'uvcp' is the command line version of the 'uvcopy' utility. You can reformat files with a 1 line command. 'uvcp' does not require a separate parameter file as does the more powerful 'uvcopy'.
A1. | Overview of uvcp & uxcp |
- uxcp is an alternate version of uvcp to support | |
Indexed Sequential Variable record length files | |
compatible with Micro Focus COBOL IDXFORMAT3 |
B1. | Introductory examples |
C1. | FUNCTION summary & Interrupt processing |
D1. | File definition parameters (fili1/filo1, typ, rcs, isk) |
D2. | ISAM option for Duplicate keys Allowed on first & secondary keys |
D3. | No need to specify ISAM keys for input files (read from .idx partition) |
- ISAM keys copied to output file if both input & output typ=ISF | |
- option 'k' for key of reference (read sequence) |
E1. | I/O File Declaration - 3 methods |
(command line, environmental variables,& parameter file) |
F1. | File types - typ=LST,RSF,ISF,RDW,STL,IDX |
LST=Line Seqntl Termninated, RSF=Record Seqntl Fixed, ISF=Indexed Seqntl Fixed | |
RDW=Record Descriptor Word, STL=STandard Language AIX COBOL | |
F3. | Indexed Sequential FIXED-length record files (typ=ISF) |
F4. | Indexed Sequential VARIABLE-length record files (typ=IDX) |
compatible with Micro Focus COBOL IDXFORMAT1/3/8 | |
requires special version of uvsort, named 'uxsort' | |
F5. | options for file typ=LST... (text files) |
F6. | file typ options applicable to multiple file types |
F7. | file typ options unique to typ=RDW files |
F8. | file typ options unique to typ=RSV & typ=RSR |
F9. | file typ options for FIXED-length Indexed files |
F10. | file typ options for VARIABLE-length Indexed files |
F11. | output record size defaults for variable length files |
G1. | Run options (rop=a1b2c3...z9999) |
H1. | Select & Delete records (sel/del) |
- option u1 to code blanks as underscores | |
- option u2 to code commas as at-signs |
I1. | Record Sequential Variable (typ=RSV) files |
- compatible with Micro Focus COBOL IDXFORMAT3 files | |
- also applies to the data partition of typ=IDX files |
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J1. | Test/demo Indexed Seqntl Variable length files |
- convert supplied text file to typ=IDX & back to typ=LST | |
J2. | uvhd (hexdump display) of IDXf3 file |
J3. | uvhd (hexdump display) of IDXf8 file |
J4. | IDXf3/IDXf8 file header & record header layout |
J5. | scripts to test/demo file typ=IDX options (f,v,x,y). |
uxcpIDXf3w - write various IDXf3 formats, run prior to uxcpIDXf3r | |
uxcpIDXf3r - read back IDXf3 files & convert back to text files | |
uxcpIDXf3c - copy IDXf3 files to same output file types & record-sizes | |
uxcpIDXf8w - write various IDXf8 files for read back by uxcpIDXf8r | |
uxcpIDXf8r - read back various IDXf8 files written by uxcpIDXf8w | |
uxcpIDXf8c - copy IDXf8 files to same output file types & record-sizes |
J9. | tmp1 subdir listings of files created by above scripts |
K1. | typ=RDW (default typ=RDWz4) Record Descriptor Word variable length files |
- 4 byte record prefix with 2 byte binary record size & 2 unused nulls | |
- using 'uvhd' to display & convert EBCDIC RDW files to ASCII text | |
- using 'uvcp' to convert EBCDIC RDW files to ASCII fixed length files | |
K6. | typ=RDWz2 - uvcp conversion for 2 byte record prefix (vs 4 above) |
L1. | INSTRUCTION summary |
L2. | instruction formats & operand areas |
M0. | Instruction details |
- mvc,mvn,edt,clr,tra,tre,trl,tru,trp,trb,add,sub,mpy,div,pac,unp,seq | |
anc,orc,chx,hxc,cmc,skp,cmn,rep,scn,sqz,tim,put |
N1. | Instruction options (repeat, op length increment inhibit, etc) |
O1. | special working storages 'a' 'b' 'w' 'x' 'y' |
P1. | uvcp restrictions |
Q1. | example #1 - reformatting records |
R1. | example #2 - processing multiple same size contiguous fields |
S1. | Using 'mkscript' to generate 'uvcp's to copy & reorganize directories |
of data files (re-sequences & drops deleted records in ISAM files) |
T1. | Converting TEXT files to FIXED record length files |
- uvcp with input typ=LST & output typ=RSF |
T4. | Converting FIXED record length files to TEXT files |
- uvcp with input typ=RSF & output typ=LST |
U0. | uvcpfix1 & uvcpfix2 - scripts calling the 'uvcp' utility that make it |
easier to enter the commands (vs calling uvcp directly). | |
The scripts copy the data file to tmp/... You can then inspect & if OK, | |
copy the tmp/ file to the desired location or overwrite the input file. |
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U1. | uvcpfix1 Ex#1 - copy Text files changing file-type, record-size,& reformat |
U2. | uvcpfix2 Ex#2 - copy Fixed-Length records changing type, size,& reformat |
U3. | uvcpfix1 script listing - copy/modify Text record files (LineFeeds) |
U4. | uvcpfix2 script listing - copy/modify Fixed-Length records (No LineFeeds) |
V1. | demo file typ=EOR create output files with EBCDIC End-Of-Record marker x'FF01' |
EORt1 - option 't1' translates to EBCDIC | |
EORt4 - option 't4' shortens record at last non-blank (EBCDIC x'40') | |
EORt5 - t5=(t1+t4) translates to EBCDIC & shortens record at last non-blank |
W1. | demo file typ=STL STandard Language file system (used by AIX CBOL) |
STLs - STL Sequential files (input & output) | |
STLi - STL Indexed files (input only) | |
STLr - STL Relative record files (input only) | |
W2. | Converting STL to other file types (RSF,LST,RDW,etc) |
- may convert STLi & STLr to STLs (only output for typ STL) | |
W3. | STL file formats - sample uvhd display in vertical hexadecimal |
- including file header records, System records,& Deleted records | |
- illustrating the record prefixes for 3 STL file types | |
W5. | STL Indexed file - sample uvhd display in vertical hexadecimal |
W7. | STL Relative file - sample uvhd display in vertical hexadecimal |
W9. | uvcp Run OPtions to prefix output with seq# & recsize |
- use to recover data from corrupted files to recreate Indexed | |
or Relative files, rebuilding indexes. |
W10. | sample uvcp file copies with test data & recovery options. |
- illustrating output records with sequence#s & record sizes |
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'uvcp' is a mini version of the uvcopy utility that can accept all it's parameters on the command line rather than requiring a separate parameter file as does uvcopy. This makes it convenient for use within scripts to perform jobs that do not require the power of uvcopy.
The program can perform record selection, reformatting, translation, and field conversion such as packed to zoned or to binary. uvcp is more than adequate as a replacement for the mainframe DATA utility which has a limited record selection & record reformatting capabilities.
uvcp is driven by 'keyword=argument's which may be entirely specified on the command line for simple file copies. For more complex operations the command line would specify the name of a parameter file which would contain any lengthy list of instructions, but it is better to use the uvcopy utility in this situation.
Note that 'uvsort' is compatible with 'uvcp'. uvsort uses the same functions and instructions, but also allows you to specify 'sort keys'.
'uxcp' is an alternate version of uvcp that includes support for Micro Focus COBOL IDXFORMAT3 files (Indexed Sequential Variable length records). You must execute uxcp to read or write 'typ=IDX' files. Note that Fixed length Indexed files (compatible with Micro Focus COBOL IDXFORMAT1) are supported by both uvcp & uxcp.
'uxcp' must be compiled with the Micro Focus 'cob' command. Please see install.doc which describes the use of the 'cobccuv' script which makes it easy to compile Vancouver Utility programs using the 'cob' command.
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Required: copy the file to 'tmp/sales1' appending linefeeds so it can be investigated with the editor.
Solution: uvcp "fili1=dat1/sales1,rcs=64,typ=RSF,filo1=tmp/sales1,typ=LST" ===============================================================
Note |
Required: translate the file to UPPER case EBCDIC for export to an IBM or Unisys S80 mainframe.
uvcp "fili1=dat1/sales1,rcs=64,typ=RSF,filo1=tmp/sales1,tru=0(64),tre=0(64)" ============================================================================
Note |
solution: uvcp "fili1=dat1/custmas1,typ=ISF,rcs=256,filo1=bak1/custmas1,typ=RSF" ======================================================================
uvcp "fili1=bak1/custmas1,typ=RSF,rcs=256,filo1=dat1/caustmas1,typ=ISF,isk1=0(6),isk2=59(15)" ================================================================================
Note |
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required - convert the variable length records to fixed length 80 byte records as required for existing programs. - the records should have a linefeed in col 80 so the text editor can still be used to view (& carefully update the file) (will create a Unix Sequential file Terminated by LFs)
uvcp "fili1=tmp/updts,typ=LST,filo1=dat1/updts,typ=RST,rcs=80" ==============================================================
required - move the name&adrs from cols 7-79 max to cols 11-89 max and insert a constant date '9212' in cols 7-10 (out rcsz 90 bytes)
uvcp "fili1=tmp/ups,typ=LST,filo1=dat1/ups,rcs=90,mvc=10(80)6,mvc=6(4):9212" ============================================================================
required - zero out the 12 months accumulators to begin a new year
uvcp "fili1=dat1/aphist,typ=RSF,rcs=200,filo1=tmp/aphist,mvnx12=20(p5):0" =========================================================================
Note |
Required - split the file into multiple files, max 2 gigabytes - 20,000,000 records * 100 = 2,000,000,000 bytes - so output files can be transferred to an old system with a 2 gig file limit
uvcp "fili1=dat1/saleshist,typ=RSF,rcs=100,filo1=tmp/saleshist,rop=x20000000" =============================================================================
output: saleshist_001 (2 gig), saleshist_002 (2 gig), saleshist_003 (1 gig)
Ilustrates Run OPtion 'x' (rop=x____) to split output into multiple files of a max number of records (except for last output file).
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Note |
# makeISF0 - create empty D-ISAM file # #usage: makeISF0 filename rcsz keys # =========================== # #example: makeISF0 isamtest 255 0,8,50,20 # =============================== # if [[ $# -ne 3 ]]; then echo "usage: makeISF0 filename rcsz key1strt,key1lth,key2strt,key2lth,etc" exit 9; fi # uvcp "fili1=/dev/null,typ=RSF,rcs=$2,filo1=$1,typ=ISF,isks=($3)" # exit 0
Note |
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fili1=infilename - declare input filename
typ=LST,RSF,RST,RSV,ISF,IDX,STL - declare file type typ=LSTt & possible options appended to file type
rcs=9999 - declare record size
filo1=outfilename - declare output filename
iskx=start(length) - declare indexed file keys
rop=abc...xyz - declare misc run options
sel=start(lth):constant - select records with spcfd value in spcfd cols
del=start(lth):constant - delete records with spcfd value in spcfd cols
prm=paramfile - declare name of a parameter file which would contain any lengthy list of instructions - not normally required since all parameters may be specified on the command line (use the sort facility of uvcopy if required)
You may press the 'interrupt' key while uvcp is copying files. Interrupt causes uvcp to display current input/output record counts & prompts you for a response. Enter 'q' to close files & end the program, or null to continue. Interrupt processing must be enabled via run option 'e1' (rop=e1) for example:
uvcp "fili1=infile,rcs=80,typ=LST,filo1=outfile,rcs=80,typ=LSTt,rop=e1" =======================================================================
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fili1=, typ=, rcs=, [isk#=,] filo1=, [typ=,] [rcs=,] [isk#=]
fili1 - specifies input filename (fili1=pathname) - may specify as null (fili1=,) to cause environment search for variables fili1/filo1 & retrieve equated values for filenames (initftab subfunction also used with COBOL programs)
filo1 - specifies output filename (filo1=pathname) - same rules as for fili1
Note |
typ |
rcs |
isk? |
isk1=0(8) - declare 1st key (bytes 1-8) isk2=59(15) - declare 2nd key (bytes 61-75)
isk1p1=0(8) - declare key#1 part#1 isk1p2=20(6) - declare key#1 part#2 isk1p3=30(4) - declare key#1 part#3
uvcp "fili1=xx,typ=RSF,rcs=80,filo1=yy,typ=ISF,isk1=0(8),isk2=59(15)" =====================================================================
uvcp "fili1=xx,typ=RSF,rcs=80,filo1=yy,typ=ISF,isks=(0,8,59,15)" ================================================================
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uvcp "fili1=x,typ=RSF,rcs=80,filo1=y,typ=ISF,isk1=0(8),isk2=40(6),isk3=60(9)" ================================================================================ - omitting any Dups/Nodups options on isk1/isk2/isk3
uvcp "fili1=x,typ=RSF,rcs=80,filo1=y,typ=ISF,isk1=0(8n),isk2=40(6d),isk3=60(9d)" ================================================================================ - defaults same as this (Nodups isk1, Dups isk2,isk3,etc)
uvcp "fili1=x,typ=RSF,rcs=80,filo1=y,typ=ISF,isk1=0(8d),isk2=40(6n)" ================================================================================
uvcp "fili1=x,typ=RSF,rcs=80,filo1=y,typ=ISF,isks=(0,8,40,20,60,10)" ==================================================================== - omitting any Dups/Nodups options on isks=(...) format
uvcp "fili1=x,typ=RSF,rcs=80,filo1=y,typ=ISF,isks=(0,8n,40,20d,60,10d)" ======================================================================= - defaults same as this (Nodups on 1st key, Dups Allowed on 2nd,3rd,etc)
uvcp "fili1=x,typ=RSF,rcs=80,filo1=y,typ=ISF,isks=(0,8d,40,20n)" ====================================================================
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You do not need to specify ISAM keys for input files (only required when creating output indexed files). You may specify 'isk' for input files if desired, but you will get an error if the declared 'isks' do not match the existing indexed file keys. For example, the following 2 commands are the same:
uvcp "fili1=x,rcs=80,typ=ISF,isks=(0,8,40,20,60,10),filo1=y,typ=RST"
uvcp "fili1=x,rcs=80,typ=ISF,filo1=y,typ=RST"
If both input & output files are indexed (typ=ISF or typ=IDX) and no output keys are declared, then the input file keys are automatically used for the output file. For example if file 'x' has keys as shown above, the following would create indexed file 'y' with the same keys:
uvcp "fili1=x,rcs=80,typ=ISF,filo1=y,typ=ISF"
You can specify option 'k' to specify the Key of Reference. For example option 'k3' of file 'typ=ISFk3' specifies the key of reference as key #3, to cause record retrieval in sequence by the 3rd key.
uvcp "fili1=x,rcs=80,typ=ISFk3,filo1=y,typ=RST"
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uvcp "fili1=dat1/sales1,rcs=64,typ=RSF,filo1=tmp/sales1" ======*****************================****************
command line: uvcp prmfilexx ============== parameter file: fili1=dat1/custsales,rcs=128,typ=RSF filo1=prodsales mpy=b60(8):120 increase price by 20% div=b60(8):100
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File type codes are 3 upper case alpha + misc options (a-z), for example:
uvcp "fili1=test1,typ=RSF,rcs=80,filo1=test2,typ=LST" ==================*******====================*******
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RDWz4 |
RDWz2 |
RDWz18 |
Note |
EORt1 |
EORt4 |
EORt5 |
STLs |
STLi |
STLr |
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typ=ISF |
uvcp "fili1=test1,typ=LST,rcs=80,filo1=test2,typ=ISF,isk1=0(6)" ======================***========================***===========
The example above will convert a text input file to an Indexed Sequential Fixed record size file with key in 1st 6 bytes. This is an easy way to create indexed files - just use the editor to create the keys & data fields, with no need to worry about record sizes, then use uvcp to create the ISAM data partition of fixed records & indexed partition.
You may export ISDATEXT=dat if you wish to use '.dat' extensions on D-ISAM files read or written by uvcp (+ uvsort + uvcopy). The default is no extension on data partition, which is compatible with Micro Focus COBOL. Add to /etc/profile if your site always needs '.dat'. See options for Micro Focus to use '.dat' extensions (EXTFH & IDXNAMETYPE=2). See extfh.cfg listed at MVSCOBOL.htm#5D2 or VSECOBOL.htm#5D2
uvcp "fili1=dat1/pmast,typ=RSV,rcs=4000,filo1=tmp/pm,typ=ISF,rcs=200,isk1=0(6)" ===============================================================================
The above would convert a Record Sequential Variable (Micro Focus IDXFORMAT3) data file to an Indexed Sequential Fixed record length file. The 'ISF' file is compatible with MF COBOL fixed length Indexed files & C-ISAM files.
uvhd dat1/pmast v <-- see uvhd display on page 'I3' =================
Please see pages 'I1' thru 'I3' for more details & examples --->
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'typ=IDX' declares Indexed Sequential Variable length record files compatible with Micro Focus COBOL IDXFORMAT3 files. See the 'File Handling' documentation for Micro Focus Object or Server Express COBOL.
The Micro Focus COBOL 'EXTFH' file handler is compiled into an alternate version of uvcp called 'uxcp' using the 'cobccuv' script as explained in install.doc.
'uxcp' supports the same file types as uvcp with typ=IDX in addition. Two versions of the program are required since only Micro Focus COBOL users (server express 2.2+) could compile 'uxcp' whereas any user can compile 'uvcp' which uses D-ISAM to support Indexed Sequential FIXED record length files.
Note that 'typ=RSV' (Record Sequential Variable with no indexed keys) files are supported by both uvcp & uxcp. 'uxcp' must be used when either input or output or both files are typ=IDX.
uxcp "fili1=x,typ=LST,rcs=256,filo1=tmp/y,typ=IDXf3v62,rcs=254,isk1=0(6d)" ==========================================================================
This would read text file 'x' & build an Indexed Sequential Variable file 'y' whose key is the 1st 6 bytes of each record. The output records could vary from 62 to 254 bytes depending on the last nonblank character of input record. 'rcs=254' sets the maximum size & option 'v62' on typ=... sets the minimum size. The records will actually vary from 64 to 256 allowing for the 2 byte record header (see page 'J2' which displays a sample IDXf3 file).
You can run this example using a test file provided (uvadm/dat1/testRSV1) in place of file 'x' above.
Please see pages 'J1' thru 'J8' for more details & examples --->
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File options may be appended to the 3 byte file typ code - lower case letters a-z with possible numeric suffixes - for example:
uvcp "fili1=text1,typ=LSTb1c2,rcs=80,filo1=text2,typ=LSTt3" =========================****===========================**=
Note |
c1 |
c2 |
c4 |
c8 |
c16 |
c32 |
c64 |
c128 |
d_ |
e_ |
t1 |
t2 |
t4 |
t8 |
Note |
t1 |
t2 |
t4 |
t8 |
uvsort "fili1=text1,typ=LST,rcs=80,filo1=text2,key1=0(20)" ==========================================================
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a |
b1 |
b2 |
h1 |
j1 |
j2 |
j4 |
Option 'j' useful when you are processing all files in directory (with uvcopyx) And you want the output files in a different case than input files.
l_ |
l0 |
l1 |
l8 |
m# |
m1000000 |
Note |
n1 |
w2 |
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n4 |
t |
t0 |
t1 |
t2 |
t3 |
z4 |
z2 |
z18 |
Note |
Note that the binary values in RDW headers are "BIG-END" binary, native to manframes, but Vancouver Utilities (uvcp,uvsort,uvcopy) usually run on INTEL or AMD machines which are "little-end".
uvcp/uvsort/uvcopy detect the machine type & automatically switch the binary ends as required after reading & before processing & calculating data size to read after the RDW header value.
And the programs automatically switch the little-end calculated values back to BIG-END for writing in the RDW output file headers.
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g_ |
g4 |
g2 |
g6 |
q8 |
r1 |
v9999 |
v#y4 |
v#q8 |
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f# |
f1 |
f3 |
f8 |
g_ |
g4 |
g2 |
g6 |
k# |
p# |
l2 |
l4 |
Note |
o4 |
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Note |
IDXf1 |
IDXf3 |
IDXf8 |
v9999 |
v#y4 |
v#q8 |
x_ |
y |
y1 |
y2 |
y4 |
y8 |
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The output record size for IDXf3/IDXf8 variable length records defaults to the corresponding input record size. The record size is passed thru the sort by appending it on the end of the record & using it on the output phase.
This works well if both input & output are variable length (typ=IDXf3v/IDXf8v). If input was fixed (typ=RSF/ISF/IDXf1) & output was variable (typ=IDXf3/IDXf8v), then output records would be in the variable length format, but all same size.
See pages 'J1' thru 'J9' for scripts to test/demo IDXf3/IDXf8 options.
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'rop' is used to declare various options for the run, for example:
rop=x1000 <-- set max records per output file, splits output to multi-files - appends _001,_002,etc on declared output filename
Do not confuse with file options which apply only to a file (fili1/filo1) & which are appended to the file typ code (example: typ=LSTtd). Do not confuse with instruction options which apply only to the current instruction & are appended to the instruction opcode.
uvsort "fili1=...,typ=...,rcs=...,filo1=xxx,key1=...,rop=x1000" =============================================================== - complete example, option 'x1000' multiple files 1000 records each and option 'v' 0 to inhibit sort progress messages
export UVCPROP=r65536 <-- set max recsize 65,536 for all uvcp's ===================== - alternate way to specify run options via Environmental Variable 'UVCPROP' - could define in your profile to specify options desired for all uvsort's
b99999 |
i99999 |
o99999 |
Note |
j# |
j100 |
e1 |
n1 |
p_ |
p1 |
p2 |
p3 |
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r99999 |
t15 |
x99999 |
y70 |
z |
y70z1 |
Environmental Variable 'UVCPROP' can be defined in your profile to specify options for all uvcp executions (vs appending ,rop=... on the uvcp command). There are only a few options that you might want to specify this way, for example:
export UVSORTROP=r65536n1 <-- specify run options for all uvcp's #======================== - r65536 max recsize 65,536 vs default 32,768 - n1 inhibit wait for reply on all prompts soliciting operator input
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#1. uvcp "fili1=xx,typ=RSF,rcs=64,filo1=yy,sel1y=44(6y),rop=b2000,o500 ====================================================**************
b2000 - bypasses the 1st 2000 records of the input file
o500 - sets a stop count to end output after 500 records (not necessarily #2000-2500 due to select)
Note |
#2. uvcp "fili1=dat1/saleshist,typ=RSF,rcs=100,filo1=tmp/saleshist,rop=x20000000" =============================================================================
This illustrates Run OPtion 'x' (rop=x____) to split output into multiple files of a Max number of records (except for last output file).
For example, given a large file (5 gigabytes) of 100 byte records, You might need to split into multiple files of 2 gig each, for transfer to an older system with the 2 gig file limit.
Use 'rop=x20000000' 20,000,000 records * 100 = 2,000,000,000 bytes
output: saleshist_001 (2 gig), saleshist_002 (2 gig), saleshist_003 (1 gig)
#3. uvcp "fili1=dat1/filex,typ=STLr,rcs=4096,filo1=tmp/filex,typ=LSTt,rop=p3" =========================================================================
You can use 'rop=p1' to Prefix output records with a 9 digits sequence# separated from record-data with an underscore (123456789_<---data--->)
Use 'rop=p3' to include record-size (123456789_12345_<---data--->) You might need this to reload a corrupted STL Relative file. You would write a COBOL program to recreate the file with same size records and in the same relative record# locations.
#4. uvcp "fili1=dat1/warmas1a,typ=RSF,rcs=64,filo1=wm2,sel1y=44(2)>98,rop=y70z1" ==================================================================*********
rop=y70z1 - set Year2000 sliding window '70' for sel1y/del1y (select/delete on windowed date fields)
in 1998 the window value would be '68' meaning 68-99 = 1968-1999, 00-67 = 2000-2067
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example1: rop=r8000i1000t300
Options must be 1 contiguous string with no blanks (except in quotes)
Valid options are the 26 lower case letters. The letter options may be specified in any sequence. Each letter used should only be specified once in the string, but the last specification would override previous specs.
The option letter may be followed by a numeric value which is often bit coded for suboptions (a7 includes a1+a2+a4).
example2: rop=(a,b,c768,d1,e='embedded blanks')
String values must be assigned via the '=' separator & the string must be enclosed in quotes if any embedded blanks. Hex values are indicated by enclosing in circumflexes
Comma separators are optional if no value or only numeric values are assigned, but are mandatory following string values.
When the '=' or ',' is required/desired within the option string, you must enclose the option string within (...) to not confuse the parsing of the overall keyword & argument prmtr string which must then be enclosed in quotes to prevent the shell choking on the parenthesis - also true if any isk1=start(length) keywords are present.
sqzmb=20(80):0x20 - options 'mb' squeeze multiple blanks to 1 vs the default of all blanks
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sel=0(2):a1 - select if bytes 1-2 = 'a1'
sel1=78(2):BC - select records with 'BC' in cols 79-80 sel2=8(1)!D that do not have a 'D' in column 9
del1=90(2)>55 - delete if 91-92 > '55' del2=99(1)!0xff and if 100 not = x'ff'
'sel' & 'del' are mutually exclusive.
The 'and/or' condition is indicated by 4th byte of sel/del. sel1/sel2/etc indicates 'and' conditions. The 'or' condition is indicated when 4th byte reverts to 1 or blank.
'sel's or 'del's are stored in a common table at setup time for execution at run time (100 entries allowed).
sel1y=20(6)>980630 - select records with dates in cols 21-26 from 19980701 up to 20491231
Option 'y' assumes 1st 2 bytes of specified field is the 2 digit year regardless of field length (yymmdd, yymm, yy).
The default window is '50', may be changed by run option 'y__' to specify the window value,& option 'z1' for sliding windows.
Note |
rop=y50 -------- means 50-99 = 1950-1999,& 00-49 = 2000-2049
rop=y50z1 in 1998 means 48-99 = 1948-1999,& 00-47 = 2000-2047
sel1y=20(2)>98,rop=y70z1 - select records with years in cols 21-22 from 1998 to 2067 (rop=y70z1) if now 1998
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Option 'u1' allows you to code blanks as underscores, which is convenient because blanks are not allowed in the uvcp command string. The alternative would be to code blanks in hexadecimal (' ' = 0x20). Here are some examples:
Option 'u2' allows you to code commas as at-signs, which is convenient because commas are used to separate commands in the command string and therefore can not be coded as constants.
sel1u1=0(1):_,sel1u2=0(1):@,... =============================== - select record if 1st byte blank ' ' OR 1st byte comma ','
sel1u1=0(1):_,sel2u2=1(1):@,... =============================== - select record if 1st byte blank ' ' AND 2nd byte comma ','
sel1u3=0(2):_@,... =============================== - select record if 1st byte blank ' ' AND 2nd byte comma ',' - coding a 2 byte constant (vs separate 1 byte constants) - note option u3 = (u1 + u2)
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As of Nov 2002 'typ=RSV' supports OUTPUT files as well as INPUT files. 'typ=RSV' provides compatibility with Micro Focus COBOL IDXFORMAT3 Variable length files, but only for Sequential. Indexed variable length support will be provided in Jan 2003 by an alternate version of uvcp (uxcp linked with EXTFH).
For complete documentation on these files, please see the 'FILE STRUCTURES' chapter in Micro Focus Object COBOL or Server Express COBOL, or the web site https://supportline.microfocus.com/documentation/books/ocds4140/fhfile.htm.
'typ=RSV' files have 128 byte file header or 1024 bytes if recsize > 4095. Each record has 2 or 4 byte record header/prefix which has x'40' in the first nibble to identify a data record, followed by the record size in the next 12 bits or 28 bits, depending on max recsize <= 4095 or > 4095 bytes.
Same as ex#1 but writes typ=RSV records varying from 64 to 256 - 064 bytes (2 hdr + 062 data) if bytes 62+ all blank ??? bytes (2 hdr + ??? data) depending on last nonblank (multiple of 4) - 256 bytes (2 hdr + 254 data) is maximum
This example writes 4 byte record headers (vs 2 bytes in above examples) because the maximum record size is > 4095 bytes (rcs=5000). Record sizes vary from 404 to 5004 depending on last nonblank - 0404 bytes (4 hdr + 0400 data) if bytes 400+ all blank - ???? bytes (4 hdr + ???? data) depending on last nonblank in 400-5000 - 5004 bytes (4 hdr + 5000 data) is maximum
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2. uvcp "fili1=dat1/testRSV3,rcs=256,typ=LST,filo1=tmp/RSV3,rcs=254,typ=RSVv80" =============================================================================
#1 testRSV3 - text to create Rec Seqntl Variable(RSV) file to test uvcp&uvsort #2 uvcp "fili1=dat1/testRSV3,rcs=256,typ=LST,filo1=tmp/testx,rcs=254,typ=RSVv80" #3 output records vary from min(82) to max(256) depending on last nonblank-----| -----this record will be 164 (data 160 + 2 byte rechdr + 2 round to mult 4)---->
uvhd tmp/RSV3 v <-- display file using uvhd with option 'v' ===============
1 2 3 4 5 6 r# 1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 0 0~......030114102019.................>.......................P.. 370000003333333333330000000000000000030000000000000000000F000500 0E00000003011410201900000000000000000E0100000000100000000E000000 64 ................................................................ 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1 2 3 4 5 6 r# 2 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 128 @P#1 testRSV3 - text to create Rec Seqntl Variable (RSV) file to 4523276775553222767727626766762566256767625676666622555226666276 00310453423630D0458404F032514502530351E4C0612912C5082369069C504F 64 test uvcp/uvsort 27677277672777677222 0453405630F563F24000 1 2 3 4 5 6 r# 3 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 212 @P#2 uvcp "fili1=dat1/testRSV3,rcs=256,typ=LST,filo1=tmp/test3,r 4523277672266663366732767755532767333327773455266663376727677327 0032056300269C91D4141F45342363C233D256C490DC34C69CF1D4D0F45343C2 64 cs=254,typ=RSVv80" 67333327773555733222 33D254C490D236680200 1 2 3 4 5 6 r# 4 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 296 @.#3 output records vary from min(84) to max(256) depending on l 4A23267777727666767276772676626662332276266723332266766666626626 00330F540540253F24306129062FD0D9E884904F0D188256904505E49E70FE0C 64 ast nonblank-----|-----this record will be 164 (data 160 + 2 byt 6772666666662222272222276672766676276662662333226676233322232677 1340EFE2C1EBDDDDDCDDDDD48930253F24079CC025016408414101600B020294 128 e rechdr + 2 round to mult 4)----> 627666672223276766276267672322222322 502538420B0202F5E404F0D5C4049DDDDE00
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1 2 3 4 5 6 r# 1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 0 0~......021125110120.................>.......................~.. 370000003333333333330000000000000000030000000000000000000F000700 0E00000002112511012000000000000000000E0100000000100000000E000E00 64 ................................................................ 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
00-00 - x'30' identifies the file header record (vs x'40' for data records)
01-01 - data size of file header record x'7E' = (7*16+14*1) = 112+14 = 126 - total size is 128 including the 2 byte record header
00-03 - If max rcsz > 4095, the file record header would be 4 bytes x'300003FC' - 3*256 +15*16 +12*1 = 768+240+12 + 4 byte header = 1024 total record size
08-19 - file creation date/time stamp (yymmddHHMMSS)
36-36 - reserved value x'3E' required for Micro Focus COBOL IDXFORMAT3 files
39-39 - file ORGanization x'01' = Sequential
48-48 - Recording Mode x'01' = Variable format
54-57 - Maximum record length - In this example x'000000FE' = (15*16+14*1) = 240+14 = 254
58-61 - Minimum record length - In this example x'0000007E' = (07*16+14*1) = 112+14 = 126
The file structure described above for typ=RSV files also applies to typ=IDX files which include an indexed partition & some extra system records in the data partition. You must use the alternate program 'uxcp' (vs 'uvcp) if either input or output or both files are typ=IDX.
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'uxcp' supports Indexed Sequential Variable length record files & must be compiled with the Micro Focus COBOL 'cob' command as shown on page D1 of install.htm. You can demo uxcp using test files provided as shown below:
0010.0060 idxtest text file to create Var Lth Indexed files. 0020.0064 - input to COBOL,uxcp,uxcopy to create IDXf1,3,8 files 0030.0065 - 01-04=ISAM key, 05=separator, 06-09=size, 10-400 text 0040.0067 - output record varies from 64 to 256, depending on 06-09 0050.0080 - here is an 80 byte record------------------------------------------> 0060.0160 - here is a 160 byte record........................................... 0070.0240 - here is a 240 byte record (last record in file)..................... ===============================================================================>
#1. uxcp "fili1=dat1/idxtest,rcs=256,typ=LST\ ========================================== ,filo1=tmp/IDXf3v60,rcs=254,typ=IDXf3v60,isk1=0(4)" ===================================================
#2. uvhd tmp/IDXf3v60.dat v <-- examine output data partition with 'uvhd' ======================= - use 'v' option for IDXf3 files
Note |
#3. uxcp "fili1=tmp/IDXf3v60,rcs=256,typ=IDXf3,filo1=tmp/idxf3.txt,typ=LSTt" ========================================================================
#4. vi tmp/idxf3.txt <-- examine output file with 'vi' ================
This converts the typ=IDX file back to a text file (typ=LSTt) which should be the same as the original file used in step #1. Note that you do not need to specify option 'v' on input files (only when creating output files).
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#1a. uvhd tmp/IDXf3v60.dat v <-- examine output data partition with 'uvhd' =======================
10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 0 0~......0705141326133507051413261335.>.......................<.. 370000003333333333333333333333333333030000000000000000000F000300 0E00000007051413261335070514132613350E0200000000100000000E000C00 64 ............................................X"8*................ 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000052320000000000000000 00000000000020100000000000000000000000000000828A0000000000000000 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 2 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 384 @<0010.0060 idxtest text file to create Var Lth Indexed files... 4333332333326677677276772666627626766762567247624666766266667200 0C0010E00600948453404584069C504F032514506120C4809E45854069C53E00 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 3 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 448 @@0020.0064 - input to COBOL,uxcp,uxcopy to create IDXf1,3,8 fil 4433332333322266777276244444277672776677276267667624456323232666 000020E00640D09E05404F03F2FCC5830C583F0904F0325145094861C3C8069C 64 es.. 6700 5300 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 4 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 516 @A0030.0065 - 01-04=ISAM key, 05=separator, 06-09=size, 10-400 t 4433332333322233233345442667223337676767672233233376762233233327 010030E00650D001D04D931D0B59C005D3501214F2C006D09D39A5C010D40004 64 ext. 6770 5840 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 5 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 584 @C0040.0067 - output record varies from 64 to 256, depending on 4433332333322267777727666762767667267662332762333226676666662662 030040E00670D0F540540253F240612953062FD06404F0256C04505E49E70FE0 64 06-09... 33233000 06D09000 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 6 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 656 @P0050.0080 - here is an 80 byte record------------------------- 4533332333322266762672662332677627666762222222222222222222222222 000050E00800D0852509301E080029450253F24DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 64 ----------------->.. 22222222222222222300 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDE00 ----- last 3 records omitted to keep this on 1 page -----
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#1. uxcp "fili1=dat1/idxtest,rcs=256,typ=LST\ ========================================== ,filo1=tmp/IDXf8v60,rcs=254,typ=IDXf8v60,isk1=0(4)" ===================================================
#2. uvhd tmp/IDXf8v60.dat v <-- examine output data partition with 'uvhd' =======================
10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 0 3.......0705141522382607051415223827.>.......................<.. 3F0000003333333333333333333333333333030000000000000000000F000300 3E00000007051415223826070514152238270E0200180000106000000E000C00 64 ............................................X"8*X"8*............ 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000052325232000000000011 00000007000022100000000000000000000000000008828A828A000000000000 128 ................................................................ 00000011000000000000000000000000000000000000000F0000000000000000 000000004244010400000040000000C0000000000000003E0000000000000000 ----- bytes 192-960 removed (all x'00's) ----- 960 ................................................................ 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 2 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 3328 @<0010.0060 idxtest text file to create Var Lth Indexed files... 4333332333326677677276772666627626766762567247624666766266667200 0C0010E00600948453404584069C504F032514506120C4809E45854069C53E00 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 3 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 3392 @@0020.0064 - input to COBOL,uxcp,uxcopy to create IDXf1,3,8 fil 4433332333322266777276244444277672776677276267667624456323232666 000020E00640D09E05404F03F2FCC5830C583F0904F0325145094861C3C8069C 64 es.. 6700 5300 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 4 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 3464 @A0030.0065 - 01-04=ISAM key, 05=separator, 06-09=size, 10-400 t 4433332333322233233345442667223337676767672233233376762233233327 010030E00650D001D04D931D0B59C005D3501214F2C006D09D39A5C010D40004 64 ext. 6770 5840 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 5 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 3536 @C0040.0067 - output record varies from 64 to 256, depending on 4433332333322267777727666762767667267662332762333226676666662662 030040E00670D0F540540253F240612953062FD06404F0256C04505E49E70FE0 64 06-09... 33233000 06D09000 ----- records 6,7,8 not shown to fit 1 page -----
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The Vancouver Utilities (uxcopy,uxsort,uxqrpg,uxcp,uvhd) are compatible with Micro Focus COBOL variable length sequential & Indexed files (IDXFORMAT3 & 8).
We will document the most important fields in the file header for IDXf3/IDXf8. If desired, you can find all fields defined on the Micro Focus website.
Note that you can investigate the file headers using 'uvhd' with option 'v' for IDXFORMAT3 or IDXFORMAT8. See sample on the previous page.
000-003 - file header record length - 1st 4 bits x'30' identifies a system record - next 12 bits is header length if max record length is < 4095 - next 28 bits is header length if max record length is => 4095
008-014 - creation date/time yymmddhhmmsscc (indexed files only)
039-039 - organization (1=seqntl, 2=indexed, 3=relative) 043-043 - file type (3=IDXFORMAT3, 8=IDXFORMAT8) 048-048 - recording mode (0=fixed, 1=variable) 068-071 - record count (4 bytes Big-End Binary) - Indexed files only (not in variable length non-indexed file hdrs)
054-057 - maximum record length (big end format) - example recsize 80 = x'00000050' 058-061 - minimum record length
128-135 - offset to End-of-File (8 bytes binary big end format)
140-141 - number of keys in Indexed file
000-000 - 1st 4 bits identifies the record type x'1_' - system record - duplicate occurrence record x'2_' - deleted record x'3_' - system record x'4_' - user data record x'5_' - reduced user data record x'6_' - pointer record x'7_' - user data record referenced by a pointer record x'8_' - reduced user data record referenced by a pointer record
000-001 - next 12 bits is the record length if max recsize < 4095 000-003 - next 28 bits is the record length if max recsize =? 4095 002-... - record data if max recsize < 4095 004-... - record data if max recsize => 4095
Note |
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The next few pages will list several scripts used at UV Software to test/demo using uxcp to write IDXFORMAT3/IDXFORMAT8 files & read them back to verify.
These scripts are supplied in /home/uvadm/sf/demo/..., which is in the PATH of the supplied profile. You can run these at your site. See instructions & explanations embedded within the scripts.
uxcpIDXf3w |
uxcpIDXf3r |
uxcpIDXf3c |
Note |
J6. | uxcpIDXf8w - write various IDXf8 files for read back by uxcpIDXf8r |
- reads a text file & writes out 6 files with various options |
J7. | uxcpIDXf8r - read back various IDXf8 files written by uxcpIDXf8w |
to verify result same as original text file input |
J8. | uxcpIDXf8c - copy IDXf3 files to same output file types & record-sizes |
- to prove we can copy unchanged (passing recsizes to output) | |
- but you can add selects/deletes & modify instructions |
J9. | tmp1 subdir listings after uxcpIDXf3w & after uxcpIDXf8w |
Note |
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# uxcpIDXf8w - write various IDXFORMAT files to test uxcp # - by Owen Townsend, Jan28/06, updated Feb22/07 # - IDXFORMAT8 files created by Micro Focus COBOL EXTFH # - file handler used by uxcp, uxsort, uxcopy, uxqrpg # #*uxcpIDXf8w - write various IDXf8 files for read back by uxcpIDXf8r <--this job # uxcpIDXf8r - read back various IDXf8 files written by uxcpIDXf8w # uxcpIDXf8c - Copy IDXf3 files to same output file types & record sizes # uxcpIDXf3w - write various IDXf3 formats in tmp1, run prior to uxcpIDXf3r # uxcpIDXf3r - read back IDXf3 files & convert back to text files in tmp2 # uxcpIDXf3c - Copy IDXf3 files to same output file types & record sizes # # OPTIONS: f1=IDXFORMAT1, f3=IDXFORMAT3, f8=IDXFORMAT8 (see www.microfocus.com) # x1=noindex, x2=indexed; y1=fixed, y2=variable, y4=scanback to last non-blank # v=min recsize, (maxsize declared by rcs=___) # # 1. typ=LST-->IDXf8 indexed, data maxsz 252+4 (since no minsz v optn) uxcp "fili1=dat1/idxtest,typ=LST,rcs=252,filo1=tmp1/idxf8,typ=IDXf8,isk1=0(4)" #=========================================================================== # # 2. typ=LST-->IDXf8v60 indexed, variable recsize passed thru from input uxcp "fili1=dat1/idxtest,typ=LST,rcs=252,filo1=tmp1/idxf8v60,typ=IDXf8v60,isk1=0(4)" #=============================================================================== # # 3. typ=LST-->IDXf8v60y4 indexed variable min v60+4, depending on last nonblank uxcp "fili1=dat1/idxtest,typ=LST,rcs=252,filo1=tmp1/idxf8v60y4,typ=IDXf8v60y4,isk1=0(4)" #=============================================================================== # # 4. typ=LST-->IDXf8x1 noindex(x1), fixed 252, no IDX filehdr, same as typ=RSF uxcp "fili1=dat1/idxtest,typ=LST,rcs=252,filo1=tmp1/idxf8x1,typ=IDXf8x1,isk1=0(4)" #=============================================================================== #note - must read back using typ=RSF, since no index & fixed lth (no v) # # 5. typ=LST-->IDXf8v60x1 noindex(x1), varfmt, but all 252+4 uxcp "fili1=dat1/idxtest,typ=LST,rcs=252,filo1=tmp1/idxf8v60x1,typ=IDXf8v60x1,isk1=0(4)" #=============================================================================== # # 6. typ=LST-->IDXf8v60x1y4 noindex(x1), variable 60-252, depending on LNB uxcp "fili1=dat1/idxtest,typ=LST,rcs=252,filo1=tmp1/idxf8v60x1y4,typ=IDXf8v60x1y4,isk1=0(4)" #=============================================================================== # echo "You can examine output files with 'uvhd', example for output#1 above" echo " " echo "uvhd tmp1/idxf8.dat v <-- use 'v' option for IDXf8 files" echo "=====================" # #Note - script may bomb on uxcp #6 if you only have 1 Micro Focus COBOL license # - But you can add following to your profile to wait 1 minute (vs bomb) # # export ASLMFRETRY="5,15" # ========================
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# uxcpIDXf8r - read back various IDXFORMAT3 files to test uxcp # (files written by prior job uxcpIDXf8w) # - this job converts back to text files (typ=LSTt) # - by Owen Townsend, Jan28/06, updated Feb22/07 # - IDXFORMAT8 files created by Micro Focus COBOL EXTFH # - file handler used by uxcp, uxsort, uxcopy, uxqrpg # # uxcpIDXf8w - write various IDXf8 files for read back by uxcpIDXf8r #*uxcpIDXf8r - read back various IDXf8 files written by uxcpIDXf8w <--this job # uxcpIDXf8c - Copy IDXf3 files to same output file types & record sizes # uxcpIDXf3w - write various IDXf3 formats, run prior to uxcpIDXf3r # uxcpIDXf3r - read back IDXf3 files & convert back to text files # uxcpIDXf3c - Copy IDXf3 files to same output file types & record sizes # # options: f1=IDXFORMAT1, f3=IDXFORMAT3, f8=IDXFORMAT8 (see www.microfocus.com) # x1=seqntl, x2=indexed; y1=fixed, y2=variable, y4=set rcsz after last nonblank # v=min recsize, (maxsize declared by rcs=___) # # 1. typ=IDXf8-->LSTt - input IDXf8 indexed fixed (no option v) uxcp "fili1=tmp1/idxf8,typ=IDXf8,rcs=252,filo1=tmp2/idxf8L,typ=LSTt" #=================================================================== # # 2. typ=IDXf8v60-->LSTt - input variable from 60+4 to 252+4 uxcp "fili1=tmp1/idxf8v60,typ=IDXf8,rcs=252,filo1=tmp2/idxf8v60L,typ=LSTt" #========================================================================= # # 3. typ=IDXf8v60y4-->LSTt - input variable determined by y4 scanback to LNB uxcp "fili1=tmp1/idxf8v60y4,typ=IDXf8,rcs=252,filo1=tmp2/idxf8v60y4L,typ=LSTt" #============================================================================= # # 4. typ=IDXf8x1-->LSTt - input IDXf8 noindex, all 252+4 uxcp "fili1=tmp1/idxf8x1,typ=RSF,rcs=252,filo1=tmp2/idxf8x1L,typ=LSTt" #======================================================================= #note - must read back using typ=RSF, since no index & fixed lth (no v) # # 5. typ=IDXf8v60x1-->LSTt - input IDXf8 noindex, varfmt, all 252+4 uxcp "fili1=tmp1/idxf8v60x1,typ=IDXf8,rcs=252,filo1=tmp2/idxf8v60x1L,typ=LSTt" #============================================================================= # # 6. typ=IDXf8v60x1y4-->LSTt - input IDXf8 noindex, varfmt, 60+4 to 252+4, y4 uxcp "fili1=tmp1/idxf8v60x1y4,typ=IDXf8,rcs=252,filo1=tmp2/idxf8v60x1y4L,typ=LSTt" #============================================================================= # echo "All outfiles in tmp2/... should be same as original input to uxcpIDXf3w" echo " " echo "--> cat tmp2/idxf8L <-- display output file, example for #1 above" echo " ===============" # #Note - on inputs you only need to specify the file type (IDXf1,IDXf3,IDXf8) # - options v,x,y need not be specified # - EXTFH file handler reads existing files OK
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# uxcpIDXf8c - copy various IDXFORMAT3 files to test uxcp # (files written by prior job uxcpIDXf8w) # - copy the IDXf3 files to same output file types & recsizes # - IDXFORMAT8 files created by Micro Focus COBOL EXTFH # - file handler used by uxcp, uxsort, uxcopy, uxqrpg # - by Owen Townsend, Jan28/06, updated May14/07 # # uxcpIDXf8w - write various IDXf8 files for read back by uxcpIDXf8r # uxcpIDXf8r - read back various IDXf8 files written by uxcpIDXf8w #*uxcpIDXf8c - Copy IDXf3 files to same output file types & recsizes <--this job # uxcpIDXf3w - write various IDXf3 formats, run prior to uxcpIDXf3r # uxcpIDXf3r - read back IDXf3 files & convert back to text files # uxcpIDXf3c - Copy IDXf3 files to same output file types & record sizes # # options: f1=IDXFORMAT1, f3=IDXFORMAT3, f8=IDXFORMAT8 (see www.microfocus.com) # x1=seqntl, x2=indexed; y1=fixed, y2=variable, y4=set rcsz after last nonblank # v=min recsize, (maxsize declared by rcs=___) # # 1. copy typ=IDXf8 indexed but fixed 252+4 since no optn v uxcp "fili1=tmp1/idxf8,typ=IDXf8,rcs=252,filo1=tmp3/idxf8,typ=IDXf8" #=================================================================== # # 2. copy typ=IDXf8v60 variable, passes input recsizes to output file uxcp "fili1=tmp1/idxf8v60,typ=IDXf8,rcs=252,filo1=tmp3/idxf8v60,typ=IDXf8v60" #============================================================================ # # 3. copy typ=IDXf8v60y4, option y4 scans back to last nonblank for out recsize uxcp "fili1=tmp1/idxf8v60y4,typ=IDXf8,rcs=252,filo1=tmp3/idxf8v60y4,typ=IDXf8v60" #=============================================================================== # # 4. copy typ=IDXf8x1 noindex, option x1 (fixed lth), all out recs 252+4 bytes uxcp "fili1=tmp1/idxf8x1,typ=RSF,rcs=252,filo1=tmp3/idxf8x1,typ=IDXf8x1" #======================================================================= #note - must read back using typ=RSF, since no index & fixed lth (no v) # # 5. copy typ=IDXf8v60x1 noindex, varfmt, all 252+4 uxcp "fili1=tmp1/idxf8v60x1,typ=IDXf8,rcs=252,filo1=tmp3/idxf8v60x1,typ=IDXf8v60x1" #============================================================================= # # 6. copy typ=IDXf8v60x1y4 noindex, varfmt, 60+4 to 252+4, y4 uxcp "fili1=tmp1/idxf8v60x1y4,typ=IDXf8,rcs=252,filo1=tmp3/idxf8v60x1y4,typ=IDXf8v60x1y4" #============================================================================= # echo "All outfiles in tmp3/... should be same as original input to uxcpIDXf3w" echo " " echo "--> cat tmp3/idxf8L <-- display output file, example for #1 above" echo " ===============" # #Note - on inputs you only need to specify the file type (IDXf1,IDXf3,IDXf8) # - options v,x,y need not be specified # - EXTFH file handler reads existing files OK
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0010.0060 idxtest text file to create Var Lth Indexed files. 0020.0064 - input to COBOL,uxcp,uxcopy to create IDXf1,3,8 files 0030.0065 - 01-04=ISAM key, 05=separator, 06-09=size, 10-400 text 0040.0067 - output record varies from 64 to 256, depending on 06-09 0050.0080 - here is an 80 byte record------------------------------------------> 0060.0160 - here is a 160 byte record........................................... 0070.0240 - here is a 240 byte record (last record in file)..................... ===============================================================================>
#1. -rw-rw-r-- 1 uvadm users 2176 May 14 13:50 idxf3.dat -rw-rw-r-- 1 uvadm users 3072 May 14 13:50 idxf3.idx
#2. -rw-rw-r-- 1 uvadm users 1148 May 14 13:50 idxf3v60.dat -rw-rw-r-- 1 uvadm users 3072 May 14 13:50 idxf3v60.idx
#3. -rw-rw-r-- 1 uvadm users 1148 May 14 13:50 idxf3v60y4.dat -rw-rw-r-- 1 uvadm users 3072 May 14 13:50 idxf3v60y4.idx
#4. -rw-rw-r-- 1 uvadm users 1920 May 14 13:50 idxf3x1
#5. -rw-rw-r-- 1 uvadm users 892 May 14 13:50 idxf3v60x1
#6. -rw-rw-r-- 1 uvadm users 892 May 14 13:50 idxf3v60x1y4
#1. -rw-rw-r-- 1 uvadm users 4864 May 14 15:26 idxf8.dat
#2. -rw-rw-r-- 1 uvadm users 4112 May 14 15:26 idxf8v60.dat
#3. -rw-rw-r-- 1 uvadm users 4112 May 14 15:26 idxf8v60y4.dat
#4. -rw-rw-r-- 1 uvadm users 1764 May 14 15:26 idxf8x1
#5. -rw-rw-r-- 1 uvadm users 892 May 14 15:26 idxf8v60x1
#6. -rw-rw-r-- 1 uvadm users 892 May 14 15:26 idxf8v60x1y4
Note |
Please see 'uvhd' of IDXF3v60 on page 'J2' & IDXf8v60 on page 'J3'.
Please see uvcopy6.htm for IDXf3/IDXf8 test/demos (similar to the above), but for 'uxcopy' vs 'uxcp'.
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RDW (Record Descriptor Word) variable length files are often used to FTP variable length EBCDIC files from the mainframe to unix/linux/windows systems.
uvcp provides for the following types of RDW files:
RDWz4 |
RDWz2 |
RDWz18 |
RDWn4 |
dat1/testLST |
dat1/testRDW |
dat1/testRDWe |
We will illustrate how to convert RDW EBCDIC files using both 'uvcp' & 'uvhd'.
You could use 'uvhd' when there you only have a few files to do,& when the interactive utility is preferred.
You could use 'uvcp' when you want to write a script to convert several files and for repeatability.
Note that neither of uvhd or uvcp can be used for files with packed or binary fields. For those please see DATAcnv1.htm to generate data conversion jobs that preserve packed & binary fields as defined by COBOL copybook record layouts. For high volume conversions of files with packed/binary fields see MVSDATA.htm or VSEDATA.htm.
We will 1st investigate the testRDWe file using 'uvhd'. We can not use unix tools (vi, lp, etc) since the file is EBCDIC & contains binary record sizes.
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uvhd dat1/testRDWe as3 <-- examine the RDW test file ====================== - option 'a' translates character line to ASCII - option 's3' to space between scale & 3 line groups
10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
0 ....DELL00 - Dell Inc. ....HP0000 - Hewlett Packard....IBM000 - 0100CCDDFF464C8994C984440100CDFFFF464C8A98AA4D8898980200CCDFFF46 080045330000045330953B000C008700000008563533071321940C0092400000
64 International Business Machines....MFC000 - Micro Focus COBOL 4C9A8998A899894CAA898AA4D888898A0200DCCFFF464D88994C98AA4CDCDD44 0953595139651302429552204138955200004630000004939606634203626300
128 ....MS0000 - Microsoft Corp.....REDHAT - Red Hat Linux ....SUN0 0100DEFFFF464D8899A98A4C99940100DCCCCE464D884C8A4D89AA440200EEDF 0C0042000000049396266303697B0C0095481300095408130395470004002450
192 00 - Sun Microsystems Ltd ....UVSI00 - UV Software Inc. FF464EA94D8899AAAA89A4DA84440200EEECFF464EE4E98AA8984C984444 00000245049396282354203340000000452900000450266361950953B000
The entire file is only 252 bytes & contains 8 short variable length records:
Option 'z4' tells uvhd to look for the 'RDW' record prefixes & show 1 record at a time (vs multiple records as fits in a 256 byte block). The default is to show any file in 256 byte blocks (4 groups of 3 64 byte lines for characters, zones,& digits).
See the next page where we will specify option 'z4' to show RDW files 1 record at a time. You can press enter to browse forward until EOF reached. Then you could enter '1' to return to the begining of the file.
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uvhd dat1/testRDWe z4a <-- display RDW file using option 'z4' ====================== - option 'a' to display character line in ASCII - null entries browse forward til EOF reached
10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 0 ....DELL10 - Dell Inc. 0100CCDDFF464C8994C98444 080045331000045330953B00 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 2 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 24 ....HP0010 - Hewlett Packard 0100CDFFFF464C8A98AA4D889898 0C00870010000856353307132194 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 3 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 52 ....IBM010 - International Business Machines 0200CCDFFF464C9A8998A899894CAA898AA4D888898A 0C009240100009535951396513024295522041389552 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 4 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 96 ....MFC010 - Micro Focus COBOL 0200DCCFFF464D88994C98AA4CDCDD44 00004630100004939606634203626300 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 5 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 128 ....MS0010 - Microsoft Corp. 0100DEFFFF464D8899A98A4C9994 0C0042001000049396266303697B 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 6 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 156 ....REDH10 - Red Hat Linux 0100DCCCFF464D884C8A4D89AA44 0C00954810000954081303954700 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 7 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 184 ....SUN010 - Sun Microsystems Ltd 0200EEDFFF464EA94D8899AAAA89A4DA8444 040024501000024504939628235420334000 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 8 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 220 ....UVSI10 - UV Software Inc. 0200EEECFF464EE4E98AA8984C984444 0000452910000450266361950953B000
Note |
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On this page we will show you how to convert EBCDIC RDWz4 files to ASCII text using 'uvhd'. On the next page we will do the same with 'uvcp'.
We will specify uvhd options 'z4a3p4y7' which mean:
z4 |
a3 |
a1 |
a2 |
p4 |
y7 |
y1 |
y2 |
y4 |
uvhd dat1/testRDWe z4a3p4y7 <-- display 1st record & wait for command ===========================
10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 0 ....DELL10 - Dell Inc. 0100CCDDFF464C8994C98444 080045331000045330953B00
---> w99999 <-- write all records (8) to tmp/testRDWe_yymmdd_hhmmssW - output filename will be date/time stamped - On Dec 18, 20007 at 12:15 tmp/testRDWe_071218_121500W
---> q <--- quit uvhd
vi tmp/testRDWe_071218_121500W ============================== vi tmp/*00W <-- shortcut to display desired file ===========
DELL00 - Dell Inc. HP0000 - Hewlett Packard IBM000 - International Business Machines MFC000 - Micro Focus COBOL MS0000 - Microsoft Corp. REDHAT - Red Hat Linux SUN000 - Sun Microsystems Ltd UVSI00 - UV Software Inc.
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We will now use 'uvcp' to perform the conversion from EBCDIC RDWz4 to ASCII.
Instead of variable length text, we will create fixed length output records that are required for most COBOL input files. For this demo, we will convert to fixed 64 byte records & insert a LineFeed in the last byte so we can have it both ways (fixed length for COBOL, but LFs allow investigation with vi).
uvcp "fili1=dat1/testRDWe,rcs=64,typ=RDWz4,filo1=tmp/testz4,typ=RST,tra=0(64)" ==============================================================================
tra=0(64) |
typ=RST |
uvhd tmp/testz4 r64h2 <-- display output file with uvhd ===================== - option r64 for record size - option 'h2' for hex display to see LineFeed - only 1st record shown below
10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 0 DELL10 - Dell Inc. . 4444332224666246622222222222222222222222222222222222222222222220 45CC100D045CC09E3E000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000A
Note |
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This page is similar to the previous page, but for typ=RDWz2 (2 byte prefixes) vs RDWz4 (4 byte prefixes). We will use uvhd to show the 1st 2 input records, then the 'uvcp' command with 'typ=RDWz2',& then the 1st 2 output records (with binary record length prefix stripped & blank filled to 64 bytes).
uvhd dat1/testRDWez2 z2a <-- display RDW file, option z2 for 2 byte hdrs ======================== - option 'a' to translate char line to Ascii
10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 0 ..DELL10 - Dell Inc. 01CCDDFF464C8994C98444 0445331000045330953B00 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 2 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 22 ..HP0010 - Hewlett Packard 01CDFFFF464C8A98AA4D889898 08870010000856353307132194
Note |
uvcp "fili1=dat1/testRDWez2,rcs=64,typ=RDWz2,filo1=tmp/testz2,typ=RST,tra=0(64)" ================================================================================
uvhd tmp/testz2 r64h2 <-- display output file with uvhd ===================== - option r64 for record size - option 'h2' for hex display to see LineFeeds
10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 0 DELL10 - Dell Inc. . 4444332224666246622222222222222222222222222222222222222222222220 45CC100D045CC09E3E000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000A 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 2 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 64 HP0010 - Hewlett Packard . 4533332224676677256666762222222222222222222222222222222222222220 8000100D0857C5440013B124000000000000000000000000000000000000000A
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logical: mvc, mvn, edt, clr arithmetic: add, sub, mpy, div, pac, unp, seq compare/skip: cmc, cmn, skp scan/replace: rep, scn, sqz translates: tra, tre, trl, tru, trp, trb other: anc, orc, chx, hxc, tim I/O: put
mvc=tobyte(lth)frombyte - move character data field mvn=to(lth)from(lth) - move numeric data field (right adjusted) edt=to(lth)from(lth):zz;zzz.99 - edit clr=start(lth):constant - clear an area to a specified value
tra=start(length) - translate to ASCII (from EBCDIC) tre=start(length) - translate to EBCDIC (from ASCII) trl=start(length) - translate to lower case (any upper case) tru=start(length) - translate to UPPER case (any lower case) trp=start(length) - translate unprintable characters to '.' periods trb=start(length) - translate unprintable characters to ' ' blanks
add=op1dsp(lth)op2dsp(lth) - add op2 data to op1 data, result in op1 sub=op1dsp(lth)op2dsp(lth) - subtract op2 data from op1, result in op1 mpy=op1dsp(lth)op2dsp(lth) - multiply op2 by op1, result in op1 div=op1dsp(lth)op2dsp(lth) - divide op1 by op2, result in op1 pac=op1dsp(lth)op2dsp(lth) - pack op2 data into op1 area unp=op1dsp(lth)op2dsp(lth) - unpack op2 data into op1 area seq=op1dsp(lth) - sequence#
anc=start(lth):mask - and character (erase bits) orc=start(lth):mask - or character (add bits)
chx=op1start(lth)op2start - convert op2 hex representation to data in op1 hxc=op1start(lth)op2start - convert op2 data to hex representation in op1
rep=strt(lth):patrn:alt - replace pattern with alternate scn=start(lth):patrn - scan for a pattern, set cc equal if found sqz=start(lth):constant - squeeze out the op2 character from op1
cmc=op1strt(lth)op2strt - compare op1 to op2 & set condition code skp?=n - test condition code & skip n instrns
cmn=op1strt(lth)op2strt(lth) - compare numeric & set condition code - op1 & op2 may be any combination of packed, zoned, or binary
put=b0(rcsz) - write current record (exception output)
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unp=100(9)20(5) - sample instruction unpack bytes 21-25 of the input record into bytes 101-109 of the output record
opcode=op1start(op1lth)op2start(op2lth) - instruction format
receiving-operand <-- sending-operand
unp=b100(9)a20(5) - op1 defaults to outrec & op2 to inrec - may identify explicitly by alpha prefixes b100 - 'b' identifies the output record area w___ - 'w' identifies the 'work' area (misc use) a20 - 'a' identifies the input record area w__ - 'w' op2 could specify the work area h__ - 'b' op2 could specify the outrec area :________ - ':' identifies a constant :0x______ - ':0x' identifies a hexadecimal constant
_100 - start bytes are displacements within the area (the number of bytes preceding the 1st byte) (or the offset within the area)
(9) - the length of the data field - startbyte + length cannot exceed area size - outrec & inrec depend on rcs= parameter - work area max is 32768 unless increased by rop=r99999 parameter :_________ - constant max length is 64 bytes
mvc=200(100)0 - some instructions such as move character do not require op2 length since it is always the same as the output length
mvn=100(9za)20(5pe) - instructions such as move numeric allow field type codes within the length specs - this example would convert a packed ebcdic field to a zoned ascii field
mvc=b0(rcsz)a0 <---- this instruction is automatically performed by uvcp before your 1st instruction is executed.
clr=b0(rcsz):0x20 - sometimes you may want to clear the outrec area if you are radically changing the layout & want to ensure blanks between your fields.
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logical: mvc, mvn, edt, clr arithmetic: add, sub, mpy, div, pac, unp, seq compare/skip: cmc, cmn, skp scan/replace: rep, scn, sqz translates: tra, tre, trl, tru, trp, trb other: anc, orc, chx, hxc, tim I/O: put
The following pages will describe each instruction in detail in the sequence listed above.
Note that 'uvsort' provides the same instruction set as this 'uvcp'. The instructions are documented in detail ONLY here in uvcp.doc.
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'mvc' is the 1st instruction to be documented (vs prior items that are termed 'functions'). Instructions are validated at setup time and stored in memory for execution on each record cycle (at run time). uvcp allows for 200 instructions.
The move instruction documentation will include detailed description of instruction operands,lengths,etc which will also apply to all instructions following.
mvc=tobyte(length)frombyte - format & examples mvc=op1dspl(op1lth)op2dsp
mvc=100(30)0 move from 1-30 to 101-130 mvc=b100(30)a0 same with area codes explicit (op1 defaults to 'b' output record) (op2 defaults to 'a' input record)
mvc=w0(200)b100 - move bytes 101-200 of the output record area to bytes 1-200 of the work area
mvc=130(07):updated ':' indicates constant vs frombyte mvc=137(02):0x0d0a ':0x' indicates hex constant
The following rules apply to most instructions (not just 'mvc')
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Option 'u1' allows you to code blanks as underscores, which is convenient because blanks are not allowed in the uvcp command string. The alternative would be to code blanks in hexadecimal (' ' = 0x20). Here are some examples:
Option 'u2' allows you to code commas as at-signs, which is convenient because commas are used to separate commands in the command string and therefore can not be coded as constants.
mvcu1=0(1):_,mvcu2=1(1):@,... ============================= - move a ' ' blank to the 1st byte & a ',' comma to the 2nd byte
mvcu3=0(2):_@,... ================= - move a ' ' blank to the 1st byte & a ',' comma to the 2nd byte - coding a 2 byte constant (vs separate 1 byte constants) - note option u3 = (u1 + u2)
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'mvn' will pack, unpack, convert to binary or decimal and convert signs as required depending on data type codes (in the length specification).
mvn=todsp(tolth/typ)fromdsp(fromlth/typ) mvn=todsp(tolth/typ):constant
mvn=100(9)20(7) - move 21-27 to 101-109 right adjusted, left zero filled (defaults to zoned ASCII numeric)
mvn=30(-9za)30(9za-) - moves 31-39 input to 31-39 output shifting sign trailing to leading '-' present if neg, absent if pos '+' means + for pos, - for neg
mvn=200(4bs)50(9za) - converts 51-59 from zoned ASCII to 201-204 binary long word 's' means switch big-end/little-end
mvn=160(5pa):235- - store constant neg 235 in 161-165 packed ASCII (sign in zone)
mvn=80(9za)20(5pe) - unpacks 21-25 into 81-89 21-25 is packed EBCDIC 81-89 is zoned ASCII (zoned sign)
mvn=80(9za)80(9zx) - convert 81-89 zoned type 'x' (see below) to zoned ASCII numeric - type 'x' corrects zoned numeric signs translated from EBCDIC to ASCII before testing possible zoned signs (see explanation next page)
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1st alpha letter defines the data type z - zoned numeric (default) p - packed decimal b - binary - length should be either 2 or 4 bytes - usually on a halfword or fullword boundary
2nd alpha letter defines the codeset (or indicates binary switch) a - ASCII (default) e - EBCDIC (probably from an mainframe) s - causes a big-end/little-end switch when converting data between INTEL chip machines & others x - ASCII zoned numeric translated from EBCDIC that may have had signs in the units zone (see explanation below)
separate sign byte codes '-' sign indicates a separate sign byte (vs zone of units digit) ('-' is coded if negative, else positive is assumed) '+' sign indicates a separate sign byte, but code '+' for positive as well as '-' for negative '-' or '+' in the 1st byte of the length indicates a leading sign byte else the sign byte will be trailing
Data type code 'x' is 'ASCII zoned numeric translated from EBCDIC'.
data type code 'x' is provided to correct the units position of numeric zoned (unpacked) fields that have been translated from EBCDIC to ASCII without allowing for possible zoned signs.
EBCDIC zone + sign is x'C0', + 0123456789 becomes {ABCDEFGHI EBCDIC zone - sign is x'D0', - 0123456789 becomes }JKLMNOPQR
Code 'x' converts positive units digits to 0123456789 (numeric zones) but negative units digit depends on whether the uvcp/uvcopy/uvsort utility has been generated with DISAM for Microfocus COBOL or not since conventions are different for Microfocus COBOL & MBP-COBOL(obsolete)
Microfocus zone |
MBP COBOL zoned |
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edt=to(lth)from(lth):zz;zzz.99 - edit
edt=71(13):z;zzz;zzz.99- edt=71(13):z;zzz;zzz.99+ edt=71(13):-z;zzz;zzz.99 edt=71(13):+z;zzz;zzz.99
In Feb 2019, we added the edit instruction, here is our test script:
# testsortedt1 - test uvsort edit instrn Feb27/2019 # - script to test/demo 'edt' instruction, stored in $UV/sf/adm/testsortedt1 uvsort "fili1=dat1/sales2,rcs=100,typ=LSTt,filo1=tmp1/sales2,edt=71(13)53(9):z;zzz;zzz.99-" #========================================================================================== exit 0
You can test as follows:
#1. Login as uvadm or yourself if your profile setup for Vancouver Utilities #2. mkdir tmp1 <-- make output directory (if not existing) #3. cat dat1/sales2 <-- display input file #4. testsortedt1 <-- execute script ============ #5. cat tmp1/sales2 <-- display output file
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clr=tobyte(lth):constant clr=tobyte(lth)frombyte
clr=b0(200):0x20 - blank out 1st 200 bytes of the output record area
clr=b0(200) - may omit op2 to default to blank (0x20)
clr=w0(500):0xff - fill 1st 500 bytes of work area with hex FF
clr=b100(100)a0 - fill 101-200 of outrec with the value from byte 1 of input record
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tra=0(40) - translate 1-40 to ASCII from EBCDIC - defaults to the output record area since no alpha prefix on op1 tra=b100(28) - translate 100-128 (possibly bypassing packed fields 40-99 ?)
Here is the complete uvcp command to translate a 152 byte EBCDIC record to ASCII (OK if no packed fields & no zoned signed fields).
uvcp "fili1=infile,typ=LST,rcs=152,filo1=outfile,tra=0(152)" =================================================^^^^^^^^^^=
Option 's' of 'tras' will translate zoned signs from EBCDIC to ASCII for use with Micro Focus COBOL. You could use this to fix the signs in files that have been FTP'd in text mode from the mainframe to unix/linux/windows.
FTP from the mainframe in text mode will automatically translate EBCDIC to ASCII. Most people know that you can't do this if there are any packed or binary fields, but some don't realize that any unpacked signs need to be corrected from the mainframe conventions to Micro Focus COBOL conventions.
In EBCDIC +'0123456789' is '{ABCDEFGHI' (x'C0' thru x'C9') In EBCDIC -'0123456789' is '}JKLMNOPQR' (x'D0' thru x'D9')
In ASCII +'0123456789' is '0123456789' (x'30' thru x'39') (no diff) In ASCII -'0123456789' is 'pqrstuvwxy' (x'70' thru x'79')
For example if the file had a zoned signed field in bytes 41-49 (0 rel), then we could use the following uvcp to correct the units zone in byte 49.
uvcp "fili1=infile,typ=LST,rcs=100,filo1=outfile,tras=49(1)" ====================================================^=======
We could also have used 'mvn=41(9za)41(9ze)', but the advantage of 'tras' is that we can correct multiple contiguous signed fields with 1 instruction. For example if we had 12 * 9 byte signed fields in bytes 41-112, we could use:
uvcp "fili1=infile,typ=LST,rcs=154,filo1=outfile,tras=41(112)" ====================================================^=========
The recsize is specified as 154 because FTP text would have added 2 bytes for CR/LF to the original 152 (40 + 112). If we wanted to drop the CR/LF to get back to the original record length of the mainframe file, (so we don't have to change the COBOL programs) we should use the following:
uvcp "fili1=infile,typ=LST,rcs=154,filo1=outfile,tras=41(112),rcs=152,typ=RSF" ====================================================^=========================
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tre=b0(500) - translate the 500 byte output record area to EBCDIC (from ASCII)
tre=w50(30) - translate bytes 51-80 of the work area
Option 's' of 'tres' will translate zoned signs from ASCII to EBCDIC. You could use this to fix the signs in files that have been FTP'd in text mode from unix/linux/windows back to the mainframe.
trp=b0(500) - translate the 500 byte output record area any unprintable characters to '.' periods
trb=b0(500) - translate the 500 byte output record area any unprintable characters to ' ' blanks
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trl=b0(100) - translate bytes 1-100 of the output record area to lower case
trl=w200(100) - translate bytes 201-300 of the work area to lower case
tru=b100(100) - translate 101-200 of the output record area to UPPER case
tru=w200(100) - translate 201-300 of the work area area to UPPER case
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Add will pack, unpack, convert to binary or decimal, and convert signs as required depending on data type codes (in the length specification).
add=todsp(tolth/typ)fromdsp(fromlth/typ) add=todsp(tolth/typ):constant
add=100(9)20(7) - add 21-27 to 101-109 & store result in 101-109 (op1) (defaults to zoned ASCII numeric) (op1 dflts recout, op2 to recinput) add=b80(9za)a20(5pe) - adds 21-25(outrec) to 81-89(inrec) 21-25 is packed EBCDIC 81-89 is zoned ASCII (zoned sign) add=w30(-9za):100 - adds constant 100 to bytes 31-39 in the work area leading '-' sign if negative '-' present if neg, absent if pos '+' means + for pos, - for neg add=200(4bs)b50(9za) - adds 51-59 to 201-204 51-59 is zoned ASCII in outrec 201-204 is a binary long word in outrec area (by default) 's' means switch big-end/little-end on both retrieval & store result add=160(5pa):235- - adds constant neg 235 to 161-165 161-165 packed ASCII (sign in zone)
------------------ instruction options --------------------
Please note the 'repeat' options which are described further below & that apply to add (& mvn,edt,sub,mpy,div,pac,unp,seq,anc,orc,rep,sqz)
x99 |
j/k/l |
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sub=todsp(tolth/typ)fromdsp(fromlth/typ) sub=todsp(tolth/typ):constant
sub=100(9)20(7) - subtract 21-27 from 101-109 (defaults to zoned ASCII numeric) op1 defaults to outrec area (h) op2 defaults to inrec area (r)
sub=w150(-9za):125 - subs constant 125 from work area bytes 151-159 zoned ASCII with leading '-' sign if negative
Note |
sub=b60(5pa)b65(5pa) - subtract bytes 66-70 from 61-65 skp<=2 - skip next 2 instrns if negative
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Multiply will pack, unpack, convert to binary or decimal, and convert signs as required depending on data type codes (in the length specification).
mpy=todsp(tolth/typ)fromdsp(fromlth/typ) mpy=todsp(tolth/typ):constant
mpy=100(9)20(7) - multiply 101-109 by 21-27 & store result in 101-109 (op1) (defaults to zoned ASCII numeric) op1 dflts to recout, op2 to recinput mpy=b80(9za)a20(5pe) - multiply 81-89 by 21-25 21-25 is packed EBCDIC 81-89 is zoned ASCII (zoned sign) mpy=w30(-9za):115 - multiply work area bytes 31-39 by constant 115 '-' present if neg, absent if pos '+' means + for pos, - for neg mpy=200(4bs)50(9za) - multiply 51-59 by 201-204 51-59 is zoned ASCII 201-204 is a binary long word 's' means switch big-end/little-end on both retrieval & store result mpy=160(5pa):235- - mpys 161-165 by constant -235 161-165 packed ASCII (sign in zone)
div=todsp(tolth/typ)fromdsp(fromlth/typ) div=todsp(tolth/typ):constant
div=100(9)20(7) - divide 101-109 by 21-27 & store result in 101-109 (op1) (defaults to zoned ASCII numeric) op1 dflts to recout, op2 to recinput
div=w30(-9za):115 - divide work area bytes 31-39 by constant 115
Note |
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pac=100(5)50(9) - pack 51-59 into 101-105
operation |
Note |
unp=100(9)50(5) - unpack 51-55 into 101-109
operation |
Note |
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Most instructions are common to both uvcp & uvsort, but documented only here in uvcp.doc. This 'seq' documentation is duplicated in uvsort, since sequence# is most applicable to uvsort & would probably be executed at sort output time.
Note |
seq=displacement(length) <-- instruction format
seq=75(5) - sequence# in 75-79 (cols 76-80) - 5 bytes zoned numeric (unpacked) seq=75(5p) - 5 bytes packed seq=76(5b) - 4 bytes binary
seqo=75(5) - sequence# at Output time (vs input time) - more applicable to sorts seqo1=75(5) - seq# Output file #1 seqo2=75(5) - seq# Output file #2 seqo3=75(5) - seq# Output file #3
seqo1c1=75(5) - seq# Outfile#1 using counter#1 (default) seqo2c2=75(5) - seq# Outfile#2 using counter#2 (default)
seqo1c1=75(5) - seq# Outfile#1 using counter#1 (default) seqo1c2=80(5) - 2nd seq# in Outfile#1 using counter#2 seqo1c2=85(5) - can have multiple seq#s in 1 file
seqo1i10=75(5) - Increment by 10 (vs 1 default)
seqo1b1000i10=75(5) - Begin at 1000 & Increment by 10
option 'o#' |
option 'c#' |
option 'i#' |
option 'b#' |
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Perform a logical 'and' on the op1 data with the op2 mask op2 is usually a constant, but could address a data area. Use 'anc' to clear bits in the data that are 0's in the mask.
anc=op1dsp(lth):0xconstant (op2 usually constant) anc=op1dsp(lth)op2dsp
anc=20(10):0x0f - clear the zones of bytes 21-30
anc=20(10)10 - op2 could be an adrs, but unusual
ancm=20(3):0x0f0c0f - erase 0 bits in the mask of bytes 21-23, option 'm' required to allow op2 to be more than 1 byte
Perform a logical 'or' on the op1 data with the op2 mask op2 is usually a constant, but could address a data area. Use 'or' to add bits in the data that are 1's in the mask.
orc=op1dsp(lth):0xconstant (op2 usually constant)
orc=20(10):0x30 - set zones of byte 21-30 to 0x30's
orc=20(10)10 - op2 could be an adrs, but unusual
orcm=20(3):0x303040 - set zones of 21-23 to 0x303040 option 'm' required to allow op2 to be more than 1 byte
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chx=0(16)0 - converts the hex representation characters in the 1st 32 bytes of input record to true data in the 1st 16 bytes of outrec
sample op2 input = 3132332041424320616263207E5E3E2E op1 output = 123 ABC abc ~^>.
Notes |
uvcp "fili1=temp1,typ=LST,filo1=binaryctl,typ=RSF,rcs=32,chx=0(16)0"
hxc=0(32)0 - converts the data in the 1st 16 bytes of the input record to hex representation in the 1st 32 bytes of the output record
sample op2 input = 123 ABC abc ~^>. sample op1 output = 3132332041424320616263207E5E3E2E
Note |
uvcp "fili1=binary,typ=RSF,rcs=16,filo1=hexrep,typ=RST,rcs=33,hxc=0(32)0"
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'rep' will scan the op1 area replacing all occurrences of the op2 pattern with the op3 replacement.
The op1 area will be truncated or blank right filled depending on whether The replacement is longer than or shorter than the original pattern.
rep=op1dsp(op1lth):searchpattern:replacementpattern rep=op1dsp(op1lth)op2dsp(op2lth)op3dsp(op3lth) rep=op1dsp(op1lth):constant:constant
rep=0(128):AS400:UNIX - search outrec area replacing all occurrences of 'AS400' with 'UNIX'
rep=b100(200)a10(5)w20(8) - scan outrec 101-200 replacing any patterns matching 11-15 of inrec with the data at 21-28 of work area
rep=0(128):0x0a:0x0d0a - scan the outrec area replacing any line feeds with CR & LF (demos hex constants id by ':0x')
skp?=nn - may use the skip instrn to test whether any replacements were made skp:=1 - skip 1 instrn if any replcmnts made skp!=2 - skip 2 instrns if no replacements made
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Option 'u1' allows you to code blanks as underscores, which is convenient because blanks are not allowed in the uvcp command string. The alternative would be to code blanks in hexadecimal (' ' = 0x20). Here are some examples:
Option 'u2' allows you to code commas as at-signs, which is convenient because commas are used to separate commands in the command string and therefore can not be coded as constants.
repu1=0(1):_:X,repu2=1(1):@:Y,... ================================= - replace any blank ' ' in 1st byte with 'X' - and replace any comma ',' in 2nd byte with 'Y'
repu3=0(2):_@:XY,... ==================== - replace ' ,' (blank+comma) in 1st 2 bytes with 'XY' - note option u3 = (u1 + u2) - not same as above since both conditions must be met
repu3=0(1):_:@,repu3=1(1):@:_,... ================================= - replace any blank ' ' in 1st byte with comma ',' - and replace any comma ',' in 2nd byte with blank ' ' - note option u3 = (u1 + u2)
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'scn' searches the op1 area for any occurrence of the data pattern contained in op2 & sets the internal condition code equal if found which may then be tested by a following 'skp' instruction.
scn=op1dsp(op1lth):constant scn=op1dsp(op1lth):op2dsp(op2lth)
scn=a0(128):comp-3 - scan input record area for pattern 'comp-3' & set cc equal if found skp!=2 - skip next 2 instrns if not found
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sqz=start(length):constant - format
sqz=20(80):0x20 - squeeze all blanks between words in bytes 21-100 of outrec area blank filling on the right (0x20 is an ASCII blank in hex)
sqz=20(80) - may omit op2 to default to blank
sqzm=20(80):0x20 - squeeze multiple blanks to 1 blank between words in op1 (m option) - see other options described below
sqz=w0(10)w10 - op2 could be an adrs but unusual - this would squeeze out whatever char was in byte# 11 of w/s from the 1st 10 bytes of w/s
'sqz' with no options will squeeze all blanks from between the words in the op1 area & blank fill on the right as required
option f |
m - squeezes multiple blanks to 1 blank between the words c1 - option 'c1' same as 'm' (compatible with uvcopy sqz option)
b - will convert any characters less than a blank (0x00-0x20) into a blank so they will then be squeezed
h - will convert any characters greater than '~' (0x7e-0xff) into a blank so they will then be squeezed
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cmc=op1dsp(op1lth)op2dsp - compare op1 to op2 & set cc cmc=op1dsp(op1lth):constant - compare op1 to a constant skp?=nn - skip if ? matches internal cc
cmc=0(2):a5 - compare cols 1-2 to constant 'a5' skp:=1 - if equal skip the next instrn (':' colon used for equal condition)
cmc=b10(5)w10 - compare bytes 11-15 of outrec area to bytes 11-15 of the work area skp>=2 - if > skip the next 2 instrns --- else fall thru to this instrn skp.=1 skip (.)unconditionally 1 instrn ---
Notes |
Note |
Note |
uvcp "fili1=dat1/products,rcs=128,typ=LSTt,filo1=tmp/products\ ,cmc=0(3):HAM,skp!=99,mvc=7(1):*" =============================================================
Note |
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cmn=op1dsp(op1lth)op2dsp(op2lth) - compare op1 to op2 & set cc cmn=op1dsp(op1lth):constant - compare op1 to a constant skp?=nn - skip if ? matches internal cc
cmn=0(8):125 - compare cols 1-8 to constant '125' - numeric compare rt adjust, left 0 fill
cmn=0(8z)20(5p) - compare cols 1-8 (zoned num default) to cols 21-25 packed
cmn=20(5p)40(4b) - compare packed 21-25 to binary long 41-44
Note |
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put=b0(256) - write the current outrec area data
Note |
Note |
example |
mvn=w0(6p):0 - clear some w/s for accumulation addx12j0=w0(6p)a100(5) - accumulate the 12 fields & set cc skp:=1 - test cc & skip next instrn if zero put=b0(200) - write the record if nonzero ---
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The documentation above has described options that apply to specific instructions, but there are some options that apply to entire classes of instructions.
The options described below apply to the following instructions: mvn,edt,add,sub,mpy,div,pac,unp,seq,anc,orc,rep,sqz.
x99 |
j0/j9 |
k0/k9 |
l0/l9 |
addx12=160(5p)100(5p) - adds the 12 5 byte packed fields in 101-160 to the 12 5 byte packed fields in 161-120
addx12j0=w0(4b)160(5p) - adds the 36 5 byte packed fields in 101-280 to the 4 byte binary field in work area w1-w4 - the 'j0' option prevents op1 from being incremented, to get the cross-foot effect
addx12j10=b40(5p)100(5p) - adds to the 12 x 5 byte packed fields 41-100 from every 2 nd 5 byte field in 101-220 - option 'j10' causes op2 to be incremented by 10 vs the op2 length of 5
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There are 3 working storages which the user may address by prefixing the displacements of the item desired with the letters 'w','x',or 'y'
w |
x |
y |
--------- input file information -----------
x0(80) |
x80(80) |
x560(80) |
x640(16) |
x656(16) |
x672(28) |
x700(104) |
x804(4) |
x808(4) |
x812(4) |
x816(4) |
--------- output file information -----------
x1000(80) |
x1080(16) |
x1096(16) |
x1112(28) |
x1140(104) |
x1244(4) |
x1248(4) |
x1252(4) |
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---- system dates & times (begin) ----
y00(16) |
y20(19) |
---- system dates/times (tim instrn/prgm end) ----
y40(16) |
y60(19) |
y80(8) |
y90(19) |
y100(30) |
y140(30) |
y170(30) |
y200(100) |
y300(10) |
y310(10) |
y320(10) |
y330(8) |
y338(1) |
y340(8) |
y350(20) |
y370(8) |
y380(20) |
y400(30) |
y430(70) |
y504(8b) |
y512(8b) |
y536(4b) |
y520(8b) |
y528(8b) |
y540(4b) |
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'uvcp' is a mini version of the 'uvcopy' utility & is not intended to include all the facilities of that powerful utility.
uvcp was primarily intended to provide at least the functionality of the mainframe DATA utility to assist converting JCL to UNIX scripts.
The uvcp instruction format is restrictive compared to uvcopy because the intention was to allow all instructions to be specified on the command line & not be restricted to a parameter file.
The full featured version (uvcopy) allows a more user friendly format but restricts instructions (vs functions) to the parameter file since their syntax is incompatible with UNIX shell rules.
------------------ example of uvcp instruction format ----------------
unp=100(9)20(5) mvc=200(60):cannot_have_blanks_equalsigns_commas_in_uvcp_constants cmc=109(1):0x20 (use hex constants for blanks,equals,etc)
---------------- example of uvcopy instruction formats ----------------
unp 100(9),20(5) mvc 200(60),'no problem to have blanks, commas, = signs in uvcopy' cmc 109(1),x'3f' (uvcopy hex constants)
---------------------- restriction summary ---------------------------
1 - no embedded blanks, commas, equal signs in uvcp parameters - can use hexadecimal constants for these in most cases - could use underscores to separate words in character constants
2 - uvcp allows for 100 record selects or deletes (sel/del)
3 - uvcp allows for 100 instructions (mvc,mvn,edt,add,sub,etc) but this could be easily changed & the program recompiled
4 - must enclose command line in double quotes if any parenthesis present as on "isk=0(8)" (unix shell restriction)
5 - uvcp has a limited instruction set compared to the OS3 UVCOPY or the UNIX full featured uvcopy
6 - uvcp cannot skip to a label or use index registers as per UVCOPY or uvcopy
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given |
01-08=cust#,09=status,10-34=company,35-59=adrs1,60-84=adrs2, 85-109=adrs3,110-116=zip,117-122=telephone(packed), 176-200=contact-name
required |
001-008 = cust# - to be key1 009-009 = status - any 'd' status records to be deleted 010-034 = contact name (from 176-200 of input record) 035-059 = adrs1 060-084 = adrs2 & adrs3 squeezed together 085-093 = zip code - to be key2 094-103 = telephone# unpacked 104-104 = line feed terminator so backup versions can be easily viewed with a line editor
solution |
# cnvtcm - parameter file for the uvcp utility # - to convert the mainframe EBCDIC customer master file to a # UNIX ASCII 2 key Indexed contact name & address file fili1=/dev/rmt0,typ=RSF,rcs=256 filo1=contacts,typ=ISF,rcs=104,isk1=0(8),isk2=84(9) del=8(1):0xc4 # delete records with EBCDIC 'D' in col 9 mvc=w0(256)a0 # move entire record to the work area tra=w0(256) # translate entire work area to ASCII mvc=0(9)w0 # move cust# & status from w/a to outrec mvc=b9(25)w175 # move contact name from w/a to outrec mvc=b34(25)w35 # move adrs1 from w/a to outrec sqzm=w59(50):0x20 # squeeze adrs2 & adrs3 together in w/a mvc=b59(25)w59 # move combined adrs2+adrs3 to adrs2 out mvc=b84(7)w109 # move zip code from w/a to outrec unp=b93(10)a116(6) # unpack the telephone# orc=b102(1):0x30 # ensure zone of units digit is ASCII numeric mvc=b103:0x0a # insert line feed in last byte of record put=b0(104) # write out the record
After preparing the parameter file with the editor, you may execute it with the command line shown below:
uvcp cnvtcm ===========
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The entire record was 1st moved to the work area & translated to ASCII in the work area in order to give us complete flexibility in then reformatting the unpacked data from the work area & the packed data from the record area
This example includes some 'overkill' in order to demonstrate more of the available instructions
'put' is unnecessary since it is automatic unless we use 'skp's.
'clr' is unnecessary since the output record area is automatically cleared before each record is processed.
The above instrn to put a line feed in the last byte is not required since typ=ISF,rcs=104 actually writes 105 byte records with LF in last byte. (Indexed files use extra byte as a status byte, changed to x'00' if deleted)
unp=b93(10)a116(6) orc=b102(1):0x30
The above 2 instrns could be replaced with the 1 'mvn' shown below since mvn ensures zones conform to the data type specified (zoned ASCII)
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given: |
required: |
(a) uvcp "fili1=/def/rmt0,typ=RSF,rcs=240,filo1=glmaster,typ=ISF,isk1=0(20), tra=0(60)"
(b) uvcp "fili1=/def/rmt0,typ=RSF,rcs=240,filo1=glmaster,typ=ISF,isk1=0(20), rcs=240,tra=0(60),mvnx36=60(-10za)60(5pe)"
(c) uvcp "fili1=/def/rmt0,typ=RSF,rcs=240,filo1=glmaster,typ=ISF,isk1=0(20), rcs=240,tra=0(60),mvnx36=60(4b)60(5pe)"
(a) - translates only the gl# & the description (not packed fields) - you do not need to code 'mvc=0(240)0' before the 'tra' instrn since uvcp automatically moves the input record to the output record area before your 1st instrn is executed.
(b) - 'mvn' with repeat option 'x36' converts all 36 packed fields from 5 byte packed EBCDIC to 10 byte zoned ASCII with separate leading sign byte '-' if negative.
(c) - 'mvn' with repeat option 'x36' converts all 36 packed fields from 5 byte packed EBCDIC to 4 byte binary long integers. - note that the 's' option to switch from big end to little end is only required if you were converting binary mainframe fields.
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Make script from directory of data files & a command template with patterns to be replaced by current file values. The template may contain the following patterns, which will be replaced by the actual values for the current file:
The default template is for 'uvcp' (data file copy utility), which will copy all files from the input directory to a 2nd directory, reorganizing indexed files (sequencing active records & dropping deleted records). The default template & a corresponding generated script line might be:
cmnd: uvcopy mkscript,fild1=dat1,filo1=sf/reorg1,filr1=ctlI/ctlfile1 ==============================================================
enter script template or null for default --> <-- null for default
dflt: uvcp "fili1=$DIR1/FNAME,typ=TYPl1,rcs=RSIZE,filo1=$DIR2/FNAME #keys=KEYS" =========================================================================
# sf/reorg1 - created by mkscript 1998/12/17_17:14:03 # - uvcp template as follows: # uvcp "fili1=$DIR1/FNAME,typ=TYPl1,rcs=RSIZE,filo1=$DIR2/FNAME" #keys=KEYS uvcp "fili1=$DIR1/custmas1,typ=RSFl1,rcs=256,filo1=$DIR2/custmas1" #keys= uvcp "fili1=$DIR1/custmas2,typ=ISFl1,rcs=256,filo1=$DIR2/custmas2" #keys=(0,6,60,16) uvcp "fili1=$DIR1/warmas1,typ=RSFl1,rcs=64,filo1=$DIR2/warmas1" #keys= uvcp "fili1=$DIR1/warmas2,typ=ISFl1,rcs=64,filo1=$DIR2/warmas2" #keys=(0,12)
2. vi sf/reorg1 - inspect & modify created script ============
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You may need to convert text files to fixed if the data is input for a COBOL program expecting fixed length records (with no LineFeed terminators). Text records are terminated by LineFeeds LF=x'0A' or CarriageReturn+LineFeed CR+LF=x'0D0A'. Text records may vary in length since trailing blanks are usually omitted & the LineFeed inserted after the last nonblank. Text files on unix systems need only the LineFeed, but files from windows or mainframes may have both CR & LF. For our example we will show both.
uvhd dat1/products h2t <-- uvhd with 'h2' option to see the LineFeeds ====================== (option 't' tells uvhd to end records on x'0A')
10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 0 BBQ010 BAR-B-Q.. <-- LineFeed shows as '.' on character line 445333222445242500 <-- note: zones & digits CR+LF=x'0D'+x'0A' 221010000212D2D1DA - - - showing only 1st & 4th records to save space - - - 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 4 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 61 HAM020 BALL PEEN HAMMER.. 444333222444425444244444500 81D02000021CC0055E081DD52DA
uvcp "fili1=dat1/products,typ=LST,rcs=256,filo1=tmp/products,typ=RSF,rcs=80" ============================================================================ - convert text file to fixed length 80 byte records with no CR/LF terminators
uvhd tmp/products h2r80 <-- uvhd with option h2 for hex display ======================= - option r80 for fixed record-size
10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 0 BBQ010 BAR-B-Q 4453332224452425222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 221010000212D2D1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 64 2222222222222222 0000000000000000 - - - showing only 1st & 4th records to save space - - - r# 4 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 240 HAM020 BALL PEEN HAMMER 4443332224444254442444445222222222222222222222222222222222222222 81D02000021CC0055E081DD52000000000000000000000000000000000000000 64 2222222222222222 0000000000000000
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uvcp "fili1=dat1/products,typ=LST,rcs=256,filo1=tmp/products,typ=RSF,rcs=80" ============================================================================ - convert text file to fixed length 80 byte records with no CR/LF terminators
If you FTP files from the mainframe in text mode, FTP translates to ASCII and appends CR+LF on the end of each record, as shown below using our 'customers' demo file. These records were fixed length 102 bytes on the mainframe with no LineFeeds. Here are the 1st 2 records shown by uvhd using option 'h2' for vertical hexadecimal display & option 't' to tell uvhd to look for LineFeeds x'0A' to terminate records.
uvhd dat1/customers h2t <-- uvhd display in hex using LF terminators =======================
10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 0 130140 EVERGREEN MOTORS LTD. 1815 BOWEN ROAD NANA 3333332222454545444244545524542222233332445442544422222222224444 130140000056527255E0DF4F230C44E0000181502F75E02F140000000000E1E1 64 IMO BC V9S1H1 604-754-5531.. 4442222222222442535343222233323332333300 9DF00000000002306931810000604D754D5531DA 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 2 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 104 132588 GEECOE GENERATOR SERVICE UNIT 170 - 2851 SIMPSON RICH 3333332222444444244445454525455444254452333222333325445544225444 13258800007553F5075E5214F20352693505E9401700D02851039D03FE002938 64 MOND BC V6X2R2 604-278-4488.. 4444222222222442535353222233323332333300 DFE40000000002306682220000604D278D4488DA
The problem is that the COBOL program on unix expects fixed 102 byte records so we need to drop off the extra 2 bytes (CR+LF) appended by FTP.
Please see the solution (via uvcp) on the next page --->
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uvcp "fili1=dat1/customers,typ=LST,rcs=256,filo1=tmp/customers,typ=RSF,rcs=102" =============================================================================== - drop off CR/LF (created by FTP) & force output recsize = 102
uvhd tmp/customers h2r102 <-- uvhd with options h2=hex, r102=record-size ==========================
10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 0 130140 EVERGREEN MOTORS LTD. 1815 BOWEN ROAD NANA 3333332222454545444244545524542222233332445442544422222222224444 130140000056527255E0DF4F230C44E0000181502F75E02F140000000000E1E1 64 IMO BC V9S1H1 604-754-5531 44422222222224425353432222333233323333 9DF00000000002306931810000604D754D5531
10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 2 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 102 132588 GEECOE GENERATOR SERVICE UNIT 170 - 2851 SIMPSON RICH 3333332222444444244445454525455444254452333222333325445544225444 13258800007553F5075E5214F20352693505E9401700D02851039D03FE002938 64 MOND BC V6X2R2 604-278-4488 44442222222224425353532222333233323333 DFE40000000002306682220000604D278D4488
Above we used uvcp to restore the record size to agree with the COBOL program.
We might consider changing the COBOL program to accept a text type file vs fixed length. Change ORGANIZATION in the SELECT clause as shown below:
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Fixed length records without LineFeeds cannot be viewed or printed with the usual unix/linux utilities (vi,more,lp,etc). To these utilties, the file appears as 1 long line. Try the following:
#0. cd /home/uvadm <-- easy access to dat/... test/demo files ==============
#1. vi dat1/sales1 <-- try vi on a file w/o LineFeeds ============== - the screen will be filled with data, but records are not distinct. - and 'vi' will display --> noEOL, 1 Line, 1280 Chars
#2. uvhd dat1/sales1 <-- try uvhd ================
10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 0 130140 21 940802 IN111001 HAM001 00002{ 0000001 00000002{ 3333332222332333333244333333224443332233333723333333233333333722 130140000021094080209E1110010081D0010000002B00000001000000002B00 64 130140 21 940802 IN111001 SCR012 00002A 0001001 00002102A 3333332222332333333244333333225453332233333423333333233333333422 130140000021094080209E111001003320120000002100001001000002102100 128 139923 35 950802 IN111002 CHR001 00002B 0002001 00004402B 3333332222332333333244333333224453332233333423333333233333333422 139923000035095080209E111002003820010000002200002001000004402200
#3. uvcp "fili1=dat1/sales1,typ=RSF,rcs=64,filo1=tmp/sales1,typ=LSTt" ================================================================= - use uvcp to convert file type from RSF (Record Seqntl Fixed) - to LSTt (Line Seqntl Terminated) - option 't' inserts the LF after the last nonblank
#4. vi tmp/sales1 <-- use vi to view the converted file (typ=LST) =============
130140 21 940802 IN111001 HAM001 00002{ 0000001 00000002{ 130140 21 940802 IN111001 SCR012 00002A 0001001 00002102A 139923 35 950802 IN111002 CHR001 00002B 0002001 00004402B
Note |
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uvcpfix1 & uvcpfix2 are scripts to make it easy to change file-types, record-sizes, reformat records, translate, etc. These scripts use 'uvcp', but the coding required is much simpler than coding the uvcp comamnd directly, see examples below:
Required - we need to create a new file of product codes & descriptions ======== for a COBOL program that expects fixed-length 32 byte records.
Method - use the editor to create a text file of products & descriptions ====== - then convert the file to Fixed-Length using uvcpfix1
Extra - also store a Line-Feed in the last byte for unix convenience ===== - not required for the COBOL program - but allows us to use unix utilities on a fixed length file - possible only when last byte unused
#1. Login --> /home/userxx #2. mkdir dat1 tmp <-- make subdirs (if not already existing)
#3. vi dat1/products <-- use editor to create text file of ================ product codes & descriptions, as follows:
#4. uvcpfix1 dat1/products 32 RST ============================= - convert dat1/products from text to fixed-lenth in tmp/products - arg3 'RST' inserts LF x'0A' in the last byte - see all file-type codes on pages 'F1' - F7.
#5. uvhd tmp/products r32 <-- check output file with uvhd ===================== - note LF x'0A' in last byte
10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 0 BBQ010 BAR-B-Q . 44533322244524252222222222222220 221010000212D2D1000000000000000A rec#=1 rsize=32 fptr=0 fsize=288 rcount=9
#6. cp tmp/products dat1 ==================== - save output file by copying back to dat1/products - overwrites input (could rename if desired)
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Given - customer master & sales history file (see uvhd of 1st record below) ===== - 256 byte records with 24 x 5 byte packed fields (thisyr & lastyr sales) - packed fields & no LineFeeds mean 'vi' can not be used
Required - create a 'Customer Telephone List' from customer master & sales file ======== - customer#, customer-name, telephone#,& contact-name
#1. Login --> /home/userxx #2. mkdir dat1 tmp <-- make subdirs (if not already existing)
#3. cp $UV/dat1/custmas1 dat1 <-- copy demo file to your homedir =========================
#4. uvhd /home/uvadm/dat1/custmas1 <-- inspect cust master file ============================== - to see where desired fields are
10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 0 130140 EVERGREEN MOTORS LTD. 1815 BOWEN ROAD NANA 3333332222454545444244545524542222233332445442544422222222224444 130140000056527255E0DF4F230C44E0000181502F75E02F140000000000E1E1 64 IMO BC V9S1H1 250-754-5531 LARRY WRENCH ..4V|... 4442222222222442535343222233323332333324455525544442222201357000 9DF00000000002306931810000250D754D55310C12290725E38000000246C000 128 .........W0....`........)X}..f3.....\.................4V}....... 0000000005300016000000002570063100095000000000000000013570000000 0C0000C0270D0540C0000C0098D0263C0444C0000C0000C0000C0246D0000C00 192 .E|...V}.......................f.....<........f.C 19950531 0470005700000000880000000018000680001300000000694233333333222222 35C0046D0000C0023C0000C0083C0056D0012C0000C0016D3019950531000000 rec#=1 rsize=256 fptr=0 fsize=8192 rcount=32
#5. uvcpfix2 dat1/custmas1 256 65 LSTt 'mvc=35(30)90' ================================================= - convert fixed 256 record to 65 byte text (1st 35 + 90-119) - we need to move (mvc) tel# & contact-name from 90-119 to 35-64 - file type 'LSTt' inserts the Line-Feed after the last non-blank - instructions (mvc) must be enclosed in single quotes - writes output to tmp/custmas1 (for inspection & relocation if OK)
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#6. vi tmp/custmas1 <-- inspect output (1st 3 records shown below) ===============
#6a. uvhd tmp/custmas1 t <-- inspect with uvhd to see the LineFeed x'0A' =================== - inserted after last non-blank
rec#=1 rsize=61 fptr=0 fsize=1665 rcount=32 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 0 130140 EVERGREEN MOTORS LTD. 250-754-5531 LARRY WRENCH. 3333332222454545444244545524542222233323332333324455525544440 130140000056527255E0DF4F230C44E0000250D754D55310C12290725E38A rec#=2 rsize=58 fptr=61 fsize=1665 rcount=32 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 2 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 61 132588 GEECOE GENERATOR SERVICES604-278-4488 JOE LIGHT. 3333332222444444244445454525455444533323332333324442444450 13258800007553F5075E5214F2035269353604D278D44880AF50C9784A
#7. cp tmp/custmas1 dat1/custelephones ================================== - save output file by copy/rename from tmp/custmas1 to dat1/custelephones
LST - Line Sequential Terminated by LineFeed x'0A', after specified recsize LSTt - same, but LineFeed inserted after last non-blank (shortens records) RSF - Record Sequential Fixed record length RST - Record Sequential fixlth Terminated by LineFeed (OK if last byte unused) RSR - Record Sequential fixlth Relative, LF extra, actual recsize=specified+1 ISF - Indexed Sequential Fixed record length (compatible with Micro Focus COBOL) IDX - Indexed Sequential Variable record length (compatible with Micro Focus COBOL) RSV - Record Sequential Variable length (compatible with Micro Focus COBOL) RDW - Variable record length with recsize in 1st 2 bytes binary (FTP option) RDWz4 - 4 byte record prefix with 2 byte binary record size & 2 unused nulls - record size in prefix is the total record size including the prefix RDWz2 - RDW files wiith ONLY 2 byte headers (vs z4 4 byte standard) - recsize in hdr DATA SIZE ONLY (vs z4 recsize in hdr = Total Header+Data) RDWz18 - recsize in hdr is TOTAL slot size, includes hdr (like z4) - 2 byte hdr, recsize 1st 2 bytes binary BIG-end
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#!/bin/ksh # uvcpfix1 - copy/modify a text file (with LineFeeds) changing (file type, layout) # - copies to tmp subdir & prompts for vi,cat,more, or uvlp12(etc) # - may then move from tmp to other desired location # - by Owen Townsend, UV Software, Feb 2014 (uvcpL2F renamed) # - may enter uvcp commands as arg 4 to move,clear,translate fields # - see all uvcp instructions at www.uvsoftware.ca/uvcp.htm#M0 - M19 # - see file type codes at www.uvsoftware.ca/uvcp.htm#F1 - F7 # uvcpfix2 - alternate to copy/modify Fixed-Length record files fpn="$1"; typ="$3"; cmd="$4"; # capture filename, type, & optional instrns integer rcs="$2"; # capture recsize (ensure numeric) if [[ -f "$fpn" && -n "$typ" && $rcs -gt 0 ]]; then : else echo "usage: uvcpfix1 filename outrecsize outtype ['mvc=,clr=,tra=,etc']" echo " ===============================================================" echo " - arg1 is a text file with LineFeeds (max recsize 4096)" echo " - arg2 is record size for fixed length output file types" echo " - arg3 must be output-file-type (RSF/RST/RSR/LST/LSTt)" echo " - arg4 optional instructions, see www.uvsoftware.ca/uvcp.htm" echo " " echo "example1: uvcpfix1 dat1/produpdts 64 RSF" echo " ==============================" echo " - convert dat1/produpdts text file to fixlth 64 bytes no LFs" echo " for input to COBOL update that demands fixlth no LFs" echo " - typ RSF removes any existing LFs & blank fills to spcfd recsize" echo " - could specify RST insert LF in last byte (if unused)" echo " - could specify RSR insert LF after spcfd recsize (recsize+1)" echo " - could specify LST, would be copying to same filetype ?" echo " - might use LSTtc2 (option c2) to convert unprintables to '.' periods" echo " - might use LSTtd3 (option d3) insert CR & LF (CR old Windows DOS)" echo " - option w2 appended on all types to Warn overwrite same filenames" echo " " echo "example2: uvcpfix1 dat1/produpdts 64 RST 'mvc=50(8):20140201'" echo " ===================================================" echo " - same as above & also store a date in cols 51-58" echo " - output typ 'RST' stores LineFeed in last byte (allows vi)" exit 1; fi # fbn=$(basename $fpn); # get file basename (drop directories) # uvcp "fili1=$fpn,typ=LSTt,rcs=4096,filo1=tmp/$fbn,typ=${typ}w2,rcs=$rcs,$cmd" #============================================================================ echo "$fpn converted to tmp/$fbn" echo "enter command: (uvhd is recommended when no LineFeeds)" echo "- or null & then move tmp/$fbn to another desired location" read reply if [[ "$reply" = "uvhd" ]]; then uvhd tmp/$fbn r$rcs elif [[ -n "$reply" ]]; then $reply tmp/$fbn fi exit 0
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# uvcpfix2 - convert datafile from Fixed length (RSF) to LST/LSTt/RST/etc # - copies to tmp subdir & prompts for vi,cat,more, or uvlp12(etc) # - may then move from tmp to other desired location # - by OT, UV Software, 2005, updated Feb2014, renamed from uvcpF2L # - may enter uvcp commands as arg 4 to move,clear,translate fields # - see all uvcp instructions at www.uvsoftware.ca/uvcp.htm#M0 - M19 # - see file type codes at www.uvsoftware.ca/uvcp.htm#F1 - F7 # uvcpfix1 - alternate to copy/modify text files (records terminated by LineFeeds) fpn="$1"; typ="$4"; cmd="$5"; # capture filename, type, & optional instrns integer rcsi="$2"; # capture recsize (ensure numeric) integer rcso="$3"; # capture recsize (ensure numeric) if [[ -f "$fpn" && -n "$typ" && $rcsi -gt 0 && $rcso -gt 0 ]]; then : else echo "usage: uvcpfix2 filename insize outsize type [mvc=,clr=,tra=,etc]" echo " ==========================================================" echo " - arg1 is a fixed record length file (no LineFeeds requried)" echo " - arg2 is record-size for fixed length INput file" echo " - arg3 is rec-size for fixed lth OUTput file or max-size for text output" echo " - arg4 must be output-file-type (RSF/RST/RSR/LST/LSTt)" echo " - arg5 optional instructions, see www.uvsoftware.ca/uvcp.htm" echo " " echo "example1: uvcpfix2 dat1/sales1 64 65 LST" echo " ==============================" echo " - LST adds LF after each 64 bytes, actual recsize = 65" echo " - could specify RST insert LF in col 64 (if col 64 unused)" echo " - could specify LSTt (option t) to insert LF after last non-blank" echo " - could specify LSTtc2 (option c2) convert unprintables to '.' periods" echo " - could specify LSTtc2d3 (option d3) insert CR & LF (CR old Windows DOS)" echo " - option w2 appended on all types to Warn overwrite same filenames" echo " " echo "example2: uvcpfix2 dat1/custmas1 256 65 LSTt 'mvc=35(30)90'" echo " =================================================" echo " - converts fix-lth 256 byte records to text file 65 max bytes" echo " - moves 90-119 (tel# & contact) to 35-65 making a telephone list" echo " (cust# 0-6, cust-name 10-34, tel# 35-36, contact 37=64)" exit 1; fi # verify filesize evenly divisible by recsize fs=$(stat -c%s $fpn) ((rem = fs % rcsi)) if ((rem)); then echo "file size $fs not evenly divisible by recsize $rs, remndr=$rem" exit 2; fi fbn=$(basename $fpn); # get file basename (drop directories) uvcp "fili1=$fpn,typ=RSF,rcs=$rcsi,filo1=tmp/$fbn,typ=${typ}w2,rcs=$rcso,$cmd" #============================================================================= echo "$fpn converted to tmp/$fbn" echo "enter command: vi,cat,more, or uvlp12,14,18,etc (1st page only)" echo "- or null & then move file from tmp/$fbn to another desired location" read reply if [[ "$reply" == uvlp* ]]; then $reply tmp/$fbn e1 elif [[ -n "$reply" ]]; then $reply tmp/$fbn fi exit 0
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File typ=EOR was added in Jan 2015 to facilitate FTP of variable length records back to the mainframe (FTP options binary & 'STRU R').
'typ=EOR' will append the EBCDIC End-Of-Record marker x'FF01' on the end of the input file records, with options to translate to EBCDIC,& shorten records to the last non-blank (EBCDIC > x'40' or ASCII > x'20').
typ=EORt0 |
typ=EORt1 |
typ=EORt2 |
typ=EORt4 |
typ=EORt5 |
dat1/testEORt1 - test uvcp typ=EORt1 translate to EBCDIC & append x'FF01' at EOR, depending rcs= on fili1/filo1 rcs= fili1 only, use insize(may vary), keep trailing blanks
uvcp "fili1=dat1/testEORt1,rcs=64,typ=LST,filo1=tmp1/testEORt1,typ=EORt1" ========================================================================= uvhd /home/uvadm/tmp1/testEORt1 at=FF01 ======================================= rec#=1 rsize=58 fptr=0 fsize=183 rcount=3 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 0 dat1/testEORt1 - test uvcp typ=EORt1 translate to EBCDIC.. 88AF6A8AACDDAF464A8AA4AA894AA97CDDAF4A989A98A84A94CCCCCCF0 413113523569310003523045370387E5693103915231350360523493F1 rec#=2 rsize=61 fptr=58 fsize=183 rcount=3 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 2 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 58 & append x'FF01' at EOR, depending rcs= on fili1/filo1 .. 548998984A7CCFF748A4CDD64889898898498A749948898F68899F44444F0 0017755407D6601D0130569B04575549570932E06506939116936100000F1 rec#=3 rsize=64 fptr=119 fsize=183 rcount=3 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 3 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 119 rcs= fili1 only, use insize(may vary), keep trailing blanks .. 98A748898F4999A64AA8489A8A8498A4A89A56498894A9889898489899A444F0 932E06939106538B04250952995D41805198DB025570391939570231522000F1
Note |
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dat1/testEORt1 - test uvcp typ=EORt1 translate to EBCDIC & append x'FF01' at EOR, depending rcs= on fili1/filo1 rcs= also on filo1, causes fixed output recisze+2
uvcp "fili1=dat1/testEORt1a,rcs=64,typ=LST,filo1=tmp1/testEORt1a,rcs=62,typ=EORt1" ================================================================******=========== uvhd /home/uvadm/tmp1/testEORt1a at=FF01 ======================================== rec#=1 rsize=64 fptr=0 fsize=192 rcount=3 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 0 dat1/testEORt1 - test uvcp typ=EORt1 translate to EBCDIC .. 88AF6A8AACDDAF464A8AA4AA894AA97CDDAF4A989A98A84A94CCCCCC444444F0 413113523569310003523045370387E5693103915231350360523493000000F1 rec#=2 rsize=64 fptr=64 fsize=192 rcount=3 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 2 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 64 & append x'FF01' at EOR, depending rcs= on fili1/filo1 .. 548998984A7CCFF748A4CDD64889898898498A749948898F68899F44444444F0 0017755407D6601D0130569B04575549570932E06506939116936100000000F1 rec#=3 rsize=64 fptr=128 fsize=192 rcount=3 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 3 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 128 rcs= also on filo1, causes fixed output recisze+2 .. 98A7489A949948899F6488AA8A488A8849AA9AA49888AA84F4444444444444F0 932E01326065069361B0314252069754064374309539295E20000000000000F1
Note |
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dat1/testEORt5 - test uvcp typ=EORt5 translate to EBCDIC, append x'FF01',& remove trailing blanks x'40' option t5 These records blank filled to 63 bytes +LF, will be shortened
uvcp "fili1=dat1/testEORt5,rcs=64,typ=LST,filo1=tmp1/testEORt5,typ=EORt5" ========================================================================= uvhd /home/uvadm/tmp1/testEORt5 at=FF01 ======================================= rec#=1 rsize=59 fptr=0 fsize=179 rcount=3 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 0 dat1/testEORt5 - test uvcp typ=EORt5 translate to EBCDIC,.. 88AF6A8AACDDAF464A8AA4AA894AA97CDDAF4A989A98A84A94CCCCCC6F0 413113523569350003523045370387E5693503915231350360523493BF1 rec#=2 rsize=57 fptr=59 fsize=179 rcount=3 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 2 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 59 append x'FF01',& remove trailing blanks x'40' option t5.. 8998984A7CCFF76549899A84A9889898489899A4A7FF7499A8994AFF0 17755407D6601DB00954655039193957023152207D40D0673965035F1 rec#=3 rsize=63 fptr=116 fsize=179 rcount=3 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 3 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 116 These records blank filled to 63 bytes +LF, will be shortened.. E88A84988998A48989948899884A94FF48AA8A44DC64A8994884A899A8988F0 385250953694202315206933540360630283520E36B069330250286935554F1
Note |
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File 'typ=STL' is the STandard Language file system used by AIX COBOL, added to uvcp in February 2016. These are complex file formats with file headers & record headers. There are 3 subtypes as follows:
typ=STLs |
typ=STLi |
typ=STLr |
File typ=STL Indexed & Relative is provided for input files only. You can copy them to output file types (LSTt,RSF,RST,RSV,RDW,ISF,IDXf1,& STLs Sequential).
Here are examples converting the 3 demo files provided in $UV/dat1/... We will convert them to 'typ=LSTt' which can be easily checked with vi.
uvcp "fili1=dat1/testSTLs,typ=STLs,rcs=4096,filo1=tmp/teststls,typ=LSTt" ======================================================================= - convert 'typ=STLs' Sequential to 'typ=LSTt' Line Sequential
uvcp "fili1=dat1/testSTLi,typ=STLi,rcs=4096,filo1=tmp/teststli,typ=LSTt" ======================================================================= - convert 'typ=STLi' Indexed to 'typ=LSTt' Line Sequential
uvcp "fili1=dat1/testSTLr,typ=STLr,rcs=4096,filo1=tmp/teststlr,typ=LSTt" ======================================================================= - convert 'typ=STLr' Relative to 'typ=LSTt' Line Sequential
We specify 'rcs=4096' or a size you know is larger than the largest record expected. Record size specified by rcs=... will init I/O areas to blanks, The actual record size is specified in the file header &/or as a prefix on each record & could vary from record to record.
Output 'typ=LSTt' inserts a LineFeed x'0A' after the last nonblank, truncating records depending on data present. So the output records could vary from 4096 bytes down to 1 byte.
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uvcp "fili1=dat1/testSTLi,typ=STLi,rcs=4096,filo1=tmp/teststli,typ=RSF" ======================================================================= - convert 'typ=STLi' Indexed to 'typ=RSF' Record Sequential Fixed
In this case the output records would all be 4096 bytes (blank filled on right). - regardless of whether Input records are variable or fixed.
uvcp "fili1=dat1/testSTLi,typ=STLi,rcs=4096,filo1=tmp/teststli,typ=RSF,rcs=200" =============================================================================== - can specify record size on output side (after filo1=...) as desired
uvcp "fili1=dat1/testSTLi,typ=STLi,rcs=200,filo1=tmp/teststli,typ=RST" ====================================================================== - or can specify on input side if you know records are <= 200 - this example specifies output 'typ=RST' which inserts a LineFeed in last byte which allows you to use unix tools (vi,etc) on the output file (if you know the last byte is unused for data)
uvcp "fili1=dat1/testSTLi,typ=STLi,rcs=4096,filo1=tmp/teststls,typ=STLs" ======================================================================= - convert 'typ=STLi' Indexed to 'typ=STLs' Seqquential - output record size is determined by input record size & could be variable
uvcp "fili1=dat1/testSTLi,typ=STLi,rcs=4096,filo1=tmp/teststls,typ=STLs,rcs=200" ================================================================================ - But if you specify a record size on the output side (after filo1=...) then the output file size will be fixed
Note that 'uvcp' automatically bypasses file headers, system records,& deleted records (in Indexed & Relative files). You could see deleted records in an Indexed file as follows:
uvhd dat1/testSTLi x4y4 <-- display STL indexed file (x4=Indexed files) ======================= - add option 'y4' to see Deleted records
See https://uvsoftware.ca/uvhd.htm#5J5 for options y1,y2,y4 to show file headers, System records,& Deleted records. Use y7 to show all types.
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Here is a uvhd (hexdump) of the STL sequential demo file provided.
uvhd /home/cothern/testlibs/d1/testSTLs x2y1 <-- option x2=sequential STL ============================================ - option y1=show file header vs default Data records only records=11 rsize=112 fsize=1102 rec#=1 rsize=112 fptr=0 fsize=1102 records=11 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 0 ...p ...STLS.................................................... 0007210055450000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000054034C31234000100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 64 .......[.......[.......[.......................N 000000050000000500000005000000000001000000000004 0000000B0000000B0000000B0000000A000000000000004E rec#=2 rsize=99 fptr=112 fsize=1102 records=11 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 2 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 112 ...[000000001 0005333333333222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 000B000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 64 000000001...[ 22222222222222222222223333333330005 0000000000000000000000000000001000B rec#=3 rsize=99 fptr=211 fsize=1102 records=11 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 3 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 211 ...[000000002 0005333333333222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 000B000000002000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 64 000000002...[ 22222222222222222222223333333330005 0000000000000000000000000000002000B rec#=4 rsize=99 fptr=310 fsize=1102 records=11 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 4 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 310 ...[000000003 0005333333333222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 000B000000003000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 64 000000003...[ 22222222222222222222223333333330005 0000000000000000000000000000003000B
For the uvhd hexdump above, option 'x2' specifies an STL Sequential file. Option 'y1' will show the file header as well as the Data records.
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The 1st 4 bytes of the file hdr is x'00000070' hex, which is 112 decimal. This defines the displacement to the begining of the 1st data record, which you can see is 112 decimal, (1st line 64 + 48 from 2nd line = 112).
The data records are preceded & followed by the record length in binary x'00000050' (horizontal hex vs vertical hex in uvhd) - is decimal 80 (5*16) The x'50' (recsize 80) conincides with the ASCII code for letter 'P'.
uvcp "fili1=dat1/testSTLs,typ=STLs,rcs=4096,filo1=tmp/teststls,typ=LSTt" ======================================================================= - convert 'typ=STLs' Sequential to 'typ=LSTt' Line Sequential
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uvhd /home/cothern/testlibs/d1/testSTLi x4y7 <-- option x4=Indexed STL ============================================ <-- option y7=show all types vs y4=Data records only records=12 deleted=3 rsize=2048 fsize=7094 rec#=1 rsize=2048 fptr=0 fsize=7094 records=12 deleted=3 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 0 .... ...STLI...................................................p 0000210055440000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000001007 0080054034C900000000000A0000008000000000000000000000000000010B10 <------- showing only 1st 64 bytes of 2048 file header --------> rec#=2 rsize=4096 fptr=2048 fsize=7094 records=12 deleted=3 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 2 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 2048 .............................................._...............| 2000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000150000001100000017 00070000000000800000000000000000000000800000008F0000009D0000009C <------ showing only 1st 64 bytes of 4096 system record -------> rec#=3 rsize=95 fptr=6144 fsize=7094 records=12 deleted=3 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 3 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 6144 @.._000000001ISAM 4005333333333454422222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 000F000000001931D00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 64 000000001 2222222222222222222222333333333 0000000000000000000000000000001 rec#=4 rsize=95 fptr=6239 fsize=7094 records=12 deleted=3 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 4 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 6239 @.._000000002ISAM 4005333333333454422222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 000F000000002931D00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 64 000000002 2222222222222222222222333333333 0000000000000000000000000000002 rec#=5 rsize=95 fptr=6334 fsize=7094 records=12 deleted=3 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 5 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 6334 ..._..................._........................................ 8005000000000000000000050000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000F0000000000000000000F0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 64 ............................... 0000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000
For the uvhd hexdump above, option 'x4' specifies an STL Indexed file. With no other options, we would see only the Data records, but we added option 'y7' to show All records (y1=file Hdr, y2=System recs, y4=Deleted recs).
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The Indexed & Relative files file header records are 2048 bytes. See file hdr size in 1st 4 bytes x'00000800' = 8 * 256 = 2048 bytes.
The 2nd record at 2048 begins with x'2000000A'. x'20' identifies a System record which are always 4096 bytes. The last 3 bytes of the 4 byte record header are usually the record length, but not for these system records. I am not sure if the x'__000007' has any significance ?
The 1st data record begins at 2048 + 4096 = 6144 bytes & begins with x'4000005F' The x'40' identifies a valid data record, Deleted records would be x'80'. The x'__00005F' is the record length including the 4 byte record hdr (5*16)+(15*1) = 95.
uvcp "fili1=dat1/testSTLi,typ=STLi,rcs=4096,filo1=tmp/teststli,typ=LSTt" ======================================================================= - convert 'typ=STLi' Indexed to 'typ=LSTt' Line Sequential
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uvhd /home/cothern/testlibs/d1/testSTLr x8y7 <-- option x8=relative STL ============================================ <-- option y7=show all types vs y4=Data records only records=12 deleted=3 rsize=2048 fsize=7134 rec#=1 rsize=2048 fptr=0 fsize=7134 records=12 deleted=3 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 0 .... ...STLI...................................................p 0000210055440000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000001007 0080054034C900000000000A0000008000000000000000000000000000010B10 <------- showing only 1st 64 bytes of 2048 file header --------> rec#=2 rsize=4096 fptr=2048 fsize=7134 records=12 deleted=3 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 2 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 2048 ..............................................c.......)........ 2000000000000000000000000000000000000010000000160000001200000018 000700000000008000000000000000000000008000000083000000990000009C <------ showing only 1st 64 bytes of 4096 system record -------> rec#=3 rsize=99 fptr=6144 fsize=7134 records=12 deleted=3 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 3 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 6144 @..c....000000001REL 4006000033333333354422222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 0003000100000000125C00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 64 000000001 22222222222222222222222222333333333 00000000000000000000000000000000001 rec#=4 rsize=99 fptr=6243 fsize=7134 records=12 deleted=3 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 4 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 6243 @..c....000000002REL 4006000033333333354422222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 0003000200000000225C00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 64 000000002 22222222222222222222222222333333333 00000000000000000000000000000000002 rec#=5 rsize=99 fptr=6342 fsize=7134 records=12 deleted=3 10 20 30 40 50 60 r# 5 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123 6342 ...c...................c........................................ 8006000000000000000000060000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0003000000000000000000030000000000000000000000000000000000000000 64 ................................... 00000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000
For the uvhd hexdump above, option 'x8' specifies an STL Relative record file. With no other options, we would see only the Data records, but we added option 'y7' to show All records (y1=file Hdr, y2=System recs, y4=Deleted recs).
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Relative files are the same as Indexed files except that the records have an 8 byte prefix - the 4 byte record size and a 4 byte relative record#. Note that the file Relative header has 'STLI' in bytes 8-11 (same as Indexed). You might have expected 'STLR', since Sequential file headers have 'STLS'
Relative file header records are 2048 bytes. See file hdr size in 1st 4 bytes x'00000800' = 8 * 256 = 2048 bytes.
The record at 2048 begins with x'2000000A'. x'20' identifies this as a system record which is always 4096 bytes. The last 3 bytes of the record header is usually the record length, but not for system records.
The 1st data record begins at 2048 + 4096 = 6144 bytes & begins with x'40000063' The x'40' identifies a valid data record, Deleted records would be x'80'. See deleted record #5 above. x'__000063' is the record length including an 8 byte record hdr (6*16)+(3*1)=99.
Relative records have a binary record number in the last 4 bytes of the 8 byte hdr. x'00000001' - for 1st record, x'00000002' for 2nd, etc
uvcp "fili1=dat1/testSTLr,typ=STLr,rcs=4096,filo1=tmp/teststlr,typ=LSTt" ======================================================================= - convert 'typ=STLr' Relative to 'typ=LSTt' Line Sequential
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Run option p1 |
Run option p2 |
Run option p4 |
These options are provided to allow you to recover STL files with corrupted indexes (for Indexed & Relative files) - especially Relative files where you might want to restore the original relative record#s & record sizes.
You would need to write an AIX COBOL program to read the uvcp output records aand re-create the STL file, rebuilding the Indexes.
uvcp "fili1=dat1/testSTLs,typ=STLs,rcs=4096,filo1=tmp/teststls,typ=LSTt,rop=p1" =============================================================================== - rop=p1 inserts 9 digit record seq# at begining of output records
uvcp "fili1=dat1/testSTLi,typ=STLi,rcs=4096,filo1=tmp/teststli,typ=LSTt,rop=p5" =============================================================================== - rop=p5 (p1+p4), p4 inserts the record-size between seq# & the data
uvcp "fili1=dat1/testSTLr,typ=STLr,rcs=4096,filo1=tmp/teststlr,typ=LSTt,rop=p7" =============================================================================== - rop=p7 (p1+p2+p4), p2 uses the Relative record# ffrom the prefix vs sequence#
Here are some early examples of the output records (more later in this section).
000000001ISAM.....data 91 bytes.....000000001 <-- rop=p0 data only
000000001_000000001ISAM.....data 91 bytes.....000000001 <-- rop=p1 inserts seq#
000000001_00091_000000001REL.....data 91 bytes.....000000001 <-- rop=p7
'rop=p7' (p1+p2+p4=p7) for Relative record files, p2 inserts the RelRec# instead of a sequence# (see later examples for REL files with deleted records), p4 inserts the record-size, see '00091_' above.
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See the sample uvcp commands to convert typ=STL files to typ=LSTt. We converted our test files to 'typ=LSTt' which can be easily checked with vi, but files with packed/binary in the data should be converted to typ=RSF, since typ=LSTt outputs could not be read back reliably (LineFeeds within the data would cause record splitting).
We allowed max record size of 4096, which does not matter for STL inputs specify the actual record size in the 4 byte prefix. 'rcs=4096' will also apply to the output file, but 'typ=LSTt' will be shorten them back to the last non-blank.
See the sample input file, 1st 5 records listed on page 'W7' (with uvhd).
uvcp "fili1=dat1/testSTLr,typ=STLr,rcs=4096,filo1=tmp/teststlr,typ=LSTt,rop=p7" =============================================================================== - rop=p7 (p1+p2+p4), p2 uses the Relative record# ffrom the prefix vs sequence# - output file listed below
000000001_00091_000000001REL.....data 91 bytes.....000000001 000000002_00091_000000002REL.....data 91 bytes.....000000001 000000004_00091_000000004REL.....data 91 bytes.....000000001 000000005_00091_000000005REL.....data 91 bytes.....000000001 000000007_00091_000000007REL.....data 91 bytes.....000000001 000000009_00091_000000009REL.....data 91 bytes.....000000001 000000010_00091_000000010REL.....data 91 bytes.....000000001
uvcp "fili1=dat1/testSTLr,typ=STLr,rcs=4096,filo1=tmp/teststlr,typ=RSF,rcs=128,rop=p7" ======================================================================================
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