADM/log1/$LOGNAME/$(date +%y%m%d_%H%M%S)
  ## fi
 # 'exec script' must be the last non-comment line in the profile
 # 'script' disables aliases & umask 002 - put in .bashrc/.kshrc to be effective
 # ============================
 # cp $APPSADM/env/kshrc .kshrc  # copy to your homedir restoring correct name
 # ============================
 #--------------------------- end of stub_profile ---------------------------

You also need to setup a subdir for each user before the login for the 1st time after uncommenting the 4 lines at the end of their profile.

The 'appsadm' might setup directories as follows:

 #0. user appsadm login ---> /home/appsadm

 #1. mkdir log1 log2 log3    <-- 1 time only

 #2. mkdir log1/userxx log2/userxx log3/userxx
     - setup subdirs for each user to be console logged

See descriptions of log1,log2,log3 on the next page:

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6D1. ADMjobs: Console Logging

Directories to store console logs

The script files are created as $LOGDIR/log1/$LOGNAME/yymmdd_HHMMSS

$LOGDIR is defined in profiles as: export LOGDIR=/home/appsadm & contains 3 logfile directories as follows:

  • today's log files
  • subdirectories for each user (simon, peg, joan, opr, etc)
  • the UNIX script command writes these files
  • you cannot edit or print these files, due to the many escape
    control characters & missing LineFeeds
  • log files converted from log1, to enable editing & printing
  • see the logfixA &/or logfixN scripts (& logfix1 uvcopy prmfile)
  • logfixA/N copies files from log1 to log2, removing screen control chars
  • logfixN can be scheduled every night by cron.
  • logfixN is scheduled after killuser2 kills users who did not log off
  • which closes their log files in log1
  • if you want to see your log file now, just log off & back on
  • logoff/logon runs logfixA (in profile) to process your current log file
  • after logon, run the logview script to list your logs & pick by number
  • last month's log files
  • saved here by cron on the 1st of each month (see logfixM script).
  • log2 is then cleaned out to begin re-accumulating the new month.

filtering log files for viewing & printing

'logfixA' in your profile to performs the filtering. This is activated simply by logging off & back on & then using the 'logview' script.

The advantage of logfixA in the .profile is that you can see your filtered log files without waiting for the nightly cron job or running logfix manually.

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6E1. ADMjobs: Console Logging

console logging demo

We assume you have performed the JCL conversions in JCLcnv1demo.htm#Part_3 (or VSEJCL.htm#Part_1).

 We will demo a vital feature of the Vancouver Utility console logging system
 - removing screen control characters to facilitate viewing & printing.

After the preparations on this page, the demo on the next page will:

  1. Login as mvstest
  2. Use 'vi' to inspect a JCL/script (generates many screen control chars)
  3. Run the JCL/script
  4. List the I/O files in subdir gl/...
  5. Logout & log back in to process the log file (remove screen control chars)

    preparation for console logging demo

 #1. Login as appsadm --> /home/appsadm

 #2. setup subdirs to collect & process console log files as per page '6D1'.

 #2a. mkdir log1/mvstest    <-- captures log from current login session
 #2b. mkdir log2/mvstest    <-- collects processed logs for current month
      ==================      - screen control characters removed for view/print

 #3. exit

 #4. Login as mvstest --> /home/mvstest

 #5. activate console logging (if not already done as per page '6C1').

 #5a. vi .bash_profile   <-- edit your profile
      - uncomment the 7 '##' lines at end of profile (see page '6C1')

 #6. exit

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6E2. ADMjobs: Console Logging

executing console logging demo

 #1. Login as mvstest --> /home/mvstest

 #2. cdl   alias cdl='cd $RUNLIBS' --> /home/mvstest/testlibs

 #3. vi jcls/jgl100.ksh    <-- inspect JCL/script

 #4. cdd   alias cdd='cd $RUNDATA' --> /home/mvstest/testdata

 #5. jgl100.ksh   <-- execute JCL/script
     ==========     - see listing at JCLcnv1demo.htm#2D1 or '5K5' in this doc

 #6. l gl         <-- list I/O files in subdir gl/...

 #7. exit

 #8. Log back in to process log file
     - see 'logfixA' called near end of profile (listed on page '6C1')

 #9. logview      <-- list processed log files (/home/appsadm/log2/mvstest/...)
 #9a. 1           <-- select latest file (file #1, numbering from latest)
      ===           - invokes 'vi' editor
 #9b. :q          <-- quit vi to return to logview list
 #9c. q           <-- quit logview

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6E3. ADMjobs: Console Logging

processed console log

<@:mvstest:/home/mvstest> cdl

 <@:mvstest:/home/mvstest/testlibs> vi jcl3/jgl100.ksh
 if[0m JGL100                                 <--Note: 'vi' reduced to 5 lines
 -->> MAX LOG LINES: vi=8, .ksh=8000, other=2000 <<--

<@:mvstest:/home/mvstest/testlibs> cdd

 <@:mvstest:/home/mvstest/testdata> jgl100.ksh
 100328:135304:JGL100: Begin Job=JGL100
 100328:135304:JGL100: /home/mvstest/testlibs/jcls/jgl100.ksh
 100328:135304:JGL100: Arguments:
 100328:135304:JGL100: RUNLIBS=/home/mvstest/testlibs
 100328:135304:JGL100: RUNDATA=/home/mvstest/testdata
 100328:135304:JGL100: JTMP=jobtmp/JGL100 SYOT=sysout/JGL100
 100328:135304:JGL100: RUNDATE=20100328
 100328:135304:JGL100: ******** Begin Step S0010 cgl100 (#1) ********
 100328:135304:JGL100: gen0: ACCTMAS=gl/account.master_000003insize=13952
 100328:135304:JGL100: gen+1: ACTLIST=jobtmp/JGL100/GDG/gl/account.acntlist_000004 gens=8
 100328:135304:JGL100: file: SYSOUT=sysout/JGL100/S0010_SYSOUT bytes=
 100328:135304:JGL100: Executing--> cobrun -F /home/mvstest/testlibs/cblx/cgl100
 100328:135304:JGL100: Job Times: Begun=13:53:04 End=13:53:04Elapsed=00:00:00
 100328:135304:JGL100: moving jobtmp/JGL100/GDG/subdir/files back to $RUNDATA/subdirs/
 `jobtmp/JGL100/GDG/gl/account.acntlist_000004' -> `gl/account.acntlist_000004'
 100328:135304:JGL100: EOF filr01 rds=5 upds=1 size=10240: /home/mvstest/testdata/ctl/gdgctl51I
 100328:135304:JGL100: JobEnd=Normal, StepsExecuted=1, LastStep=S0010
 <@:mvstest:/home/mvstest/testdata> l gl
 total 104
 -rw-rw-r-- 1 mvstest apps  7303 Sep 29 08:41 account.acntlist_000001
 -rw-rw-r-- 1 mvstest apps  7303 Mar 28 13:42 account.acntlist_000002
 -rw-rw-r-- 1 mvstest apps 13952 Sep 27 10:50 account.master_000001
 -rw-rw-r-- 1 mvstest apps 13952 Sep 27 10:51 account.master_000002
 -rw-rw-r-- 1 mvstest apps 13952 Sep 27 10:52 account.master_000003
 -rw-rw-r-- 1 mvstest apps  1600 Apr 23  2009 account.tran1
 -rw-rw-r-- 1 mvstest apps  1600 Apr 23  2009 account.trans_000001
 -rw-rw-r-- 1 mvstest apps  1600 Apr 23  2009 account.trans_000002
 -rw-rw-r-- 1 mvstest apps  1600 Apr 23  2009 account.trans_000003

<@:mvstest:/home/mvstest/testdata> exit exit Script done on Sun 28 Mar 2010 01:53:31 PM PDT

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6E4. ADMjobs: Console Logging

un-processed console log

Here is just the 1st few lines of the un-processed console log file, to show you how essential the console logging system is.

Note that the 'logfixA' script (calling uvcopy job logfix1) removes the garbage created by screen control characters. logfix1 recognizes 'vi' commands and reduces the output to the 1st 5 lines (compare the processed log on the previous page to the unprocessed log listed below).

 vi /home/appsadm/log1/mvstest/100328_015236
 - attempt to view un-processed logfile directly in log1/mvstest/...
 - before processing to log2/mvstest/...
 - logfile name date/time stamped yymmdd_HHMMSS
 Script started on Sun 28 Mar 2010 01:52:36 PM PDT
 <@:mvstest:/home/mvstest> cdl
 <@:mvstest:/home/mvstest/testlibs> vi jcl3/jgl100.ksh
 ![1;25r![?25h![?8c![?25h![?0c![27m![24m![0m![H![J![?25l![?1c![25;1H"jcl3/jgl100.ksh" 51L, 2391C![1;1H![1m![36m#!/bin/ksh
 ![1m![33mexport![0m ![1m![36mJOBID2![0m=JGL100![1m![33m;![0m ![1m![36mscriptpath![0m=![1m![33m"![0m![1m![34m$0![0m![1m![33m";![
 if![0m ![1m![31m[[![0m ![1m![33m-z![0m ![1m![33m"![0m![1m![34m$JOBID1![0m![1m![33m"![0m ![1m![31m]]![0m![1m![33m;![0m ![1m![33m
 integer![0m ![1m![36mJCC![0m=![1m![35m0![0m ![1m![36mSCC![0m=![1m![35m0![0m ![1m![36mLCC![0m=![1m![35m0![0m ![1m![36m # init st
 ![1m![33mautoload![0m jobset51 jobset52 jobend51 jobabend51 logmsg1 logmsg2 stepctl51
 ![1m![33mautoload![0m exportfile exportgen0 exportgenp exportgenq exportgenr exportgenall
 ![1m![33mautoload![0m exportgen1 exportgen2 exportgen3 exportgenx
 jobset51 ![1m![36m # call function for JCL/script initialization![0m
 -------- remaining lines removed, see processed logs on prior page ---------

If you attempt to edit or print the log files directly, you will have problems due to screen control escape sequences from COBOL program displays, vi editor sessions, etc. Another problem is extraneous voluminous data from various commands (ls, vi, cat, more, programs).

'logfix1' is a uvcopy job that will solve these problems, by copying the log files dropping the escape sequences & inserting LineFeeds as required to ensure that no lines are longer than 80 columns.

'logfix1' has options to reduce voluminous output displays to 3 or 4 lines by scanning for known symbols '<@' at the beginning of each user prompt. PS1 is modified accordingly to: export PS1='<@${PWD}> '

'logfix1' has options to set max lines for certain commands. For 'vi' option 'v5' limits output to 5 lines, for any JCL/script (ID by .ksh suffix) option j5000 means unlimited, for all other commands 'm50' sets max 50 lines.

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6S0. ADMjobs: Console Logging

scripts & uvcopy jobs to process console logs

Some of the logfix scripts & uvcopy jobs are listed on the following pages:

6S1. joblog - capture console log for 1 job at a time (vs logon to logoff)
- for programmers to see log immediately
  vs production operators where we want to capture entire shift

6S2. logfixA - process log files from log1 to log2 to enable editing/printing
- run by .profile, to see your latest logfile, just logout/login
  & use the 'logview' script to vi by logfile sequence#
- new job as of June 98, recommended alternative to logfixN
xxx: logfixB
  • alternate to logfixA
  • logfixA allows only 1 login per userid (recommended)
  • logfixB allows multiple logins (if you really want this)

6S3. logview - convenient script to list your logfiles & allow you pick desired
  file by number (1=latest). Calls the 'vi' editor.
- Short & long (A & B) versions of each file are available.
  (short version truncates command responses to 3 lines)
- You could subsequently list a desired logfile, for example:
  uvlp12 /home/appsadm/log2/uvadm/980808:1335A

6S4. logfixN - nightly cron to process any files from log1 to log2
- runs after killuser2 has killed any users who did not log off
- killuser2 closes their log files to prevent losing last buffer

6S5. logfixM - scheduled on the 1st of each month (by crontab5)
- script copies log2 to log3 & cleans out log2 for the new month.

6U1. logfix1 - uvcopy job to process logfiles, bypasses 'vi' editor displays.
- executed by logfixA script which is executed by your .profile.

You can use various UNIX utilities to investigate the console log files, if you explore processed files in log2 vs the unprocessed files in log1.

  • often better to simply use 'vi' to search your log files for the
    desired information, but 1st run logfixA to strip control chars.
  • recommended to run logfixA in your .profile, so just logout/login
  • You might prefer to use this script to print text files
    such as these, because this script & uvlist program
    adds page headings (with filenames) & page numbers.

           uvlp12 /home/appsadm/log2/uvadm/031115:092400

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6S1. ADMjobs: Console Logging

joblog - capture log for 1 job at a time

 # joblog - run a JCL/script & capture a log file (via tee)
 #        - names the log file by dropping the .ksh & appending .log
 # - writes the logfile into subdir 'joblog' (creates it if not present)
 # - prompts for command to view/print (vi,cat,more,uvlp12,etc)
 #   &/or optionally (save) with a date/time stamp
 # This script intended only for test/debug when console logging not activated
 # - Console logging is better because it captures everything that happens,
 #   including operator commands & replies to prompts.
 # - to activate console logging, see:
 jclksh="$1"   # capture the script filename with extension (jclname.ksh)
 if [[ -f $RUNLIBS/jcls/$jclksh || -f $RUNLIBS/ksh/$jclksh ]]; then :
   else echo "usage: joblog jclname.ksh [args]"
        echo "       ========================="
        echo " - arg1 must be a script in the PATH"
        exit; fi
 # setup joblog directory pathname & make joblog subdir if not existing
 #Jan08/2014 - ensure joblog written to $RUNDATA, regardless of where run
 jld=$RUNDATA/joblog    # setup joblog directory pathname
 if [[ ! -d $jld ]]; then mkdir $jld; fi
 # create logfilename by dropping .ksh & appending .log
 jf=${jclksh%\.*}         # drop extension .ksh from JCL/script filename
 jlf=$jf.log              # add extension .log to create logfilename
 $jclksh $* 2>&1 | tee $jld/$jlf
 # "$*" include all arguments following jobname.ksh
 echo "enter command to view, print, and/or save logfile"
 echo "logfile: $jld/$jlf"
 echo "--> vi,cat,more,uvlp12,etc, and/or 'save' to date/time stamp"
 read reply
 if [[ "$reply" == *save* ]]; then
    cp $jld/$jlf $jld/${jlf}_$(date +%y%m%d_%H%M%S); fi
 if [[ -n "$cmd" ]]; then $cmd $jld/$jlf; fi
 exit 0

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6S2. ADMjobs: Console Logging

logfixA - filter console logs to facilitate viewing & printing

 # logfixA - Korn shell script from UVSI stored in: /home/uvadm/sf/adm/
 # logfixA - convert all script log files from log1 to log2 & remove log1 file
 #         - removes control chars & limits 'vi' & other lengthy outputs
 #usage:    logfixA logsubdir
 #default:  logfixA $LOGNAME      <-- usually subdir=$LOGNAME
 # - logfixA is run from the .profile at login time, to process the prior logfile
 #   which was closed when you logged out, so you can display it via logview
 # - the last 3 lines in the .profile should be as follows:
 # 1. login1 || exit 2          # prevents 2nd login (would destroy logfiles)
 # 2. logfixA $LOGNAME          # process log1 file to log2 (to allow read/print)
 # 3. exec script $LOGDIR/log1/$LOGNAME/$(date +%y%m%d:%H%M%S)
 # - logfixA allows only 1 login per userid (recommended for console logging)
 # - but see 'logfixB' if you really want to allow multiple logins per userid
 # - use the 'logview' script to view your logfiles (requires no arguments)
 # - logview lists your logfiles & prompts for sequence# of logfile to vi
 # - 1st logoff & back on if you want to see your latest activity
 job=logfixA     # setup jobname for echo msgs
 # ensure logfile parent directory defined & change to it
 if [ ! -d "$LOGDIR" ]; then
    echo "$job - LOGDIR undefined (usually = \$APPSADM)"; exit 9; fi
 cd $LOGDIR      # change to parent directory of logfile subdirs
 subdir="$1"     # capture arg1 (default to $LOGNAME if not specified)
 echo "$job - convert $subdir log files for viewing & printing "
 ## if [[ -z "$subdir" ]]; then subdir=$LOGNAME; fi
 if [[ ! -d "log1/$subdir" ]]; then
    echo "usage: $job $subdir <-- arg1 must be subdir in $LOGDIR/log1/ & log2/"
    echo "       ==========="
    exit 99; fi
 echo "files in log1/$subdir listed below:"
 ls -l log1/$subdir
 for i in log1/$subdir/*
   if [[ -s $i ]]; then
      uvcopy logfix1,fili1=$i,filo1=log2/$subdir/${f},uop=q0i7
      let x=x+1
      echo "file# $x  $i converted to log2/$subdir/$f"
      # remove input file from log1, unless LOGFIXDEBUG=Y
      if [[ "$LOGFIXDEBUG" != "Y" ]]; then rm -f $i; fi
 echo "$job - $x files converted from log1/$subdir to log2/$subdir for vi/uvlp12"
 echo "$job - use 'logview' script to list & view logfiles (no prmtrs reqd)"
 exit 0

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6S3. ADMjobs: Console Logging

logview - list logfiles & allow pick by number

 # logview - Korn shell script from UVSI stored in: /home/uvadm/sf/adm/
 # logview - list user's log2 files & view specified files
 #usage: logview [ user ]    <-- user defaults to $LOGNAME
 #       ================
 # This script does an 'ls -l' of log2/user files
 # & prompts for seq# to 'vi' (counting backwards on ls -l list)
 # Repeats the ls -l & re-prompts until user enters 'q'
 # 2nd arg optional to print to specified destination (or default)
 # - must be no space between '-d' & printer destination
 # -> 1         - vi last log file, :q to quit vi & redisplay file list
 # -> 3 -d      - print 3rd last log file to default printer
 # -> 3 -dlp09  - print 3rd last log file on lp09
 # -> 0         - quit logview
 if [[ "$1" = "" ]]; then user=$LOGNAME; else user="$1"; fi
 logdir=$LOGDIR/log2/$user              # setup logdir for use below
 if [ ! -d $tmpd ]; then mkdir $tmpd; fi
 typeset lognames[200]                  # array for up to 200 files
 integer fil=1                          # force at least 1 list & prompt
 while (($fil > 0))                     # if user reply > 0
   do ls -l $logdir                     # show log files to user
      ls -1r $logdir > $tmpd/logfiles   # logfile names in reverse order
      # read logfile names into an array
      integer n=1
      exec 3< $tmpd/logfiles            # open log
      while read -u3 logname            # read current name
      do lognames[$n]=$logname          # add current filename to array
      exec 3<&1                         # close file dscrptr 3
      echo "enter 1,2,3,etc to vi logfile (counting backwards) 0 to quit"
      echo " - follow file# with -ddest to print for example--> 1 -dlpt1 "
      read fil prt   # read users response fil=file#, prt dest (optional)
      if (( $fil < 1 || $fil > 9 )); then break; fi
      if [[ "$prt" = "" ]]; then
         vi $logdir/${lognames[$fil]}   # vi specified file#
         if [[ "$prt" == -d* ]]; then dest="$prt"; else dest=$UVLPDEST; fi
         if [[ "$dest" == *lpt* ]]; then I=i1; else I=i0; fi
         uvlist $logdir/${lognames[$fil]} p60$I t1c13 | lp -onobanner $dest
 exit 0

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6S4. ADMjobs: Console Logging

logfixM - rotate console logs - cron monthly

 # logfixN - convert all script log files from $APPSADM/log1 to $APPSADM/log2
 # This 'logfixN' run by cron to fix logs of users who did not logoff
 # - part of 'nightly1' which is scheduled by 'crontab_appsadm1'
 # - these scripts & crontabs distributed by UVSI in /home/uvadm/sf/adm/...
 # - should be customized & stored for execution at /home/appsadm/sf/...
 # Note - 'logfixA' is run by user profiles to fix logs during the day
 # - users logoff & backon to process logs, for viewing by logview script
 # - 'logfixN' run by crontab_appsadm1 fixes logs of users who did not logoff
 # - crontab_root has already KILLed users who did not logoff
 #usage: logfixN   #<-- no arguments required
 #       =======
 # - removes control chars & inserts LFs to enable log file view & print
 # - copies all files for all users from log1/users/... to log2/users/...
 # - then removes all from log1/users/...
 # - this script is run by 'nightly1' which is scheduled by crontab_appsadm1
 # To initially setup logging for a user:
 # - setup a subdir matching his login/userid in log1/...,log2/...,log3/...
 # - remove '#' from last 4 lines of his .bash_profile (stub_profile_prod)
 # - see stub_profiles & common_profiles supplied in /home/uvadm/env/...
 export APPSADM=/home/appsadm  # define APPSADM
 cd $APPSADM                   # change to parent directory of logfile subdirs
 JOBID=logfixN       # setup scriptname for echos
 echo "$JOBID - convert script log files for editing & printing"
 echo "- convert all files from $APPSADM/log1/user/... to $APPSADM/log2/user/..."
 for d in log1/*
  do s=${d##*/}             # capture subdir
     let x=x+1; y=0         # count subdirs & reset file ctr for subdir
     for f in $d/*          # for each file in current subdir
      do if [[ -s $f ]]; then
            g=${f##*/}                        # capture file element name
            h=log2/$s/$g                      # setup output filename
            uvcopy logfix1,fili1=$f,filo1=$h  # convert current logfile
            rm -f  $f                         # remove file from log1
            let  y=y+1
            echo "$x/$y - $f converted to log2/$s & deleted from $d"
 echo "$JOBID - $x subdirs converted from $APPSADM/log1 to $APPSADM/log2"

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6S5. ADMjobs: Console Logging

logfixM - rotate console logs - cron monthly

 # logfixM - Korn shell script from UVSI stored in: /home/uvadm/sf/adm/
 # logfixM  - console log file processing - called by monthly1 script
 #            which is scheduled by CRON on the 1st of each month
 #          - moves all log files (created by UNIX 'script' command)
 #            from log2 to log3 & then removes all files from log2
 #          - UVSI suggests you setup userid 'appsadm' for aplctns admin
 export APPSADM=/home/appsadm       # define apps admin homedir
 # $APPSADM should be defined in all user homedirs as the LOGDIR
 # - with subdirs as follows:
 # log1 - daily log written here by UNIX script commands
 #      - each user has a subdir containing his date/time stamped logfiles
 #        for example: log1/$LOGNAME/yymmdd:HHMM
 #                     log1/owen/950615:0710
 #                     log1/gordon/950615:1030
 # log2 - current month log files
 #      - converted by logfixA to allow editing & printing
 #      - copied over to log3 on the 1st of each month
 #      - then cleaned out for re-accumulation
 # log3 - last month log files
 #      - provides log history up to 2 months ago (at end of mth)
 cd $APPSADM    # change to $APPSADM homedir
 JOBID=logfixM    # setup JOBID for multi use below (easier to clone/rename)
 echo "$JOBID - remove all subdirs/files from $APPSADM/log3"
 rm -rf log3/*         # remove all subdirs & files from log3
 echo "$JOBID - copy all subdir/files in $APPSADM/log2 to $APPSADM/log3"
 cp -rp log2/* log3    # copy all log2 subdirs & files to log3
 echo "$JOBID - remove all files from all user subdirs in $APPSADM/log2"
 rm -f  log2/*/*       # remove all files from all log2 users subdirs
 echo "$JOBID - remove all files from all user subdirs in $APPSADM/log1"
 rm -f  log1/*/*       # remove all files from all log1 users subdirs
 exit 0

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6U1. ADMjobs: Console Logging

logfix1 - uvcopy job to filter log files

 # logfix1 - uvcopy Parameter File from UVSI stored in: /home/uvadm/pf/util/
 # logfix1 - fix the console log created by the 'script' command
 #         - called by script 'logfixA' invoked at end of user profile's
 #example: uvcopy logfix1,fili1=tmp/demolog1,filo1=tmp/demolog2
 #         ====================================================
 # - see console logging documented in ADMjobs.doc
 #   'script' is used to capture console logs for each user
 # - this job makes the log files much easier to use as follows:
 # - removes screen control 'escapes' that interfere with viewing/printing
 #   (causing overprinting, long lines,& lost data)
 # - unprintable characters are translated to x'00' & squeezed out
 # - drop blank lines
 # - option 'f' to remove screen control codes (in addition to escapes)
 #   (drop data from 1st '[' on a line to the last '[' on a line)
 # - depend on unique PS1 prompt pattern in the profile
 #   must have: export PS1='<@${PWD}> '
 # - option j# to limit '*.ksh' displays to spcfd max lines
 # - option v# to limit 'vi' displays to spcfd max lines
 # - option m# to limit all other command displays to spcfd max lines
 # Note - must have option f1 or f3 to activate options j,v,m
 # - option 'f0' processes all lines (ensures you dont lose anything)
 opr='$jobname - fix script/console log, remove escapes & vi displays'
 opr='uop=q1f3j8000m2000v10 - option defaults'
 opr='    q0               - do not prompt to allow option changes'
 opr='    q1               - prompt to allow option changes'
 opr='      f0             - filter option off (show 1st 256 all lines)'
 opr='      f1             - filter option on - limit output for JCL,vi,other'
 opr='      f2             - drop vi escape codes'
 opr='                       from 1st "[" on a line to last "[" on a line'
 opr='        j8000        - for "*.ksh" cmds - limit output to 8000 lines'
 opr='             v8      - for " vi " cmds  - limit output to    8 lines'
 opr='               m2000 - for other cmds   - limit output to 2000 lines'
 opr='options j,v,m require option f1+ & depend upon unique pattern in PS1'
 opr='export PS1="<@$PWD> " <-- PS1 in the profile must contain "<@" ID'
 opr='IE - option f0 disables optns j,v,m & all lines are processed'
 uop=q1f3j8000m2000v8    # option defaults
 was=g20000              # allow 20000 input area in case of long lines w/o LFs
 fili1=?input,rcs=16000,typ=LSTe1  #<-- see note in getr re optn e1/n1

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        opn     all
 # setup translate table for later use to remove unprintable characters
        mvc     p0(256),$trt          neutral trslt tbl to w/s
        clr     p0(32),x'00'          clear ctls low
        clr     p126(130),x'00'       clear ctls high incldng tilde & del
        mvc     p10(1),x'0A'          restore LineFeed
 # store prompt ID from arg1 & calc length, also with 1 LF preceding
        mvf     c0(20),'<@'           may change here if required
        scnr    c0(20),>' '           scan back to 1st nonblnk for lth
        mvn     $rc,$rx               save dsp to LNB
        add     $rc,1                 +1 for length
        mvc     c40(1),x'0A'          insert 1 LF prior to prompt ID
        mvc     c41(20),c0
        mvn     $rd,$rc               to calc rep lth
        add     $rd,1                 +1 for 1 LF inserted
 # transfer $uopbj,$uopbm,$uopbv to $cb1,$cb2,$cb3 for MAX LOG LINES msg
        mvn     $cb1,$uopbj
        mvn     $cb2,$uopbm
        mvn     $cb3,$uopbv

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 # begin loop to get/process/put records until EOF
 # getr subrtn gets lines up to 8000 bytes, but discards anything > 256
 man20  bal     getr                  get next line
        skp>    man90
 # test option f1 to limit outputs for vi, JCL, other
 man22  cmn     $uopbf,1             limit outputs for vi,JCL,other ?
        skp<    man66
 # test for PS1 prompt & options to limit outputs depending on command
 man24  scne1z1 aa0(256),c0($rc20)   PS1 prompt (usual '<@')
        skp!    man60
 man25  mvn     $ca1,0               clear ctr lines for current PS1
        mvn     $ca2,$uopbm          presume max lines for other cmds
        scne1   aa0(256),'> '        scan to end of PS1 prompt
        skp!    man60
        scn     aa0(30),' vi '       ' vi ' within 30 bytes of prompt ?
        skp=    man30
        scn     aa0(30),' logview '  or logview within 30 bytes of prompt ?
        skp=    man30
        scn     aa0(30),'.ksh'       JCL/ksh/script (within 30 bytes) ?
        skp=    man34
        skp     man60
 # vi - set max lines from option v
 man30  mvn     $ca2,$uopbv
        skp     man60
 # JCL/script - set max lines from option j
 man34  mvn     $ca2,$uopbj
        skp     man60
 # common point to output & return to get next line
 # - output inhibited if line ctr for current cmd > max set at PS1 prompt
 man60  add     $ca1,1                count lines since last PS1 prompt
        cmn     $ca1,$ca2             vi lines > max ?
        skp>    man20
        skp=    man70
 man66  put     filo1,a0(256)         write current line to output log
        skp     man20                 return to get next
 # Insert notes re max lines reached for vi, .ksh,& other
 man70 mvfv1 m0(80),'-->> MAX LOG LINES: vi=$cb1, .ksh=$cb2, other=$cb3 <<--'
        put     filo1,m0(80)
        skp     man20
 # end of file - close files & end job
 man90  cls     all

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 #---------------------------- getr --------------------------------------
 # getr - subrtn to get next line
 #      - allow 16000 bytes & discard anything > 256
 #Dec2003 - option LSTe1 chngd to n1 & n1 added to get in getr subrtn
 #        - option e1/n1 inhibits errmsg if get data > op2 area
 #        - option e1 left on LSTe1 for Henrico new logfix w/o new uvcopy
 getr   getn1   fili1,g0(16000)      optn n1 no errmsgstop if data > op2
        skp>    getr9
 # translate any remaining control chars to nulls & squeeze left
        mvc     h0(80),g0            save 1st 80 for escape test below
        trt     g0(8000),p0          trslt ctl chars to nulls
        sqz     g0(8000),x'00'       squeeze out nulls
        sqzc1   g60(8000),' '        squeeze multi blanks to 1
 # sqzc1 above starts at col 60 to retain spacing for most lines, but
 # squeeze out multiple blanks for long lines (screen displays?)
 # drop any blank lines
        cmc     g0(256),' '          all blank line ?
        skp=    getr
 # ensure PS1 prompt (ID by <@) starts on a new line
        rep     g0(256),c0($rc20),c40($rd22)
 # optionally drop escape codes (escape itself x'1B' drop by above trt/sqz)
 # not perfect - drops from 1st '[' on line to last '[' on a line
 getr4  mvc     a0(256),g0           presume option off & move all
        tsb     o6(1),x'02'          drop escape sequences ?
        skp!    getr8
 getr5  cmn     $uopbf,2             drop escape codes [....[ ?
        skp<    getr8
        scn     h0(80),x'1B'         any escapes in current line ?
        skp!    getr8
 getr6  clr     a0(512),' '          clear delivery area
        mvu     a0(256),g0,'['       move until '[' found (if any)
        skp!    getr8
        mvn     $ra,$rx              save ptr to 1st [ in perm rgstr 'a'
        scnr    g0(256),'['          scan from right for last '[' on line
        mvn     $rg,$rx              save ptr to last [ in perm rgstr 'g'
        mvc     aa0(256),gg0         move rmndr of line (dropping [...[)
 getr8  ret=
 getr9  ret>
 #-------------------------- end of logfix1 ------------------------------

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Part_7. ADMjobs.doc - Applications Administration - useful scripts

useful admin scripts - Contents

7A1. Introduction & overview

7B1. Listing files & directories sorted by name,date,size etc
llm - sorted by filename, same as 'ls -l | more', saves keystrokes
llt - sorted by createion date, latest first
lls - sorted by file size, biggest first
... - several more, all scripts pipe to more, enter for next screen

7C1. scripts to Count Files, Lines,& KB in Directories
1. cfl - Count Lines in 1 File
2. cfd - Count Files,Lines,KB in 1 Directory
3. cfdt - Totals-Only version of Count Files,Lines,& KiloBytes in a Directory
4. cfdpf - Count Files in a Directory with a Pattern [or not] in filenames
5. cfdpl - Count Files in a Directory with a Pattern [or not] on any line in any file
6. cfdd - Count Files,Lines,& KB in a ALL Sub-Dirs in a Super-Directory
7. cfddt - Count Files,Lines,& KB in a ALL Sub-Dirs in a Super-Directory Totals-Only
8. cfddf - Count Files,Lines,KB in ALL Sub-Dirs in a Super-Dir + 1st few files
9. cfdmm - List Directory: File#,Lines,Minsize,Maxsize,Minrec#,Maxrec#, Dir/Filename

7D1. rename - these scripts will rename all files in a directory
  saving hours of manual 'mv' commands
- 20 scripts to perform various conditional renames
- add/remove/change extensions, prefixes,& embedded patterns
- rename to UPPER case, lower case, etc

7E1. aliases - useful aliases for user profiles
- alias rm,mv,cp to add option 'i' (are you sure)
- aliases for quick 'cd' to long frequently used pathnames

7F1. alldiff - powerful script to confirm the results of mass changes
  to entire directories of JCL/scripts or COBOL source programs
- it employs the marvelous unix/linux system 'diff' utility,
  repeating it for each pair of files found in the directory.

7G1. dtree - draw directory tree from any specified starting directory
- great for documentation

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ADMjobs.doc - Applications Administration - useful scripts

useful admin scripts - Contents (continued)

7H1. statlogin1 - create table summary of logins
- number of logins for each user in past few months

7I1. devicemod1 - allow user access to tape & diskette
- setup rc5.d init script to chmod 666 /dev/st0,nst0,sde
udev rules - rules for devices accessed by users
- sample file /etc/udev/rules.d/70-local.rules
- Red Hat recommended alternative to devicemod1 (see above)

7I2. /etc/rc.d/rc.local - Boot time startup script
- easier than the awkward coding in rc4.d (S999xxx & K999xxx)
- my example to start Micro Focus license mgr
and change permissions on DAT tape devices

7J1. findowner - find files for a specified owner

7J2. findgrpnw - find files with No Group Write permissions
- no group write permissions could cause scripts to fail
when a group of programmers are working on a common project

7J3. findgrpnwfix - find No Group Write perms & FIX

7K1. chmod1 - change permissions on entire directory trees using 'find'
- may specify permissions for directories & files
- we recommend 775 for directories & 664 for datafiles
- uses the unix/linux 'find' command to process all subdirs & files
  from a specified starting directory
- after this script you would have to manually fix any executable
  'program' & 'script' files

7K4. chmod3 - change permissions on entire directory trees
- looks for subdir names identifying programs or scripts
  to set executable permissions on files within these subdirs
- using 'recursion' to process all levels of sub-directories
- specify permissions for files, directories,& programs/scripts

7K8. chmod_custom1 - script to be run by cron to fix permissions for batch jobs
- nightly batch jobs could fail due to files with bad perms
- this script must run under a root crontab to change perms
  but nightly batch jobs run under crontab owned by appsadm
  (too dangerous to run application scripts with root privileges)
- this example hard-codes directories & permissions for reliability
  (you would customize for your site)

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7A1. ADMjobs.doc - Applications Administration - useful scripts

scripts for unix/linux administrators

There are over 500 Korn shell scripts included in the Vancouver Utilities. After installation these will be in /home/uvadm/sf, which is sub-directoried as shown in the PATH below (extracted from the common_profile).

export UV=/home/uvadm

 export PATH=$PATH:$UV/sf/adm:$UV/sf/demo:$UV/sf/util:$UV/sf/IBM

For Part 7 of ADMjobs, we have selected a few of the scripts that are most useful to unix/linux/uvadm administrators.

These scripts can save you a lot of time. They can do in seconds what could take you hours to do manually.

 See many of these scripts listed at

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7B1. ADMjobs.doc - Applications Administration - useful scripts

Listing files & directories

  • 'l' (alias l='ls -l') saves keystrokes for this commonly used command
  • List Long files in Directory & pipe to more (sorted by filename)
  • like 'ls -l | more', but allows argument directory (default current)
  • saves keystrokes & adds functionality to this often repeated command
  • same as llm, but lists All files including hidden .files
  • list all filenames in directory with file & line counts
  • list directories only (omit files)
  • list files & subdirs Recursively (all the way down)
  • list files sorted by date/time, with the latest 1st
  • same as llt, but with Reverse sort (oldest 1st)
  • list files sorted by Size, largest 1st
  • same as lls, but with Reverse sort, smallest 1st
  • list files Unsorted, as stored in directory
  • list files in directory & print immediately
  • prints using 'uvlp12' - VU laser printing utility
  • see uvlp12 documented in uvlist.htm
  • list filenames 4-up across the page
  • great for JCL/scripts, COBOL programs, copybooks, etc
    (directories with 100's or 1000's of modules)

sample output for 'llc'

 llc $UV/sf/util           <-- list Vancouver Utility script filenames
 ===============             - with File & Line counts (25 files/screen)
 llc /home/uvadm/sf/util   <-- '$UV' usually /home/uvadm
 =======================     - but could be different at your installation
 File#   Lines
     1      43 -rwxrwxr-x 1 uvadm apps 1929 Jan 20 17:29 sf/util/acum1
     2      21 -rwxrwxr-x 1 uvadm apps 900 Jan 20 17:29 sf/util/allcancel
     3      29 -rwxrwxr-x 1 uvadm apps 828 Jan 20 17:29 sf/util/allchmod
                        --- 412 lines omitted ---
   416      59 -rwxrwxr-x 1 uvadm apps 2729 Jan 20 17:29 sf/util/xvsesli2
   416 files,     15878 total lines in directory sf/util

more info on VU scripts

You can see a help screen for each script, by entering the script-name only, without its required arguments (omit the directory). See these scripts listed on pages - 3H1

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7C1. ADMjobs.doc - Applications Administration - useful scripts

scripts to Count Files, Lines,& KB in Directories

  1. cfl - Count Lines in 1 File
  2. cfd - Count Files,Lines,KB in 1 Directory
  3. cfdt - Totals-Only version of Count Files,Lines,& KiloBytes in a Directory
  4. cfdpf - Count Files in a Directory with a Pattern [or not] in filenames
  5. cfdpl - Count Files in a Directory with a Pattern [or not] on any line in any file
  6. cfdd - Count Files,Lines,& KB in a ALL Sub-Dirs in a Super-Directory
  7. cfddt - Count Files,Lines,& KB in a ALL Sub-Dirs in a Super-Directory Totals-Only
  8. cfddf - Count Files,Lines,KB in ALL Sub-Dirs in a Super-Dir + 1st few files
  9. cfdmm - List Directory: File#,Lines,Minsize,Maxsize,Minrec#,Maxrec#, Dir/Filename

    setup to demo 9 cfd... scripts

 #0a. Login userxx ---> /home/userxx
 #0b. mkdir demo             <-- make demo/ dir in your homedir
 #0c. cp -r $UV/demo/* demo  <-- copy demo dirs/files to your demo/... dir
 #0d. cd demo                <--- change into the demo/directory

1. cfl - Count Lines & KB in 1 File

 #1. cfl $UV/src/uvcopy.c  <-- count lines in 1 file (uvcopy source program)
      cfl /home/userxx/src/uvcopy.c - count lines in 1 file
       24400 lines,   1072 KB in /home/userxx/src/uvcopy.c
      Report left in --> /home/userxx/demo/rpts/_home_userxx_src_uvcopy.c_cfl

2. cfd - Count Files,lines,KB in 1 directory

 #2. cfd dat1   <-- Count Files,Lines,& KiloBytes in the dat1/ directory
      cfd dat1 - Count Files,Lines,KB in Directory
      File#    Lines      KB  Directory/Filename 20190726:1027
           1     335      32  dat1/CanadaMPs
           2      13       4  dat1/CanadaProvinces
           3       8       4  dat1/nameadrs1
           4     305      28  dat1/UScities
           5     539      40  dat1/UScongress
           6      50       4  dat1/USstates
      ******    1250     112  *Totals* in Directory /home/userxx/demo/dat1
                               Report left in --> /home/userxx/demo/rpts/dat1_cfd

3. cfdt - Count Files,lines,KB in 1 directory (Totals-Only)

 #3. cfdt dat1   <-- Count Files,Lines,& KiloBytes in dat1/... Totals-Only
      cfdt dat1 - Count Files,Lines,& KB in Directory - Totals-Only
       Files   Lines      KB  Directory/Filename 20190726:1027
           6    1250     112  *Totals-Only* in Directory /home/userxx/demo/dat1
                               Report left in --> /home/userxx/demo/rpts/dat1_cfdt

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7C2. Counting Files,Lines,& KB in directories

4. cfdpf - Count Files,Lines,KB in Dir with/without Pattern in filenames

 #4. cfdpf dat1 'Canada*'   <-- Count Files,Lines,KB for filenames begining with 'Canada'
      cfdpf dat1 Canada* - Count Files,Lines,KB in Directory with Pattern [not] in filenames
      File#    Lines      KB  Directory/Filename 20190726:1027
           1     335      32  dat1/CanadaMPs
           2      13       4  dat1/CanadaProvinces
      ******     348      36  *Totals* in dat1 with pattern "Canada*"
                               Report left in --> /home/userxx/demo/rpts/dat1_cfdpf_Canada_

** 5. cfdpl - Count Files,Lines,KB with/without Pattern any line any file in dir **

 #5. cfdpl dat1 'Washington'   <-- Count Files,Lines,KB with 'Washington' on any line in any file
      cfdpl dat1 Washington - Count Files,Lines,KB in Directory with Pattern [not] on any line in file
      File#    Lines      KB  Directory/Filename 20190726:1027
           1     305      28  dat1/UScities
           2      50       4  dat1/USstates
      ******     355      32  *Totals* in /home/userxx/demo/dat1 with  pattern "Washington"
                               Report left in --> /home/userxx/demo/rpts/dat1_cfdpl_Washington

6. cfdd - count Files,Lines,& KB in all subdirs of a superdir

 #6. cfdd $UV/sf    <-- Count Files,Lines,& KB in all Sub-Dirs of $UV/sf/...
      cfdd  /home/userxx/sf - Count Files,Lines,& KB in SubDirs of SuperDir
        Dir#   Files   Lines      KB  SubDir/ParentDirectory  20190726:1027
           1     227    6502     944  /home/userxx/sf/adm
           2      86    2501     352  /home/userxx/sf/demo
           3     308   17102    1436  /home/userxx/sf/IBM
           4     541   21323    2248  /home/userxx/sf/util
      ******    1162   47428    4980  *Totals* for SubDirs of SuperDir /home/userxx/sf/...
                                       Report left in --> /home/userxx/demo/rpts/_home_userxx_sf_cfdd

7. cfddt - count Files,Lines,& KB all subdirs of superdir (Totals-Only)

 #7. cfddt $UV/sf   <-- Count Files,Lines,& KB in all Sub-Dirs of $UV/sf/... Totals-Only
      cfddt /home/userxx/sf - Count Files,Lines,KB in SubDirs of Super-Dir - Totals-Only
        Dirs    Files   Lines      KB  SubDir/ParentDir 20190726:1027
           4     1162   47428    4980  *Totals* for SubDirs of SuperDir /home/userxx/sf/...
                                        Report left in --> /home/userxx/demo/rpts/_home_userxx_sf_cfddt

8. cfddf - Count Files,Lines,KB in SubDirs of Super-Dir + 1st few files

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7C3. Counting Files,Lines,& KB in directories

 #8. cfddf backup 2   <-- cfddf - for all Sub-Dirs in backup Dir + 1st 2 files of each subddir
      cfddf backup 2 - Count Files,Lines,KB in SubDirs of SuperDir + 1st few files
        Dir#   Files   Lines      KB  SubDir/ParentDirectory  20190726:1027
           1       8    1299     268  backup/archive
                   1    1299      28  backup/archive/CanadaMPs.csv
                   2    1299       4  backup/archive/ftpsall
           2       6    1250     116  backup/dat1
                   1    1250      32  backup/dat1/CanadaMPs
                   2    1250       4  backup/dat1/CAprovinces
           3      24     211     108  backup/dat2
                   1     211       4  backup/dat2/accents1
                   2     211       4  backup/dat2/accents2
      ******      38    2760     492  *Totals* for SubDirs of SuperDir /home/userxx/demo/backup/...
                                       Report left in --> /home/userxx/demo/rpts/backup_cfddf

9. cfdmm - list directory: File#,Lines,Minsize,Maxsize,Minrec#,Maxrec#

 #9. cfdmm dat1   <-- report Files,Lines,KB, Min/Max RecSize & RecNumbers in directory dat1/...
      cfdmm dat1 - list File#,Lines,Minsize,Maxsize,Minrec#,Maxrec#,Dir/Filename
       File#   Lines      KB MinRsiz MaxRsiz MinRnum MaxRnum  Directory/FileName
           1     335      32      95      95       1     335  dat1/CanadaMPs
           2      13       4      14      34      13       5  dat1/CanadaProvinces
           3       8       4      70      75       6       7  dat1/nameadrs1
           4     305      28      75      82       2       1  dat1/UScities
           5     539      40      71      74       2     422  dat1/UScongress
           6      50       4      13      23      15      40  dat1/USstates
           6    1250     112      13      95                  *Totals* in dat1
                                Report left in --> /home/userxx/demo/rpts/dat1_cfdmm

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7C4. Counting files in directories

scripts to Count Lines & Files in directories

You can see the actual scripts listed in https://uvsoftware.htm/scripts1.htm. The following "+" links will go to scripts1.htm.

When you want to see a script coding, it is best to 'right-click' on the desired link & open in 'new-tab'. Then you will not get lost in scripts1.htm without an easy way back.

5A1+ v12 - help screen of scripts
- to count Lines, Files,& KiloBytes in directories
- optionally qualified by specified patterns
- sample outputs for each script

5B1+ cfl - Count Lines in 1 File

5C1+ cfd - Count Files,Lines,KB in 1 Directory

5D1+ cfdt - Totals-Only version of Count Files,Lines,& KiloBytes in a Directory

5E1+ cfdpf - Count Files in a Directory with a Pattern [or not] in filenames

5F1+ cfdpl - Count Files in a Directory with a Pattern [or not] on any line in any file

5G1+ cfdd - Count Files,Lines,& KB in a ALL Sub-Dirs in a Super-Directory

5H1+ cfddt - Count Files,Lines,& KB in a ALL Sub-Dirs in a Super-Directory Totals-Only

5I1+ cfddf - Count Files,Lines,KB in ALL Sub-Dirs in a Super-Dir + 1st few files

5J1+ cfdmm - List Directory: File#,Lines,Minsize,Maxsize,Minrec#,Maxrec#, Dir/Filename

more info on VU scripts

You can see a help screen for each script, by entering the script-name only, without its required arguments (omit the directory). See these scripts listed on pages - 5E1

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7D1. ADMjobs: scripts for unix/linux administrators

'rename' scripts

These scripts will rename all files in a directory saving hours of manual 'mv' commands. We will present 20 scripts to perform various renames, (UPPER case, lower case, add/remove/change extensions, prefixes,& patterns).

  • remove a specified pattern that can occur Anywhere in filename
  • replace Any pattern Anywhere in filename with an Alternative
  • rename all files in a directory, changing any blanks to underscores
  • rename all files in a directory to lower case
  • rename all files, replacing an existing prefix with a new prefix
  • rename all files, removing a specified prefix
  • rename all files, adding a specified prefix
  • rename all files, using the (name) extracted from parens
  • mainframe JCL conversion of control card member libraries
  • rename all files in a directory to UPPER case
  • rename all files in a directory to UPPER case
  • 1st letter only, with remainder of filename lower case
  • change a specified extension to a specified alternative
  • rename all files, removing a specified extension
  • change a specified .extension to a specified .alternative
  • rename all files in a directory, adding a specified extension
  • removing extension back to specified character (default '.')
  • rename all files, adding any specified extension
  • rename all files, using left side of filename to 1st '.'
  • default '.' but may specify other character
  • to see brief 'usage' instructions, just enter the name of the script
  • omitting the directory name causes the scripts to display 'usage'

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7D2. ADMjobs: scripts for unix/linux administrators

sample rename script - renameL

When we convert mainframe files to unix/linux, we will change filenames from UPPER case to lower case. This would be very laborious if we had to manually enter an 'mv' command for each file, but very quick using the 'renameL' script.

We will illustrate using just 3 filenames, but the directory could contain hundreds of long filenames.

 #1. ls datadir

 #2. mv E2123001.ITAXE.BANQTAXE e2123001.itaxe.banqtaxe  <-- the HARD way
     mv E2123002.ITAXE.TAXATION e2123002.itaxe.taxation
     mv E2123003.ITAXE.TRANSDAM e2123003.itaxe.transdam

 #2a. renameL datadir                                     <-- the EASY way

 #3. ls datadir

e2123001.itaxe.banqtaxe e2123002.itaxe.taxation e2123003.itaxe.transdam

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7D3. ADMjobs: scripts for unix/linux administrators

Here is a listing of just 1 of the 'rename' scripts provided. You can see the others in /home/uvadm/sf/util/... You can also see most of these on the web site at:

renameL - sample rename script

 # renameL - Korn shell script from UVSI stored in: /home/uvadm/sf/util/
 # renameL - rename an entire directory of filenames to lower case
 echo "rename all filenames in subdir to lower case"
 if [ -d "$1" ]; then :
    else echo "usage: renameL directory  <-- arg1 must be a directory"
         echo "       ================="
         exit 1; fi
 until [ "$reply" = "y" ]
 do echo "will rename all files in $1 to lower case OK ? y/n"
    read reply
 x=0; y=0
 for i in $1/*
 do let x=x+1
    typeset -l g=$f
    if [[ $g != $f ]]; then
       mv -i $1/$f $1/$g
       let y=y+1
       echo "file# $y (of $x) $1/$f - renamed to: $1/$g"
 echo "total $y files in ${1}, $x renamed to lower case"
 exit 0

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7E1. ADMjobs: scripts for unix/linux administrators

Recommended Aliases in profile

Here are 'alias' commands extracted from the common_profile which is listed on page '1C2'.

 # alias UNIX commands to prompt for overwrite (highly recommended)
 # - use \rm, \mv, \cp, when you have many files & know what you are doing
 # - '\' tells UNIX to ignore the alias & use native UNIX command
 alias rm='rm -i'              # confirm removes
 alias mv='mv -i'              # confirm renames
 alias cp='cp -i'              # confirm copy overwrites
 alias l='ls -l'               # saves a lot of keystrokes
 alias cdd='cd $RUNDATA'       # quick access to data dir
 alias cdl='cd $RUNLIBS'       # quick access to libs (same as cd)
 alias cdc='cd $CNVDATA'       # quick access to data conversion superdir

The 1st 3 (rm='rm -i',etc) are recommended for unix/linux beginners & experts since it is so easy to wipe out files unintentionally. When you do have multiple files to remove (using the '*' wildcard), you can disable the prompt by preceding the command with a backslash or using option '-f'.


These are a great convenience for Your programmers & operators, because the recommended directory design has libraries & data in different filesystems & the paths can be long & awkward if you had to key them often.

 export TESTLIBS=/p1/apps/testlibs     #<-- defs in common_defines
 export TESTDATA=/p1/apps/testdata
 export PRODLIBS=/p2/apps/prodlibs
 export PRODDATA=/p2/apps/proddata
 export RUNLIBS=$TESTLIBS         #<-- defs in .profile or .bash_profile
         --- OR ---
 alias cdd='cd $RUNDATA'          #<-- defs in common_profile
 alias cdl='cd $RUNLIBS'

With the above aliases in your profile, you can switch between your libraries & data with 3 character commands:

 cdd     <-- change to your data files superdir
 cdl     <-- change to your library files superdir

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7F1. ADMjobs: scripts for unix/linux administrators

alldiff2 - diff report for all files in 2 dirs

The 'alldiff2' script will run the unix 'diff' utility on all pairs of files in 2 subdirs. The unix 'diff' command is a marvelous thing. It shows you the differences between any 2 text files.

I recommend you use 'alldiff2' whenever you make changes to the JCL converter or the control files (same applies to the COBOL converter & its search/replace).

First save the existing scripts as jcl3.old, remake jcl3, rerun the converter, & then run alldiff2 to verify that the changes made are the changes you intended & nothing else has gotten screwed up.

You can use the 'newold' script to change the name & make the new subdir.

 #1a. Login as yourself or appsadm
 #1b. cdl ---> $TESTLIBS
  1. Modify converters or control files. For this example, we added 'topi=$TAPE2' on the control file line for data file 'tu.f01.e212801.adrpos'. We then reloaded the indexed control file & reconverted all JCL as follows:

 #3. newold jcl3   <-- script to 'mv jcl3 jcl3.old' & 'mkdir jcl3'

 #4. jclxx41 jcl2 jcl3       <-- reconvert all JCL in jcl2 to ksh in jcl3

 #5. alldiff2 jcl3.old jcl3  <-- run alldiff2 script
     ======================    - saves jcl3.dif in the tmp subdir

 #6. uvlp12 tmp/jcl3.dif     <-- print the jcl3.dif file
     ===================       - or vi, more, etc

sample jcl3.dif

 < exportgen0 E211801 $TAPE/tu.f01.e211801.adrpos_
 > exportgen0 E211801 $TAPE2/tu.f01.e211801.adrpos_
 diff file# 10 - jcl3.old/... vs jcl3/24599j04.ksh
 < exportgen1 E212990 $TAPE/tu.f01.e211801.adrpos_
 > exportgen1 E212990 $TAPE2/tu.f01.e211801.adrpos_
 diff file# 78 - jcl3.old/... vs jcl3/28401j04.ksh

2 different of 280 files compared jcl3.old to jcl3

  • the only difference is as intended ($TAPE changed to $TAPE2)
    on 2 files in 2 JCL/scripts.

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7F2. ADMjobs: scripts for unix/linux administrators

alldiff2 - diff report for all files in 2 dirs

 # alldiff2 - Korn shell script from UVSI stored in: /home/uvadm/sf/util/
 # alldiff2 - script to compare all text files in 1 directory to a 2nd directory
 #          - bypass non-text files & provide audit trail with file-counts
 # alldiff variations:
 # alldiff  - displays filename only if differences exist
 # alldiff1 - displays filename even if no differences
 #*alldiff2 - same as alldiff, but in addition
 #          - redirects output to tmp/dir2.dif & prompts to view/print/etc
 d1="$1"; d2="$2";
 if [[ -d "$d1" && -d "$d2" ]]; then :
 else echo "USAGE: alldiff2 dir1 dir2"
      echo "       =================="
      exit 1; fi
 d2b=$(basename $d2)   # get basename of dir2 (drop any preceding /path/...)
 log=tmp/$d2b.dif      # make name for output log file
 >$log                 #init logfile in tmp subdir w same name as dir2 + .dif
 x=0; y=0;
 for i in $d1/*
   let x=x+1
   typ=$(file $i)
   if [[  $typ == *text* || $typ == *script* || $typ == *spreadsheet* ]]; then
      diff -b $d1/$f $d2/$f >>$log
      if [[ $? -gt 0 ]]; then
         echo "diff file# $x - $d1/... vs $d2/$f" >>$log
         echo " " >>$log
         let y=y+1
      echo "   file# $x $i - NOT a text/script file" >>$log
 lines=$(wc -l $log)      # capture line count
 echo "$y different of $x files compared $d1 to $d2" >>$log
 echo "$y diff of $x files in $d1 & $d2, report is: $lines"
 echo "--> use uvlp12,uvlp14,uvlp16 to laser print at 12,14,16 cpi"
 echo "--> enter command (vi,cat,more,uvlp12,etc, or null)"
 read ans
 if [[ ! "$ans" = "" ]]; then
    $ans $log
 exit 0

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7G1. ADMjobs: scripts for unix/linux administrators

dtree - draw directory tree

The 'dtree' script will draw a directory tree from any specified starting directory (great for documentation).

For example here is the 1st 40 lines of the dtree for /lib on my Red Hat system.

 #1. dtree /lib >tmp/lib      <-- create dtree diagram for /lib

 #2. more tmp/lib             <-- display /lib dtree
 :     :-----consolefonts
 :     :     :-----partialfonts
 :     :-----consoletrans
 :     :-----keymaps
 :     :     :-----amiga
 :     :     :-----atari
 :     :     :-----i386
 :     :     :     :-----azerty
 :     :     :     :-----dvorak
 :     :     :     :-----fgGIod
 :     :     :     :-----include
 :     :     :     :-----qwerty
 :     :     :     :-----qwertz
 :     :     :-----include
 :     :     :-----mac
 :     :     :     :-----all
 :     :     :     :-----include
 :     :     :-----sun
 :     :-----unimaps
 :     :-----2.4.21-4.EL
 :     :     :-----kernel
 :     :     :     :-----arch
 :     :     :     :     :-----i386
 :     :     :     :     :     :-----kernel
 :     :     :     :-----crypto
 :     :     :     :-----drivers
 :     :     :     :     :-----addon
 :     :     :     :     :     :-----aep
 :     :     :     :     :     :-----bcm
 :     :     :     :     :     :-----cipe
 :     :     :     :     :     :-----megarac
 :     :     :     :     :     :-----qla2200
 :     :     :     :     :-----block
 :     :     :     :     :-----cdrom

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7G2. ADMjobs: scripts for unix/linux administrators

dtree - draw directory tree

 # dtree - Korn shell script from UVSI stored in: /home/uvadm/sf/util/
 # dtree - list a directory tree
 #       - contributed by Howard Lobsinger (Peacock Engineering, Montreal)
 #usage: dtree directory
 #       ===============
 (cd $D; pwd)
 find $D -type d -print | sort |
 sed -e "s,^$D,,"\
     -e "/^$/d"\
     -e "s,[^/]*/\([^/]*\)$,\:-----\1,"\
     -e "s,[^/]*/,:     ,g" | more
 exit 0

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7H1. ADMjobs: scripts for unix/linux administrators

statlogin1 - table summary of logins by user

 # statlogin1 - table summary of user logins by month & userid
 #            - based on /var/log/messages
 #            - by Owen Townsend, UV Software, Nov 26/2007
 # uvcopy statlogin1,fili1=/var/log/messages,filo1=stats/login.rpt1
 # ================================================================
 # uvcopy statlogin1   <-- same & easier (files default as shown above)
 # =================
 #Note - above works if you have updated root's profile to run uvcopy
 #     - if not, use following procedure:
 #1. mkdir stats tmp           <-- make subdirs in your working directory
 #2. su root                   <-- Switch User to root & enter password
 #3. cp /var/log/messages tmp  <-- copy messages file to tmp subdir
 #4. chmod 777 tmp/messages    <-- change permissions on messages file
 #5. uvcopy statlogin1,fili1=tmp/messages,filo1=stats/login.rpt1
 #   ===========================================================
 #6. vi stats/login.rpt1       <-- view report
 #7. uvlp12 stats/login.rpt1   <-- print report
 #                  ** sample input /var/log/messages **
 # Oct 23 06:11:51 uvsoft3 login[16341]: session opened for user laval4 by LOGIN(uid=0)
 # Oct 23 06:11:51 uvsoft3  -- laval4[16341]: LOGIN ON tty5 BY laval4
 # Oct 23 06:13:08 uvsoft3 ftpd[16342]: FTP LOGIN FROM, (laval4)
 # Oct 23 07:15:00 uvsoft3 login[16341]: session closed for user laval4
 # Oct 23 07:15:23 uvsoft3 login[16516]: authentication failure; logname=LOGIN uid=0 euid=0 tty=tty5 ruser= rhost=  user=mvstest
 # Oct 23 07:15:33 uvsoft3 login[16516]: session opened for user mvstest by LOGIN(uid=0)
 # Oct 23 07:15:33 uvsoft3  -- mvstest[16516]: LOGIN ON tty5 BY mvstest
 # Oct 23 21:00:42 uvsoft3 shutdown: shutting down for system halt
 #Note - the code (on next page) scans for 'session opened' & if found
 #     - then scans for ' user ', extracts following word (userid)
 #     - moves month (1st 3 bytes) & userid together for table argument
 #     - see vital instructions 'tbl' (build table) & 'tbp' (print table)
 #                   ** sample output report **
 # statlogin1  2007/11/26_21:24:24  logins by month & userid
 # tbl#001 pg#001     -argument-
 # line#  count    %  mth login
 #     1      13   5  Nov efunds2
 #     2      13   5  Nov laval4
 #     3      23  10  Nov mvstest
 #     4      27  12  Nov root
 #     5      26  11  Nov uvadm
 #     6      26  11  Nov uvbak
 #     7       8   3  Oct efunds2
 #     8       7   3  Oct laval4
 #     9      10   4  Oct mvstest
 #    10      11   4  Oct root
 #           222*100   *TOTAL*

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 rop=r1    # option to prompt for report disposition at EOJ
        opn     all
 # begin loop to get & process messages lines until EOF
 man20  get     fili1,a0              get next line of messages
        skp>    man90                 (cc set > at EOF)
        sqzc1   a0(256),' '           ensure only 1 blank between words
 # scan for 'session opened' & 'user' login
 # table user logins by month & by month+day
        scn     a0(100),' session opened '
        skp!    man20
        scn     a0(100),' user '
        skp!    man20
        clr     b0(500),' '           clear workarea
        mvu     b0(25),ax6,' '        store user login until ending blank
        mvc     b100(3),a0            store mth (1st 3 bytes)
        mvc     b104(25),b0           follow with userid
        tblt1f4 b100(32),'mth login'
        skp     man20                return to get next line
 # EOF - dump tables, close files, prompt for report view (rop=r1), end job
 man90  tbpt1   filo1,'logins by month & userid'
        cls     all

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7I1. ADMjobs: scripts for unix/linux administrators

devicemod1 - allow user access to tape & diskette

 # devicemod1 - allow user access to some devices (tape & diskette)
 #            - by Owen Townsend, June 2008
 # This script distributed with Vancouver Utilities at
 # /home/uvadm/sf/adm/devicemod1
 # Setup to run script at boot time as follows:
 # 1. login as root --> /root
 # 2. mkdir sf          # make /root/sf  (if not already present)
 # 3. cp /home/uvadm/sf/adm/devicemod1 sf  # copy to /root/sf subdir
 # 4. cd /etc/rc5.d     # change to run level 5 init script directory
 # 5. ln -s /root/sf/devicemod1 S99xxdevicemod1
 #    =========================================
 chmod 666 /dev/st0        # SCSI tape (rewind)
 chmod 666 /dev/nst0       # SCSI tape non-rewind
 chmod 666 /dev/sde        # diskette on USB

udev rules

Red Hat recommends using 'udev rules' to set desired modes on devices (alternative to devicemod1 init script above).

The udev default rules are stored at /etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev-rules. Red Hat recommend you do NOT change that file, but rather create a new file with overrides (see sample '/etc/udev/rules.d/70-local.rules' listed below).

 # 70-local.rules - by Owen Townsend, UV Software, June 2008
 #                - allow user access to DAT tape & USB diskette
 # /etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev.rules  <-- system default rules stored here
 # /etc/udev/rules.d/70-local.rules <-- this file overrides defaults 0660
 KERNEL=="st0",   GROUP="disk", MODE="0666"
 KERNEL=="nst0",  GROUP="disk", MODE="0666"
 KERNEL=="st0m",  GROUP="disk", MODE="0666"
 KERNEL=="nst0m", GROUP="disk", MODE="0666"
 KERNEL=="sde",   GROUP="disk", MODE="0666"

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7I2. ADMjobs: scripts for unix/linux administrators

Boot time startup scripts

RHEL 5 & 6 now provide a better way to run boot time startup scripts (easier than the above example of calling S999xxdevicemod1 from /etc/rc5.d) You may now add your startup scripts from /etc/rc.d/rc.local. Here is mine with 2 items added on Feb27/2012.


 # This script will be executed *after* all the other init scripts.
 # You can put your own initialization stuff in here if you don't
 # want to do the full Sys V style init stuff.
 touch /var/lock/subsys/local
 #Feb27/12/OT - start Micro Focus License mgr
 cd /opt/microfocus/mflmf
 sh mflmman
 #Feb27/12/OT - allow users to access DAT tape
 chmod 666 /dev/st0        # SCSI tape (rewind)
 chmod 666 /dev/nst0       # SCSI tape non-rewind

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7J1. CNVaids: Unix/Linux Aids

findowner - find files for a specified owner

 # findowner - find files owned by specified user
 if [[ -d "$1" && -n "$2" ]]; then :
    else echo "usage: findowner directory username"
         echo "       ============================"
         echo "example: findowner /u2/apps/data root"
         echo "         ============================"
         echo " - list files owned by root (& change manually to appsadm ?)"
         echo " - arg1 must be a directory, arg2 must be a useraccountname"
         echo " "
         echo "example2: findowner . root"
         echo "          ================"
         echo " - use '.' if you are above the subdirs to be searched"
         exit 1; fi
 find $1 -user $2 -print
 # - find all files owned by spcfd user & list (for manual change?)
 exit 0

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7J2. CNVaids: Unix/Linux Aids

findgrpnw - find files with No Group Write permissions

  • no group write permissions could cause scripts to fail when a group
    of programmers are working on a common project
  • could be a serious problem when scripts are scheduled by cron
 # findgrpnw - find files without group write permission
 if [[ ! -d "$1" ]]; then
    echo "usage: findgrpnw directory"
    echo "       ==================="
    echo "example: findgrpnw /u2/apps/data"
    echo "         ======================="
    echo " - list files without group write permission"
    echo " - arg1 must be a directory, will serach all files beneath"
    echo " "
    echo "example2: findgrpnw . "
    echo "          ============"
    echo " - use '.' if you are above the subdirs to be searched"
    exit 1; fi
 find $1 ! -perm /g+w -exec ls -l {} \;
 # - find all files without group write permission (for manual change?)
 exit 0

findgrpnwfix - find No Group Write perms & FIX

 # findgrpnwfix - find files without group write permission & add group write
 if [[ ! -d "$1" ]]; then
    echo "usage: findgrpnwfix directory"
    echo "       ======================"
    echo "example: findgrpnwfix /u2/apps/data"
    echo "         =========================="
    echo " - find files without group write permission & fix"
    echo " - arg1 must be a directory, will serach all files beneath"
    echo " "
    echo "example2: findgrpnwfix . "
    echo "          ==============="
    echo " - use '.' if you are above the subdirs to be searched"
    exit 1; fi
 find $1 ! -perm /g+w -exec chmod g+w {} \;
 # - find all files without group write permission & add group write perm
 exit 0

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7K1. ADMjobs: scripts for unix/linux administrators

chmod1 - change permissions on all files & subdirs

This script will change permissions on entire directory trees, using 'find' to process all levels of sub-directories. This script can save hours of manual investigation & correction.

For projects such as mainframe conversions, there is usually a team of programmers who must be able to read & write on a common set of directories & files (JCL/COBOL libraries & datafiles).

We recommend 775 for directories & 664 for files. This extends security to the 'group' level & all team members must be in the same group. Scripts would be 775 since they are files with the execute bit on.

This script is the solution to a very significant problem, that I frequently encounter when I arrive onsite to assist customer conversions.

If the site administrator did not initially setup the profiles with umask 002 (permissions 775/664 for directories/files), then the other programmers will be very frustrated when they attempt to work on the shared directories of JCL, COBOL,& DATA files.

If you are interested, you can see my recommended profiles in 'Part_1'. The profiles consist of 3 files (stub_profile, common_profile, & bashrc). 'umask' is specified in both the stub_profile & bashrc. Note that the stub_profile is copied to the homedirs & renamed '.bash_profile' & bashrc is copied & renamed as '.bashrc'.

Operating Instructions

You must login or su to 'root' to run this script since it changes permissions. In the instructions below, I have included an 'export' to add the appsadm & uvadm script subdirs to root's PATH (or you could add this permanently in root's profile for future use).

 #1. su root                     <-- switch to root

 #2. export PATH=$PATH:/home/appsadm/sf:/home/uvadm/sf/adm
     - add to PATH, so root can find chmod1 (in either appsadm or uvadm)

 #3. chmod1 directory dir-perms file-perms  <-- command format

 #3a. chmod1 directory 775 664              <-- recommended permissions

 #4. exit         <-- exit from root asap

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7K2. ADMjobs: scripts for unix/linux administrators

chmod1 test/demo

We have provided a test directory '/home/uvadm/tf/test_chmod' that you can use to test/demo the chmod1 script. If you don't have the root password, you could test in your own home dir as follows:

 #1. login as yourself --> /home/userxx

 #2. mkdir tmp1               <-- make a subdir to receive demo files

 #3. cp -pr /home/uvadm/tf/test_chmod tmp1 <-- copy test dirtree to tmp1/apps/...
     - option 'p' Preserves current permissions
     - option 'r' (Recursive) copies all levels of sub-directories

 #4. ls -lr tmp1            <-- display test dir tree BEFORE chmod1
 total 16
 drwxr-xr-x    2 uvtest   users        4096 Dec 22 17:32 data
 -rw-r--r--    1 uvtest   users           7 Sep 22 23:54 file1
 drwxr-x---    2 uvtest   users        4096 Dec 22 17:29 programs
 drwxr-x---    2 uvtest   users        4096 Dec 22 17:29 scripts
 total 8
 -rw-r-----    1 uvtest   users          11 Sep 22 23:54 datafile1
 -rw-r----x    1 uvtest   users          11 Dec 22 17:32 datafile2

 #5. chmod1 tmp1 775 664   <-- execute chmod1

 #6. ls -lr tmp1           <-- display test dir tree AFTER chmod1
 total 16
 drwxrwxr-x    2 uvtest   users        4096 Dec 22 17:32 data
 -rw-rw-r--    1 uvtest   users           7 Sep 22 23:54 file1
 drwxrwxr-x    2 uvtest   users        4096 Dec 22 17:29 programs
 drwxrwxr-x    2 uvtest   users        4096 Dec 22 17:29 scripts
 total 8
 -rw-rw-r--    1 uvtest   users          11 Sep 22 23:54 datafile1
 -rw-rw-r--    1 uvtest   users          11 Dec 22 17:32 datafile2
  • you can see that directories have been changed to 775 & files to 664
  • see the 'chmod1' script listed on the next page:

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7K3. ADMjobs: scripts for unix/linux administrators

chmod1 - change perms of subdirs & files - using find

 # chmod1 - change permissions on subdirs & files under a specified superdir
 #        - using 'find' to process all levels of directories & files
 #        - need to manually add 'x' perms on any bin/* & script/* dirs
 #        - by Owen Townsend, April 26/2006
 # chmod1 directory dir-perms file-perms   <-- command format
 # ======================================
 # chmod1 directory 775 664                <-- recommended permissions
 # =========================
 # - also see alternatives chmod2 & chmod3 (to this *chmod1)
 #*chmod1 - change perms on dirs & files, using 'find'
 # chmod2 - change perms on dirs & files, using 'recursion'
 # chmod3 - change perms on dirs & files, using 'recursion'
 #        - sets 'x' perm by testing for known names of bin/ & script/ subdirs
 # After running chmod1 or chmod2, you must manually fix permissions on
 # executable programs & scripts via -->chmod 775 bin/*; chmod 775 scripts/*
 # capture arguments & force perms integers
 typeset i dperm="$2"; typeset i fperm="$3";
 # ensure arg1 is directory & length of perms are 3 digits
 dpl=${#dperm}; fpl=${#fperm};
 if [[ -d "$dir" ]] && ((dpl==3 && fpl==3)); then :
    else echo "usage: chmod1 directory dir-perms file-perms"
         echo "       ====================================="
         echo "example: chmod1 dirxx 775 664"
         echo "         ===================="
         echo " - arg1 must be dir, args 2 & 3 must be 3 digits"
         exit 90; fi
 echo -n "chmod1: set perms $dperm/$fperm from: $dir - enter to continue"
 read reply
 find $dir -type d -exec chmod $dperm {} \;
 find $dir -type f -exec chmod $fperm {} \;
 echo "chmod1: perms set $dperm/$fperm for all subdirs & files within: $dir"
 exit 0

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7K4. ADMjobs: scripts for unix/linux administrators

chmod3 test/demo

One problem with 'chmod1' is that files in any executable program or script directories will get permissions 664 & they must be 775 to execute.

'chmod3' is an alternate script provided for this problem, but it's not perfect. It looks for any subdirs whose names contain 'bin', 'program', or 'script', or 'sf' (my preferred short name for Script File subdirs).

 #1. login as yourself --> /home/userxx

 #2. mkdir tmp3               <-- make a subdir to receive demo files

 #3. cp -pr /home/uvadm/tf/test_chmod tmp3 <-- copy test dirtree to tmp3/apps/...

 #4. ls -lr tmp3            <-- display test dir tree BEFORE chmod1
 total 16
 drwxr-xr-x    2 uvtest   users        4096 Dec 22 17:32 data
 -rw-r--r--    1 uvtest   users           7 Sep 22 23:54 file1
 drwxr-x---    2 uvtest   users        4096 Dec 22 17:29 programs
 drwxr-x---    2 uvtest   users        4096 Dec 22 17:29 scripts
 total 8
 -rw-r-----    1 uvtest   users          11 Sep 22 23:54 datafile1
 -rw-r----x    1 uvtest   users          11 Dec 22 17:32 datafile2
 total 8
 -rwxr-x---    1 uvtest   users         127 Dec 22 16:53 program1
 -rwxr-x--x    1 uvtest   users         127 Dec 22 17:29 program2
 total 8
 -rwxr-x---    1 uvtest   users         125 Dec 22 16:53 script1
 -rwxr-x--x    1 uvtest   users         125 Dec 22 17:29 script2

 #5. chmod1 tmp3 775 664 775   <-- execute chmod1

 #6. ls -lr tmp3               <-- display test dir tree AFTER chmod1

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7K5. ADMjobs: scripts for unix/linux administrators

test dir tree AFTER chmod3 fix perms on programs & scripts

 total 16
 drwxrwxr-x    2 uvtest   users        4096 Dec 22 17:32 data
 -rw-rw-r--    1 uvtest   users           7 Sep 22 23:54 file1
 drwxrwxr-x    2 uvtest   users        4096 Dec 22 17:29 programs
 drwxrwxr-x    2 uvtest   users        4096 Dec 22 17:29 scripts
 total 8
 -rw-rw-r--    1 uvtest   users          11 Sep 22 23:54 datafile1
 -rw-rw-r--    1 uvtest   users          11 Dec 22 17:32 datafile2
 total 8
 -rwxrwxr-x    1 uvtest   users         127 Dec 22 16:53 program1
 -rwxrwxr-x    1 uvtest   users         127 Dec 22 17:29 program2
 total 8
 -rwxrwxr-x    1 uvtest   users         125 Dec 22 16:53 script1
 -rwxrwxr-x    1 uvtest   users         125 Dec 22 17:29 script2
  1. All directories have been changed to 775

  2. Data directory files have been changed to 664

  3. Program & script files have been changed to 775, because chmod3 recognized subdir names containing 'bin', 'program', 'script',& 'sf'.

  4. You would have to modify the script if your program & script subdirs were named differently. See script listed on the next page:

  5. Note that 'chmod3' uses 'Recursion' - it calls itself when it finds a subdir within the current directory.

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7K6. ADMjobs: scripts for unix/linux administrators

chmod3 - change perms on subdirs/files & programs/scripts

 # chmod3 - change permissions on subdirs & files under a specified superdir
 #        - using 'recursion' to process all levels of subdirs
 #        - adds 'x' perms on any bin/* & script/* dirs, by testing
 #          for known names of bin & script subdirs
 #        - by Owen Townsend, June 13/2006
 # chmod3 directory dir-perms file-perms xfile-perms   <-- command format
 # ==================================================
 # chmod3 directory 775 664 775    <-- recommended permissions
 # =============================
 # - also see alternatives chmod1 & chmod2 (to this *chmod3)
 # chmod1 - change perms on dirs & files, using 'find'
 # chmod2 - change perms on dirs & files, using 'recursion'
 #*chmod3 - change perms on dirs & files, using 'recursion'
 # After running this script, you must manually fix permissions on executable
 # programs & scripts via -->chmod 775 bin/*; chmod 775 scripts/*
 # - if you can't modify the script to recognize all your bin & script dirs
 # capture arguments & force perms integers
 typeset i dperm="$2"; typeset i fperm="$3"; typeset i xperm="$4";
 # ensure arg1 is directory & length of perms are 3 digits
 dpl=${#dperm}; fpl=${#fperm}; xpl=${#xperm};
 if [[ -d "$dir" ]] && ((dpl==3 && fpl==3 && xpl==3)); then :
    else echo "usage: chmod3 directory dir-perms file-perms xfile-perms"
         echo "       ================================================="
         echo "example: chmod3 dirxx 775 664 775"
         echo "         ========================"
         echo " - arg1 must be dir, args 2,3,4 must be 3 digits"
         exit 90; fi
 echo -n "chmod3: Begin directory $dir - enter to continue"
 read reply
 integer nd=0 nf=0 nxf=0
 for df in $dir/*
   { if [[ -d $df ]] then chmod $dperm $df; ((nd+=1))
        elif [[ $df == *script* || $df == *sf* || $df == *bin*
                                               || $df == *program* ]]
             then chmod $xperm $df; ((nxf+=1))
        else chmod $fperm $df; ((nf+=1))
     # if current entry in current dir is a subdir
     # - call this script again to process its files & subdirs
     # - using 'recursion' to process all existing levels of subdirs
     # - but do not call if directory is empty
     if [[ -d $df ]]; then
        ls $df >/tmp/chmod3
        if [[ -s /tmp/chmod3 ]]; then
           chmod3 $df $dperm $fperm $xperm
 echo "chmod3: End dir $dir, subdirs=$nd, files=$nf, xfiles=$nxf"
 exit 0

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7K7. ADMjobs: scripts for unix/linux administrators

customizing chmod3

Note that line 39 of chmod3 (listed above) identifies subdirs with executable files if their names contain 'bin', 'program', 'script',or 'sf'. You could change &/or add patterns depending on the conventions at your site.

Also note that when you wish to change any script in /home/uvadm/sf/..., you should 1st copy it to /home/appsadm/sf/... and modify it there.

/home/appsadm/sf is in the PATH prior to /home/uvadm/sf, so your modified script will be found before the original uvadm script. This way, you will not lose your changes when you install a new version of uvadm.

umask in .bashrc for logging

If you are using 'console logging' (as documented in 'Part_6'), then you must ensure you have setup '.bashrc' with umask 002 in the user homedirs.

The umask 002 in the .bash_profile is lost when console logging is activated, because logging uses the unix/linux 'script' command which is another level of the shell. '.bashrc' solves this problem (see listing on page '1C5').

downloading chmod3

Even if you are not currently a customer of UV Software, you are welcome to download scripts such as chmod3 that are listed in the web documentation.

Your web browser will allow you to save this page & you can then cut it out & store it in your scripts directory. Remember to change permissions to 775.

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7K8. ADMjobs: scripts for unix/linux administrators

permissions vital for nightly cron jobs

Nightly batch jobs could fail due to files with bad permisions or group. Nightly batch jobs are scheduled by a crontab owned by 'appsadm' (see crontabs in 'Part_5'). Files with bad permissions migt be FTP to the site or somebody may have used 'root' to copy a file & forgot to fix permissions.

See 'chmod_custom1' '7K9' sample script that could be run before the nightly batch jobs to ensure permissions on all data directories/files 775/664 and group 'apps'. You could also reset owner to 'appsadm' if you want to see who changed what files during the day (or reset owner more infrequently). This sample script has hard-coded directories & permissions for reliability. You would customize for your site.

Note that 'root' should be used only when necessary (fixing permissions, etc). It is too dangerous to run application scripts with root privileges. Of course the chmod_custom1 script must be scheduled by a root crontab, but all batch jobs would be scheduled by 'appsadm' crontabs. And appsadm shares group 'apps' with all operators & programmers who access the data files.

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7K9. ADMjobs: scripts for unix/linux administrators

chmod_custom1 - fix perms before night cron jobs

 # chmod_custom1 - script to fix perms/owner/group in a directory tree
 #               - fixes all subdirs & files at all levels down the tree
 #               - manually restore execute perms on any script/program subdirs
 #               - by Owen Townsend, UV Software, January 2010
 # See hard-coded perms/owner/group in code further below
 # This script must run as 'root', BUT do NOT forget to exit root after use
 # - could schedule via a 'crontab' owned by root see ADMjobs.htm#Part_5
 # - assumes your root profile PATH modified to access UV scripts
 # 1. Login as root
 # 2. chmod_custom1 directory   <-- arg1 must be a directory
 # 2a. chmod_custom1 /p2/apps/proddata  <-- examples
 #     ===============================
 # 2b. chmod_custom1 /p2/apps/prodlibs
 #     ===============================
 # 3a. chmod 775 /p2/apps/prodlibs/jcls <-- restore execute perms on JCL/scripts
 #     ================================
 # 3b. chmod 775 /p2/apps/prodlibs/sf   <-- restore any other script/program dirs
 #     ==============================
 # 4. exit    <-- exit root
 # Sample script to fix perms/owner/group on all subdirs/files in directory tree
 # - with hard-coded perms/owner/group
 #   (chown to appsadm optional & #commented out below)
 # - might use as emergency fix if somebody used root to copy files
 #Note - UV conversion sites should be run by users, NOT 'root' (too dangerous)
 #     - root perms/group would cause batch jobs to fail (cron nightly jobs)
 #     - all directories should be 775
 #     - all files should be 664, except programs & scripts must be 775 (execute)
 #     - user profiles umask 002 (vs dflt 022) allow group share read/write
 #     - converted JCL/scripts run by users with recommended profile/umask
 #       should always write directories/files with 775/664 permsions
 #     - all users running scripts must be setup with common group (ex: appsadm)
 #       so any user in the group has read/write access to directories & files
 #Potential Problems:
 # 1. Files imported (by email,FTP,CD,etc) may have wrong permissions
 # 2. Somebody might operate as 'root' & create files with wrong perms & group
 #VITAL - use 'root' ONLY to fix permissions,owners,groups on imported files
 #      - NEVER use 'root' to create any files in the application directories
 #        (will cause batch jobs to fail, possibly run by cron at night)

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 #          ** sample hard-coded script to fix perms/groups **
 dperm="775"; fperm="664";  #<-- hard-coded perms for Dirs & Files
 owner="appsadm";           #<-- hard-coded owner (optional may #cmt out below)
 group="apps";              #<-- hard-coded group
 dir="$1";                  #<-- capture directory from arg1
 # ensure arg1 is a directory
 if [[ ! -d "$dir" ]]; then
    echo "usage: chmod1 directory     <-- arg1 must be a directory"
    echo "       ================="
    echo "ex:    chmod1 /p2/apps/proddata  <-- example"
    echo "       ========================"
    echo "DIRperms=$dperm, FILEperms=$fperm, owner=$owner, group=$group"
    exit 90; fi
 echo "DIRperms=$dperm, FILEperms=$fperm, owner=$owner, group=$group"
 echo "set perms, owner, group on $dir - enter to continue"
 read reply
 find $dir -type d -exec chmod $dperm {} \;
 # - set perms ($dperm) on all subdirs in the directory tree
 find $dir -type f -exec chmod $fperm {} \;
 # - set perms ($fperm) on all files in the directory tree
 chgrp -R $group $dir  #<-- set group on all subdirs/files in tree
 chown -R $owner $dir  #<-- set owner on all subdirs/files in tree
 #Note - might #comment out above chown (to see who created files)
 echo "perms set for all subdirs & files within: $dir"
 echo "DIRperms=$dperm, FILEperms=$fperm, owner=$owner, group=$group"
 echo "Note - must restore execute perms on any program/script subdirs"
 echo "     - examples below, could hard-code here ??"
 echo "chmod 775 /p2/apps/testlibs/cblx/*  <-- COBOL programs"
 echo "chmod 775 /p2/apps/testlibs/rpgx/*  <-- RPG programs"
 echo "chmod 775 /p2/apps/testlibs/jcls/*  <-- JCL/scripts"
 echo "chmod 775 /p2/apps/testlibs/sf/*    <-- other misc scritps"
 echo "- enter to acknowledge & end script"; read reply
 exit 0

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Part_8. ADMjobs.doc - Applications Administration

Networking & System Administration

8A1. Sample Network (at UV Software)
- 3 PCs on a LAN/router & DSL modem to ISP
- RHEL 5.1, RHEL 3.0,& Windows XP

8A2. /etc/hosts - convert Host-names to IP addresses on the LAN
 /etc/resolv.conf - specify the Domain Name Servers IP addresses
- DNS computers at my ISP convert host names to IPs for the internet WAN

8A3. setup router access to ISP

8A4. network-scripts (/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0)
- setup static IP#s for computer, gateway,& DNS1/DNS2

8B1. Lookup IP Adresses or Domain Names (reverse lookup)
- using unix/linux command line tools such as nslookup, host,& dig
- using a GUI web browser, try sites such as

8C1. using 'ping' to investigate communication problems
8C2. script 'pingall' to determine the IP#s used on your router
8C3. 'nmap' to determine the device or O/S at any given IP#

8D1. FTP - sample session, transfer files between my computers

8E1. SSH - sample session, unzip previously FTP'd to the web site

8F1. PUTTY - SSH (Secure SHell) Terminal Emulator for Windows & Unix/Linux
- free download from

8G1. SAMBA - Linux file-server for Windows PCs
- sample samba configuration file

8H1. Investigate /var/log/dmesg bootup message file
- to determine device name assigned to the DAT tape drive

8I1. Mounting USB memory devices
Determining USB device name for the mount command, by investigating
/dev/..., /var/log/messages, & /var/log/dmesg

8J1. Unix/Linux system log files
- /var/log/messages, dmesg, utmp, wtmp
 Commands to access log file information
- who, w, finger, last, lastlog, utmpdump
8J2.  Sample outputs from: who, w,& finger
8J3.  Sample outputs from: last & lastlog
8J4.  using 'utmpdump' to convert /var/run/utmp (binary file) to an ASCII file
- followed by uvlist filter to reduce multi-blanks to fit lines on screen

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Networking & System Admin - Contents continued

8K1. using 'uvhd' to investigate /var/log/wtmp
8K2. search all login records for userid 'uvadm'
8K3. select all uvadm login records to a separate file
8K4. convert the separate file to a text file (using utmpdump)

8L1. Disc Monitoring (df, du, statdir1)
8L2. System Information (free, uname)

8M1. Killing hung-up jobs (ps & kill demo)

8N1. Running jobs in the BackGround
--> sleep 100 & <-- sleep 100 seconds
--> jobs (status), fg %1 (foreground), ^Z (background), bg %1 (restart)

8N2. testjobs1 - script to test/demo running jobs in the background
- displays msg every 15 seconds, try jobs, fg %1, ^Z, bg %1, kill

8O1. Messaging (wall, write, mail)

8P1. TOP - Unix/Linux system performance analysis tool

8Q1. meminfo - how to determine system memory & usage

8R1. msmtp - send email from scripts scheduled by cron at night,
to managers at home, to alert them of serious errors.

8S1. sending unix/linux PCL files to a network printer from Windows
- create PCL files on unix/linux & download to widows with 'winscp'
- assign a network printer to DOS LPT1
  net use lpt1 \\computername\printername /persistent:yes
- copy print file to network printer with /binaary option
  copy /b filename.pcl LPT1:

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8A1. ADMjobs: Networking & System Administration

UV Software Network example

As an example, I will describe the small network I use at UV Software (3 PC's on a LAN/router with a DSL modem to my ISP).

                |            |            |          |
                --------------- Internet ---------------
            Web server ------- DNS server ------- Mail server

                                (my ISP)
 WAN DNS Dynamic IPs               |
 LAN No DNS static IPs             |
       ------------------------- router ---------------------------
       |                |       |                 |
       |                |                       |                 |     
   HP XW9400       HP Kayak                 HP Pavilion      Lexmark T642
    RHEL 5.1       RHEL 3.0                  Windows XP       45 ppm Laser

UV Software Network Hardware/Software

  1. 8 port router, D-Link DI-808HV, IP

  2. DSL Ethernet modem, D-Link DSL-3001,

  3. RHEL 5.1, HP XW9400 workstation, IP

  4. RHEL 3.0, HP Kayak workstation, IP

  5. Windows XP, HP Pavilion a1477c, IP

  6. Laser Printer, Lexmark T642 45 ppm, IP

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8A2. ADMjobs: Networking & System administration

/etc/hosts file on RHEL 5.1

 # /etc/hosts - on 'uvsoft4' RHEL 5.1 at UV Software 2008
 # Do not remove the following line, or various programs
 # that require network functionality will fail.
 ::1	localhost6.localdomain6	localhost6       localhost	uvsoft4	uvsoft3	uvsoft2	gateway	router


 nameserver  <-- old Uniserve nameservers
 nameserver   <-- nameservers after switch to Webfaction


  1. Either 'IP addresses' or 'host names' may be specified for the various network programs (FTP, TELNET, SSH, web browsers), but obviously 'host names' are easier to remember.

  2. /etc/hosts is used to convert 'host names' (uvsoft4, etc) into IP addresses on the 'LAN' (Local Area Network). My LAN consists of a router & 3 PCs.

  3. /etc/resolv.conf specifies the DNS (Domain Name Server) used to convert host names to IP addresses for the 'WAN' (Wide Area Network). This means the outside world internet. My ISP ( has 2 DNS servers whose IP addresses are shown in the resolv.conf file above.

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8A3. ADMjobs: Networking & System Administration

setup Router access to ISP

Use a web browser (FireFox or IE) to setup the router to access your ISP. Here is the procedure for my D-Link router:

1. enter in the web browser address
  1. enter userid 'admin' (no password by default on new router)

  2. run the setup wizard

  3. select 'Dynamic IP Address' to obtain IP address from ISP

  4. select 'PPP over ethernet' (for DSL users)

  5. select 'clone Mac Address'

  6. enter the DNS (Domain Name Server) IP addresses (in my case & (changed to &

  7. enter the PPPoE Account-name & password assigned by your ISP (example:

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8A4. ADMjobs: Networking & System Administration


# /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 # - on xw9400 RHEL 6 at UV Software, Dec 18/2011 # - did not work as setup by system -->admin --> preferences --> network connections # I edited this file - for 'static' protocol (#commented out NM_CONTROLLED & ONBOOT) # - assigning IP addresses for: computer, gateway,& DNS1/DNS2 DEVICE="eth0" # NM_CONTROLLED="yes" # ONBOOT="no" ONBOOT=yes TYPE=Ethernet # BOOTPROTO=none BOOTPROTO=static IPADDR= # PREFIX=24 GATEWAY= DNS1= DNS2= # DEFROUTE=yes IPV4_FAILURE_FATAL=yes IPV6INIT=no NAME="System eth0" UUID=5fb06bd0-0bb0-7ffb-45f1-d6edd65f3e03 HWADDR=00:1C:C4:18:61:60

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8B1. ADMjobs: Networking & System Administration

Lookup IP Addresses or Domain Names

You can lookup IP Adresses or Domain Names (reverse lookup) using unix/linux command line utilities - nslookup, host,or dig. On a GUI browser, you could use web sites such as

nslookup - lookup IP Address from Domain Name


Server: Address: Non-authoritative answer: Name: Address:

This tells me that my domain name ( IP address is It also tells me that my ISP server IP address is (on port #53).

My IP address is dynamically assigned by my ISP, but might never change if I never turn off my router & modem. Note my computers on my LAN address the router/gateway as, but my ISP addresses my router from the outside world as

nslookup - reverse lookup Domain Name from IP adrs


Server: Address: Non-authoritative answer: name =

My ISP is who contract their web servers from "The Planet" in Dallas USA. I highly recommend if you are looking for an ISP who lets you use all the unix/linux tools (ssh,sftp,etc).

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8B2. ADMjobs: Networking & System Administration

host - lookup IP Address from Domain Name

 ================== has address mail is handled by 10

host - reverse lookup Domain Name from IP adrs

 =================== domain name pointer

"reverse lookup" does not give "UV Software" because I use an ISP who contract their services from "The Planet".

dig - lookup IP Address from Domain Name


; <<>> DiG 9.3.4-P1 <<>> ;; global options: printcmd ;; Got answer: ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 38793 ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0 ;; QUESTION SECTION: ; IN A ;; ANSWER SECTION: 3438 IN A ;; Query time: 31 msec ;; SERVER: ;; WHEN: Sat Oct 29 10:52:43 2011 ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 47

 dig +short

dig - reverse lookup Domain Name from IP adrs

 dig -x +short

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8C1. ADMjobs: Networking & System Administration

'ping' to investigate network problems

'ping' is usually the 1st tool used to investigate problems communicating with other computers. For example if I had problems FTP'ing or browsing to my web site I might use the following ping command:

 PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=61 time=7.27 ms
 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=61 time=8.41 ms
 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=61 time=7.75 ms
 --- control-C to interupt ---
 3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2000ms
 rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 7.275/7.814/8.414/0.466 ms

If the above ping using the host-name failed, then I would use the IP address (to see if the Domain Server might be down vs a connection problem).

 ping -c2
 PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=61 time=7.52 ms
 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=61 time=7.84 ms
 --- Count option '-c2' quits after 2 pings ---
 2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 2002ms
 rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 6.924/7.430/7.840/0.380 ms

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8C2. ADMjobs: Networking & System Administration

'pingall' script to determine IP#s used on your router

'pingall' is a script to determine the IP#s used on your router. The following will scan all IP#s from to & report which IP#s are alive. The script is listed following the sample report below. You could cut & paste it if you do not have Vancouver Utilities installed.

 pingall 192.168.0 1 10

ip= <-- alive ip= <-- alive ip= <-- alive ip= <-- alive ip= ip= ip= ip= pingall ended --> 4 alive

 # pingall - ping a range of IP addresses
 #         - by Owen Townsend, UV Software, Dec 2012
 # using options to speed up ping
 # -c1 - sends 1 ping only
 # -W1 - wait only 1 second for response
 #note - can not kill this script with control-C
 # - kill from a root login, 'ps -u userid' to get process# to kill
 ip0="$1"; ip1="$2"; ip2="$3"
 if [[ $# -ne 3 ]]; then
    echo "ping range of IP addresses to detect devices on your router"
    echo "example: pingall 192.168.0 1 10"
    echo "         ======================"
    echo "- ping from to"
    echo "- arg1=1st 3 nodes, arg2=4th node start, arg3=4th node end"
    echo "- router 1st 3 nodes might be 192.168.1.__ or 10.10.0.__"
    echo "- use 'nmap -O 192.168.0.__' to determine device at IP#__"
    exit 99; fi
 ip=$ip1; ok=0
 until [[ $ip -gt $ip2 ]]
     ping -c1 -W1 -t1 $ip0.$ip > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
     if [ $? -eq 0 ];
        then echo "ip=$ip0.$ip <-- alive"
             echo "ip=$ip0.$ip <-- alive" >>tmp/pingall.log
        else echo "ip=$ip0.$ip "
             echo "ip=$ip0.$ip " >>tmp/pingall.log
 echo "pingall ended --> $ok alive"
 echo "pingall ended --> $ok alive" >>tmp/pingall.log
 echo "- results also captured in file: tmp/pingall.log"

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8C3. ADMjobs: Networking & System Administration

'nmap' - determine device, O/S at any IP#

'nmap' is a network exploration utility with many options (see man pages). You will probably have to download it from the internet. Here is how I downloaded on my Red Hat Linux.

 yum install nmap   <-- download & install nmap

Here is an example to determine the OS (device) at IP# - using option 'O' (UPPER case alpha letter). You need to be root to use option 'O'.

 nmap -O
      Starting Nmap 5.51 ( ) at 2012-12-18 17:43 PST
      Nmap scan report for
      Host is up (0.0024s latency).
      Not shown: 999 closed ports
      80/tcp open  http
      MAC Address: 68:7F:74:5B:46:C1 (Cisco-Linksys)
      Device type: VoIP adapter
      Running: Sipura embedded
      OS details: Sipura SPA-1001 or SPA-3000 VoIP adapter
      Network Distance: 1 hop
      OS detection performed. Report incorrect results at
      Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 2.27 seconds
  • This device is a Linksys PAP2T VOIP adapter for my telephone
  • plugs into my router
  • service provider charge me $5/month (vs $50 for Telus).

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8D1. ADMjobs: Networking & System Administration

FTP to 2nd computer on LAN

Here is a sample FTP session to transfer a file between my 2 Linux computers on my LAN (3 PCs & a router). I captured the session by turning on 'console logging' as explained in Part_6.

Script started on Sat 14 Jun 2008 09:29:07 AM PDT

 <@:owen:/home/owen> ftp
 Connected to
 Name ( owen
 331 Password required for owen.
 230 User owen logged in.
 Remote system type is UNIX.
 Using binary mode to transfer files.

 ftp> put stub_profile
 local: stub_profile remote: stub_profile
 200 PORT command successful.
 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for stub_profile.
 226 Transfer complete.
 8538 bytes sent in 8.2e-05 seconds (1e+05 Kbytes/s)

 ftp> dir
 200 PORT command successful.
 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
 total 60
 -rw-------    1 owen          349 Jun 13 20:50 .bash_history
 -rwxrwxr-x    1 users        8858 Apr 26 14:17 .bash_profile
 -rw-r-----    1 owen         8538 Jun 14 09:26 stub_profile
 drwxrwxr-x    2 owen         4096 Jun 13 12:35 tmp
 226 Transfer complete.

 ftp> bye
 221 Goodbye.
 <@:owen:/home/owen> exit
 Script done on Sat 14 Jun 2008 09:30:48 AM PDT
  • I initiated FTP with 'ftp' but I could have used
    'ftp uvsoft3' since /etc/hosts (listed on '8A1') would resolve.

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8D2. ADMjobs: Networking & System Administration

FTP to my web site

Script started on Sat 14 Jun 2008 05:16:01 PM PDT

 <@:owen:/home/owen> ftp
 Connected to
 220 FTP server ready
 Name ( wd-uvsoft
 331 Password required for wd-uvsoft.
 230 User wd-uvsoft logged in.
 Remote system type is UNIX.
 Using binary mode to transfer files.
 ftp> cd public_WWW
 250 CWD command successful.
 ftp> put
 local: remote:
 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for
 226 Transfer complete.
 2765834 bytes sent in 38 seconds (72 Kbytes/s)
 ftp> dir
 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
 -rw-rw-r--   1 wd-uvsoft wd-uvsoft   465893 Jun 13 19:07 admjobs.htm
 -rw-rw-r--   1 wd-uvsoft wd-uvsoft   483264 Jun 13 19:07 cmpjobs.htm
 -rw-rw-r--   1 wd-uvsoft wd-uvsoft   340703 Jun 13 19:07 cnvaids.htm
                   - - - 70 lines omitted - - -
 -rw-rw-r--   1 wd-uvsoft wd-uvsoft  2765834 Jun 14 17:15
                   - - - 10 lines omitted - - -
 -rw-rw-r--   1 wd-uvsoft wd-uvsoft   132637 Jun 13 19:07 windowsdos.htm
 -rw-rw-r--   1 wd-uvsoft wd-uvsoft    47649 Jun 13 19:07 wordjobs.htm
 -rw-rw-r--   1 wd-uvsoft wd-uvsoft    77710 Jun 13 19:07 xrefjobs.htm
 226 Transfer complete.
 ftp> bye
 221 Goodbye.

<@:owen:/home/owen> exit Script done on Sat 14 Jun 2008 05:18:27 PM PDT

  • Next I need to 'ssh' to my web site to 'unzip' the zip archive
    (since FTP does not allow the unzip command)

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8E1. ADMjobs: Networking & System Administration


To reload my web-site I first create a 'zip' file (about 100 HTML documents). Next I FTP the zip file into the public_WWW directory for Then I need to 'unzip' the zip file.

My ISP does not allow 'TELNET', but does allow 'SSH' (which is more secure). Here is the SSH session captured by console logging (see Part_6).

Script started on Sat 14 Jun 2008 09:34:16 AM PDT

 <@:owen:/home/owen> ssh
 wd-uvsoft@www6$ ls -l
 total 3
 lrwxr-xr-x  1 root       wheel        27 Aug  2  2003 public_CGI -> /u/www/public_CGI/wd-uvsoft
 drwxr-x--x  4 wd-uvsoft  wd-uvsoft  3072 Jun 14 19:10 public_WWW
 wd-uvsoft@www6$ cd public_WWW
 wd-uvsoft@www6$ unzip
 wd-uvsoft@www6$ ls -l
 total 16435
 -rw-rw-r--  1 wd-uvsoft  wd-uvsoft   465893 Jun 14 19:07 admjobs.htm
 -rw-rw-r--  1 wd-uvsoft  wd-uvsoft   483264 Jun 14 19:07 cmpjobs.htm
 -rw-rw-r--  1 wd-uvsoft  wd-uvsoft   340703 Jun 14 19:07 cnvaids.htm
                - - - many lines omitted - - -
 -rw-rw-r--  1 wd-uvsoft  wd-uvsoft   132637 Jun 14 19:07 windowsdos.htm
 -rw-rw-r--  1 wd-uvsoft  wd-uvsoft    47649 Jun 14 19:07 wordjobs.htm
 -rw-rw-r--  1 wd-uvsoft  wd-uvsoft    77710 Jun 14 19:07 xrefjobs.htm

 wd-uvsoft@www6$ exit
 logout Connection to closed.

 <@:owen:/home/owen> exit
 Script done on Sat 14 Jun 2008 09:38:32 AM PDT

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8F1. ADMjobs: Networking & System Administration

putty - SSH Terminal Emulator

'putty' is a free terminal emulator for windows, that may be downloaded from written by Simon Tatham.

'putty' uses SSH (Secure SHell) protocol which is more secure that 'telnet'. We recommend putty for mainframe conversion projects where programmers & operators will be using Windows PCs online to a Unix/Linux system.

download & install putty

  1. On each Windows PC where putty is to be installed, use an internet browser (IE or FireFox) to download/save from:
    - <-- download
    - putty-0.60-installer.exe <-- download
  2. Run Windows Explorer to goto the download directory & execute (double click)

 #3. putty-0.60-installer.exe  <-- execute
     - installs the following programs into C:\program files\putty\...
  • putty terminal emulator
  • Putty Secure CoPy (Windows command line utility)
  • Putty Secure FTP (Windows command line utility)
  • command line interface to putty backends
  • SSH authentication agent for putty, pscp,& plink
  • RSA & DSA key generation utility

The install creates a putty icon on the desktop & adds menu items to programs.

  1. Add the putty program directory to your PATH (so you can execute psftp from a command line window.

      control panel --> system --> advanced --> environmental variables
      system variables --> PATH --> edit append ';C:\program files\putty'

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8F2. putty - SSH Terminal Emulator

configuring putty

Executing putty (double click putty icon on desktop) displays the configuration screen. I have listed the menu below with items to be modified in UPPER case.

      Session    - Logging
      Terminal   - Keyboard, Bell. Features
      Window     - APPEARANCE, Behaviour, Translation, Selection, COLOURS
      Connection - Data, Proxy, Telnet, Rlogin, SSH, Serial
      HOST-NAME or IP ADDRESS ______________ <-- enter ''
      Port: 22
      Connection Type: raw, telnet, rlogin, *SSH, serial
      Saved session: _______________________ <-- enter 'uvsoft4'
      Load, Save, Delete                     <-- enter Save, then Load
      Open, Cancel                           <-- enter Open

Configuration Example

  1. enter Host-Name/IP address -->

  2. enter Saved Sessions --> uvsoft4

  3. click SAVE

  4. highlight saved session 'uvsoft4'

  5. click LOAD

  6. click OPEN --> displays black screen with login prompt

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8F3. putty - SSH Terminal Emulator

setting Appearance & Colour

The default login screen is small, black & white, and ugly. We can make putty much more pleasant to work with as follows:

  1. click upper left corner of screen ---> displays 'putty Re-configuration' screen

2a. click Appearance --> Change

2b. select Courier, Bold, 14 point

3a. click Colours --> Modify

3b. select Default Background --> Yellow

3c. select Default Foreground --> Black

3d. click Apply

  1. Position & Expand the putty window Depth & Width as desired (allow for overlapping multiple sessions)

  2. Save your configuration

5a. click upper left corner of screen --> displays config menu

5b. click Change Settings --> displays list of saved sessions

5c. highlight the session name just modified

5d. click Save & exit

On future sessions, loading the saved session (uvsoft4 in my example) will bring up the login screen with your desired colours & size.

For multiple sessions, use the 'Duplicate Sessions' option on the putty reconfig menu.

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8G1. ADMjobs: Networking & System Administration

setup Samba Linux File-Server

Some of UV Software's customers use Samba to allow Windows PC access to files on the Linux machine. Mainframe conversion sites might provide access to the COBOL reports now created on the Linux machine.

Please see the sample Samba configuration file listed 2 pages ahead -->

setup Samba on Linux

 #1. Login as root

 #2. cd /etc/samba

 #3. mv smb.conf smb.conf.orig       <-- save original

 #4. cp /home/uvadm/env/smb.conf .   <-- copy VU sample

 #5. vi smb.conf <-- modify smb.conf for your site
     ===========   - change user-names, directories, etc for your site

 #6. smbpasswd -a userid    <-- add Samba users
     ===================      - userid already existing as a unix user

 #7. service smb start      <-- start Samba service now for testing

 #8. chkconfig smb on       <-- setup to start Samba whenever system booted
     ================           (run levels 2,3,4,5)

 9. chkconfig --level 2345 iptables off
  • I had to disable iptables firewall (above) for Samba to work properly
  • (my router has a built in firewall)
  • also had to turn off SELinux, using the GUI mngmnt tool as follows:

 10. System --> Administration --> SELinux mngmnt --> disable
     - check the box 'Relabel on next boot' & reboot Linux

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8G2. ADMjobs: Networking & System Administration

setup Windows for Samba access

 #1. start Windows Explorer

 #2. Tools --> Map Network drive
      Drive:  Z: \\uvsoft4\root
      Folder: root
      Reconnect at logon: check
      Drive:  Y: \\uvsoft4\home
      Folder: home
      Reconnect at logon: check

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8G3. ADMjobs: Networking & System Administration

Samba configuration file

 # smb.conf - Samba configuration file
 # /etc/samba/smb.conf      <-- location on Red Hat Enterprise Linux
 # /home/uvadm/env/smb.conf <-- sample distributed with Vancouver Utilities
 # - this shorter sample created June 2008, by Owen Townsend (UV Software)
 workgroup = uvsoftware
 printing = CUPS
 printcap name = CUPS
 disable spoolss = yes
 show add printer wizard = no
 passdb backend = smbpasswd
 comment = uvsoft4 /home directories
 path = /home
 valid users = uvadm, uvbak, uvext
 read only = no
 create mask = 0775
 directory mask = 0775
 force group = apps
 comment = uvsoft4:root files
 path = /
 valid users = uvadm, uvbak, uvext
 read only = yes
 # Install & modify for your site as follows:
 # 1. Login as root
 # 2. cd /etc/samba
 # 3. mv smb.conf smb.conf.orig     <-- save original
 # 4. cp /home/uvadm/env/smb.conf . <-- copy VU sample
 # 5. vi smb.conf  <-- modify smb.conf for your site
 #                   - change user-names, directories, etc for your site
 # 6. smbpasswd -a userid    <-- to add new Samba users
 #    ===================      - userid already existing as a unix user
 # 7. service smb start      <-- restart after config file changes
 #    =================          (easier than using separate stop/start)
 # 8. chkconfig smb on       <-- start Samba when system booted
 #    ================           (run levels 2,3,4,5)
 # 9. chkconfig --level 2345 iptables off
 #    ===================================
 # I had to disable iptables (firewall) before samba would work properly
 # - my router has a built in firewall
 # Also had to turn off SELinux, using the GUI mngmnt tool as follows:
 #10. System --> Administration --> SELinux mngmnt --> disable
 #    ========================================================
 #    - check the box 'Relabel on next boot' & reboot Linux

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8H1. ADMjobs: Unix/Linux System Administration

investigating /var/log/dmesg bootup file

When I installed a DAT tape device & an Adaptec SCSI controller, I checked to ensure the system recognized these devices at system boot time & to determine the device name assigned to the DAT tape drive.

 grep -i 'adaptec' /var/log/dmesg

Unix/Linux saves the last boot messages in /var/log/dmesg (563 lines on my Red Hat 5.1). Here is a sample from my last boot - lines 1-12 & 461-472).

sample boot messages from /var/log/dmesg

 Bootdata ok (command line is ro root=LABEL=/ rhgb quiet)
 Linux version 2.6.18-92.el5xen
 (gcc version 4.1.2 20071124 (Red Hat 4.1.2-41))
 #1 SMP Tue Apr 29 13:31:30 EDT 2008
 BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
  Xen: 0000000000000000 - 00000000f39b5000 (usable)
 On node 0 totalpages: 997813
   DMA zone: 997813 pages, LIFO batch:31
 DMI 2.5 present.
 ACPI: RSDP (v002 HP                                    ) @ 0x00000000000e9e10
 ACPI: XSDT (v001 HPQOEM SLIC-WKS 0x20070625  0x00000000) @ 0x00000000dffca474
                  - - - - - 400 lines omitted - - - - -
 scsi8 : Adaptec AIC7XXX EISA/VLB/PCI SCSI HBA DRIVER, Rev 7.0
         <Adaptec 29160N Ultra160 SCSI adapter>
         aic7892: Ultra160 Wide Channel A, SCSI Id=7, 32/253 SCBs
   Vendor: HP        Model: C1537A            Rev: L111
   Type:   Sequential-Access                  ANSI SCSI revision: 02
  target8:0:3: Beginning Domain Validation
  target8:0:3: FAST-10 SCSI 10.0 MB/s ST (100 ns, offset 32)
 scsi 8:0:3:0: Attached scsi generic sg6 type 1
 ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LMC0] enabled at IRQ 16
 GSI 24 sharing vector 0x29 and IRQ 24
 ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:00:08.0[A] -> Link [LMC0] -> GSI 16 (level, high) -> IRQ 24
 st 8:0:3:0: Attached scsi tape st0
                  - - - - - 100 lines omitted - - - - -

grep output

 grep -i 'adaptec' /var/log/dmesg
 scsi8 : Adaptec AIC7XXX EISA/VLB/PCI SCSI HBA DRIVER, Rev 7.0
         <Adaptec 29160N Ultra160 SCSI adapter>

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8I1. ADMjobs: Unix/Linux System Administration

mounting USB memory devices

Unix/Linux systems might not automatically mount USB memory devices (as does Windows). You can mount devices manually if you know the device name & are logged in as root. For example if you know the device name is 'sdf1' you could mount as follows:

 mount /dev/sdf1 /mnt    (/dev/sdf1 is a USB memory device on Owen's system)

 ls -l /mnt            <-- display any files on the memory stick

 cp /etc/passwd /mnt   <-- copy a file to the memory stick

determining USB device name - method #1

If you have some understanding of Unix/Linux devices you can list /dev/... & probably guess which device is the USB memory stick. I know that USB devices are treated as SCSI devices & that SCSI device names are /dev/sd... On my system I can list all SCSI devices & get the response shown below:

 ls -l /dev/sd*
 /dev/sda     <-- 1st hard disc (a)
 /dev/sda1    <-- 1st partition on 1st disc
 /dev/sda2    <-- 2nd partition on 1st disc
 /dev/sdb     <-- 2nd hard disc (b)
 /dev/sdb1    <-- 1st partition on 2nd disc
 /dev/sdd4    <-- 4th partition on 4th disc (d)
 /dev/sde     <-- floppy disc
 /dev/sdf     <-- USB
 /dev/sdf1    <-- 1st USB device

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8I2. mounting USB memory devices

determining USB device name - method #2

Another way is to plug in the device & watch for a system response on the system console (console screen tty1 Alt-Function-1).

If you do not have access to the system console, you can use 'dmesg' which displays all system messages since the last boot (from /var/log/dmesg). To see just the last few lines pipe the output into 'tail'.

 dmesg | tail
 Vendor: SanDisk   Model: Cruzer Mini       Rev: 0.2
   Type:   Direct-Access  ANSI SCSI revision: 02
 SCSI device sdf: 1000944 512-byte hdwr sectors (512 MB)
 sdf: Write Protect is off
 sdf: assuming drive cache: write through
 SCSI device sdf: 1000944 512-byte hdwr sectors (512 MB)
 sdf: Write Protect is off
 sdf: assuming drive cache: write through
 sdf: sdf1
 sd 12:0:0:0: Attached scsi removable disk sdf
 sd 12:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg7 type 0

From the above, you can guess that the USB device is '/dev/sdf1'.

determining USB device name - method #3

Another alternative might be to search (vi,grep,tail) /var/log/dmesg or /var/log/messages for patterns you know represent the USB devices. BUT, you need 'root' permissions to access those files directly.

 grep 'USB' /var/log/dmesg      <-- requires root access

 grep 'USB' /var/log/messages   <-- requires root access

USB automatic mount

In fact on my Red Hat Enterprise 5.1, the USB memory device is automatically mounted on /media/disk, but I would not have know this by searching messages because it is not recorded.

 mount /dev/sdf1 /media/disk   <-- automatic mount on my RHEL 5.1

 mount /dev/sdf1 /mnt           <-- can also mount like this
 ====================               (if you don't know auto mount point)

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8J1. ADMjobs: Unix/Linux System Administration

Unix/Linux system log files

Here is a summary of system log files that are most relevant to the casual Unix/Linux user (vs system administrator geeks).

 /var/log/messages - records system events at boot time & ongoing
                   - boot, shutdown, device recognitions, hardware faults,
                     software faults, server events (FTP, Samba, etc)
                   - text file (may inspect/search with vi, grep, etc)
 /var/log/dmesg - records system boot/restart messages
                - the info you see flying up the screen on bootup
                - text file (may inspect/search with vi, grep, etc)
 /var/run/utmp - currently logged in users (1 record per user)
               - userid, login date/time, terminal, process id
               - binary file (many x'00' bytes, fixed recsize 384)
               - can NOT inspect/search with vi, grep, etc
               - interrogated by several Unix/Linux system utilities
                 (who, w, finger, utmp-dump)
               - may also use 'uvhd' to investigate (see page '8K1')
 /var/log/wtmp - same as /var/run/utmp, but includes last 300 logins & reboots
                 in date/time sequence
               - interrogated by Unix/Linux system utilities 'last' & 'lastlog'
               - may also use 'uvhd' to investigate (see page '8K1')

commands to access Unix/Linux log files

  • users currently logged in
  • accesses /var/run/utmp
  • users currently logged in & what they are doing
  • accesses /var/run/utmp, /proc
  • user info (userid, terminal, login time)
  • login history (last 300 logins, multiple lines per user)
  • accesses /var/log/wtmp
  • last login (1 line per user)
  • accesses /var/log/wtmp
  • option to see logins in last so many days, for example:
    lastlog -t7 <-- show users logging on in last 7 days
  • dump /var/run/utmp or /var/log/wtmp (binary files, many x'00's)
    to an ASCII text file (but many blanks between fields)
  • might use to reduce multiple consecutive blanks to 1
    to make output of utmpdump fit on 1 screen width

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8J2. log file commands - sample outputs

  • you can run these commands on your Unix/Linux system
  • you do NOT have to be root to run these

who - sample output

 who     <-- display users currently logged in
 root     tty1         2008-08-31 07:00
 uvadm    tty2         2008-08-31 07:00
 uvbak    tty3         2008-08-31 07:00
 mvstest  tty4         2008-08-31 07:19
 root     :0           2008-08-31 06:47
 root     pts/1        2008-08-31 10:04 (:0.0)

w - sample output

 w       <-- display users currently logged in & what they are doing
  10:22:03 up  3:35,  6 users,  load average: 0.04, 0.04, 0.00
 USER     TTY      FROM              LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT
 root     tty1     -                07:00    3:38   0.03s  0.03s -bash
 uvadm    tty2     -                07:00    0.00s  0.01s  0.00s w
 uvbak    tty3     -                07:00    3:21m  0.00s  0.00s -bash
 mvstest  tty4     -                07:19    2:59m  0.00s  0.00s -bash
 root     :0       -                06:47   ?xdm?  13.74s  0.04s /usr/bin/gnome-
 root     pts/1    :0.0             10:04   17:04   0.01s  0.01s bash

finger - sample output

 finger  <-- display user info (userid, terminal, login time)

 Login     Name       Tty      Idle  Login Time   Office     Office Phone
 mvstest              tty4     3:05  Aug 31 07:19
 root      root       tty1        9  Aug 31 07:00
 root      root      *:0             Aug 31 06:47
 root      root       pts/1      23  Aug 31 10:04 (:0.0)
 uvadm                tty2           Aug 31 07:00
 uvbak                tty3     3:27  Aug 31 07:00

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8J3. log file commands - sample outputs

last - sample output

 last    <-- display login history (last 300 logins, multiple lines per user)
 root     pts/1        :0.0             Sun Aug 31 10:04   still logged in
 mvstest  tty4                          Sun Aug 31 07:19   still logged in
 uvbak    tty3                          Sun Aug 31 07:00   still logged in
 uvadm    tty2                          Sun Aug 31 07:00   still logged in
 root     tty1                          Sun Aug 31 07:00   still logged in
             - - - 290 lines omitted - - -
 uvadm    tty2                          Mon Jul 21 10:37 - down   (10:50)
 root     tty1                          Mon Jul 21 09:39 - down   (11:48)
 reboot   system boot  2.6.18-92.1.6.el Mon Jul 21 07:38          (13:49)
 wtmp begins Sat Jul 19 19:57:15 2008

lastlog - sample output

 lastlog  -t7   <-- display last login info (1 line per user)
 ============     - for users login within past 7 days

 Username         Port     From             Latest
 root             tty1                      Sun Aug 31 07:00:45 -0700 2008
 uvadm            tty2                      Sun Aug 31 07:00:50 -0700 2008
 mvstest          tty4                      Sun Aug 31 07:19:05 -0700 2008
 uvbak            tty3                      Sun Aug 31 07:00:55 -0700 2008
 vsetest          tty5                      Sat Aug 30 07:43:39 -0700 2008
 uvext            tty4                      Thu Aug 28 20:50:49 -0700 2008

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8J4. log file commands - sample outputs

utmpdump - sample output

'utmpdump' dumps /var/run/utmp or /var/log/wtmp (binary files) to ASCII text files, but the result has many blanks between fields, & looks ugly. So, we will redirect the output of utmpdump to a tmp/file & then use 'uvlist' (as a filter), with option 'c9' to reduce multi-consecutive blanks to 1.

 #1. /usr/sbin/utmpdump /var/run/utmp >tmp/utmp
     - dump /var/run/utmp to an ASCII file (tmp/utmp)

 #2. uvlist tmp/utmp -c9i1 >tmp/utmp2
     - use uvlist with option 'c9' to reduce multi-consecutive blanks to 1
     - option 'i1' inhibits uvlist output 1st line laser printer control codes

 #3. cat tmp/utmp2    <-- display filtered output
 /home/uvadm/tmp/utmp1 now=080831:1721 uvadm pg#  1
 [8] [00420] [si ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [Sun Aug 31 06:47:05 2008 PDT]
 [2] [00000] [~~ ] [reboot ] [~ ] [ ] [ ] [Sun Aug 31 06:47:05 2008 PDT]
 [1] [20021] [~~ ] [runlevel] [~ ] [ ] [ ] [Sun Aug 31 06:47:05 2008 PDT]
 [8] [02339] [l5 ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [Sun Aug 31 06:47:30 2008 PDT]
 [7] [03974] [1 ] [root ] [tty1 ] [ ] [ ] [Sun Aug 31 07:00:45 2008 PDT]
 [7] [03980] [2 ] [uvadm ] [tty2 ] [ ] [ ] [Sun Aug 31 07:00:50 2008 PDT]
 [7] [03982] [3 ] [uvbak ] [tty3 ] [ ] [ ] [Sun Aug 31 07:00:55 2008 PDT]
 [7] [03985] [4 ] [mvstest ] [tty4 ] [ ] [ ] [Sun Aug 31 07:19:05 2008 PDT]
 [6] [03988] [5 ] [LOGIN ] [tty5 ] [ ] [ ] [Sun Aug 31 06:47:30 2008 PDT]
 [6] [03989] [6 ] [LOGIN ] [tty6 ] [ ] [ ] [Sun Aug 31 06:47:30 2008 PDT]
 [5] [03990] [x ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [Sun Aug 31 06:47:30 2008 PDT]
 [8] [04030] [mF ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [Sun Aug 31 06:47:31 2008 PDT]
 [7] [04110] [:0 ] [root ] [:0 ] [ ] [ ] [Sun Aug 31 06:47:40 2008 PDT]
 [8] [00000] [/1 ] [root ] [pts/1 ] [ ] [ ] [Sun Aug 31 10:32:28 2008 PDT]

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8K1. ADMjobs: Unix/Linux system log files

using 'uvhd' to investigate /var/log/wtmp

Now let's investigate /var/log/wtmp using 'uvhd' (the Vancouver Utility for investigating binary files). Note the difference between 'utmp' & 'wtmp'. Both files store user logins & events such as reboot, shutdown,& runlevel changes. Both are binary files with fixed record size 384 bytes.

/var/run/utmp - stores logins only for currently logged in users

/var/log/wtmp - stores login HISTORY (last 300 logins & shutdown/reboots)

 uvhd /var/log/wtmp r384   <-- investigate wtmp (recsize=384)
                      10        20        30        40        50        60
 r#        1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
           0 ....05..~...............................~~..runlevel............
          64 ............2.6.18-92.1.6.el5xen................................
         128 ................................................................
         192 ................................................................
         256 ................................................................
         320 .......................H<.......................................
  1. On the 1st record above, the event is a runlevel change (on a reboot). 'runlevel' is at 44(8) (dsplcmnt 44 0 relative, length 8). On other records this field might be: shutdown, LOGIN, userids, etc).

  2. Note that the time is coded in binary in bytes 340(4b), the Unix epoch time, the number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970. x'8BA98248' is 2008/07/19_19:57:15. The starting displacement is 320+20=340 since the row starts at 320 and the x'8B' lines up under 20 on the scale.

  3. You can use the 'utmpdump' system command to display the file contents

  4. Unix/Linux systems provide the 'utmpdump' utility to display /var/run/utmp and /var/log/wtmp records in a user friendly readable format. utmpdump will convert the binary Unix-times to a human readable format. Try 'utmpdump /var/log/wtmp | more'.

  5. On the next page, we will use uvhd to select records for a desired userid and then use utmpdump to display the contents.

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8K2. using 'uvhd' to investigate /var/log/wtmp

Search /var/log/wtmp for userid uvadm

 uvhd /var/log/wtmp r384   <-- startup uvhd for /var/log/wtmp (recsize 384)
 =======================     - will display 1st record (same as above)
                             - not shown here to save space
 --> s 44(5),'uvadm'     <-- search for records with userid 'uvadm'
                           - displays 1st record found as follows:
 r#       74 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
       28032 ........tty2............................2...uvadm...............
          64 ................................................................
         128 ................................................................
         192 ................................................................
         256 ................................................................
         320 ....................A..H9.......................................

 found--> s 44(5),'uvadm' <--at byte# 44 of record# 74

 --> ss      <-- may use 'ss' to repeat the search

You could use 'ss' to repeat the search for the next matching record, until yor reach the end of the file. We will not show you any more matching records.

We will demo the select/write command on the next page -->

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8K3. using 'uvhd' to investigate /var/log/wtmp

Select all records for userid 'uvadm'

 --> w9999 44(5),'uvadm'    <-- Write all records with 'uvadm' in bytes 44-48
     ===================        to a tmp/file
                      10        20        30        40        50        60
 r#     1340 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
      514176 ........tty2............................2...uvadm...............
                      ----- bytes 64-319 omitted to save space -----
         320 .......................H.8......................................

 w9999 44(5),'uvadm' 30 written, tmp/wtmp_080817_151157W
  1. The 'w'rite command writes selected records to the 'tmp/' subdir within your current working directory, with a date/time stamp as shown above, and with 'W' suffix to identify as a Write command output.

  2. Note tmp/... is in your current working directory (NOT /tmp). If ./tmp is not present uvhd will make it.

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8K4. using 'uvhd' to investigate /var/log/wtmp

Examine records selected by Write

We can now examine the selected records as follows:

 uvhd tmp/wtmp_080817_153211W r384  <-- examine selected records (user 'uvadm')
 uvhd filename=/home/uvadm/tmp/wtmp_080817_153211W
 options=r384 lastmod=2008081715 today=20080817153306 print=p1
 rec#=1 rcount=30 filesize=11520 recsize=384 fsize%rsize(remainder)=0
                      10        20        30        40        50        60
 r#        1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
           0 ........tty2............................2...uvadm...............
                      ----- bytes 64-319 omitted to save space -----
         320 ....................A..H9.......................................

We can now use 'utmpdump' to display the selected records in user friendly format with the binary times converted to a readable format.

 utmpdump tmp/wtmp_080817_153211W
 [7] [03974] [2   ] [uvadm   ] [tty2   [Mon Jul 21 10:37:05 2008 PDT]
 [7] [03936] [2   ] [uvadm   ] [tty2   [Tue Jul 22 07:39:50 2008 PDT]
 [7] [03974] [2   ] [uvadm   ] [tty2   [Wed Jul 23 10:07:30 2008 PDT]
         - - - - - 24 records omitted to save space - - - - -
 [7] [03971] [2   ] [uvadm   ] [tty2   [Fri Aug 15 06:32:59 2008 PDT]
 [7] [03973] [2   ] [uvadm   ] [tty2   [Sat Aug 16 08:06:10 2008 PDT]
 [7] [03973] [2   ] [uvadm   ] [tty2   [Sun Aug 17 04:48:37 2008 PDT]

linux Gazette article

This item (using 'uvhd' to investigate Unix/Linux system files) was published in the Linux Gazette in Sept 2008. See

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8L1. ADMjobs: Disc Monitoring Commands

df = Disc Free (Disc FileSystems)

 df          <-- disk free (Owen's HP XW9400)
 ===           - showing only Scsi Disk 'A' (omitting sdb,sdc,sdd)

 Filesystem             Size   Used  Avail Use% Mounted on
 /dev/sda2              8.2G   4.4G   3.4G  57% /
 /dev/sda1              200M    30M   160M  16% /boot
 /dev/sda5               11G   436M   9.2G   5% /home
 /dev/sda6               11G   1.1G   8.7G  11% /home2
 /dev/sda7               11G   6.1G   3.7G  63% /home3
 /dev/sda8               11G   391M   9.3G   5% /home4
 /dev/sda9               11G   193M   9.5G   2% /home5
 /dev/sda10             4.1G   292M   3.6G   8% /var

du - Disc Usage

 du /home/uvadm/*    <-- disc usage for all subdirs in uvadm/...
      439k    archive
      132k    batDOS
      4.2M    bin
       --- 21 subdirs omitted ---
      7.5M    src
      8.2k    tmp
      3.3M    vsetest
      66M     total

statdir1 - script alternative to du

 statdir1 /home/uvadm   <-- Vancouver Utility script
 ====================       (more info than du)
 statdir1 - FileCounts & DiscUsage for SubDirs in ParentDir: /home/uvadm
 statdir1 uvadm >stats/uvadm.stats   Tue Sep  2 06:07:48 PDT 2008
 #1 Files=0000062 SubDirs=0003 KB=0000428 - /home/uvadm/archive
 #2 Files=0000031 SubDirs=0000 KB=0000128 - /home/uvadm/batDOS
 #3 Files=0000021 SubDirs=0000 KB=0004044 - /home/uvadm/bin
               - - - 21 subdirs omitted - - -
 #25 Files=0000057 SubDirs=0000 KB=0007312 - /home/uvadm/src
 #26 Files=0000003 SubDirs=0000 KB=0000016 - /home/uvadm/tmp
 #27 Files=0000188 SubDirs=0095 KB=0003156 - /home/uvadm/vsetest
 Total Files=2845, SubDirs=217, KB=63824, for ParentDir=/home/uvadm

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8L2. ADMjobs: System Information

free - display RAM memory free & used

 free     <-- system command to show internal memory free & used

              total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
 Mem:       3983360    1059856    2923504          0      84444     460028
 -/+ buffers/cache:     515384    3467976
 Swap:      6144852          0    6144852

uname - Unix Name (System Info)

 uname -a   <-- display Unix/Linux system information
 ========     - OS version, etc

 Linux uvsoft4 2.6.18-92.1.10.el5xen #1 SMP x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

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8M1. ADMjobs: Killing hung-up processes

ps & kill demo

Sometimes you need to kill a hung-up process. This is most easily done if you can login as root on another screen. Here is a demo:

 #1. Login as youself (uvadm in my case)

 #2. sleep 300      <-- run something

 #3. Login as root

 #4. ps -u uvadm    <-- display processes for user 'uvadm'
   PID TTY          TIME CMD
  4845 tty2     00:00:00 bash
  6280 tty2     00:00:00 sleep

 #5a. kill 6280     <-- kill process hung up

 #5b. kill 4845     <-- OR kill the user's shell


  1. Without root access, you could only kill your own jobs

  2. If you did not run the job in the background, you would have to login on a 2nd screen to be able to kill your own job

  3. OR you could put the job into the background via control-Z. Then you could do 'ps' to see process#, & then kill -9

  4. Sometimes you need the '-9' option to kill & sometimes you don't ?

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8N1. ADMjobs: Running jobs in Background (Job-Control)

test/demo running jobs in background

You probably know that you can run jobs in the background by terminating the command with an '&'. If you are not familiar with the various job control features of the KORN shell you might like to try the following:

 --> sleep 100 &                     <-- run some simple jobs for testing
 --> sleep 200 &
 --> sleep 300 &
 --> jobs                            <-- request status of jobs
        [3] + Running  sleep 300 &     - response to jobs request
        [2] - Running  sleep 200 &
        [1]   Running  sleep 100 &
                                       - the jobs are assigned a job#
                                         starting with 1 & incrementing as
                                         more jobs are run simultaneously
                                       - most recent job is marked with '+'
                                         & the prior job is marked with '-'
 --> fg %2                           <-- bring job #2 to the forground
        sleep 200 &                    - displays the original command for #2
 --> ctl Z                           <-- suspend job #2 - goes to the
        [2] + Stopped  sleep 200 &       background in stopped state
 --> jobs                            <-- request job status
        [2] + Stopped  sleep 200 &     - note: job #2 stopped
        [3] - Running  sleep 300 &
        [1]   Running  sleep 100 &
 --> bg %2                           <-- restart job #2
 --> kill %1                         <-- kill job #1
 --> jobs                            <-- request job status
        [2] + Running  sleep 200 &     - note: job #2 running
        [3] - Running  sleep 300 &
                                       - note: job #1 was killed

'vi' editor problem

The 'SHIFT ZZ' command in the 'vi' editor writes out & quits.

A common mistake is to hit 'CTL ZZ' instead which will put your 'vi' editor job into the background & return you to the shell.

The solution is to use the 'fg' command to bring back your editor job into the foreground, but if you do not know this it is PANIC time.

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8N2. ADMjobs: Running jobs in Background (Job-Control)

script to test background jobs

Here is a simple script you might play with to test/demo running jobs in the background. Similar to using sleep directly, but this script outputs a message every 15 seconds.

 # testjobs1 - test unix/linux job control
 #           - by Owen Townsend, UV Software, Feb 3/2011
 # testjobs1 & <-- run in background
 # ===========
 # jobs        <-- display status of background jobs (running/stopped)
 # fg %1       <-- bring job #1 to foreground
 # ^Z          <-- control-Z to put into background (will be stopped)
 # bg %1       <-- restart job
 # kill %1     <-- kill job #1
 while ((1))
 do sleep 15
    echo "testjobs1 - test jobs running in background"
    echo "try: -->jobs -->fg %1 -->^Z -->bg %1 -->kill %1"

uvcopy job to testbackground jobs

 uvcopy testbg1 &      <-- run uvcopy job to test background jobs
 ================        - similar to script above
 vi $UV/pf/adm/testbg1 <-- stored here if you wish to inspect code

terminal I/O by background jobs

The default is that output messages by background jobs will come to your screen possibly interspersed with messages from the forground job, which might be the editor or whatever.

Any input request by a background job will cause that job to be stopped by the UNIX operating system until you terminate the current forground job & then you will get a message informing you of the background job name, but you might not know what the request was because it may have rolled off the screen.

The solution to this problem might be to use the 'stty tostop' system command which causes background jobs to be stopped when they request output as well as input. You could put this command in the .profile of operators who will be running multiple production jobs.

 --> stty tostop       <-- put your terminal in 'tostop' mode
     ===========         - background jobs stop on output as well as input

The best solution to the problem is "Do Not run jobs in the background". In my experience of mainframe conversions, the unix/linux machines were so much faster it was unnecessary to run jobs in the background.

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8O1. ADMjobs: Messaging (wall, write, mail)

wall - broadcast a message to All logged on users

 wall    <-- initiate wall, type message, enter control-D to end
 Hello All users
 - this is a this is a 'wall' message from uvadm
 - testing wall for my documentation
 Thanks, Owen
  • users will see a line such as the following line preceding the message:

Broadcast message from uvadm (tty2) (Tue Sep 2 12:04:57 2008)

write - send a message to logged on users

 write appsadm    <-- initiate write, type message, control-D to end
 Hello appsadm, this is a 'write' from uvadm
 - testing 'write' for my documentation
 Bye, Owen

mail - mail a message to local or internet users

 mail -s'testing mail' appsadm <-- initiate mail, type message, control-D to end
 Hello appsadm, this is mail from uvadm
 - testing 'mail' for my documentation
 Bye Owen
  1. You would not use this command line 'mail' program in place of the GUI Thunderbird, Outlook Express, etc.

  2. 'mail' can get to the internet (if the unix/linux machine is connected) but many features of Thunderbird, etc are missing or inconvenient.

  1. You might use 'mail' within a JCL/script to 'mail' an error-message to your home from an overnight job scheduled by 'cron'.

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8P1. ADMjobs: Unix/Linux System Administration

'top' - system performance analysis tool

 top   <-- initiate 'top' (display shown below)
 top - 12:36:28 up  5:42,  6 users,  load average: 0.56, 0.22, 0.11
 Tasks: 169 total,   3 running, 166 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
 Cpu(s):  0.4%us,  0.1%sy,  0.0%ni, 99.2%id,  0.3%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st
 Mem:   3983360k total,  1816140k used,  2167220k free,   115316k buffers
 Swap:  6144852k total,        0k used,  6144852k free,  1146996k cached
  7516 mvstest   25   0  4360  868  536 R   99  0.0   0:18.78 uvcopy (loop1)
  7517 vsetest   22   0  4360  892  552 R   47  0.0   0:06.57 uvcopy (loop2)
     1 root      15   0 10328  708  592 S    0  0.0   0:00.40 init
     2 root      RT  -5     0    0    0 S    0  0.0   0:00.00 migration/0
     3 root      34  19     0    0    0 S    0  0.0   0:00.01 ksoftirqd/0
     4 root      RT  -5     0    0    0 S    0  0.0   0:00.00 watchdog/0
     5 root      RT  -5     0    0    0 S    0  0.0   0:00.01 migration/1
     6 root      34  19     0    0    0 S    0  0.0   0:00.00 ksoftirqd/1
     7 root      RT  -5     0    0    0 S    0  0.0   0:00.00 watchdog/1
     8 root      10  -5     0    0    0 S    0  0.0   0:00.06 events/0
     9 root      10  -5     0    0    0 S    0  0.0   0:00.00 events/1
    10 root      10  -5     0    0    0 S    0  0.0   0:00.00 khelper
    11 root      10  -5     0    0    0 S    0  0.0   0:00.00 kthread
    13 root      10  -5     0    0    0 S    0  0.0   0:00.00 xenwatch
    14 root      10  -5     0    0    0 S    0  0.0   0:00.00 xenbus
    17 root      10  -5     0    0    0 S    0  0.0   0:00.00 kblockd/0
    18 root      10  -5     0    0    0 S    0  0.0   0:00.00 kblockd/1
    19 root      20  -5     0    0    0 S    0  0.0   0:00.00 kacpid


  1. Before running 'top', I started the 2 jobs for users mvstest & vsetest, in order to show some processes consuming significant %CPU time.

  2. The 2 uvcopy jobs are listed on page '8O3'. 'loop1' is a code loop & uses 99% of CPU. 'loop2' is performs I/O & uses less (47%) CPU since it is often waiting on I/O.

  3. I ran the 2 load jobs & captured the top display as shown on the next page:

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8P2. ADMjobs: 'top' - system performance analysis

creating some load & capturing top display

 #1a. Login as mvstest

 #1b. uvcopy loop1       <-- run cpu bound job

 #2a. Login as vsetest

 #2b. uvcopy loop2       <-- run I/O bound job

 #3. Login as uvadm

 #4. top >tmp/top1       <-- run top & redirect output to a file
     --> q  <-- quit after 1 or 2 seconds

 #5. uvcopy unscreen1[,fili1=tmp/top1,filo1=tmp/top2]

 #6. vi tmp/top2         <-- inspect output

See the 3 uvcopy jobs listed on the following pages:

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8P3. ADMjobs: 'top' - system performance analysis

jobs to create load for 'top' demo

 # loop1 - uvcopy job to do nothing but hang up in code loop
 #       - to test/demo 'top' performance analysis tool
 # uvcopy loop1[,uop=t300]
 # =======================
 opr='uop=t300 - option default'
 opr='    t300 - loop for 300 seconds'
 uop=q1t300    # option defaults
 # begin loop to test loop time reached
 # $time1 = time job starts (unix epoch time, seconds since 1970)
 # $time2 = time updated by the 'tim' instruction
 man20  tim                   update $time2 with current time
        mvn    $ca1,$time2    current time to work ctr
        sub    $ca1,$time1    - time job started
        cmn    $ca1,$uopbt    compare diff to option time ?
        skp<   man20
 # loop2 - uvcopy job to generate I/O activity
 #       - to test/demo 'top' performance analysis tool
 #       - this job writes a specified no of records
 #       - writes a neutral translate table 256 bytes codes x'00' - x'FF'
 #       - output file at UVSI /h24/tmp/loop2_output
 #       - /h24 is an empty 35 gig file system (other than tmp subdir)
 # uvcopy loop2[,uop=n4000000][,filo1=/h24/tmp/loop2_testfile]
 # ===========================================================
 opr='uop=n4000000 - option default'
 opr='    n4000000 - write 4 million records (1 Gig)'
 uop=q1n4000000    # option defaults
        opn    filo1               open the output file
 # begin loop to write records until spcfd# (option n) reached
 man20  put    filo1,$trt          write neutral translate table
        add    $ca1,1              count records written
        cmn    $ca1,$uopbn         reached spcfd# ?
        skp<   man20
        cls    filo1               close file
        eoj                        end job

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8P4. ADMjobs: 'top' - system performance analysis

job to remove escapes from top display

 # unscreen1 - remove screen control escape sequences
 #           - by Owen Townsend, UV Software, Sept 3/2008
 # This job searches for the escape x'1B' start char & removes until 'm' or blank
 # I created this job so I could show screens in my text documentation
 # For example, the 'top' utility creates a screen loaded with escape sequences
 # 1. top >tmp/top1
 #    --> q   <-- quit top
 # 2. uvcopy unscreen1,fili1=tmp/top1,filo1=tmp/top2
 #    ==============================================
 #    - 2 lines of input/output shown below (escapes shown as '!')
 # ![7m PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND ![0;10m![39;49m![K
 # ![0;10m 1 root 15 0 10328  708  592 S   0  0.0   0:00.40 init ![0;10m![39;49m
 #     1 root      15   0 10328  708  592 S    0  0.0   0:00.40 init
        opn    all
 # begin loop to get/process/put records until EOF
 man20  get    fili1,a0(1024)       get next input record
        skp>   man90                (cc set > at EOF)
 # copy input area 'a' to output area 'b' removing escape sequences
        clr    b0(1024),' '         clear output area
        mvn    $ra,0                init rgstr 'a' ptr to area 'a'
        mvn    $rb,0                init rgstr 'b' ptr to area 'b'
 # begin loop to copy data until escape x'1B' found
 man30  mvue3  bb0(1024),aa0,x'1B'  move until next escape found
        skp!   man40
        scne1m aa0(20),'m '         scan to end code 'm' or ' '
        add    $ra,1                bypass the 'm' or ' '
        skp    man30                repeat loop til no more escapes found
 man40  put    filo1,b0(1024)       write out result
        skp    man20                return to get next line
 # EOF - close files & end job
 man90  cls    all

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8Q1. ADMjobs: meminfo - system memory & usage

You can obtain system memory & memory usage by displaying /proc/meminfo. Here is the results from my Red Hat Linux Enterprise 5.1 installed on my HP xw9400 workstation with 4 GB memory:

 cat /proc/meminfo
 MemTotal:      3983360 kB
 MemFree:       2802296 kB
 Buffers:        143692 kB
 Cached:         502656 kB
 SwapCached:          0 kB
 Active:         433628 kB
 Inactive:       454720 kB
 HighTotal:           0 kB
 HighFree:            0 kB
 LowTotal:      3983360 kB
 LowFree:       2802296 kB
 SwapTotal:     6144852 kB
 SwapFree:      6144852 kB
 Dirty:             104 kB
 Writeback:           0 kB
 AnonPages:      242104 kB
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 PageTables:      22640 kB
 NFS_Unstable:        0 kB
 Bounce:              0 kB
 CommitLimit:   8136532 kB
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 VmallocTotal: 34359738367 kB
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 VmallocChunk: 34359734559 kB

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8R1. ADMjobs.doc - Applications Administration

msmtp - send email from scripts

The objective here is to send email from a script, scheduled by cron at night, to managers at home, to alert them of serious errors.

In this section, we will show you how to use 'msmtp' to send error messages from cron scripts to managers at home using their internet email addresses (vs their unix/linux system login accounts, which are the usual destinations of the 'mail' utility without special 'sendmail' configurations).

It is easy to send mail from a unix/linux script to any other user account on the unix/linux system, but this mail will not be delivered to the internet without special configuration of the mail transport agent (sendmail by default).

mail/sendmail vs msmtp

We do not want our implementation of 'msmtp' to interfere with mail & sendmail. 'mail' (user interface) passes the mail to 'sendmail' (transport agent), which (without special configuration), delivers the mail ONLY to other login user accounts on the local unix/linux system, and NOT to the internet.

In Part_5, we illustrated how to schedule JCL/scripts with 'cron', which will automatically mail the console messages to the owner of the 'crontab' file, which we suggest should be 'appsadm'. Each morning appsadm can read his mail to see the console log from nightly jobs.

The 'msmtp' utility is a simple way to send mail to the internet (vs mail & sendmail which send only to local users without complex configurations).

Some msmtp setups show you how to disable 'sendmail' & have 'mail' call 'msmtp', but we need the standard mail/sendmail to deliver console logs from cron jobs to appsadm (as described above & on pages '5I1' - 5K4).

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8R2. msmtp - send email from scripts to internet

download/install 'msmtp'

  1. Login as root --> /root (homedir on Red Hat systems)

  2. Switch to a GUI screen & use FireFox browser to search the internet for the latest version of 'msmtp' compatible with your operating system. <-- Sourceforge project page for 'msmtp'

 msmtp-1.4.31.tar.bz2           - latest version as of December 2013
 ====================           - download to /root/Downloads/...
  1. switch back to your root command line login screen

 4. cp Downloads/msmtp-1.4.31.tar.bz2 . - might copy out of Downloads ?

 5. tar -xjf msmtp-1.4.31.tar.bz2  <-- extracts to /root/msmtp-1.4.31/...

 6. cd msmtp-1.4.31 <-- change into subdir

 7. vi INSTALL      <-- read install instructions

 8. ./configure     <-- configure msmtp for your machine

 9. make            <-- make msmtp

 10. make install    <-- install msmtp

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8R3. msmtp - send email from scripts to internet

user config file for msmtp

You must setup the msmtp config file in the home directories of users who wish to use msmtp. You can copy the msmtp 'example' file & modify depending on the values required for your email provider (account, host, port, user, password). Here are my procedures followed by a listing of the edited result.

  1. Login owen

 #3. cp /root/msmtp-1.4.31/doc/msmtprc-system.example .msmtprc

 #4. vi .msmtprc
 # .msmtprc   <-- must be named '.msmtprc' in user homedir
 #              - 'msmtp' user config file in /home/owen/.msmtprc
 # msmtprc_owen - alternate filename for visibility (same contents)
 #              - testing msmtp by Owen Townsend, UV Software, Dec 2013
 # Download MSMTP pkg from
 # - msmtp-1.4.31.tar.bz2 as of Dec 2013
 # - uncompress with 'tar xjf' into /root/msmtp/...
 # - see INSTALL to configure, make,& make install
 # This msmtprc created from /root/msmtp/doc/msmtprc-user.example
 # - copied/renamed to /home/owen/.msmptprc
 # - permissions must be 0600
 # - omitting many optional configuration commands
 # 'msmtp' is an alternate to the default 'sendmail'
 # - specified in the config file of the mail client ('mail' or 'mutt')
 # set sendmail="/usr/local/bin/msmtp"   <-- in .mailrc of user homedir
 # ===================================       or .muttrc of user holedir
 # 'mutt' is a more capable mail client than 'mail'
 # See - download mutt-1.5.22.tar.gz
 logfile ~/msmtp.log
 account webfaction
 # port 465
 auth on
 user uvsoft
 password xxxxxx
 account default : webfaction
 # Note - I #commented out 'port 465' (caused 'remote protocol error')
 #      - port seems to default OK

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8R4. msmtp - send email from scripts to internet

setup .mailrc to test msmtp

'mail' is the default 'mail client' (front-end program to format the mail message to be sent thru a mail agent such as 'sendmail' or better 'msmtp').

'mail's default agent is 'sendmail', but we can change it by setting up a '.mailrc' as follows:

 #1. Login --> /home/owen

 #2. vi .mailrc         <-- create .mailrc as follows:
      # .mailrc - setup Nov04/2013 to test msmtp
      set sendmail="/usr/local/bin/msmtp"

testing msmtp with 'mail' client

  1. The simplest way to test mail/msmtp is to echo a message to standard input.

 #1. echo "mail/msmtp message#1" | mail -s"mail/msmtp test#1"
  1. You could test sending an attachment as follows, using the .mailrc file as the attachment (since it is top of mind at the moment).

 #2. echo "mail/msmtp message#2" | mail -s"mail/msmtp test#2 with attachment" \
           -a .mailrc
  1. After sending the emails on my character login screens, I switched to a GUI screen & used my Thunderbird email reader to read the emails.

    'mutt' is a better 'mail' client

Next, we will show you how to download & test an alternate mail client 'mutt' which has advantages over 'mail'. I particularily like the '-i' option that allows you to specify the name of an input file as well as standard input.

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8R5. mutt - better mail client than 'mail'

download/install 'mutt'

  1. Login as root --> /root (homedir on Red Hat systems)

  2. Switch to a GUI screen & use FireFox browser to search the internet for the latest version of 'mutt' compatible with your operating system.               <-- project page for 'mutt'
 ============ <-- click download goes here

 mutt-1.5.22.tar.gz         <-- latest version as of December 2013
 ==================           - download to /root/Downloads
  1. switch back to your root command line login screen

 4. cp Downloads/mutt-1.5.22.tar.gz . - might copy out of Downloads ?

 5. gunzip mutt-1.5.22.tar.gz  <-- unzips to tar file

 6. tar xvf mutt-1.5.22.tar    <-- extracts to mutt-1.5.22/...

 7. cd mutt-1.5.22 <-- change into subdir

 8. vi INSTALL      <-- read install instructions

 9. ./configure     <-- configure mutt for your machine

 10. make install    <-- install mutt

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8R6. mutt/msmtp - send email from scripts to internet

setup .muttrc to test msmtp

'mutt's default agent is 'sendmail', but we can change it by setting up a '.muttrc' as follows:

 #1. Login --> /home/owen

 #2. vi .muttrc         <-- create .muttrc as follows:

user config file for mutt

 # .muttrc - config file for mutt (in homedir of user)
 #         - /home/owen/.muttrc for Owen's test Nov 2013
 # muttrc_owen - I used this as a visible name
 # See - download mutt-1.5.22.tar.gz
 # - copy to /root/mutt & gunzip, tar xvf, configure, make install
 # - 'mutt' is a better mail client than 'mail'
 # - but mail works if you create .mailrc with 'set sendmail/usr/local/bin/msmtp'
 # These set's from sourceforge msmtp documentation paragraph 10.3
 set sendmail="/usr/local/bin/msmtp"
 set use_from=yes
 set realname="Owen Townsend"
 set envelope_from=yes
 #            ** Easy ways to test mutt (or mail) with 'msmtp' **
 # 1. echo "test mutt & msmtp" | mutt -s "test mutt/msmtp"
 #    =======================================================================
 # 2. echo "attach .muttrc" | mutt -a /home/owen/.muttrc --
 #    =======================================================================
 #    Note - must separate attachments & recipient addresses with '--'
 # 3. mutt -i /home/owen/.muttrc -s ".muttrc in body" </dev/null
 #    =======================================================================
 #    Note '-i' inserts body from a file & </dev/null replaces normal input
 #         '-i' useful option only in 'mutt' (not in 'mail')

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8R7. msmtp - send email from scripts to internet

testing mutt & msmtp

  1. The simplest way to test mutt/msmtp is to echo a message to standard input.

 #1. echo "mutt/msmtp message#1" | mutt -s"mutt/msmtp test#1"
  1. You could test sending an attachment as follows, using the .muttrc file as the attachment.

 #2. echo "mutt/msmtp message#2" | mutt -s"mutt/msmtp test#2 with attachment" \
           -a .muttrc --
  • if you use the '-a' attachment option, you must separate attachments
    (could be multiple) from the email address with '--'.
  1. I like the mutt option '-i' to specify an input file (as well as stdin). But if no stdin file you can specify '</dev/null'.

 #3. mutt -i".muttrc" -s"mutt/msmtp test#3 -i" </dev/null
  1. After sending the emails on my character login screens, I switched to a GUI screen & used my Thunderbird email reader to read the emails.

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8R8. msmtp - send email from scripts to internet

using mutt/msmtp in a Korn shell script

Here is good example of how you might use mutt/msmtp - in a JCL/script that might be scheduled by 'cron' at night. I will use 'jar100.ksh' which is a demo job listed in full at JCLcnv1demo.htm#2A1.

Here are the last few lines containing the 'Normal' & 'Abnormal' job termination points. These lines are common to all JCLs converted to scripts by the JCL converter. I have inserted the 'mutt' call as marked by '-->'.

If the job had been run using 'joblog jar100.ksh' then the log is joblog/jar100.log & we can use '-i' to include in the email body & use '-a' to attach the JCL/script to the email.

      # jar100.ksh - accounts receivable processing
      #                              ---- 25 lines omitted ----
      LCC=$?  <-- capture COBOL return code, set to 99 to force failure
      #                               ---- 5 lines omitted ----
      logmsg2 "JobEnd=Normal, StepsExecuted=$XSTEP, LastStep=$JSTEP"
      exit 0
      logmsg2 "ERR: Terminated Abnormally,JCC=$JCC,Step=$JSTEP" RV ACK
 -->  mutt -s "$JOBID2 AbTerm" -i joblog/$jobid2.log \
           -a $RUNLIBS/jcls/jar100.ksh -- </dev/null
      exit $JCC

I used the 'mvstest' user & demo files documented at JCLcnv1demo.htm#Part_4.

 #1. Login as 'mvstest' --> /home/mvstest

 #2. cdl --> /home/mvstest/testlibs (cdl is alias 'cd $RUNLIBS')

 #3. vi jcls/jar100.ksh  <-- edit jar100.ksh 2 changes as follows:
 #3a. mutt ...     <-- insert mutt instruction (see above)
 #3b. LCC=99       <-- change COBOL return code to 99 to force failure
 #3c. :wq!         <-- write & quit editor

 #4. joblog jar100.ksh   <-- run the job (with logging)

 #5. switch to a GUI internet browser to see if errmsg receieved OK.

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8S1. ADMjobs.doc - Applications Administration

sending PCL files to a network printer

Sometimes I am working on a client's unix/linux machine with no printer configured on the unix/linux machine, but there are printers on the network. Usually I am using 'putty' (terminal emulator) on a Windows 7 laptop to access unix/linux and can also access printers on the network.

I can download the PCL files from unix/linux to my laptop windows directories with 'winscp' and then send them to a printer on the network as follows (using a DOS command window)

assign LPT1 to a network printer

 net use lpt1 \\computername\printername /persistent:yes

For example, my computername was 'OWEN-PC' & I had configured a network printer named 'lexmarkT652' so my command was:

 net use LPT1 \\OWEN-PC\lexmarkT652 /persistent:yes

copy PCL files to the network pritner

 copy /b filename.pcl LPT1:

creating PCL files on Linux to print on Windows network

When at a client site, I might want to print my documentation using my 'uvlist' utility (indirectly with 1 of the many 'uvlp' scripts calling uvlist). For example to create the PCL file for the 'uvlist' documentation:

  1. Assuming logged in as uvadm on the unix/linux machine & in homedir /home/uvadm - documentation text files are in /home/uvadm/doc/... - documnetaiton for uvlist woud be /home/uvadm/doc/uvlist.doc (text file)

 2. mkdir docpcl         <-- make dir to receive PCL version of doc

 3.  uvlp12Dpcl doc/uvlist.doc docpcl
     - creates output as docpcl/uvlist_doc.pcl
     - .doc changed to _doc since only period allowed is in '.pcl'
  1. winscp to download PCL file to Windows

 5. net use LPT1 \\OWEN-PC\lexmarkT653 /persistent:yes

 6. copy /b uvlist_doc.pcl LPT1:

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8S2. ADMjobs.doc - Applications Administration

uvlp12Dpcl - convert text file to PCL

 # uvlp12Dpcl - Korn shell script from UVSI stored in: /home/uvadm/sf/util/
 # uvlp12Dpcl - print a file at 12 cpi DUPLEX (90 chars on 8 1/2 x 11)
 #            - pg hdngs with: filename, mod-date, today-date, page#s
 #            - for HP laserjet printers & compatibles
 # - alt version of uvlp12D, to create a file (do NOT pipe to printer)
 # - so output file can be taken to a windows machine
 # - could use verypdf to convert PCL to .pdf if necessay
 #usage: uvlp12Dpcl filename outdir
 #       ==========================
 if [[ -f "$1" && -d "$2" ]]; then :
    else echo "usage: uvlp12Dpcl UVdocfile outdir"
         echo "       ==========================="
         echo "ex:    uvlp12Dpcl doc/uvlist.doc docpcl"
         echo "       ================================"
         echo "        - output will be pcl/uvlist.pcl"
         exit 1; fi
 d1f1x=$1; d2=$2;
 f1x=$(basename $d1f1x)
 f2=$(echo $f1x | tr '.' '_')
 #Note - must change '.'s to '_' in filenames for windows PCL print
 #     - the only '.' must be on the '.pcl' extension
 uvlist $d1f1x p60 t4d1c12n-240 >$d2f2x
 #note - option 't4' for alternate tray on my Lexmark t642
 #     - option 't1' for main tray #1 (t2 & t3 are manual & envelope)
 # - I use t4 for script 'uvlp12D' for my Duplex paper  <-- this script
 # - I use t1 for script 'uvlp12'  for my Simplex paper <-- alternate
 uvln=$(basename $0)
 linesbf=$(wc -l $1); linesb=${linesbf% *}; lines=${linesb##* };
 echo "$uvln printing $1 on $UVLPDEST, lines=$lines"
 exit 0

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