note |
A1. | 9 track standard labelled tape format |
A2. | tape transfer restrictions (17 char filenames, special characters) |
A3. | tape drive types & buffer size options |
B1. | t9list1 - investigate any kind of tape, labelled or unlabelled |
- option to translate EBCDIC to ASCII | |
- displays block#, block size,& 1st 60 bytes of each data block | |
- always tries to read 32768 knowing that unbuffered reads | |
will stop at the interblock gap |
B2. | t9list2 - investigate EBCDIC standard labelled 9 track tapes |
expects: VOL1,HDR1,HDR2,TM,,TM,EOF1,EOF2,TM,--etc-- | |
- displays the labels & optionally the 1st 64 of each data block |
B3. | t9list3 - list STANDARD LABELLED 9 track mag tape |
- creates a report file for listing on laser or line printer | |
- lists records in 100 byte segments if rcsz > 100 | |
- options to print 1st so many blocks or records |
B4. | t9list4 - list UNLABELLED 9 track mag tape |
- creates a report file for listing on laser or line printer | |
- options to specify block size & record size if known |
C1. | t9copy1 - copy 1st file from std lbl tape (allows multi-volumes) |
- includes the same options as for t9copy2 (see below) | |
Note - t9copy2 recommended for all std lbl copies (single/multi file) |
C2. | t9copy1u- copy unlabelled 9 track tape file(s) to disc |
- options to translate EBCDIC to ASCII | |
- displays 1st 64 bytes of 1st block & prompts for out filename |
C3. | t9copy2 - copy all files from a multi-file std lbl tape to a directory |
- options to display labels & 1st 64 bytes of data blocks | |
- options to translate EBCDIC to ASCII or not, or conditional | |
translate to ASCII if no packed or binary data is found. | |
- default option is no translate (which would require following | |
separate translate jobs depending on record layouts) |
NOTE - This is the best job to read std lbl'd tapes even if only 1 file because it writes files to output directory using the HDR1 filename on the tape (you dont have to know whats there)
C3a. t9copy2m - Alternate version of t9copy2 (March 1998) - For problem with some tape drives or operating systems that report a full block for the last block in the file (which is usually part full especially for mainframe data transfer using blocksizes near 32,000)
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C4. | t9copy3 - interactive copy files from EBCDIC standard labelled tape |
- displays each HDR1 label & prompts for copy/bypass y/n ? | |
Note - t9copy2 recommended for all std lbl tape retrieval | |
- copy into a tmp directory & then extract desired files |
D1. | t9write1 - write 1 file to std lbl 9 track tape (allows multi-volumes) |
to send files to outside agencies requiring std lbls | |
- options for rcsz/blksz, translate to EBCDIC/UPPER case | |
Aug00 - enhanced to display existing labels, before overwrite | |
- test tape status & prompt tp put online (bombs if not online) | |
- At end each volume, prompts to mount next volume | |
- display record & block counts for each volume & in total |
D2. | t9write2 - write multi-part files to std lbl tapes (allow multi-volumes) |
- multi-part files are same data, spread over multi-files | |
maybe because too big for 1 file | |
- Before running the job, you must pre-edit a file with the | |
filenames of the multi-parts (max 100 filenames). | |
- maybe relative or full path or any combination | |
Aug00 - same enhancements as t9write1 above |
D3. | t9write3 - write multiple files to standard labelled 9 track tape |
- guided by a control file that contains the filenames | |
of the files to be written & the desired record size, | |
block size,& options to translate to UPPER &/or EBCDIC |
D4. | t9write1u- write 1 file to unlabelled 9 track tape |
- options for rcsz/blksz, translate to EBCDIC/UPPER case |
The 9 track read/write jobs discussed so far are General-Purpose jobs, which can process any 9 track tape, but which require keyins for the filename, blocksize, translate options, etc.
The EBCDIC/ASCII translate option usually defaults to OFF, since the tape might have packed or binary fields requiring selective translate of just the character portions of each record.
For packed/binary fields, you would then need an additional customized job to perform these selective translates, either before the general purpose t9write job or after the t9copy job.
If you have this need on a recurring basis, you might want to combine the customized translates with the 9 track read/write job, to automate the process & eliminate the keyins required for the general purpose jobs.
E1. | t9writeA - customized demo version of t9write1 |
- to write the uvadm/dat1/custmas file to 9 track tape | |
- 256 byte records, packed fields in columns 121-240 | |
- will write standard labelled tape with blocksize 8192 | |
translating each record to EBCDIC (except for packed fields). |
E2. | t9copyA - customized demo version of t9copy1 |
- to read the standard labelled tape written by t9writeA | |
- translating each record to ASCII (except for packed fields). |
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F1. | Translating to ASCII, reformatting records, loading indexed files, etc |
G1. | Correcting signs in zoned numeric fields translated from EBCDIC |
H1. | IBMtape1 - job to convert EBCDIC standard labelled tapes to ASCII |
to replace mainframe DATA utilities or front-end cobol | |
programs that formerly read the tape directly. | |
This job is still required on UNIX for EBCDIC tapes from | |
outside sources, such as IBM mainframes. |
I1. | IBMvarfix1 - job required when for tapes with variable length records. |
follows the IBMtape1 job to strip out the variable length | |
prefixes converting the file to fixed length records. | |
option to translate to ASCII, but this cannot be done yet | |
if any packed fields are present. |
J1. | IBMtranfix1 - this is an example of a follow on custom job |
to translate a particular record layout to ASCII. |
K1. | listings of the uvcopy jobs documented in this section |
(t9list1, t9copy2, t9write1, t9writeA, t9copyA) | |
- Not all jobs are listed, but all jobs are in the uvadm/pf directory |
If you need a 9 track or 3480 cartridge tape drive for your unix/linux system, I recommend Remax Electronics 612-890-9080 (ask for Meg O'Donnel).
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The following illustrates the format of a standard labelled multi-file tape volume (used to transfer data files from mainframes to UNIX). This file (tf3/t9test1) was used to test the 't9copy2' job before I had a 9 track tape drive available. The tf3/t9test1 file is ASCII & is translated to EBCDIC by the 't9make3' job whose output is named 'tf3/t9test3' which is then input to the 't9copy2' job. 't9copy2' has an option to translate data to ASCII if no packed fields are detected. Files with packed fields are left in EBCDIC & must later be translated depending on the record layout. See later examples of using uvcp or uvcopy to translate only the non-packed record portions.
VOL1 t9test1 - file to simulate 9 track tape (see tf3/t9test3 in EBCDIC) ... HDR1t9testfile1 - file#1 filename in bytes 4-20 ... HDR2F0008000020 - blocksize=80, recordsize=20 (blocked 4) ... TM ... dataf01b01r01 dataf01b01r02 dataf01b01r03 dataf01b01r04 ... dataf01b02r01 dataf01b02r02 dataf01b02r03 dataf01b02r04 ... TM ... EOF1 ... EOF2 ... TM ... HDR1t9testfile2 - file#2 ... HDR2F0008000040 - blocksize=80, recordsize=40 (blocked 2) ... TM ... dataf02b01r01 dataf02b01r02 ... dataf02b02r01 dataf02b02r02 ... dataf02b03r01 dataf02b03r02 ... dataf02b04r01 dataf02b04r02 ... TM ... EOF1 ... EOF2 ... TM ... HDR1t9testfile3 - file#3 ... HDR2F0008000080 - blocksize=80, recordsize=80 (unblocked) ... TM ... dataf03b01r01 ... dataf03b02r01 ... dataf03b03r01 ... dataf03b04r01 ... dataf03b05r01 ... dataf03b06r01 ... TM ... EOF1 ... EOF2 ... TM ... TM ...
note |
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The 't9copy2' job used to restore data files into UNIX directories will truncate filenames to 17 characters, because standard labelled tapes only allow 17 character filenames.
The TIP/ix 'fcsload' utility can be used for longer filenames, but fcsload requires exact copybooks and you must create a 'grammar' file to specify the filenames in the exact sequence of your multifile tape.
If you do not have a lot of long filenames that would create duplicates when truncated, it may be easier to use t9copy2, which does not require copybooks or grammar files.
You will then require manual changes to correct any duplicate filenames caused by truncation. Note that t9copy2 will stop with an 'overwrite ?' query if it finds a duplicate filename.
You should make note of these and subsequently use t9copy1 or t9copy3 to re-select any overwritten duplicates from the tape into an alternate directory, from which they can be renamed into the desired data directory.
If you wish to change a lot of filenames, for any reason - duplicate or aesthetic, you can change them automatically by making up 2 column tables of old & new filenames.
See section JCLfix.doc for jobs 'frename' & 'rep2d' examples. Rep2d will change all filename references in your converted scripts, and frename will convert the physical filenames in your directories. Frename could be done manually using 'mv' commands, but frename will use the same table of old & new filenames already prepared for rep2d.
t9copy1,t9copy2,& t9copy3 have options to convert special characters in the filenames to underscores. '*' '$' '/' & '.' may be converted.
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There are 2 types of drives, (described here as the 2145-02 & 2145-03) which are the UNISYS types, but other manufacturers behave like one or the other of these two. These jobs have been tested OK on various UNIX boxes with various tape drives.
2145-02 - always stops reading at the inter-block gap regardless of the size specified on the read command.
2145-03 - buffered reading does not stop at inter-block gap when the read size is greater than block size - will combine blocks to make up the read size
JUNE 94 - option 'u' implemented for unbuffered reading - specified on the file typ (typ=RSFu) - uses UNIX open/read/close vs fopen/fread/fclose - unbuffered reads on 9 track tapes will stop at the gap regardless of the block size on the read request - solves the problem of being unable to read 9 track tapes unless they are standard lablled or you know the block size
HP 7980S - The Hewlett Packard 7980S is the tape drive that I recommend - You can get a used HP7980S for $2100 ($18,000 new) from: REMAX Electronics, 1340 East 115th St, Burnsville MN 55337 612-890-9080 Meg O'Donnell
option 'b' to specify block size on the 9 track tape jobs ---------------------------------------------------------
For standard labelled tape jobs, the labels (VOL1,HDR1,HDR2,EOF1,EOF2) are known to be 80 bytes & these jobs will read them as 80 bytes
option b0 |
option b32768 |
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uvcopy t9list1,fili1=?/dev/rmt/nrtape2 ======================================
uop=a1b32768p10 - option defaults a1 - translate EBCDIC to ASCII (a0 inhibits) b32768 - block size to read (will display 1st 60 bytes) b400 - specify actual bksz if known ? b2000 - specify whatever value you wish to display sample p10 - pause after every 10 blocks, continue on enter User OPtion (uop) defaults = q1a1b32768p10 null to accept or re-specify (1 or more) --> b400 <-- enter BLOCKSIZE
#0001 (00240) 1st60=VOL1123456 UV SOFTWARE INC. EOF fili1 1 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 TAPEMARK - enter to continue --> <-- null to continue
#0003 (00400) 1st60=0001 TF/TEST100 ONE 0002 TF/TEST100 TW #0004 (00400) 1st60=0011 TF/TEST100 ELEVEN 0012 TF/TEST100 TW #0005 (00400) 1st60=0021 TF/TEST100 TWENTY ONE 0022 TF/TEST100 TW #0006 (00400) 1st60=0031 TF/TEST100 THIRTY ONE 0032 TF/TEST100 TH #0007 (00400) 1st60=0041 TF/TEST100 FORTY ONE 0042 TF/TEST100 FO #0008 (00400) 1st60=0051 TF/TEST100 FIFTY ONE 0052 TF/TEST100 FI #0009 (00400) 1st60=0061 TF/TEST100 SIXTY ONE 0062 TF/TEST100 SI #0010 (00400) 1st60=0071 TF/TEST100 SEVENTY ONE 0072 TF/TEST100 SE #0011 (00400) 1st60=0081 TF/TEST100 EIGHTY ONE 0082 TF/TEST100 EI #0012 (00400) 1st60=0091 TF/TEST100 NINETY ONE 0092 TF/TEST100 NI
EOF fili1 10 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 TAPEMARK - enter to continue --> <-- null to continue #0014 (00160) 1st60=EOF1TAPEHDR1LABEL 12345600010001000101 98100 9810000000 EOF fili1 1 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 TAPEMARK - enter to continue --> <-- null to continue EOF fili1 0 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 TAPEMARK, 2nd successive - enter q=quit, null=continue --> q <-- q to quit
Note |
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't9list2' will read thru a standard labelled multi-file tape & display all labels (VOL1,HDR1,HDR2,EOF1,EOF2) & optionally the 1st 64 bytes of each data block. The job also counts blocks & calculates total file size & displays errmsg if the count not equal to block count in EOF1 label.
uvcopy t9list2,fili1=/dev/rmt/nrtape2 =====================================
uop=b0d2s08 - option defaults b0 - (default) will use data block size from HDR2 label b32768 - max 32768 (see discussion in TAPEjobs.doc d0 - do not display lbls (VOL,HDR,EOF), just EOF counts d1 - display labels (VOL,HDR,EOF) & EOF counts d2 - (default) display lbls, 1st 64 of blocks,& EOF counts s08 - (default) stop after every 8 data block displays User OPtion (uop) defaults = q1b0d2s08 null to accept or re-specify (1 or more) --> <-- accept defaults
VOL1UVSOFT UV SOFTWARE INC. HDR1TEST100 UVSOFT00010001000101 98099 980990000000UNIXSCO HDR2F0080000040 EOF fili1 3 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 #00001 1st64=0001 TF/TEST100 ONE .0002 TF/TEST100 TWO #00002 1st64=0021 TF/TEST100 TWENTY ONE .0022 TF/TEST100 TWENTY T #00003 1st64=0041 TF/TEST100 FORTY ONE .0042 TF/TEST100 FORTY TW #00004 1st64=0061 TF/TEST100 SIXTY ONE .0062 TF/TEST100 SIXTY TW #00005 1st64=0081 TF/TEST100 EIGHTY ONE .0082 TF/TEST100 EIGHTY T EOF fili1 5 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 00800 BKSZ * 5 BLKS = 4,000 BYTES EOF1TEST100 UVSOFT00010001000101 98099 980990000005UNIXSCO EOF2F0080000040 EOF fili1 2 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2
HDR1CUSTMAS1 UVSOFT00010001000101 98099 980990000000UNIXSCO HDR2F0256000256 EOF fili1 2 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 #00001 1st64=130140 EVERGREEN MOTORS LTD. 1815 BOWEN ROAD NANA #00002 1st64=157352 D WHYTE, W. 1150 LODGE ROAD NORT #00003 1st64=237286 WEBER, TOM BOX 5503 FORT #00004 1st64=403887 MILNER, LARRY BOX 28 RAU ROAD R.R.8 QUES EOF fili1 4 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 02560 BKSZ * 4 BLKS = 10,240 BYTES - 02048 last blk not full = 8,192 NET TOTAL EOF1CUSTMAS1 UVSOFT00010001000101 98099 980990000004UNIXSCO EOF2F0256000256 EOF fili1 2 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2
END of TAPE, 0002 files
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This job reads STANDARD LABELLED 9 track mag tape & creates a report intended for printing on laser or line printers. Records greater than 100 bytes are listed in 100 byte segements. Options are provided to list a specified number of blocks or records.
An easy to use script 'sf/t9listC' is provided to call uvcopy job 'pf/t9list3'. For example here are the commands to list 1st 3 blocks using the uvcopy job directly or using the script.
Note |
1. uvcopy t9list3,fili1=/dev/rmt/ntape2,filo1=tmp/t9list3.rpt,uop=n20x3 ====================================================================
2. uvlp12L tmp/t9list3.rpt <-- print report created by t9list3 ======================
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 ====================================================================================================
B#0001 02560 00256 130140 EVERGREEN MOTORS LTD. 1815 BOWEN ROAD NANAIMO BC V9S1H1 604-754-55 FFFFFF4444CECDCDCCD4DDEDDE4DEC44444FFFF4CDECD4DDCC4444444444DCDCCDD4444444444CC4EFEFCF4444FFF6FFF6FF 130140000055597955504636920334B000018150266550961400000000005151946000000000023059218100006040754055 1...5...10...15...20...25...30...35...40...45...50...55...60...65...70...75...80...85...90...95.....
00100 31 ..4V|............W0....`........)X}...3.... \.................4V}............. FF44444444444444444401FE6000000000000EF00237000000005ED008F10334E00000000000000001FED003800000000044 310000000000000000000245A0000C0000C0260D0DC9C0000C00D700263C077000000C0000C0000C0245000D6C0000C00200 101...5...10...15...20...25...30...35...40...45...50...55...60...65...70...75...80...85...90...95.....
00200 ........ ......... .... ....<......... C 0000000044000000011400284000140000000084C444444444444444 0000C002000000C0063000D600012C0000C001603000000000000000 201...5...10...15...20...25...30...35...40...45...50...55.
Note |
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1. t9listC n10 <-- script t9listC easier to use than t9list3 =========== (calls both t9list3 & uvlp12L)
Note |
t9list3 - list data records from 9 track mag tapes uop=b0f0h1n20r0s3u0v0w2x0y2n10 - option defaults b0 - use data block size from HDR2 label b32768 - override HDR2 blksize (for unlabelled tapes) f0 - print entire block (default) f### - print first so many bytes of each block h1 - hex, print 3 lines for each 100 byte segment h0 - character line only (vs chars, zones,& digits) n20 - or stop print after 20 records max r0 - use recsize from HDR2 (recommended) r100 - override HDR2 rcsz (use if rcsz=20 for 5 up) r99999 - inhibit records, print blocks 100 chars/line s3 - space after each record/segment & after block (s1=record/segment, s2=block, s3=both) u0 - disable formfeed insert u1 - formfeed before every record (except 1st) u2 - formfeed every 2 records, etc v0 - print scale only once at begining v1 - print scale before every record v2 - print scale every 2 records, etc w0 - inhibit scale below record segments w1 - scale below 1st record segment (100 bytes) w2 - scale below all record segments x0 - dont show block&record dsplcmnts x1 - show dsplcmnt in block for records 2+ x2 - show dsplcmnt in record for segments 2+ y0 - cnvrt unprintable chars <32 & >128 to "."s y1 - cnvrt packed fields to "."s y2 - cnvrt pkd flds & lower case EBCDIC to "."s User OPtion (uop) defaults = q1b0f0h1n20r0s3u0v0w2x0y2n10 null to accept or re-specify (1 or more) --> t9list3:010620:084055: EOF fili1 3 rds, 0 wrts, 0 size; /dev/rmt/ntape2 stop count reached, 20 records printed=q1b0f0h1n20r0s3u0v0w2x0y2x3 2001/06/ t9list3:010620:084055: EOF filo1 0 rds, 313 wrts, 26109 size; tmp/t9listC.rpt t9list3:010620:084055: EOF fili1 2 rds, 0 wrts, 0 size; /dev/rmt/ntape2 request id is lp00-259 (standard input) uvlp12L printing tmp/t9listC.rpt on -dlp00, lines=313
Please see sample report (including VOL1,HDR1,HDR2,etc) on next page --->
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1. t9listC n10 <-- script t9listC easier to use than t9list3 =========== ** sample report tmp/t9list3.rpt **
B#/r# Bytes Byte# /dev/rmt/ntape2 uop=q1b0f0h1n20r0s3u0v0w2x0y2x3 2001/06/20_08:32:43 file#01
VOL1CUSTMS BERKS EIT HDR1CUSTMAS1=TEST-TAPVOL10000010001000101 00357 003570000000UNIXSCO HDR2F0256000256 B - - - TAPE MARK - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 ====================================================================================================
B#0001 02560 00256 130140 EVERGREEN MOTORS LTD. 1815 BOWEN ROAD NANAIMO BC V9S1H1 604-754-55 FFFFFF4444CECDCDCCD4DDEDDE4DEC44444FFFF4CDECD4DDCC4444444444DCDCCDD4444444444CC4EFEFCF4444FFF6FFF6FF 130140000055597955504636920334B000018150266550961400000000005151946000000000023059218100006040754055 1...5...10...15...20...25...30...35...40...45...50...55...60...65...70...75...80...85...90...95.....
00100 31 ..4V|............W0....`........)X}...3.... \.................4V}............. FF44444444444444444401FE6000000000000EF00237000000005ED008F10334E00000000000000001FED003800000000044 310000000000000000000245A0000C0000C0260D0DC9C0000C00D700263C077000000C0000C0000C0245000D6C0000C00200 101...5...10...15...20...25...30...35...40...45...50...55...60...65...70...75...80...85...90...95.....
00200 ........ ......... .... ....<......... C 0000000044000000011400284000140000000084C444444444444444 0000C002000000C0063000D600012C0000C001603000000000000000 201...5...10...15...20...25...30...35...40...45...50...55.
r#0002 00256 00256 132588 GEECOE GENERATOR SERVICESUNIT 170 - 2851 SIMPSON RICHMOND BC V6X2R2 604-278-44 FFFFFF4444CCCCDC4CCDCDCEDD4ECDECCCEEDCE4FFF464FFFF4ECDDEDD44DCCCDDDC444444444CC4EFEFDF4444FFF6FFF6FF 1325880000755365075559136902595935245930170000285102947265009938465400000000023056729200006040278044 1...5...10...15...20...25...30...35...40...45...50...55...60...65...70...75...80...85...90...95.....
00100 88 ........8\........U\........................ ...#....%<........6.........G...... FF44444444444444444400380001FE00000002EE0000000000002890000000094000710036400000002F000000003C100000 880000000000000000000078C008800000C00D400000C0000C00D830000C00370001BC007CC0000C00D6C0000C0027C0000C 101...5...10...15...20...25...30...35...40...45...50...55...60...65...70...75...80...85...90...95.....
00200 ...........................B.<..........A 871006 000000000000000000000000000C240000000000C444FFFFFF444444 0000C0000C0000C0000C0000C0026C0000C0000C1000871006000000 201...5...10...15...20...25...30...35...40...45...50...55.
Note |
Please compare this sample report from a 'standard labelled report' to the 'unlabelled report' shown on the next page --->
t9list3 determines the correct block/record sizes & can format the report appropriately, whereas t9list4 cannot know the block/record sizes, unless you specify as options.
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uvcopy job 'pf/t9list4' will list UNLABELLED 9 track mag tape & script 'sf/t9listD' is provided to make the uvcopy job easier to use.
1. uvcopy t9list4,fili1=/dev/rmt/ntape2,filo1=tmp/t9list4.rpt,uop=n10 ==================================================================
2. uvlp12L tmp/t9list4.rpt <-- print report created by t9list3 ======================
1. t9listD n10y1 <-- script t9listD easier to use than t9list4 ============= (calls both t9list4 & uvlp12L)
B#/r# Bytes Byte# /dev/rmt/ntape2 uop=q1b2000f0h1n20r100s3u0v0w2x0y2y1 2001/06/20_09:26:25 file#01 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 ====================================================================================================
B#0001 02000 00100 0001 tf/test100 one 0002 tf/test100 two 0003 tf/test100 thre FFFF4A86A8AAFFF4998444444444444444444444FFFF4A86A8AAFFF4AA9444444444444444444444FFFF4A86A8AAFFF4A898 0001036135231000655000000000000000000000000203613523100036600000000000000000000000030361352310003895 1...5...10...15...20...25...30...35...40...45...50...55...60...65...70...75...80...85...90...95.....
r#0002 00100 e 0004 tf/test100 four 0005 tf/test100 five 84444444444444444444FFFF4A86A8AAFFF489A944444444444444444444FFFF4A86A8AAFFF488A844444444444444444444 5000000000000000000000040361352310006649000000000000000000000005036135231000695500000000000000000000 1...5...10...15...20...25...30...35...40...45...50...55...60...65...70...75...80...85...90...95.....
t9list4 can not determine the correct block & record size from unlabelled tapes. The block/record size default to 2000/100 & the defaults are reflected in the above sample report.
By examining the above report, you can see that the record size is 40 bytes & the block size just happens to match the default block size of 200 bytes. So now we can rerun the job, specifying the correct block & record size.
See rerun OP. Instrns. & report on the next page --->
Note that option 'y1' is specified to allow lower case EBCDIC. (see more explanation at bottom of next page)
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The previous page listed an unlabelled tape without specifying correct rcsz. Here is a rerun with the CORRECT bksz & rcsz specified via option b & r. First the hard way in 2 steps (uvcopy t9list4 & uvlp12), then the easy way using the script 't9listD' which calls the uvcopy t9list4 & uvlp12.
1a. t9listD b2000r40n10y1 <-- alternative script t9listD combines above 2 steps =====================
B#/r# Bytes Byte# /dev/rmt/ntape2 uop=q1b2000f0h1n20r100s3u0v0w2x0y2r40y1 2001/06/20_09:30:08 file# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 ====================================================================================================
B#0001 02000 00040 0001 tf/test100 one FFFF4A86A8AAFFF4998444444444444444444444 0001036135231000655000000000000000000000 1...5...10...15...20...25...30...35...40
r#0002 00040 0002 tf/test100 two FFFF4A86A8AAFFF4AA9444444444444444444444 0002036135231000366000000000000000000000 1...5...10...15...20...25...30...35...40
r#0003 00040 0003 tf/test100 three FFFF4A86A8AAFFF4A89884444444444444444444 0003036135231000389550000000000000000000 1...5...10...15...20...25...30...35...40
Note option 'y1' is specified above to allow 'lower case EBCDIC'. If this were not specified the 1st record would print as follows:
B#0001 02000 00040 0001 ../....100 ... FFFF4A86A8AAFFF4998444444444444444444444 0001036135231000655000000000000000000000 1...5...10...15...20...25...30...35...40
Most EBCDIC tapes do not have lower case so the default option y2 translates lower case to '.'s in order to print any packed fields as '.'s on the character line (for packed field bytes that just happen to coincide with lower case).
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This job will copy 1 file from a standard labelled tape (allows multi-volumes).
See t9copy2 for multi-file std lbl tape. t9copy2 may be better even if only 1 file (unless you have multi-volume files), because it names the output files from the HDR1 tape labels.
uvcopy t9copy1,fili1=/dev/rmt/nrtape2,filo1=tmp/tapedata ========================================================
uop=q1a0b0c7d1 - option defaults a0 - (default) translate off (packed flds/zoned signs) a1 - force translate (no packed fields or zoned signs) b0 - (default) use data block size from HDR2 label b8192 - would use 8192 always (see discussion above) c7 - (dflt) convert * $ / to _ underscore c15 - would also convert . to _ underscore d1 - (default) display labels (VOL,HDR,EOF) & EOF counts d2 display lbls, 1st 64 of each data blk,& EOF counts d0 do not display lbls (VOL,HDR,EOF), just EOF counts User OPtion (uop) defaults = q1a0b0c7d1 null to accept or re-specify (1 or more) --> a1b400d2 <-- OPTIONS DESIRED
VOL1123456 UV SOFTWARE INC. HDR1TAPEHDR1LABEL 12345600010001000101 98100 981000000000UNIXSCO HDR2F0040000040 EOF fili1 3 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 HDR1 filename = tapehdr1label -OK for output, or enter newname ? --> <-- accept dflt #00001 1st64=0001 TF/TEST100 ONE .0002 TF/TEST100 TWO #00002 1st64=0011 TF/TEST100 ELEVEN .0012 TF/TEST100 TWELVE #00003 1st64=0021 TF/TEST100 TWENTY ONE .0022 TF/TEST100 TWENTY T #00004 1st64=0031 TF/TEST100 THIRTY ONE .0032 TF/TEST100 THIRTY T #00005 1st64=0041 TF/TEST100 FORTY ONE .0042 TF/TEST100 FORTY TW #00006 1st64=0051 TF/TEST100 FIFTY ONE .0052 TF/TEST100 FIFTY TW #00007 1st64=0061 TF/TEST100 SIXTY ONE .0062 TF/TEST100 SIXTY TW #00008 1st64=0071 TF/TEST100 SEVENTY ONE .0072 TF/TEST100 SEVENTY #00009 1st64=0081 TF/TEST100 EIGHTY ONE .0082 TF/TEST100 EIGHTY T #00010 1st64=0091 TF/TEST100 NINETY ONE .0092 TF/TEST100 NINETY T
EOF fili1 10 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 EOF1TAPEHDR1LABEL 12345600010001000101 98100 981000000010UNIXSCO file# 001 tapehdr1label345600010001000101 98100 981000000010UNIX EOF fili1 1 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 EOF filo1 0 rds, 10 wrts, 0 hits, 4000 size, fname=tapedata
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't9copy1u' copies 1 or more file(s) from an unlabelled 9 track tape. It stops at each tape-mark with option to continue, in case of multi-file unlabelled files stacked on 1 tape.
The 1st output filename will default to 't9copy1u.001', unless overridden on the command line. Subsequent files increment the suffix 002, 003, etc, but the operator is prompted to change the filename id desired.
1. cd directory - change to output directory ============ (will write files to current directory)
2. uvcopy t9copy1u,fili1=/dev/rmt/nrtape2,filo1=t9copy1u.001 =========================================================
uop=q1a0b32768d0t0 - option defaults a0 - (default) translate off (packed flds/zoned signs) a1 - force translate (no packed fields or zoned signs) b32768 - default blocksize to read (should not matter) b2000 - specify if known & d2 to display 1st 64 each block d0 - (default) display 1st 64 bytes of 1st block only d2 display 1st 64 bytes of all data blocks User OPtion (uop) defaults = q1a0b32768d0 null to accept or re-specify (1 or more) --> a1b800d2 <-- enter options
#00001 1st64=0001 TF/TEST100 ONE 0002 TF/TEST100 TWO #00002 1st64=0021 TF/TEST100 TWENTY ONE 0022 TF/TEST100 TWENTY T #00003 1st64=0041 TF/TEST100 FORTY ONE 0042 TF/TEST100 FORTY TW #00004 1st64=0061 TF/TEST100 SIXTY ONE 0062 TF/TEST100 SIXTY TW #00005 1st64=0081 TF/TEST100 EIGHTY ONE 0082 TF/TEST100 EIGHTY T EOF fili1 5 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 file#001 00005 blks testout EOF filo1 0 rds, 5 wrts, 0 hits, 4000 size, fname=testout file# 002 testout.002 null=accept, or enter newname ? ---> <-- null (end) EOF fili1 0 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 file#002 00000 blks testout.002 END of TAPE, 002 files processed EOF fili1 0 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 EOF filo1 0 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=testout.002
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uvcopy t9copy2,fili1=/dev/rmt/nrtape2,fild2=tmp ===============================================
uop=q1a0b0c7d1 - option defaults a0 - (default) translate off (packed flds/zoned signs) a1 - force translate (no packed fields or zoned signs) b0 - (default) use data block size from HDR2 label b8192 - would use 8192 always (see discussion above) c7 - (dflt) convert * $ / to _ underscore c15 - would also convert . to _ underscore d1 - (default) display labels (VOL,HDR,EOF) & EOF counts d2 display lbls, 1st 64 of each data blk,& EOF counts d0 do not display lbls (VOL,HDR,EOF), just EOF counts User OPtion (uop) defaults = q1a0b0c7d1 null to accept or re-specify (1 or more) --> <-- null accept dflts
VOL1UVSOFT UV SOFTWARE INC. HDR1TEST100 UVSOFT00010001000101 98099 980990000000UNIXSCO HDR2F0080000040 EOF fili1 3 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 EOF fili1 5 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 EOF filo2 0 rds, 5 wrts, 0 hits, 4000 size, fname=tmp/test100 EOF1TEST100 UVSOFT00010001000101 98099 980990000005UNIXSCO file# 001 test100 00005 blks EOF2F0080000040 EOF fili1 2 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2
HDR1CUSTMAS1 UVSOFT00010001000101 98099 980990000000UNIXSCO HDR2F0256000256 EOF fili1 2 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 EOF fili1 4 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 EOF filo2 0 rds, 4 wrts, 0 hits, 8192 size, fname=tmp/custmas1 EOF1CUSTMAS1 UVSOFT00010001000101 98099 980990000004UNIXSCO file# 002 custmas1 00004 blks EOF1 blocks 000009 not= counted 000004 - continue? EOF2F0256000256 EOF fili1 2 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2
HDR1SALES2 UVSOFT00010001000101 98099 980990000000UNIXSCO HDR2F0064000064 EOF fili1 2 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 EOF fili1 2 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 EOF filo2 0 rds, 2 wrts, 0 hits, 1280 size, fname=tmp/sales2 EOF1SALES2 UVSOFT00010001000101 98099 980990000002UNIXSCO file# 003 sales2 00002 blks EOF1 blocks 000011 not= counted 000002 - continue? EOF2F0064000064 EOF fili1 2 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2
END of TAPE, 0003 files copied EOF fili1 0 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 EOF fild2 0 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 80 size, fname=tmp
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This job will display each HDR1 label & prompt for copy/bypass y/n ? Convenient when you want to selct 1 or more files from a multi-file tape & do not know which HDR1 labels you want until you see them.
uvcopy t9copy3,fili1=tf/t9test3,fild2=tmp =========================================
uop=q1a0b0c15d1 - option defaults a0 - (default) translate off (packed flds/zoned signs) a1 - force translate (no packed fields or zoned signs) b0 - (default) use data block size from HDR2 label b8192 - would use 8192 always (see discussion above) c15 - (dflt) convert * $ / . to _ underscore *1 + $2 + /4 + .8 = c15 d1 - (default) display labels (VOL,HDR,EOF) & EOF counts d2 display lbls, 1st 64 of each data blk,& EOF counts User OPtion (uop) defaults = q1a0b0c15d1 null to accept or re-specify (1 or more) --> <-- null accept dflts VOL1UVSOFT UV SOFTWARE INC. HDR1TEST100 UVSOFT00010001000101 98099 980990000000UNIXSCO HDR2F0080000040 EOF fili1 3 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 enter b=bypass, c=cpy HDR1 name, or newname to copy/rename ---> b <-- b=bypass EOF fili1 5 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 EOF1TEST100 UVSOFT00010001000101 98099 980990000005UNIXSCO EOF2F0080000040 EOF fili1 2 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 HDR1CUSTMAS1 UVSOFT00010001000101 98099 980990000000UNIXSCO HDR2F0256000256 EOF fili1 2 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 enter b=bypass, c=cpy HDR1 name, or newname to copy/rename ---> c <-- c=COPY EOF fili1 4 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 EOF filo2 0 rds, 4 wrts, 0 hits, 8192 size, fname=tmp/custmas1 file# 001 custmas1 00004 blks, 00000 transltd EOF1CUSTMAS1 UVSOFT00010001000101 98099 980990000004UNIXSCO EOF2F0256000256 EOF fili1 2 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 HDR1SALES2 UVSOFT00010001000101 98099 980990000000UNIXSCO HDR2F0064000064 EOF fili1 2 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 enter b=bypass, c=cpy HDR1 name, or newname to copy/rename ---> b <-- b=bypass EOF fili1 2 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 EOF1SALES2 UVSOFT00010001000101 98099 980990000002UNIXSCO EOF2F0064000064 EOF fili1 2 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 END of TAPE, 0001 files copied EOF fili1 0 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 EOF fild2 0 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 48 size, fname=tmp
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t9write1 |
uvcopy t9write1,fili1=infile,filo1=outtape,uop=a#b#c#m#,arg1=vol,arg2=lbl =========================================================================
uvcopy t9write1,fili1=input,filo1=/dev/rmt/ntape2,uop=a101n30000c100m200 ========================================================================
Output tape device name depends on UNIX machine, some examples are: - unixware=ntape2, SCO-OSR5=nrStp2, DG=1un, SUN=?
Options a#b#c#m# are: a=rcszin,b=bkszout,c=rcszout,m=maxtape(megabytes) - a101n30000c100m200 rcszin=101,bkszout=30000,rcszout=100,maxtape=200 mb
Separate options for rcsz in & out allows different rcsz on tape - a101 & c100 is dropping last byte of input record (probably a linefeed) - option 'b' must be a multiple of option 'c'
Tape VOL# & HDR-lbl may be specified via arg1 & arg2, or will be solicited
See complete example with all console displays on the next page ---> Also see CHANGES required depending on UNIX OS 2 pages ahead --->
Note |
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uvcopy t9write1,fili1=input,filo1=/dev/rmt/ntape2,uop=a101n30000c100m200 ========================================================================
uop=q1a080b32000c080m200 - option defaults (for test/demo file) a080 - record size - for input file b32000 - block size - for output tape c080 - record size - for output tape m200 - max megabytes per volume User OPtion (uop) defaults = q1a080b32000c080m200a200b30000c200m10 null to accept or re-specify (1 or more) --> <-- null (options on cmd)
status : ready beginning-of-tape
VOL1ABCD01 Gannett Of HDR1TAPELABEL-MAX17 VOL10000010001000101 00217 002170000000UNIXSCO HDR2F3000000200 B
Overwrite tape (labels shown above) OK ? (must reply "y") --> y <--
t9write4:000804:085616: EOF filo1 0 rds, 3 wrts, 0 size; /dev/nrStp2 t9write4:000804:085637: EOF filo1 0 rds, 333 wrts, 0 size; /dev/nrStp2 t9write4:000804:085638: EOF filo1 0 rds, 2 wrts, 0 size; /dev/nrStp2 t9write4:000804:085639: EOF filo1 0 rds, 0 wrts, 0 size; /dev/nrStp2 t9write4:000804:085639: EOF filo1 0 rds, 0 wrts, 0 size; /dev/nrStp2
this tape: blocks=333, records=49950, end tape# 1 all tapes: blocks=333, records=49950, inrcs=200, outrcs=200, bks=30000
mount next volume, PUT ONLINE, & enter "y" to continue --> y <--
status : ready beginning-of-tape
VOL1ABCD02 Gannett Of HDR1TAPELABEL-MAX17 VOL10000020001000101 00217 002170000000UNIXSCO HDR2F3000000200 B
Overwrite tape (labels shown above) OK ? (must reply "y") --> y <--
t9write4:000804:085808: EOF filo1 0 rds, 3 wrts, 0 size; /dev/nrStp2 t9write4:000804:085819: EOF filo1 0 rds, 145 wrts, 0 size; /dev/nrStp2 t9write4:000804:085820: EOF filo1 0 rds, 2 wrts, 0 size; /dev/nrStp2 t9write4:000804:085822: EOF filo1 0 rds, 0 wrts, 0 size; /dev/nrStp2 t9write4:000804:085822: EOF filo1 0 rds, 0 wrts, 0 size; /dev/nrStp2
this tape: blocks=145, records=71693, end tape# 2 all tapes: blocks=478, records=71693, inrcs=200, outrcs=200, bks=30000
t9write4:000804:085837: EOF fili1 71693 rds, 0 wrts, 14338600 size; tmp1/slm
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filo1=/dev/nrStp2 <-- SCO OSR5 filo1=/dev/rmt/ntape3 <-- SCO UnixWare filo1=/dev/rmt/1un <-- Data General
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t9write2 |
1. vi /tmp/fnames <-- pre-edit control file with names of multi-parts ==============
2. uvcopy t9write2,fili1=fnames,filo1=outtape,uop=a#b#c#m#,arg1=vol,arg2=lbl =========================================================================
2. uvcopy t9write2,fili1=fnames,filo1=/dev/rmt/ntape2,uop=a101n30000c100m200 =========================================================================
This job (t9write2) is similar to t9write1 (both allow multi-volume output) but this job provides for a multi-part input file, usually required because total file exceeds 2 gig & it has to be split in parts < 2 gig.
Note that these multi-part files must have the same record size. These are the same type of data - just spread over multiple files.
The example shows 3 files (custmas1, custmas2, custmas3), but you can have up to 100 filenames in your control file.
The filenames may be absolute full path names as in this example, or they could be relative to your current directory (if no leading '/'). They could be in many different directories if you wish.
All files are verified (by opening & closing) before the tape write begins. This avoids problems part way thru multifile input & multivolume output jobs.
Dont confuse this job (t9write2), which writes multi-part same data files, with 't9write3' which writes multiple different type files stacked on 1 tape.
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Some UNIX systems refuse to write 2 tape marks in succession. If you have this problem, you can use the UNIX tape utility to write the 2nd tape mark (before you rewind the tape). The command will vary depending onthe UNIX system. On SCO UNIX, the command is as follows:
tape wfm /dev/nrStp2 - write tape mark ====================
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The previous pages illustrated writing std lbl tapes & this page will illustrate reading it back to prove the contents are valid. We can use the 't9list1' job documented previously in the section.
uvcopy t9list1,fili1=/dev/rmt/nrtape2 =====================================
t9list1 - investigate 9 track tapes, labelled or unlbld, EBCDIC or ASCII uop=a1b32768p10 - option defaults a1 - translate EBCDIC to ASCII (a0 inhibits) b32768 - block size to read (will display 1st 60 bytes) b800 - specify actual bksz if known ? b2000 - specify whatever value you wish to display sample p10 - pause after every 10 blocks, continue on enter User OPtion (uop) defaults = q1a1b32768p10 null to accept or re-specify (1 or more) --> b400 <-- enter BLOCKSIZE #0001 (00240) 1st60=VOL1123456 UV SOFTWARE INC. EOF fili1 1 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 TAPEMARK - enter to continue --> <-- null to continue #0003 (00400) 1st60=0001 TF/TEST100 ONE 0002 TF/TEST100 TW #0004 (00400) 1st60=0011 TF/TEST100 ELEVEN 0012 TF/TEST100 TW #0005 (00400) 1st60=0021 TF/TEST100 TWENTY ONE 0022 TF/TEST100 TW #0006 (00400) 1st60=0031 TF/TEST100 THIRTY ONE 0032 TF/TEST100 TH #0007 (00400) 1st60=0041 TF/TEST100 FORTY ONE 0042 TF/TEST100 FO #0008 (00400) 1st60=0051 TF/TEST100 FIFTY ONE 0052 TF/TEST100 FI #0009 (00400) 1st60=0061 TF/TEST100 SIXTY ONE 0062 TF/TEST100 SI #0010 (00400) 1st60=0071 TF/TEST100 SEVENTY ONE 0072 TF/TEST100 SE #0011 (00400) 1st60=0081 TF/TEST100 EIGHTY ONE 0082 TF/TEST100 EI #0012 (00400) 1st60=0091 TF/TEST100 NINETY ONE 0092 TF/TEST100 NI EOF fili1 10 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 TAPEMARK - enter to continue --> <-- null to continue #0014 (00160) 1st60=EOF1TAPEHDR1LABEL 12345600010001000101 98100 9810000000 EOF fili1 1 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 TAPEMARK - enter to continue --> <-- null to continue EOF fili1 0 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 TAPEMARK, 2nd successive - enter q=quit, null=continue --> q <-- q to quit
It would be better to use the 't9copy1' or 't9copy2' jobs (shown earlier) to copy the contents into a tmp directory. You could then compare file sizes, examine contents with uvhd,& run the 'cmp' UNIX file compare on the tmp file vs the original.
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This job is guided by a control file that contains the filenames of the files to be written & the desired record size, block size,& options to translate to UPPER &/or EBCDIC.
# ctl/t9write3.ctl - control file for 't9write3', uvcopy job to write # multiple files to standard labelled 9 track tape # - this file indicates the filename,rcsz,bksz,translate options,& # the file sequence of each file to be written to tape. # - this is a sample control file for t9write3, you can test as follows: # # uvcpopy t9write3,fili1=ctl/t9write3.ctl,filo1=/dev/rmt/nrtape2 # =======================****************======================= # #hdr=test100 ,uop=r00040b00800c00040u2e2,fil=dat1/test100 #hdr=custmas1 ,uop=r00256b02560c00256u0e0,fil=dat1/custmas0 #hdr=sales2 ,uop=r00064b00630c00063u0e4,fil=dat1/sales2 # e4 - signals last file # e6 - last file with e2 # ------------------- control file record layout ------------------------ # 01-01 - '#' identifies a comment record to be bypassed # 01-04 - 'hdr=' identifies a valid control record # 05-21 - filename to be written in the HDR1 tape label # 22-26 - ',uop=' # 27-32 - 'r' + record size on disc # 33-38 - 'b' + block size on tape # 39-44 - 'c' + record size on tape # 45-46 - 'u2' to translate data to UPPER case ('u0' to inhibit) # 47-48 - 'e2' to translate data to EBCDIC ('e0' to inhibit) # 'e4' 4 bit signals last file # 'e6' last file when e2 also required (e6=e4+e2) # 49-53 - ',fil=' # 54-100- input filename (may be full path or relative) # #note - use 'u0e0' options to inhibit translates for any file containing # packed or binary fields. If you are preparing tapes to send to an # IBM mainframe, you must preprocess these files to selectively # translate to EBCDIC, for example dat1/custmas1 has packed fields # in 121-240 & you could pre-process as follows: # # uvcp "fili1=dat1/custmas1,typ=RSF,rcs=256\ # ,filo1=tmp/custmas0,tre=0(120),tre=240(16)" # # - you would then specify the translated file (tmp/custmas0) # on the control record above which becomes as follows: # #hdr=custmas1 ,uop=r00256b02560c00256u0e0,fil=tmp/custmas0 #
Please see Operating Instrns & test/demo on the next page --->
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<----- see the demo control file listed on the previous page.
2. uvcopy t9write3,fili1=tf/t9write3.ctl,filo1=/dev/rmt/nrtape2 ============================================================
enter VOL1 VSN |
EOF filo1 0 rds, 3 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 EOF fili2 100 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 4000 size, fname=tf/test100 EOF filo1 0 rds, 5 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 EOF filo1 0 rds, 2 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 EOF filo1 0 rds, 2 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 EOF fili2 32 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 8192 size, fname=dat1/custmas1 EOF filo1 0 rds, 4 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 EOF filo1 0 rds, 2 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 EOF filo1 0 rds, 2 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 EOF fili2 20 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 1280 size, fname=dat1/sales2 EOF filo1 0 rds, 2 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 EOF filo1 0 rds, 2 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 EOF fili1 39 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 1902 size, fname=tf/t9write3.ctl EOF filo1 0 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 EOF filo1 0 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2
Note |
1. uvcopy t9list1,fili1=/dev/nrtape2 ================================= - read the tape & display all labels + 1st 60 bytes each block - see sample output with t9list1 doc earlier in this section
2a. mkdir tmp (or rm tmp/*)
2b. uvcopy t9copy2,fili1=/dev/nrtape2,fild2=tmp =========================================== - OR copy the multi-file tape contents back to a tmp dir
2c. ls -l tmp - check output files
2d. vi tmp/* - check text files with editor
2d. uvhd tmp/custmas1 - check bianry output files with uvhd
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This job will write any 1 file to unlabelled 9 track tape, probably for sending data files to outside agencies with IBM mainframes.
Options for |
If packed/binary fields present, you should do selective translates of non packed fields in a separate previous job & then use options here to translate only labels, not data.
uvcopy t9write1u,fili1=tf/test100,filo1=/dev/rmt/nrtape2,uop=r40b400u2e2 ========================================================================
uop=q1a040b0400c040e2u2 - option defaults (for test/demo file) a999 - input recsize (exact if RSF, bigger if LST) b9999 - output blksize (may write short block at EOF) c999 - output recsize (must be submultiple of bksz) e2 - translate data blocks to EBCDIC e0 - do not translate data to EBCDIC u2 - translate data blocks to UPPER u0 - do not translate to UPPER case (unusual) User OPtion (uop) defaults = q1a40b400c40e2u2 null OK or re-specify (1 or more) --> a40b400c40 <-- enter rcsz/bksz/rcsz
RSF = typ default fili1 - null accept or enter new typ ? --> <-- null accept default
EOF fili1 100 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 4000 size, fname=tf/test100 EOF filo1 0 rds, 10 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2 EOF filo1 0 rds, 0 wrts, 0 hits, 0 size, fname=/dev/nrStp2
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The 9 track read/write jobs discussed so far are General-Purpose jobs, which can process any 9 track tape, but which require keyins for the filename, blocksize, translate options, etc.
The EBCDIC/ASCII translate option usually defaults to OFF, since the tape might have packed or binary fields requiring selective translate of just the character portions of each record.
For packed/binary fields, you would then need an additional customized job to perform these selective translates, either before the general purpose t9write job or after the t9copy job.
If you have this need on a recurring basis, you might want to combine the customized translates with the 9 track read/write job, to automate the process & eliminate the keyins required for the general purpose jobs.
Even if you do not have any packed fields, you may still want to customize the jobs to eliminate the keyins & embed the jobs within longer scripts.
Two examples will be given, using the uvadm/dat1/custmas1 demo file which has 256 byte records with packed fields in columns 121-240. See complete record layout in uvtrain.doc of volume 1.
E1. | t9writeA - customized demo version of t9write1 |
- to write the uvadm/dat1/custmas file to 9 track tape | |
- 256 byte records, packed fields in columns 121-240 | |
- will write standard labelled tape with blocksize 8192 | |
translating each record to EBCDIC (except for packed fields). |
E1. | t9copyA - customized demo version of t9copy1 |
- to read the standard labelled tape written by t9writeA | |
& copy into the 'tmp' directory. | |
- translating each record to ASCII (except for packed fields). |
Note |
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I suggest you load the mainframe data tapes into separate directories. which might be named from the tape VSN's or original mainframe disc VSN's. For example if you had 3 tapes PROD01, PROD02,& PROD03 you might setup directories as follows:
u2 | PROD | ------------------------- - - - - - - | | | | PROD01 PROD02 PROD03 etc | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Rather than load the mainframe data tapes directly into PROD01, PROD02,& PROD03; it would be better to load the tapes into temporary directories paralleling the intended final destinations. I suggest the following:
PROD | ----------------------- - - - - - - - ----------------------- | | | | | | | temp01 temp02 temp03 pf PROD01 PROD02 PROD03 | | | | | | | | | | | | |||||||| | | | | | | | | | | | |
This allows you to perform any required translations while copying the data files from the temporary directories to the final directories.
For files with no packed data, t9copy2 would have translated to ASCII, and if you determine there are no zoned signs to be corrected, then you can simply copy such files from temp?? to PROD?? (using UNIX 'cp').
The next few pages will present examples of using 'uvcp' & 'uvcopy' to translate files with packed data or zoned signs. You can use 'uvcp' for simple record layouts & specify all instructions on 1 command line. Uvcopy requires a separate parameter file (pf) to hold the instructions & the name of the prmfile is the only required item on the command line.
Because you may be repeating the data file transfers (when you go live after the testing period), it is better to use uvcopy & setup the parameter file for each data file requiring field level translates.
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Some examples are given below, but also see the complete documentation for the 'uvcp' utility .
For the examples on the following pages, a test data file (tf3/glmasE) is supplied, & you can run them to get familiar with the 'uvcp' utility.
The test data file was created by the 'gentest1' job (see GENjobs.doc) & then translated to EBCDIC (opposite of EX#1 on the next page). The gentest1 job may also be of interest to you if you want to generate test files with packed data fields.
The layout of the tf3/glmasE file is as follows:
001-008 - gl# 009-009 - account type code (A,L,R,S,C,E,P) 010-010 - delete code 011-040 - description (assets,liabilities,etc) 041-100 - this year - 12 x 5 byte packed fields 101-160 - last year - 12 x 5 byte packed fields 161-220 - budgets - 12 x 5 byte packed fields 221-255 - unused 256-256 - linefeed for unix tools (packed fields may distort displays)
You can use the 'uvhd' hexdump utility to examine the input testfile & your output files from the various examples shown on the next page.
uvhd tf3/glmasE - display the input testfile in vertical hex ===============
1 2 3 4 5 6 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234 0 .........@.......@......@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@........ ....0....@....P FFFFFFFFC4CEDDCDE4CEECEE4444444444444444001100012000130001400015 10000100103499553012253200000000000000000000C0000C0000C0000C0000 64 ....`....p........................ ....0....@....P....`....p.... 0001600017000180001900010000110001200013000140001500016000170001 C0000C0000C0000C0000C0010C0010C0010C0010C0010C0010C0010C0010C001 128 .................... ....0....@....P....`....p.................. 8000190001000011000120001300014000150001600017000180001900010000 0C0010C0020C0020C0020C0020C0020C0020C0020C0020C0020C0020C0030C00 192 ...... ....0....@....P....`.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@. 1100012000130001400015000160444444444444444444444444444444444440 30C0030C0030C0030C0030C0030C00000000000000000000000000000000000A
If you have an mainframe background, you can read the above EBCDIC codes.
Of course when you run uvhd on the output files created by the test runs on the next page, you will be able to read the ASCII code easily.
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mkdir tmp - make a directory to receive the output files =========
The output filename will be shown as gl1,gl2,gl3,etc in the examples.
When 2 lines are required, we will use the backslash\return convention, but you would key as all 1 long command.
The output type below will be shown as 'RST' or 'IST' (vs SFF) to put a linefeed in the last byte which is unused in our test file. This allows you to examine the output file with the editor, but you can not use this option if your data files do not have the last byte unused.
EX#1 |
uvcp "fili1=tf3/glmasE,rcs=256,typ=RSF,filo1=tmp/gl1,rcs=256,\ typ=RST,tra=0(40)0,tra=220(35)220" ============================================================ - execute uvcp with required parameters vi tmp/gl1 - examine results with the editor uvhd tmp/gl1 - examine results with the hexdump utility
EX#2 |
uvcp "fili1=tf3/glmasE,rcs=256,typ=RSF,filo1=tmp/gl2,rcs=256,\ typ=IST,isk1=0(8),isk2=10(30),tra=0(40)0,tra=220(35)220" ============================================================ - execute uvcp with required parameters vi tmp/gl2.DAT - examine results with the editor (wont work) uvhd tmp/gl2.DAT - examine results with the hexdump utility
EX#3 |
uvcp "fili1=tf3/glmasE,rcs=256,typ=RSF,filo1=tmp/gl3,rcs=512,\ typ=IST,isk1=0(8),isk2=10(30),tra=0(40)0,mvnx36=40(10z)40(5p)" ============================================================ - execute uvcp with required parameters uvhd tmp/gl3.DAT - examine DATA with the hexdump utility uvhd tmp/gl3.KEY - examine INDEX with the hexdump utility
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The uvcopy utility is more appropriate for more complex conversions.
Uvcp has the advantage for simple jobs, because all instructions can be specified on the command line & no paramter file is required.
Uvcopy has the advantage for more complex jobs, because you can edit the instructions into a parameter file, which is easy to correct, if you do not get it right the 1st time.
EX#4 |
# glmasx - convert the 'tf3/glmasE' test file (see TAPEjobs.doc) # - translate EBCDIC to ASCII & unpack the 36 packed fields # & load an indexed file (see record layout in TAPEjobs.doc) # fili1=tf3/glmasE,rcs=a256,typ=RSF filo1=tmp/gl3x,rcs=b512,typ=IST,isk1=0(8),isk2=10(30) @run opn all loop get fili1,a0(256) skp> eof mvc b0(40),a0 move display data to output record tra b0(40) translate to ASCII mvnx36 b40(10z),a40(5p) convert packed fields to display data # --- ----,---- could add more instructions here put filo1,b0(512) write record to output file skp loop # eof cls all eoj
2. uvcopy pf/glmasx - execute the job ================
3a. uvhd tmp/gl3x.DAT - examine the output DATA partition
3b. uvhd tmp/gl3x.KEY - examine the output INDEXED partition
4a. uvcp fili1=tmp/gl3x,rcs=512,typ=IST,filo1=tmp/gl3y,typ=RST
- convert Indexed file to a text file
4b. vi tmp/gl3y - examine text file with editor
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Two methods of transferring 9 track data files to UNIX have been discussed.
TIP/ix 'fcsload' requires COBOL copy book record definitions, and it therefore knows the location of signed unpacked numeric fields and can convert any zone signed units digits correctly.
The Vancouver Utility job 't9copy2' can be used to restore data tapes when COBOL copy books are not available.
If packed fields are present, use option a0 to inhibit translate,& selectively translate, as has already been discussed.
This sub-section explains how to correct any files that have been restored by t9copy2 & have signed unpacked fields.
Data type code 'zx' of the 'mvn' instruction is provided to correct the units position of numeric zoned (unpacked) fields that have been translated from EBCDIC to ASCII without allowing for zoned signs.
EBCDIC zone + sign is x'C0', + 0123456789 becomes {ABCDEFGHI EBCDIC zone - sign is x'D0', - 0123456789 becomes }JKLMNOPQR
Code 'x' converts positive units digits to 0123456789 (numeric zones) but negative units digit depends on whether the uvcp/uvcopy/uvsort utility has been generated with DISAM for Microfocus COBOL or not since conventions are different for Microfocus COBOL & MBP COBOL
Microfocus zone - sign is x'70', - 0123456789 becomes pqrstuvwxy MBP COBOL zoned - sign is x'40', - 0123456789 becomes @ABCDEFGHI
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A good example of a file with signed zoned numerics translated to ASCII is the dat1/sales1 file shown in the uvtrain.doc section of volume 1, and a few records are shown below.
Note the units digit of QTY & QMOUNT are: +0 +1 +9 -0 -1 -9
1 2 3 4 5 6 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234 CUST# SLM DATE INV# PROD# QTY PRICE AMOUNT
130140 21 940802 IN111001 HAM001 00002{ 0000001 00000002{ 130140 21 940802 IN111001 SCR012 00002A 0001001 00002102A 223240 65 940816 IN441 BIT001 00002I 0009001 00026102I 308685 75 940812 IN6605 SAW001 00001} 0000001 00000001} 308685 75 940812 IN6605 WID115 00001J 0001001 00001101J 406082 65 940816 IN441 HAM001 00001R 0009001 00017101R
130140 21 940802 IN111001 HAM001 000020 0000001 000000020 130140 21 940802 IN111001 SCR012 000021 0001001 000021021 223240 65 940816 IN441 BIT001 000029 0009001 000261029 308685 75 940812 IN6605 SAW001 00001p 0000001 00000001p 308685 75 940812 IN6605 WID115 00001q 0001001 00001101q 406082 65 940816 IN441 HAM001 00001y 0009001 00017101y
130140 21 940802 IN111001 HAM001 000020 0000001 000000020 130140 21 940802 IN111001 SCR012 000021 0001001 000021021 223240 65 940816 IN441 BIT001 000029 0009001 000261029 308685 75 940812 IN6605 SAW001 00001@ 0000001 00000001@ 308685 75 940812 IN6605 WID115 00001A 0001001 00001101A 406082 65 940816 IN441 HAM001 00001I 0009001 00017101I
The units digits could be corrected with either 'uvcp' or 'uvcopy' & both solutions are illustrated on the next page.
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The following sample solutions assume the input file is 'sales1' in the 'DATA' directory & that we will make the corrections while copying over to a 'tmp' directory.
uvcp "fili1=DATA/sales1,rcs=64,typ=RSF,filo1=tmp/sales1, ====================================================== mvn=38(6)38(6zx),mvn=53(9)53(9zx)" ==================================
# slcnv1 - correct signed digits of unpacked fields in sales1' # - converting EBCDIC zone signs to ASCII zone signs opr='$jobname - correct signed digits of unpacked fields in sales1' fili1=?DATA/sales1,rcs=64,typ=RSF filo1=?tmp/sales1,rcs=64,typ=RSF @run opn all loop get fili1,a0(64) skp> eof mvc b0(64),a0 # mvn b38(6),a38(6zx) mvn b45(7),a45(7zx) mvn b53(9),a53(9zx) # put filo1,b0(64) skp loop # eof cls all eoj
After verifying the results (with uvhd) you could copy the output file back to the original directory.
note |
trt b38(24),$trts correct zoned signs cols anywhere in cols 39-62
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Bypasses standard labels, with option to display on console & option to display 1st 64 bytes of each data block.
Translates data from EBCDIC to ASCII, but option to inhibit in case of packed/binary data fields present.
Use the translate inhibit option if variable length records since the block & record size prefixes are binary (see the follow-on job IBMvarfix1 for variable length processing)
Checks block count in the EOF1 label to the actual counted & reports any difference
Handles any block size up to 32,768 Default option b0 uses the block size from the HDR2 label to read data blocks but could use b32768 for tape drives that stop at the gap or for variable length tape files See subsections I,J,K in section DATAtrsfr.doc for more details on tape drive types, option b,& multifile tape formats.
Processes only the 1st data file on a standard labelled tape (for multi-file tape see the 't9copy2' job in DATAtrsfr.doc)
Most of the 9 track tape files formerly used on mainframe systems probably will be redesigned to disc files on the UNIX system, because UNIX cobol programs can not read or write 9 track tapes & even if they could, you probably do not want to maintain EBCDIC standard labelled tapes on UNIX.
The IBMtape1 job is intended for tape files from outside sources, such as IBM mainframes that transfer data to your system.
You would insert this uvcopy job into the converted script just prior to the cobol program that was used to input the 9 track tape on the mainframe.
If the tape were formerly copied to disc with the mainframe DATA utility, then this job will replace the DATA utility (which would have been converted to the 'cp' or 'uvcp' utility by the jclunix converter.
The next page will illustrate the following:
1 - an mainframe cobol job that formerly read a 9 track tape 2 - the equivalent script after conversion to UNIX by jclunix 3 - the modified script after editing to insert the IBMtape1 job
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#JOB ibmtape DX="cobx1/";DP=tmp;DC=tmp;DW=wrk;D1=tf; echo "DEMO IBMTAPE1 JOB TO INPUT EBCDIC STD LBLS ON UNIX" tapein=/dev/nrtape2; export tapein output=$DW/datafile2; export output #EXEC COBOL9 ${DX}cobol9 if [ $? -gt 0 ] ;then read r?"ERR step 1 - kill or continue";fi echo "..... cobol9 completed: `date` " #----------------- end step# 01 cobol9 ----------------- echo "***** job IBMTAPE completed: `date` " exit 0
#JOB ibmtape DX="cobx/1";DP=tmp;DC=tmp;DW=wrk;D1=tf; echo "DEMO IBMTAPE1 JOB TO INPUT EBCDIC STD LBLS ON UNIX" # fili1=/dev/nrtape2; export fili1 <-- inserted filo1=$DW/datafile1; export filo1 <-- inserted uvcopy IBMtape1,fili1=,filo1=,uop=q0a1d1 <-- inserted # tapein=$DW/datafile1; export tapein <-- modified output=$DW/datafile2; export output <-- modified #EXEC COBOL9 ${DX}cobol9 if [ $? -gt 0 ] ;then read r?"ERR step 1 - kill or continue";fi echo "..... cobol9 completed: `date` " #----------------- end step# 01 cobol9 ----------------- echo "***** job IBMTAPE completed: `date` " exit 0
note |
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IBMtape1 is a general purpose job that can be used to input any EBCDIC standard labelled tape that does not contain packed or binary fields.
If you have a tape with packed data, it is probably easier to use the IBMtape1 job with the 'no translate' to ASCII option & then write a subsequent uvcopy job to translate only the character data fields.
For simple record layouts, you would use the 'uvcp' utility because you can specify all instructions on the command line, rather than requiring a separate parameter file as does uvcopy.
Of course when the record layout is complex (ie the packed fields are not in contiguous groups), then it is better to use uvcopy & a separate parameter file in which you can code multiple instructions more easily.
Two examples of using uvcp for simple record layouts are presented below. For complex record layouts, please see the examples in section uvcopy4.doc - especially sample jobs 'cnvtcm' & 'cnvtgl'.
example #1 - inputting IBM tapes with packed data -------------------------------------------------
given |
required- convert the tape to a disc file translating the character data to ASCII, but not the packed data.
1. uvcopy IBMtape1,fili1=/dev/rmt/nrtape2,filo1=ebcdic,uop=q0a0b0d1 ================================================================
2. uvcp "fili1=ebcdic,rcs=160,typ=RSF,filo1=ascii,tra=0(100)" ==========================================================
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given |
required- convert the tape to a disc file translating the character data to ASCII, but not the packed data. - convert the packed fields to unpacked (ASCII zoned numeric) allowing 10 bytes output for each 5 byte input field (with the sign in a separate leading byte)
note- the output record size will be 220 bytes - the 12 x 5 byte packed fields in 101-160 will now be 12 x 10 = 120 bytes in columns 101-220
1. uvcopy IBMtape1,fili1=/dev/rmt/nrtape2,filo1=e,uop=q0a0b0d1 ===========================================================
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This job would follow the IBMtape1 job (previously presented), when the tape was in variable length format.
IBM standard variable length tapes have binary block & record prefixes & you must not have used the translate to ASCII option in IBMtape1, since that would destroy the binary prefixes.
This job will strip out the block & record prefixes, converting the file to a fixed length specified by the operator. The length should be at least as long as the longest record in the file & any shorter records will be blank padded on the right.
You can use the translate to ASCII option in this job, if you know that the records do not have any packed or binary fields (other than the prefixes which are dropped here).
If the records do have packed fields, then you should specify no translate here & use a subsequent uvcp or uvcopy job to translate the records (non-packed areas only).
For simple record layouts (where packed fields are contiguous), see the 'uvcp' examples in the IBMtape1 job documentaion. For complex record layouts (where packed & character fields are intermixed), see the following uvcopy example 'IBMtranfix1'.
The following pages will present:
1 - operating instructions for IBMvarfix1 & IBMtranfix1 2 - listing of the IBMvarfix1 job 3 - listing of the IBMtranfix1 job
note |
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given |
required |
note1 |
note2 |
1. uvcopy IBMtape1,fili1=/dev/rmt/nrtape2,filo1=ebcdic1,uop=q0a0b0d1 =================================================================
2. uvcopy IBMvarfix1,fili1=ebcdic1,filo1=ebcdic2,uop=q0a0r348 ==========================================================
3. uvcopy IBMtranfix1,fili1=ebcdic2,filo1=ascii1 =============================================
note |
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The uvcopy jobs referenced in this section are summarized on this page, All jobs are included in the uvadm/pf directory & you can inspect or print:
vi pf/t9list1 <-- inspect with 'vi'
uvlp12 pf/t9list1 <-- print with uvlp12 (or lp)
t9list1 |
t9list2 |
t9list3 |
t9list4 |
t9copy1 |
t9copy1u |
t9copy2 |
t9copy3 |
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t9write1 |
t9write2 |
t9write3 |
t9write1u |
t9writeA |
t9copyA |
IBMtape1 |
IBMvarfix1 |
IBMtranfix1- this is an example of a follow on custom job to translate a particular record layout to ASCII.
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